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Messages - Fritzkrieg

Pages: 1 ... 18 19 20 21 22 [23] 24 25 26 27 28 ... 53
Nice work,

I really like the Mando and the Wookie, They're the real stand outs of the lot.

Keep up the good work,

Great Suff Glassman,

Your cast are the best in quality I have seen. I love the Imperial Commando Helmets.

Keep up the good work,

Looks like your well on your way to producing some amazing original cast. Your sculpts are amazing and the customizing community would benifit much if you made the cast available.

Keep up the great work,

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Jedi_Master_Ben's Wax Shop
« on: August 16, 2006, 10:13 PM »

You are a master sculpter, I am totally blown away by your Jedi Master K'Kruhk  sculpt. I can't wait to see what a completed custom using that sculpt looks like. If you decide to make cast available I deffinatly want to be on the list for that one. I'm glad to see your back and can't wait to see more of your amazing work.


Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: AT-AT Cockpit diorama
« on: August 16, 2006, 10:05 PM »

I'm very impressed. All you need to add is that pariscope thingy and it'll be perfect.

Keep up the great work,

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Monstermonkey's customs- 8/16 update
« on: August 16, 2006, 10:01 PM »
Great looking additions to your work. Extra props for making the first custom I have seen of the Mos Espa Spacer. I've always liked the look of that character. Hopefully Hasbro will give him an action figure one day.

Keep up the great work,

Star Wars Action Figures / Another Imperial Desert Trooper
« on: August 16, 2006, 09:27 PM »
Yet another of my Imperial Desert Troopers. The Head and Gun are from GTG. The head was unpainted, I had a hard time getting the eyes right. LMK what you think.

Imperial Desert Trooper

Star Wars Action Figures / Imperial Hover Tank (Desert Ops)
« on: August 16, 2006, 09:15 PM »
Here is my latest vehicle, LMK what you think.
Imperial Hover Tank (Desert Ops)

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Fodder Alert!
« on: August 15, 2006, 07:21 AM »
Try the Chap Mei figs from big lots. I picked up a few Combat Divers there. I also found a Larger scale Space figure there with lots of rubber ribbed tubeing, perfect for TIE pilot customs.

I'll post some pics soon.

I thought he could use a good bit of dirt.
Here is the revised weathered Version.


Star Wars Action Figures / Imperial Officer Janek Sunber (Tank)
« on: August 9, 2006, 08:50 PM »
I know it's not 100% accurate. I took some artist liberties
 LMK what you think

Imperial Officer Janek Sunber (Tank)

Hey Guys I'm looking for some Spare Parts, My fooder bin is not very organized right now so I'll post the price I'll pay for the parts I need. Once I get my fodder organized, I post the pics for trades.

Here's what I need:

Saga Snowtrooper Torsos $2

Bossk Bust-Up Torsos $2

Japaneese Imperial Marines Legs and Waist ( 21st Century Toys) $3

BBI Army and Navy Seal Arms (Green or Tan Only) $2

Any Imperial Officers Head with a Cap $2

Genral Veers Helmets $3

Snowtrooper Back Pack Packs $2

Saga TIE Fighter Pilot Chest Box $2

Saga AT-AT Driver Chest Box $2

Saga AT-AT Driver Helmet $3

POTF2 AT-AT Driver Helmet $3


Star Wars Action Figures / Imperial Regular
« on: August 5, 2006, 11:50 PM »
I basicly used the same Recipe as my Desert Troopers. I wanted to make an Imperial Regular version so, instead of a Kahki and Sand color scheme I went with a Basic Imperial Grey and Olive Drab color scheme. LMK what you think.

Star Wars Action Figures / More Imperial Desert Troopers!!!
« on: August 3, 2006, 12:00 AM »
I've been kranking out a small army of these Imperial Troopers. Tonight I add to more two their ranks. LMK what you think.

I could not find a proper thread to post this in so I started  a new one. If the Mods. have a better place for it feel free to put it were it should be.

Here is a little mini-tutorial, on useing my patented Rubber Gasket Technique to attach ball-socket shoulders to non-ball-socket torsos.

Step-1 Assemble Parts
Step-2 Dremel Socket in Torso
I use a cone-shaped grinder bit for this. I also grind a small valley just under the arm-pit so the arms fold down flat against the torso and don't stick straight out from the sides.

Step-3 Making a Rubber Gasket
For this I use the rubber caps from Zoids model kits. I slice the cap in half with my hobby knife. If you drill a hole in the closed half of the cap you can make two gaskets using only one cap.

Step-4 Place the Gasket Over the Plug of the Ball-Socket Joint.
This is were the Zoids cap is the perfect choice for this technique. The rubber is very stretchy and stretches over the plug very easily. The shape of the plug insures that it will not back out of the gasket easily.

Step-5 Plug the Shoulder Into the Torso
This is a very tight fit. I use a small sculpting tool to push the excess rubber of the gasket into the torso. Any small blunt tool should work, just be careful not to use something too sharp or you'll pierce through the rubber gasket.

Here are the end results.

I hope this helps

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