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Messages - stormie

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I put the shirt on Wednesday night just for that picture, took it back off and wore it on Friday... didn't wear it both days all day long...

You may want to clear this up for the less-than-innocent among us. You did have another shirt, right?

j/k ;)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Creepy Collecter/Scalper Sightings
« on: April 18, 2005, 11:05 AM »
This probably doesn't even fit in this thread, but reading the posts made me think of it. Plus, it's a good little story.

A week or so ago, I was at Target for some non-Star Wars related shopping, and stopped by the SW aisle for kicks just to see what the new movie figures look like. I get to the aisle and a couple kids (about 5-7 years old) and their mom were looking through the figures. This was a happy sight, alone. I didn't want to disturb their childhood SW glee by barging in to look at the figures, so I started to leave the aisle. As I turned around, one of the kids says to his mom, "Where are the Stormtroopers? I wanted a Stormtrooper." Yes, Stormtrooper.

A seven-year-old original trilogy purist!

As I wiped the salty moisture from my eyes, I thought, "Kid, I'm right there with you."


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Are you where you want to be in life???
« on: April 14, 2005, 09:37 AM »
I'm pretty sure I'm right where I want to be in life; however, it's not where I thought I'd be or even planned to be. I've got two beautiful daughters under two years of age and a lovely wife who's also a great mom. We own a small home in a crappy area of town, but it's improving. Our cars, though old and too small for a family of four, are paid for.  My job doesn't pay a lot, but it's just enough to allow my wife to stay home with the kids AND pay the mortgage and other bills, plus, it's also fairly flexible so I can come in at 5 am and leave at ~3 just to spend more time with the kids. It's also fairly nonstressful, so I don't leave work bitter and annoyed.

I think if I'd been asked ten years ago where I wanted to be, I'd have said I wanted a family, but I'd have also included a high-paying, rewarding career and more money. We would be able to afford more stuff, and I'd still be able to buy figures and not have sold them to pay for kids supplies. However, I learned fairly early on that being intelligent and a hard worker in no way guarantees a successful career. Luck above everything determines where your career goes. (A little brown-nosing doesn't hurt, either.) Plus, things have a way of not going the way you plan, so I'm still extremely happy with where I'm at today.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Kids. Have them? Want them? Despise them?
« on: April 12, 2005, 09:27 AM »
My tally of daughters just hit two with the birth of our second on March 3. Her big sister (only 16 months older) thinks she's the most fascinating thing since velcro.

This'll probably be it for me and the wife. Our lack of space for even two kids is alarming at best, and I don't see us getting a bigger place anytime soon. Plus, though my better half is only just 30, I'm getting pretty long in the tooth and am older now than either of my parents were when they had me; and only my Dad's still around. However, the itch to have another baby may come again without warning!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Gas Prices
« on: April 7, 2005, 08:55 AM »
Had to fill up at $2.61 yesterday (of course, at the lowest octane available). This was at one of the cheaper places. Later in the day, the station I normally go to near my home was at $2.69. It'll be interesting to see where they're at this afternoon.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: digital photo printing services
« on: April 6, 2005, 05:57 PM »
[Don't overlook the fact that you'll need to upload all of those GBs of images... That could take some time. We have high speed, and although down speed is great up can sometimes be a challenge. My wife tried to send som images through to one place two months ago and it froze three times on her without completing the transaction. Each time she resubmitted the order, our card was charged again. Three times. We had no problem reversing the charges, but the order never went through. On a big order, I suggest a local shop. You may not end up paying too much more.

Excellent point Deanpaul. I'm able to use the speedy access at work for uploads, and I've already tried a couple of online places; one with no problems, the other was slow and it finally froze. Ease of use will definitely be a factor. Time is definitely money.   

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: digital photo printing services
« on: April 6, 2005, 10:34 AM »
Thanks guys. Though quality is very important, I've got so many pictures right now (at least a couple GBs) that I'm more interested in cheap and quick methods. I'm going to try a couple of the cheaper online sites to see what type of quality I'll be getting and compare them to places like Ritz and Costco to see if there is much difference. I'll try to post what I find. Thanks, again, for all your input!! :) 

Watto's Junk Yard / digital photo printing services
« on: April 5, 2005, 05:03 PM »
I've got a ton of digital photos I've taken over the past two years (two daughters will do that) and I've now come to the realization that I will never be able to print them all out. My wife has always bleated about the fact that she doesn't have that many hard copies...and I tend to agree. So I've been trying to see if there are any good, quick, cheap services for printing out digital photos. I've seen online sites that will do prints for anywhere from $.50 per print to as low as $.09 a print. Anyone tried any of these? Any other suggestions? Someone here at work said that Costco may provide this service. Any bit of help would be welcome!! :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everyone, you need to check this out.
« on: April 5, 2005, 03:51 PM »
And these lists don't even include those that have not been caught and those that have the potential to be offenders.

Maybe I'm paranoid or just being overly safe, but I tend to just think anyone is a potential criminal unless I know them very well. I always hear stories about ministers or cops that are convicted of these heinous crimes. Plus, we live in a crappy area, so it wouldn't surprise me if most of the neighbors were potential criminals.

Just another happy, happy society.  :(

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Baby Russell arrived, 03/20/05
« on: April 4, 2005, 09:22 AM »
Congrats Deanpaul!! Looks like he just squeaked into the Pisces pool! Hope all is going well for you and the family.

And sorry for the late congrats. Our second daughter was born March 3rd, and after a month of being a full-time dad to our first daughter, I'm unfortunately back at work (and have time to post again).

Congrats, again!! :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Mikey D soon will be Daddy D
« on: March 1, 2005, 09:26 AM »
Our date is the 16th according to the doc, the 11th according to the ultrasound tech. We're going with the doc, and my wife has been late with the last two, so we're really just enjoying the ride. I'm mostly praying for a non-St. Pat's kid. Our son was born on Halloween, but I don't think it would be very fun to have your birthday on a holiday when your friends are consistently drunk for you party...

I'm in the Pisces pool as well - Feb 23. We've got a lot of company in here.

That's a whole lot of Pisces...or should I say a school of Pisces.

Yes, by all means, tell your wife to try not to have the baby on St. Pat's. ;) Drinking holidays and baby birthdays just don't go together. We're (well, she is) trying to aim for this week, since my wife is oh-so ready to have this child. Anticipation is getting the best of both of us.

Best wishes to you and your family for an easy delivery and healthy child.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Mikey D soon will be Daddy D
« on: February 28, 2005, 09:37 AM »
Congrats Mikey! I'm a clear proponent of knowing the sex before birth. It made shopping for our daughter all the more enjoyable just because we could envision (a little bit) how it might be. And it was a heck of a lot easier just concentrating on girl names. For our second child (due March 11), the technician couldn't tell for sure, so we've had to really struggle with NOT imagining what this one will be like. Plus, we had to think of names for both a boy and a girl...that my wife and I both liked (no easy task).  ;)

Deanpaul - When exactly is the due date for your third? Looks like around March 17? Our second is due the 11th...Pisces rule (wife's b-day is the 1st, mine is the 11th)! Congrats!

Other Collectibles / Re: Kinder Suprise - Hipperium
« on: February 23, 2005, 03:31 PM »
I would really like to get the Darth Lazer chase, I was just looking on eBay Germany and nothing.  :-\

Dale, I just checked eBay Germany and there was 5 or 6 of those black chase hippos listed. The highest bid price so far was like 18.5 euros (about US$25), so still relatively reasonable...unless you start thinking about how small these things are.  ;)

Search for "Dark Laser" (with an 's'). Should be able to find some. Hopefully they'll ship to Canada.

Kubricks / Series 4
« on: February 23, 2005, 03:18 PM »
Don't they usually do a completely different figure as one chase and a slightly modified figure as another? Maybe (hopefully) one of the chase figures will be a biker scout or snowtrooper. Otherwise, the guess of a holo Emperor and RH Vader looks good.

Gotta start saving my nickels and dimes for a stormtrooper.

Driving behind a 'roach coach' on the freeway at five o'clock in the blessed a.m. Nothing like the smell of hot rancid grease filling the interior of my ride early in the morning., double Ugh!  :P

It was only going like 60 mph, too.  :(

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