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Messages - Dave

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The Vintage Collection / Re: 2023 TVC Endor Bunker Playset
« on: December 6, 2022, 02:19 PM »
Hmmm.  I mean, I guess it’s nicer than the old one. 

Not much there though.

Yeah.  The only thing that is tempting is the pack in figure, but my guess is we'll see him later in a four pack or released at retail.

I'm going to be patient on this one.

I'll be honest my interest in 6" figures has been waning, and the prequel figures are probably the least interesting to me. 

My list is probably just unmade interesting Jedi and maybe a new Padme outfit or two.

Probably the only Jedi that haven't been made that I'm interested in are:
- Adi Gallia
- Luminara Unduli
- Bariss Offee

This one is going to be sooooo tough. I'd have a hard time narrowing it down to 20 figures for either movie on their own. I am even half tempted to just do Rogue One... (not because I have anything against Solo, but more because I love Rogue One so much.) I'll have to think on this one for a bit.

Yeah, Hasbro would barely have to break a sweat coming up with 20 figures from each that we'd buy.  Heck, I want Qi'ra in all her main outfits which I assume is something like three more than we currently have (the one they made was the worst).

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Indiana Jones 5
« on: December 1, 2022, 09:50 PM »
The new teaser trailer just came out. 

My low expectations probably just got lowered.

I got my Rebel Soldier troop builder pack from Pulse today.

For those requesting Dryden Vos, he has two outfits: when he first meets the group (all black/high neck) and the final duel (black suit/white shirt).  Or should we just count it as in general "Give us Dryden Vos already!"?

I don't care what outfit he has as long its reasonably screen accurate (please no Aldhani Mission Dryden Vos though).

I got my NED-B from Amazon today.

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: November 30, 2022, 09:52 AM »
In "Rix Road", the moment that struck me was when Cassian was hiding in the attic of that building overlooking the square.  A breeze blew through, and it looked like something resonated with him. 

Regarding where precisely to find Bix?  Maybe.  But watch the scene again.  Specifically at 29:33.  Look at Cassian and Bix.

I think this scene was just Cassian's awakening to his larger potential and change of heart about switching from a self interested mercenary to being an active part of the Rebellion.  Pulling back to about 27 minutes you can see Cassian spotting Luthen and then later spots Dedre (he only recognizes her as an ISB officer).  The wind is a nice movie effect that shows realization of something critical.  He realizes these people are here for him and that he and the rebellion has become a bit of a big deal, and that he can have a much larger impact than he realized. 

Whatever plan he had gets changed in this moment and he leaves the attic.

Maybe there is more about force sensitivity there, but I think its just a regular man realizing he has a much larger role to play in the universe and he needs to get moving.  I think Bix is just a small part that helps show Cassian's compassion for his friends.

In this scene there is a little bit of a parallel with Luthen as well.  I think he thought going to Ferrix would be a straightforward assassination of Cassian and that this was a fairly unimportant backwater world, but multiple cuts to him show his reactions to the upwelling of rebellion on Ferrix, and the people that are assembled to capture/kill Cassian.  He recognizes Syril and his security buddy.  He sees Dedra.  And at each step you can see him doing the mental math about all the people assembled to get Cassian and how Cassian is maybe a bigger deal than he realized.  And when the fighting starts he realizes this is probably exactly what he wants - its messy and out of control and he decides his work of Ferrix is done for now.

Either way, these four minutes of Cassian's awakening is an awesome scene and really the climax of the whole series.

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: November 28, 2022, 03:17 PM »
I watched the finale again and loved it even more the second time.

At first I thought Cassian's jump to the rebel cause and statement to Luthen to "kill him or take me in" was a little sudden/extreme, but re-watching the episode it was great to see his interactions with his friends on Ferrix, his visual responses to Maarva's speech, etc.  This all made a lot more sense on the second view.  I think originally Cassian was going to leave with Bix and his friends, but realized he couldn't keep running and hiding, and that he wanted to move to a more active participation mode in the Rebellion.

This was a fantastic, adult oriented Star Wars series.  I still like The Mandalorian and the more kid oriented content, but its great they can do something more serious and adult in the same universe.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Official Television Thread
« on: November 26, 2022, 10:18 PM »
I finally finished Rings of Power.  I’m not a hardcore LOTR fan - I’ve seen the movies multiple times, read the books including The Hobbit multiple times.  Most of the stuff I’ve really liked, although The Hobbit movies were way too stretched out (probably should have just been two movies).

I don’t remember all the lore and mentioned backstories, so I don’t have any real axe to grind about the portrayals of Galadriel, etc.

I sort of enjoyed the series.  The story was good and the scenery/cinematography was gorgeous.  My biggest gripe was that everything is 30% too drawn out and long.  Every episode was an hour and probably should have been edited down to 40 minutes.  It felt like each scene was three beats too long with extra camera angles, extra dialog, etc. that should have been trimmed.

This verboseness isn’t exclusive to Rings of Power though.  It almost seems to be more prevalent in streaming shows these days where there isn’t a hard time constraint, or even necessarily a clean break or cliff hanger to wrap up each show.  I don’t know if that is leading to lazy editing or creators getting too full of themselves, but I feel like most of these shows really need to have a faster pace - either a shorter time frame with the existing story or more stuff needs to happen in the longer time frame.  I felt House of the Dragon suffered from the same challenge where the pace got way too slow at times with very little meaningfully happening in some of the episodes.

Its kind of like watching the Director’s Cuts for the LOTR movies.  The theatrical 3 hour versions were far more entertaining.  Watching the 4 hour director’s cuts versions were often a bit painful and its clear why they were edited down to a still probably too long three hours.  I know some hardcore fans love the scene for scene accuracy of the director’s cuts, but they don’t make for better movies.

I was glad that Andor mostly dodged this slow pace with its 12 episodes.  There were a couple of slower episodes (Aldhani mission story arc) but for the most part things moved well without too much unnecessary dialog and side tangents.

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: November 26, 2022, 09:59 PM »
Time magazine had an interesting writeup about the show talking about how this is the best Disney+ show they’ve made so far, but most people don’t appreciate it.  Most of the Disney+ stuff is very kid oriented with lots of cameos, while Andor is adult oriented with no real cameos or obvious kid focus (with a cure character like Grogu).

I thought this show was 95% perfect.  I loved that there were no Jedi, and no Sith Lords, just regular people on both sides of the conflict.  I loved the story arcs and how Cassian went from a mercenary to a anti-imperial rebel volunteer.

The only thing that I thought wasn’t perfect was the Aldhani story arc.  It really should have been tightened up and shortened by about 30%.   Some of that dragged too much, but ultimately I thought the other story arcs and the whole scope was really, really good.

Probably 400% better than BoBF.

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: November 23, 2022, 09:51 PM »
I noticed Andor Episode 1 was being broadcast on ABC tonight.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen Disney+ shows on cable or network TV.  I wonder if they’re going to show the whole season or if they’re using it as a teaser to try and pull people in to a Disney+ subscription.

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: November 23, 2022, 09:03 PM »
I’ll wait another day to post comments, but damn that was sweet.

Make sure you catch the end scene after the credits and before the international credits.

The Black Series 6" Figures / Re: Target Black Series 6" Andor Figures
« on: November 23, 2022, 02:11 PM »
My Ferrix Officer just shipped.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: November 22, 2022, 03:43 PM »
I'm curious what other vehicles people might want to see if Hasbro should bring back vehicles in a meaningful way.

As much as I love the hyper detailed Razor Crest, Imperial Assault Combat Tank, and to some degree the Imperial Troop Transport - I hope they don't go back and redesign all the Jedi Starfighters, etc. and "re-release" them at a $100 price point.

I'd rather see as many all new vehicles as possible.  I'd rather see a Fondor Haulcraft, a Quad Jumper, or Rebel Transport, or something a little more obscure introduced then an upgraded something I've already got.

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