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Messages - Dave

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TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: November 22, 2022, 09:16 AM »
In the early episodes, the very clunky and odd bit of data about Bee needing extra energy to lie was delivered, they made a little joke out of it. In this episode, they made mention of the fact that he has been charging constantly ever since Maarva died, they showed that he's actively charging with the indicator light on his face blinking, and he wouldn't even leave home when it was requested of him.

Is this a hint that Bee is lying about something? Is Maarva up to something/was up to something and now he feels obligated to finish it, or potentially his apparent grief is his clumsy attempt to act normal knowing that Maarva's death was faked?

This is a good catch.  I think you're on to something.  I don't want to speculate on my thoughts on what might happen if there is a plan in place that Bee is aware of.  Hopefully we'll find out tomorrow.

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: November 18, 2022, 12:56 PM »
Hell, I like to pause whenever they are in Luthen's gallery and look at all the crazy stuff in there!

Last week's gallery of Episode 10 pointed out a Naboo headdress similar to what Padme wore.  I also noticed a Gungan electroshield this week too.  I know previous galleries pointed out a Wookiee warrior shield too.

The Black Series 6" Figures / Re: Target Black Series 6" Andor Figures
« on: November 18, 2022, 09:08 AM »
I just got a notice from Target that the Ferrix officer and the Obi-Wan Kenobi Tibidon Station are shipping next weekend.  Black Friday release?

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: November 17, 2022, 11:42 PM »
So that was a collapsable walking stick and not a lightsaber?  It did look like it was wood, but it did look like a lightsaber hilt too.

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: November 17, 2022, 06:55 PM »






Holy crap is Luthen a badass.  I loved the look on the Star Destroyer commander's face when he got his ass kicked by Luthen. 

And was that what I thought it was on his belt that Two Tubes and crew inspected?!?!?!

I loved all the spy stuff with Luthen, and that he absolutely didn't want Cassian to fall into the hands of the Empire.

Something tells me we'll have a serious showdown next week back on Ferrix for the season finale.

I was bummed to see Melshi and Cassian split up, but I guess we know that they'll get reunited at some point, hopefully soon.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: November 17, 2022, 05:17 PM »
I might be the only one but the TIE Defender was a design that never did anything for me.  I thought it was clunky and silly looking and felt like a boring attempt to just do more TIE's.

I'm in the same boat.  We've got plenty already - standard TIE (in a variety of flavors), Darth Vader's, TIE Bomber, First Order TIE. 

If they're going to do a new TIE I would prefer it was the Moff Gideon's Outland TIE, but I think the price point is off.  I can't imagine paying much more than $100 for a fancy TIE and HasLab items seem to be $250 minimum.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: November 17, 2022, 10:58 AM »
Make it compatible with the Phantom that was released when the show was airing?

I don't know if I like that.  I'd hate to compromise the scale/size of Ghost to accommodate the old Phantom.  I'd rather they just build a new one into a HasLab Ghost.  There are probably plenty of people who didn't buy that tiny Phantom and would skip this if it has a gaping hole/spot where it was supposed to go.

Good point.  The original was a fun toy, but pretty basic.  If the scale and price allowed it would be great to get at least a retooled version (or all new) that had a lot more detail on it.

Agreed they would have to take some liberties on scale and areas that they included.  An actual to scale Ghost with sleeping quarters, cargo hold, etc. would be way too big.  I'm fine with that though.

I haven't been to a target in a while, but there are reports of Axe Woves and the Tython Fett being peg warmers in some areas.  Perhaps it will happen with tis Fett.

I'm skipping it for now.  If I find it in store at reasonable prices (marked down) I'll pick one up later.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: November 16, 2022, 12:05 PM »
To me Ghost is a perfect Haslab candidate.  A big, risky item that fans clearly want and they’d need to secure preorders for to get funding.  Obviously it depends on the production threshold, but I think it would make it’s number pretty easily unless they set it absurdly high.

Bingo.  The Ghost would be perfect for this.

You've already got a TVC Ashoka that you could tweak and card, but then add in Hera, Sabine, and Chopper (maybe Zeb if he is still around too, and I guess ideally we'd see Kanan and Ezra in a TVC style).  You could release slightly different versions of these figures later to the general masses and double dip.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: November 15, 2022, 01:00 PM »
I feel like the Rancor is a great test case of that.  It was totally a "would you guys buy this if we made it?"  It was designed to make Hasbro money, hence the repacks of Jedi Luke and Gammorean.  If it was a "fans keep asking for X, how can we do that" type thing designed for fans, then it would have included 'obvious' figures like 6" Oola and 6" Malakili from the start.

Spot on. 

If they want it to make gobs of money they should do what they did with Jabba's Palace and make it a commercial release throw in a bunch of worthless doodads and crank up the price.

If they want it to be collector dream projects (and still make money) it needs to be totally focused on fanboy/girl wants without worthless pack-ins.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: November 15, 2022, 12:07 PM »
Did Ghost Rider even come close?  I wasn't tracking that one.

Sometimes I think they're too insistent on a really high price point when some of their ideas and the execution just isn't worth it.

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: November 10, 2022, 03:49 PM »
I hope Luthen isn't a Jedi, and is just a pissed off dude that is driving some of the inner workings of the early rebellion.

This looks really nice, but I've got enough Fett figures like this already and the price is rough, so I'm skipping this one.

TV-9D9 / Re: Tales of the Jedi
« on: November 10, 2022, 12:16 PM »
I thought the training scenes with Rex, Anakin and Ahsoka were pretty asinine. He wasn’t even giving her any advice or instruction. Anyone who trains in anything knows you can’t just go over and over like that. You need time to mentally reset and focus. That should have occurred over a period of weeks, not hours. He never really was a very good teacher though.

Yeah, I kinda felt like this was a Book of Boba Fett thing where someone really wanted to know how Ahsoka managed to survive against all those clone troopers when all the other Jedi Masters got killed by them, so they wrote a story about it explaining her skills.  That whole part of the episode could have been skipped/shortened.

I did love how she disarmed and killed the Inquisitor without much effort, which would make sense if most Inquisitors weren't fully trained Jedi before they converted.  I too would love a figure of that Inquisitor.

TV-9D9 / Re: Andor (SPOILERS possible)
« on: November 10, 2022, 08:56 AM »
Yeah, great episode, although I'd preferred they were able to commandeer a ship right away and be off to the next adventure.  I'm looking forward to the eventual meeting between Cassian and Luthen or his team, but now I'm not so sure that is going to still happen this season with only two episodes left.

I was hoping he would become a rebel sooner, and we could get some other cool missions mixed in.  With next season only being 12 episodes too and supposedly bringing us up to Rogue One I guess we're not going to get too many adventures of Cassian.  This is honestly something that they could have many seasons of with different missions in 3-4 show arcs.

I'm loving it and want more.

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