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Messages - Phrubruh

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Since the decision has been made to not use a fan booth, there will be no free passes to the show. However, you do have more freedom to wonder around during the time. There will be absolutely no security around the diorama so anything that is broken needs to fixed during the time someone is on duty. It is your job to make sure people don't touch the diorama but what goes missing during the show is going to be unavoidable.

Ok. After weighing everyone opinions, I've decided to go with Frank's place. The way I see it, the potental headaches and stresses that were are going to have to endure will be alot less without the fan booth.

We are however still going to need volunteers to be around the diorama to keep an eye on things but they do have the freedom to go do other things. There will not be any security around the diorama. We're going to have to act on faith that people won't steal since there isn't really anything we can do about it. I do want to have a free drawing during the convention to get rid of some of the larger non returnable  pieces. I think that will be ok.

If this is ok by everyone I'll let Mary know.

As of this point it has not been decided where the phyiscal diorama will be placed. However, I do need to start getting volunteers together to handle diorama duty at C4. This will entail standing at the diorama, talking to people looking at it, running contests, handing out any lit we have and making sure that nothing is touched. There is a possibility of free exhibitor passes to those that can work the most but that is still to be determined.

If you are willing to help, please sign up here. Please tell me the days and hours your would like to work and how flexible you are on these hours. Please bare in mind that we do need coverage no matter where the diorama is physically placed at C4. If not enough coverage is met, we may need to cancel the project.

As of this point it has not been decided where the phyiscal diorama will be placed. However, I do need to start getting volunteers together to handle diorama duty. This will entail standing at the diorama, talking to people looking at it, running contests, handing out any lit we have and making sure that nothing is touched. There is a possibility of free exhibitor passes to those that can work the most but that is still to be determined.

If you are willing to help, please sign up here. Please tell me the days and hours your would like to work and how flexible you are on these hours. Please bare in mind that we do need coverage no matter where the diorama is physically placed at C4. If not enough coverage is met, we may need to cancel the project.

OK. I need to know who is going and who would like to help man the diorama. Any volunteers??

Very cool. These will look great in the Endor diorama. It's funny showing off effectively 'bootleg' ewoks to help hipe C4. I'm sure Hasbro must be thrilled.

Bueller? Bueller? ???

Did the purple pimp daddy fall back into the Twilight Zone again?

What a cool Minotaur. What was the base figure. I like the blood on the cloth in the back. The other one I like is the CIS Jump Jet Battle Droid. He looks like he could be somekind of transformer.

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: ROTJ rebel meeting diorama
« on: March 19, 2007, 03:27 PM »
Very very cool! All it needs is a holographic Endor in the middle and your set!

I can't see the pictures. :( Just red x

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: :: customs by ornicar ::
« on: March 19, 2007, 03:22 PM »
Very well painted monsters there. I expectially like the way Jabba turned out. I like how you closed his eyes a litttle instead of making him look suprised like the original version. Well done Dais and the Rancor looks very much like something Sideshow would make.  Care to post any tips on airbrushing?

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Jedi_Master_Ben's Wax Shop
« on: March 19, 2007, 03:19 PM »
This is going to make a nice female wookiee. However, I've always thought of female wookiees as being more plump like Malla in the SWHS. I think it would be better to use the wookiee warrior as a base for a Malla female wookiee instead of skinny Chewie.

WOW! These are fantastic! Those cliffs look like real rock. It would be cool to have a real working waterfall. Maybe your could take a part a battery operated table top fountain?

I love those trees Brent and the landscape looks great! This is really happening is it? The world is really coming together. My hat is off to you guys. We need to show these pictures on the front pages of Yak and JD to get more people over here to help out.

There are pros and cons both ways. I havn't decided which way to go yet. There are certain financial and control benefits by going with our assigned booth. I need the leadership to pm me and to list out what you think are the pros and cons privately to me.

I just got an email from Mary Franklin. We are approved. She will be mailing information this week.

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