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Messages - Fritzkrieg

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You've been busy!

I always look forward, to seeing you're latest customs.

TAARS THE WHIPID TERRORIST> Hunting Tuskens for sport? What a Hobbie ;D Nice Quicky. I just can't believe you tore that poor Tusken's skirt off for this. Shurley, an old T-Shirt or pair of Socks would have sufficed. Love the little Bio Though.

SNOUNT THE TERRORIST> I have'nt even seen this one yet, and you've already Customized him. It looks pretty cool though. I can't wait to get my hands on a couple of those Garindan figs. They look like sweet fodder. Do you keep a collection of unaltered figures in addition to your customs or is your whole collection pretty much a Fodder Bank?

TARKIN AND THE DEATH SQUAD> My favorites of the lot. These guys will make sweet creamy filling for your Modular Death Star Dio. You can never have too many Imperials.

Keep up the great work!

Great looking pair of Imperial Ladies.
Are the Torsos the only part you sculpted or are the whole bodies sculpted? I'd love a couple of these Female Imperial bodies for some Customs I'm working on for my photo Novel. Any Chance that you'll be making caste available?

Where are his hands?
I always knew Admral Ozzel was a dirty old man ;D

Keep up the Great Work!

Very nice Job.

That looks like a Production Piece.

Keep up the great work!

I've got this Challenge already Bagged up, with one Custom.

My Imperial Slave Master

Now, I've just got to come up w/ a slave for him to give a Beaten-Down to.

I still have been getting request for my custom GAR Heavy Air Support Gunship. Here is the latest version 4.0. I've tried to keep the markings on all the ships a little different to add some variety. I also made a custom pilot to go along w/ it. Please LMK what you think.

GAR Heavy Air Support Craft 4.0


The Gunship Pilots turned out awsome. Although, I definatly feel they would fit in better durring the Orig. Trillogy era. None of their parts have that prequal look to them. Try slapping a Episode 3  Clone face-plate on them and Walla! istant Prequal Clones.

Here's a Gunship Door Gunner that I made, using a similar idea.

How about some Star Wars Gankstas!

Keepin it real!


Star Wars Action Figures / Frog Trooper
« on: May 29, 2006, 06:46 PM »
Here is my latest. LMK what you think.
Frog Trooper
Base= SA Clone Trooper
Rebreather= Chap Mei Frog Man
Holster= Frog Man
Gun= Spliced from a Clone Trooper blaster pistol and a Chap Mei Uzi

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Female Figures List
« on: May 29, 2006, 07:33 AM »
Mego and Galoob made  lines of 3 3/4" Star Trek figures that had some very nice female sculpts.

This is a great resource for older figure fodder.
3 3/4-inch Archives

Try, using a WWII O2 Mask or a GI joe. Another Idea that might look cool, is putting a crash helmet over the Fire SPeeder Pilot's head. Either way your off to a great start.

Can't wait to see the finished product.

Now thats some smooth looking paint Aps.

I've always liked the Evolution's Stormtrooper sculpt better then the VOTC's. I can't place my finger on it, but something about the VOTC Stormtrooper, has always looked a little off to me.

Anyhow, I really like the way this turned out. I think it's much more difficult to make a custom w/ clean paint Apts., than one that has battle damage or heavy weathering. There is not a lot of forgivness when it comes to making a clean custom. I think thats why I avoid these. Did you brush on the paint, or was it sprayed on? ( Sorry, I did'nt Read your full post before I replied)
H2o Satin Paint? Who makes that, and does it bond well to plastic w/out becomming tacky?

Keep up the great work!

Nice update.

I love the parts mix on the Diva. Thel meld together very well. The Pirate's jacket works well. Is it removable or did you have to cut it off the original fig.?

The Weequay looks good, except for the robe, which to me, look like it was cut for maturnity wear. I think a nice vest would go a long way to improving this custom.

Keep up the great work!

In the Early Days of the Clone Wars Many Civilian Star Ships Were Pressed Into Service to fill a Growing Need in the GAR Fleet. One such Ship, the YT-1300 freighter Was Outfitted For Use in The GAR. Because of Its Speed, Survivability, and Ability to Transport Small Stike Teams, the YT-1300 was Perfect for Sacking Capital Ships and Raiding Supply Convoys. Equiped w/ A Grapling Hook the YT-1300 Would Attach Its Self to a Target Ship, where the Stike Team would Then Enter to Engage the Crew and Scuttle the Target Ship. Plo Koon Commanded Such A ship for a Short Time Durring the Clone Wars, Until His Ship And Pilot Nick named, "Mynock" were Lost Durring an Attempt to Capture Viceroy Nute Gunray aboard his Command ship.
LMK What You Think.

In the Early Days of the Clone Wars Many Civilian Star Ships Were Pressed Into Service to fill a Growing Need in the GAR Fleet. One such Ship, the YT-1300 freighter Was Outfitted For Use in The GAR. Because of Its Speed, Survivability, and Ability to Transport Small Stike Teams, the YT-1300 was Perfect for Sacking Capital Ships and Raiding Supply Convoys. Equiped w/ A Grapling Hook the YT-1300 Would Attach Its Self to a Target Ship, where the Stike Team would Then Enter to Engage the Crew and Scuttle the Target Ship. Plo Koon Commanded Such A ship for a Short Time Durring the Clone Wars, Until His Ship And Pilot Nick named, "Mynock" were Lost Durring an Attempt to Capture Viceroy Nute Gunray aboard his Command ship.
LMK What You Think.

That looks Like Awsome Can't Wait to see it finished.
I never Knew the Falcon Was Redecoed in the
NJO. I was Not a Fan of That Story Line So I Skipped it.

The Funny Thing Is, that I'm Working On a Falcon Custom Myself.
Mine's Basicly a Freighter Refitted for GAR Use.

Great Work Can't Wait to See It Complete.

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