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Messages - Fritzkrieg

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I need X-Wing Laser Cannons,  I need 10 for my fleet of Custom Clone Gunships. I also need Falcon Quad Laser Cannons. I have Tons of Fodder. It's Just to disorganized to list, LOTs of 21st Century WWII Figs, TONS of Ash figs from the AOD Line. Nots of Medivel Weapons from that Line as well. I also have a Paypal account if I don't have the Fodder you need for trade, I'm willing to pay for it.


An uncle of mine Opened a local Custom Model Car Shop. Being a Police officer, he has carved himself a nice little Market Niche creating Custom police Cars for Local Cops. It also helps, his shop being located right next to the Police Uniform and Supply store. I wanted to Try making some Accurate Police Officers to go along w/ his Custom 1:18 Scale Police Cruisers. The Only Problem I'm having, is finding good Fodder Sorces to Use to make these Customs other than the El'cheapo Dollar store Figs.

I need something w/ the Accuracy of the 21st Century Lines. If anyone has any Ideas, I could use some advice.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Recent Purchases
« on: May 2, 2006, 09:33 PM »
I just Received my Vintage Collection Biker Scouts in the Mail today. They were Loose, but I had no need for 6 Carded Biker Scouts. I got them from a Guy over in China Through ebay. Here's a link to his Store:
Black  Sheep Toy store
I recived my Items Quickly and the shipping was reasonable.

Great Update Chewie!

AC-AC (All Climate Armored Crawler)> Geat Design, Nice Paint Aps., It just Seems to Lack that Star Wars Feel to Me. Mabey if YOu Took the Tracks and Sled off and made it a Repulser Craft it'd work Better

RYKROF ENLOE> I like the use of the Cody Helmet,  I'm Suprised That It fit over Rykrof's head. Good Use of the Scorch Pack Although, I do Think the Snow Trooper Pack Looked Better. Paint Aps. are Perfect as Always.

JEDI MASTER DOOKU> Good Clean Custom. I've Seen This Custom Poping Up a lot Recently. Was he Featured as a Jedi Master in a Recent book or Comic?

IMPERIAL FIRE TROOPER> I'm Assuming this is An Imperial Version of the Coruscant Fire Fighters from Episode Three, as he does not look Fit for Combat. I think the Snow Trooper Head Works Perfectly W/ This Body. Nice Clean Paint Aps. Of Course.

PHILES GANNOR> Another Nice Clean Custom. Is He for the Rykrof, Special Eddition Episodes or One of the New Ones?

GENERAL SNODD> This is the Real Gem of the Bunch. I'm really Looknig Forward to More Episodes with Genral Snod in them. He is one of My favorive Original Characters from the Rykrof Series. He Looks Much More Menacing wearing the Uper Torso Armor. Great Parts Choices on This One. Djas Puhr's Arms Meld Perfectly w/ that Torso. I can't wait to See Snod in action again.

Keep Up the Great Work Chewie!

Thanks so Much for the Feedback and Your Honesty Guys.

The Base for this Vehicle was the Cheap BBI Toy's Attack Hellicopter From Target. I loved the Cockpit design( It reminds me of the Hind Attack Helicopter) and had been eyeing it for a couple of Days, While I debated how I could Customize it into a Star Wars Vehicle. I new I had to Figure Something Out W/ the Tail Section that would Make it Less Like a Helicopter and More Like A Star Wars Fighting Vehicle. I Tried Both The Darth Vader  and Regular TIE Solar Panels to see which ones would work  Better and The TIE Fighter's looked the Best. The Panels Can Be Turned 360 Degrees. So I imagined they would Be Rotated Automaticly to Absorbs Maximum Solar Energy to Fuel Auxillary Power Cells. I thought They Worked Well, Showinjg how The Republic Began Using Imperial Tech. Durring the Clone Wars. If I make another One Maybe, I'll Just Put Some Sort of Antenea Aray on the Tail Section. Practice Does make Perfect.

Star Wars Action Figures / Republic Heavy Air Support Attack Craft
« on: April 30, 2006, 04:41 PM »
Many Different Weapon Systems were Created Durring the Clone Wars. GAR Logistics seeing a Need for a Close Air Support Craft, that Carried more Fire Power than The LAAT Gunships, Started developing the Heavy Air Support Gunship to fill this need. Although the HAS-G Showed High Success Rates in Combat, the Program Was Canceled because of the Vehicles Low Cargo/Transport abilities.
Here is my Latest. LMK what You Think.
Republic Heavy Air-Support Craft

I've alway been a Die Hard 3 3/4" Action figure Collector. But, So Much of the Sci-Fi Media That I love So Much Has Never received the  Proper Toy Lines they So Richly Deserves. So What I want to Know is which Sci-Fi Toy Lines are on Your  3 3/4" Wish List.

Mine Are:

1. "Aliens" They had an Interesting 5" Scale Line. But it did not Satisfy my Die Hard 3 3/4" Collecting Obssesion. Hopefully This Wish Will Come True. I saw some Pics From the Hong Kong Toyfare, and in Some of the Pics Blurry Images of 4" Colonial Marines Could be Seen in the Background. But, Until I can Hold them in My Hands their no more Confirmed to me as BigFoot or the Lock-Ness Monster.
 I really Need some 3 3/4" Colonial Marines.

2. "StarShip Troopers" This Movie Had some Great Sci-FI Designs. They Also Had a Toy Line But again it Was in the Wrong Scale, I fact I think the Line Was Made in 2 Scales One Action Fleet Scale and the Other about 5"'s. The 5" line was way too Cartoony for my taste.

3. "BattleStar Galatica" A NeoClassic 3 3/4" in Line would be awsome. I loved the Original Toy Line from the 70's, Although The Human Characters Looked Like Crap. If It Was Made Today You Could Really Have Excellent Looking Versions of Your Favorite Characters.

4. "Space Above And Beyond" This Would have Made a Great Toy Line. The Vehicles and Aliens are Some of the Best Designs to come Out of Sci-FI Televison In the 90's

5.  "Masters of the Universe" The Movie. I know that Movie was Total Crap but I have to have an Army of Skeletor's Black Armored Troopers.

Thats My List, Please LMK yours

Star Wars Universe / Re: Favorite Villain?
« on: April 27, 2006, 08:45 PM »
Thrawn, Would be at the Top of My List for EU Villian.

I don't know if You can Count Stormtroopers in on This, But they Top The Movie Villian List For me.

Good custom too, is that a Joe figure from that new 3-pk with Cover Girl in it?

The Torso and Legs are From the Clone Serpentor included in the Comic 3 Pack, The Head is a Sand Viper Head, The Arms are From Monkey Wrench, The Vest Gung HO, and The Helmet is a Modified 21st Century German Helmet.

Thanks for the Feedback Chewie.

So Many Sci-Fi Designs have been Influenced By Star Wars, that Many of them Can Be Incorporated Back into the Star Wars Universe w/ Little or No Alteration at all. This RoboCop ED-209 Kotobukia Figure is Pretty Much a Rip from the AT-ST Walkers Seen In Star Wars. I Slapped a Couple of Imperial Insignias On Him, And Instantly I've Got a Cool Looking Imperial War Droid to use in my Dioramas and Photo Novels. I did'nt even need to alter the Paint. He Already comes in TIE Fighter Gray.
Imperial War Droid
LMK What You Think.

So Many Sci-Fi Designs have been Influenced By Star Wars, that Many of them Can Be Incorporated Back into the Star Wars Universe w/ Little or No Alteration at all. This RoboCop ED-209 Kotobukia Figure is Pretty Much a Rip from the AT-ST Walkers Seen In Star Wars. I Slapped a Couple of Imperial Insignias On Him, And Instantly I've Got a Cool Looking Imperial War Droid to use in my Dioramas and Photo Novels. I did'nt even need to alter the Paint. He Already comes in TIE Fighter Gray.

Star Wars Action Figures / "Swoop Custom" Custom
« on: April 26, 2006, 07:38 PM »
I always Liked the Idea that Swoop Bikers Customize their Rides, Just like Real Life Bikers Customize their Choppers.

So Here's my Take on the Custom Swoop Bike and it's Rider.
LMK What You Think.

Feedback / Re: iFett's (pka infinittifett) feedback
« on: April 26, 2006, 04:22 PM »
Mike Hooked me Up w/ a SVTC Scout Trooper.

Great Trader!!! , I look forward to Future Transactions w/ him.


I stopped at one of Walmarts I Drop By every Morning on my route to work Yesteday, and was thrilled to see that 2 Fresh Cases of the Coruscant wave had been Stocked on the Pegs. So, Naturally me being an army Builder, I Started Shuffeling Through for Cody and the U.Clones. But to my Disapointment the Cody's had been replace with the UGH Fett and snow Trooper :-[ Cody Being Packed 1 Per Case in this Asst., I thought it Was a Pretty Lame Call on Hasbros Part. I Really Feel bad for the Guys Who've Bought These Cases over the Internet and lose out on the Figs they really Want for a Lame  UGH Fig that They have Like 20 Versons Of Allready. I was Wondering how many of you have had the Same Problem?

On a Brighter Note, I once found the Coruscant Asst. Packed with an Extra UGH Cody in addition to the Reg. Cody, That Was a Great Score ;D

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