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Messages - Nicklab

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I wound up doing okay with some of my choices from last year.  Three figures got knocked off of my own list:  Hoth Leia, Dack Ralter & the Bespin Guard.

-Hoth Spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi

-Wedge Antilles - Snowspeeder Pilot gear

-Hoth Rebel Trooper (Echo Base) - Super-articulated  

-Toryn Farr

-Han Solo - Bespin gear

-Han Solo - pre-carbonite w/ block

-Treva Horme


-Lt. Sheckil

-Asteroid Victim Imperial Officer

Other Toy Lines / Re: Retailers Scaling Back on Movie Lines?
« on: May 26, 2010, 10:30 PM »
The big presence at my local TRU today?  Toy Story 3.  That franchise has some serious steam behind it, and the movie hasn't been released yet.  And at TRU they've got the full feature store treatment.

As for other movie properties? 

-Prince of Persia is pretty minimal, but I was surprised to see two different figure scales for that line.

-Iron Man 2 has some space but seems to be selling reasonably well.  But since there are so many different Iron Man figures and barely anything other characters it's tough to tell how much turnover there really is.

-I can't say that I've seen anything for the new Shrek.  But then the other Shrek movies didn't have massive toy lines.

-Percy Jackson & The Olympians has some shelf space.  But I haven't seen it really moving.

-Tron Legacy is supposed to yield a light cycle toy.  It looks like it's got the potential to be kind of cool, but I haven't seen it in the packaging.

As for Harry Potter?  They had a toy line that was collector focused for Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix with NECA.  It looked pretty good, truth be told.  But I don't think the sales were solid enough for them to pursue a toy line for Half Blood Prince.

It just seems that most new movie properties don't have the legs to sustain a high quality toy line.  And some of the great toy lines that have yielded movies (Transformers, GI Joe), haven't exactly led to good movies.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Comic Packs
« on: May 26, 2010, 06:58 PM »
If you wanted to pick up that last wave of comic packs you would've had a lot more luck a month ago.  They were hitting both Target and TRU.  WalMart seems to have bailed since they had their own comic 2-pack exclusives.

I don't think this is a case of distribution sucking.  I think it's more a case of supply of inventory being tight.  And it's classic last wave syndrome:  Hasbro announces that it's the last wave in a line and everyone's out to score it as fast as they can.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Super Hero/Comic Book Movies
« on: May 22, 2010, 12:30 AM »
There's the whole potential for a Captain Marvel tie-in to this particular plotline.  He was one of the Avengers, too.  It seems like it might a little too ambitious from the outset. 

Going in an  interstellar direction didn't really work for the FF sequel.  Especially since their concept for Galactus was just bizarre.

Based on what we saw in Iron Man 2, they could have set up an Ultron storyline.  The armored drones could have totally gone in that direction.  But the drones were a lot easier to bust up than Ultron should be.  Oh well.

I checked the mailbox last night, and lo and behold I got my 5 Eopies with Qui-Gon Jinns.  Now I have to figure out...what do I do with 5 of these?  In the grand scheme of things they were pretty cheap.  But I'll only NEED perhaps 3 for my own collection. 

Still waiting....

The Vintage Collection / Re: Your #1 Action Figure
« on: May 12, 2010, 10:09 PM »
I'll go based on a favorite from each line:



Obi-Wan Kenobi (ANH BD 34)

Jabba the Hutt


VTSC Sand People

Preview Wookiee Warrior

Luke Skywalker - Dagobah training

Saesee Tiin (Army of the Republic) w/ broken horn




R2-D2 w/ holo Leia

Up until this past week it's been rare to even see Utris M'toc at retail.  The most common indicator of the EU wave that I've seen in the stores have been the repacks:  Luke, Obi-Wan, Darth Maul, R2 and Chewbacca.  Slapping the pegwarmer label on Utris M'toc at this point seems a bit premature.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Super Hero/Comic Book Movies
« on: May 8, 2010, 05:40 PM »
Iron Man 2 was definitely a fun ride.  I like that it explored a number of angles that we've seen in the Iron Man comics over the years.  The Stan Lee cameo was probably the funniest one I can recall seeing in any of the Marvel movies.

As for the secret scene at the end?  I'll refrain from talking about it for now.  It was definitely pretty cool though.

I was somewhat on the fence about including a couple of figures on my ANH list. 

First, Bom Vimdim.  Hasbro has been telling us for at least a couple of years now that he's on the way.  My question:  When?  I feel somewhat confident that Bom Vimdim is on the way in the next 12 months, but I also wouldn't be surprised if Hasbro said "Not so fast!"

Then, Owen Lars.  He's been on my own ANH wishlist for years.  The exclusive comic 2-pack with Uncle Owen and cyborg Darth Maul looks like it MAY fit the bill.  So for now Uncle Owen came off of my list.

Here's my ten:

Commander Praji

Rebel Fleet Trooper (Lt. Pello Scrambas)

Yerka Mig

Arleil Schous


Imperial Security Bureau Officer

Lt. Shann Childsen

General Bob Hudsol

Davish "Pops" Krail - Gold 5

Theron Nett - Red 10

I've seen it a couple of times as well.  But only at TRU stores.  It's not an exclusive, but that's the only chain where I've seen it in stock.

Toys"R" has posted the EU figures for order (full price though)

Dark Trooper
Jaina Solo
Jacen Solo
Shaak Ti

They're all out of stock already.  Thanks for the links though Jayson!

This is really interesting.

Clearly the figure has been done in the realistic style.

The packaging though is the Clone Wars style packaging.

Very, very odd.

Not really.

This figure isn't part of the Vintage Collection.  Only basic figures that are in the black and silver packaging are part of the Vintage Collection.  That means the carded figures on the Kenner style cards and the select vehicles that will be available in the black and silver packaging are part of the Vintage Collection.

Everything else falls under the SHADOW OF THE DARK SIDE umbrella.  Clone Wars, Legacy, everything.  Any movie style battle packs will be in the SHADOW OF THE DARK SIDE packaging.  The same goes for all vehicles except for those that are being offered exclusively in the black and silver packaging.

The Bullpen / Re: Iron Man 2 Toys
« on: May 5, 2010, 09:54 PM »
The 4" Iron Man and War Machine figures have been pretty cool so far.  But when it comes time to find figures like Nick Fury, Whiplash and Black Widow?  I've got serious reservations.  The Marvel Universe figures have been a little hit or miss in terms of the likenesses.  At that scale I have little faith in Hasbro being able to translate anything close to Scarlett Johansson's hotness.

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