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Messages - Darth_Anton

Pages: 1 ... 522 523 524 525 526 [527] 528 529 530 531 532 ... 611
Saga Collection '06 / Re: Animated Figs in TSC?
« on: January 6, 2006, 09:50 AM »
While I think the Animated figures are cool, I wouldn't want to pick them up just because there's too much product out there already. :P

JD Sports Forum! / Re: College Football 2005-2006
« on: January 5, 2006, 08:47 PM »
I don't mean to take anything away from the Longhorns well deserved win, I was just asking about Reggie because I was wondering if he was holding back because he didn't want to injure himself and hurt his chances of getting drafted.

I thought we were getting a beyond the grave visit from Andy Kauffman.

Newbies / Re: Hello What is up?
« on: January 5, 2006, 08:33 PM »
I think we've handled the greenday101 situation rather nicely,  ;D.

**Wipping the tears of laughter from my eyes** That's what sets this site appart from all the others. You could have just banned Greenday, but instead, you made him/her leave on their own accord. ;D

Newbies / Re: Greetings Starfighter
« on: January 5, 2006, 08:22 PM »
Welcome aboard. This is a great bunch of people, so I hope you enjoy your stay. :D

Newbies / Re: TR1ER in tha house!
« on: January 5, 2006, 08:17 PM »

...Wallpaper is not flavorful...

It is in Wanka's factory...

Welcome TR1ER! I think you'll like a lot of our resident customizers.

Yeah, the helmet is a bit small. :P

JD Sports Forum! / Re: College Football 2005-2006
« on: January 5, 2006, 11:35 AM »
And I thought the Orange bowl was a nail biter. This is why I like Collage over pro, anything can and does happen.

Anyone think Reggie was holding back?

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Battle of Death Star Wave
« on: January 5, 2006, 11:26 AM »
That would be a great wave. Too bad that the Luke and Han aren't stormies, but I can still live with a new pilot, DS trooper and rebel sentry.

However, the qestion is, will the Han be cantina Han with a medal. ;)

Vintage Trading and Classifieds / Need black blaster set
« on: January 5, 2006, 11:21 AM »
I need one of each of the following BLACK blasters to complete my loose set:

Han Trench coat blaster
A-wing/Imperial Gunner blaster
Luke Stormtrooper blaster

I'd entertain buying them, but I'd also be willing to part with a practically mint loose A-wing pilot, coinless, for all three (minus weapon of course.)

For those of you looking at this who are not well versed in vintage, I need the harder to find black blasters, not the common blue/black blasters which often look black. :P



But don't be misled, it's not as perfect as it could be!

Agreed. However, I think if they tweeked it, the VOTC version woud still hold up well. I've found a few really good poses, but I have most of mine simply standing at attention, which is how I would have most of my figures anyway.

I would rescuplt the hands and add VOTC Luke hip articulation. I think that would make the figure perfect. What are your thoughts?

I'm sure poseable means 3 points of articulation.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Hoth Wave
« on: January 5, 2006, 10:40 AM »
I got to see Veers, Snowtrooper, Power droid, Vader and R2 first hand last night

Ha ha!  It sounds like an exalted gracious scalper granted us peeons permission to see these great rare precious items.

I've talked to the guy before. Although I would consider him a scalper, he does get his stuff direct from a Hasbro source and although $15 is rediculous, I've seen much worse. It's weird, when the stuff is bought from the store and marked up, it irks me much more that when stuff is obtained from other sources. ???

Jon, yes, it was Big Lou's. 8) 

JD Sports Forum! / Re: College Football 2005-2006
« on: January 4, 2006, 12:48 PM »
The Orange bowl....

I almost went. What a game. I never seen a team so well matched for Penn State. Penn State played like typical Penn State (only the Lions can give a turnover on 4 and goal) and got lucky that FSU made all those fouls.  Glad we won though. :P

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« on: January 4, 2006, 10:43 AM »
Picked up some loose Red Clone commanders and loose White Target clones. Paid retail for the commaders, but half for the Target clones.

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