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Messages - Nirvana

Pages: 1 ... 49 50 51 52 53 [54] 55 56 57 58 59 ... 65
I kinda like him like that. I toned down his beard to give a more 5-o-clock shadow look, gave him human hands, and added a small bit of soft goods. Here are two pics:

Hope you like it. LMK what you think, all comments are appreciated. Thanks for looking, and have a nice weekend.

Yeah, I kept his legs like that. You're right, I like the way they look too. I think he kindof looks a little arrogant with his legs together and the long flowing shirt. I'm pretty satisfied with this guy.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: In Rem's Customs - 12/05 - Two WIPs
« on: December 2, 2005, 02:51 PM »
Thanks, CHEWIE.

It's the body from the Dirk Pitt, but the hood from Pitt's sidekick (no idea on the name). I used the sidekick's body on that Nautolan, and I still have the extra hood from the Pitt figure that will make its way onto someone's head. :)

Dirk's sidekick is Al Giordino. I've read Clive Clussler's novels. Anyway, the Cerean is awesome, he looks real cool with the hood and Ki's head shaved. They look really good, can't wait to see the final result.

Star Wars Universe / Re: Trivia: Episode 3
« on: November 30, 2005, 03:15 PM »
Yeah, isn't trivia supposed to be yes-or-no questions? This had multiple answers.

Before I go on my trip, I'll leave you guys with two dramatized preview shots from the revised PCRI...

Is it just me or  does it look like the clone is playing "Guess Who?!" with Chewie? :)

Seriously though, they look pretty cool.

The Prequel Trilogy / Soundtrack Song ?
« on: November 29, 2005, 07:01 PM »
Is the song where Anakin marched on the Jedi Temple on any Star Wars soundtrack? I'm trying to find it on my computer's music player and I couldn't find it. Can anyone help? Just the song title will be greatly appreciated.

Star Wars Universe / Re: Trivia: Episode 3
« on: November 29, 2005, 06:12 PM »
I believe it is letter A.

Yeah, that's the only problem I have with him. He looks a little bowlegged, I might switch the shins around, maybe that will look better. I was trying to get an Anakin look to him, and I think he came out well. Thanks for your comments.

Thanks, CHEWIE. That's why I left the skirt off, to make him look tougher.

Holy crap, InRem! He does! Look at these pics:

Hmm, maybe he'll kill Tamble and become apprentice to the AREG leader along with Mace.

Thanks for your comments.

Edit*- Thanks, JediPurge, I tried to get a WWII look to them.

Thanks, CHEWIE. Here's Master Temble's apprentice, Wes Ratel:

Hope you like him. LMK what you think, all comments are appreciated. Look for these two in the next novel, and thanks for looking.


Well, I wasn't trying to talk about whether or not Neimoidians are Duros/race issues here, I was looking for input on the custom on hand. Not that you guys have to stop talking about it, I'm just saying, he looks okay, right? He doesn't look out of place?

Thanks. His hands were the hardest part- I had to shorten the posts and hollow out Fisto's hand holes, and they still don't fit. I'll change it later. Yeah, what you said makes sense about the Neimoidians and Duros. Thanks for your comments.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Are Neimoidians allowed to be Jedi?
« on: November 29, 2005, 11:07 AM »
Well, I was nearly done with him anyway when I posted, here are the pics:

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Are Neimoidians allowed to be Jedi?
« on: November 29, 2005, 10:29 AM »
Thanks, I'm almost done with it. It's the Neimoidian Warr. head and a Kit Fisto body. I'll post pics soon.

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