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Messages - jedipurge

Pages: 1 ... 54 55 56 57 58 [59] 60 61 62 63 64 ... 77
Saga Collection '06 / Re: TRU Exclusive Endor AT-AT
« on: August 3, 2006, 04:47 PM »
aaahhh  :-X.  Too much stuff coming out at once, I really want this too.  never had one when i was a kid, but that price, ouch!

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Star Tours Question
« on: August 3, 2006, 04:41 PM »
Hunter they have all sorts of cool stuff there.  I was there maybe 2 weeks ago, and will be there on this Sunday.  They had a pretty cool looking Yoda backpack, t-shirts, starspeeder-in 2 different sizes I think.  All sorts of little odds and ends I've never seen anywhere else.  Then you've got the stuff that you can find at Target for double the price.  I was lucky and scored my first VTSC scout trooper there when VTSC had first dropped-little pricey though  :-\.  If you're lucky they might be stocked with good figs, or like last time I was there all there was was and army of Saga 2 Chewbaccas.  The Yoda/Mickey combo if kinda cool.

Photonovels and Movies / Re: Rebel Fleet Troopers DO NOT Suck!
« on: August 2, 2006, 06:01 PM »
man i never new a fleet trooper had an ASS KICKIN' action feature, must've missed that one during those bad SAGA 1 years.  Now imagine the possibilities if he was SA.   :o

great stuff as always Fritz.  I wouldn't even come close to making them look that good, or with so much creativity.  If you ever do a PN with these guys in that background it'd be funny to have Indy Jones walk by with the Ark.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Recent Purchases
« on: July 28, 2006, 06:43 PM »
Same here with the VTSC, can't beat $3 a figure.  now only if I could find some Scouts at that price.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 2006 vOTC (or vTSC) - now with pics!
« on: July 28, 2006, 06:41 PM »
for those that say instead of Greedo we should've gotten a DS sqaud commander >:(  are you guys crazy.  sure it'd be cool to get an SA version of him but come on army building him and the scout trooper @ $10-12 a pop  :'(  han definately has potential, i'm not really one for the trench coat either plastic or cloth either way it's comin' off.  Greedo  :-\ scout trooper  ;D gonna have to start playing the lotto and recycling those cans and bottles to get as many of these guys as i want.  can anybody say BARC Trooper repaints?  and if Hasblow is smart they'll rerelease him in that paint scheme for $6.99 and we'll all be pissed that we army built him for $10-12 instead of waiting to get him for $6.99 and just repainting him ourselves.  sand dude-opinion at a later date.  Luke kicks ass, but is it just me or does he look super pissed.

Sorry I just had to quote myself on this.  I knew hasblow would go this route with the Barc's---tight asses

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Marvel Comic and EU 2-Packs
« on: July 21, 2006, 07:57 PM »
 >:( What the hell is that   :-X

The only problem with that is you'd never see any on the shelf  :(

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Imperial Officer 5 Pack
« on: July 21, 2006, 03:32 PM »
What time are they revealing, and will they slowly pull off the sheet like a strip tease  ;D

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Comic-Con 06
« on: July 20, 2006, 11:57 AM »
 ;D :o ;D :o ;D 8) :o :P :'( :D :)


Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Jedijaybird's Customs
« on: July 19, 2006, 07:11 PM »
JJ great Baccarra, personally not too fond of softgoods but this looks really great.  paints apps: awesome the only thing i would've done would be to have removed the hasbro "scratches" those have always bothered me.

2 more recruits today, brings me to a legion of 5 ::)

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: CHEWIE's CUSTOMS preview 7.14.06
« on: July 14, 2006, 06:21 PM »
is it just me or does that look like bread behind the battle droids there?  Chewie?

I understand the gripes and complaints, but seriously if you don't like it don't buy it.  If it sits it sits.  For the last 3 months now my local target has had nothing and I mean nothing but bugs and yodas and the occasional vader and these are all figures that had dialogue and were in the movies and have pegwarmed like nobody's business.  do people that are complaining about all this EU stuff that's coming out really think they'll sell worse then some of the movie that's been out lately?  As much as i'd have liked to have bought the T sisters or the ICMG most of the background character left to make they're so obscure that they walk the line of being EU themselves especially when figs like Hem Dazon didn't even have a body and big H had to refer to EU to give him one.  As much complaining there is about the EU "crap" coming out I'm sure I could match the amount of complaints with actual movie "crap" that has come out.  Basically the whole of the first Saga "action" line is a good place to start how much of that whole line wound up being clearanced and pegwarmed to no end and it was a movie year.  I am not an EU fan I've never played KOTOR, and the only comics I own are those I've bought for reference to for custom ideas, so while I could bash EU just as much as any EU hater can unless it's super articulated I don't need another freakin' Han or Luke or Vader and would gladly buy a well sculpted/articu'd EU fig over those 3 any day.  If anything look at it this way more custom fodder.

A-FREAKING-MAZING!!!!!! these are just awesome Glass, without a doubt.  these are exactly whay every stormtrooper army builder needs, variety.  just one question-when will you be selling these?  ;D

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