Is this list still current?
I recently acquired a number of weapons to complete a bunch of childhood figures, so I'm interested in finding more! These are the weapons I'm looking for:Endor blaster - 3x blue or blue/greyPalace blaster - 1x greyPilot blaster - 1x blackPrincess blaster - 1x blackPrincess blaster - 1x blueJawa blaster - 2xLeia Boushh rifle - 1xRebel Commando rifle - 1xBlue telescoping lightsaberYellow telescoping lightsaberBlue or green hand-held lightsaberYoda caneCloud Car Pilot commlinkUgnaught toolbagLeia Boushh helmetRancor Keeper headpieceObi-Wan capeLeia white capeTusken Raider capeSnowtrooper skirt - 4xJawa cloakUgnaught apron
Here's the updated list since I started hunting again:Vintage Weapons Needed:Endor blaster - 3x blue or blue/greyPrincess blaster - 1x blueBlue telescoping lightsaberYellow telescoping lightsaberBlue or green hand-held lightsaberCloud Car Pilot commlinkObi-Wan capeLeia white capeSnowtrooper cape - 3xUgnaught apron
I need just a couple more weapons and accessories for my collection (before I tackle the rest of the figures I'm missing):Endor blaster - 2 needed of any of these colours:Yellow telescoping lightsaber - I prefer complete with tip:Snowtrooper capeUgnaught apron