Author Topic: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?  (Read 32077 times)

Offline DarthStiffler

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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #75 on: September 10, 2003, 01:27 PM »
Dan Gregoire previsualization effects supervisor for Episode III  Chat Highlights

- There are animatics for a scene in which there are clonetroopers on speeder bikes, but the scene may not be in the final film.
- The opening space battle in terms of scale and scope is bigger than anything we've seen.
- Episode 3 is more action oriented, dark and moody.
There's an entire environment that will be bigger than anything seen in any Star Wars film that will be primarily digital.
- Yoda will feature in a "spectacular action sequence".
The animatics for the Episode 3 space battle were more challenging because it's a journey rather than a single event..
- The Wookiees in action is "something to see".
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #76 on: September 10, 2003, 07:08 PM »
Hyperspace Webchat with Rick McCallum

• Ian McDiarmid (Palpatine) has a much larger and important role in Episode III (for obvious reasons).
• Rick has been trying to convince George to do a cameo in the prequels but George refuses.
• The emphasis of Ep3 is as much story as Visual FX.
• Ep3 will have the same emotional depth as ESB.
• Visually, Ep3 is the most ambitious film yet due to all the number of new planets.
• The film will end on a sad note, but there is hope for the future of the story (Classic Trilogy).
• Rick can neither confirm nor deny whether the character Tarkin will be in Ep3.
• Three major lightsaber duels have been shot so far.
• The underwater tank set will feature a scene where Obi-Wan fights with droids.
• Rick asks that the fans have faith in the decision to go with the CGI trooper suits as opposed to actual costumes.
• George is always making changes (likely to include the script to Ep3).
• Rick's favorite film of the saga is Episode V.
• Rick realizes the fan anticipation for this final film in the SW saga.
• When asked if he had a favorite character in Ep3, Rick stated that he thought Palpatine was fantastic.
• Three words that Darth Vader speaks in Ep3 are "I don't fear..."
• The movie will explain all of Anakin's injuries except for one (the facial scar as noted in the recent HS set diary).
• Currently, production is two days ahead of schedule, but the underwater scenes (with the water tank) are quite challenging.
• Ep3 will provide the answers the fans have been waiting for, but may also pose some new questions.
• The opening battle is entirely in space, but there will be land battles in the film.
• Only small segments of the duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan have been filmed. The main action is yet to come.
• September 19th will be Hayden's last day of filming.
• Rick and/or George have never changed a scene for musical scoring purposes.
• Kamino is not in Episode III.
• Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) will film his scenes in March of 2004.
• The underwater scenes are not a battle, but a fight.
• Count Dooku will only use one lightsaber in Ep3.
• One character in the film will use two lightsabers at once "and he's bad."
• A certain amount of Jedi will die in Ep3, but Rick would not specify how many.
• There will be a scene when Anakin is given the name of Darth Vader and an explanation as to why he was given the name and what it means.
• Rick refused to comment on the possibility of a volcanic environment or planet.
• We will see Mace in a certain form of "space action".
• Rick would not give any hints on the EU character that appears in the film.
• All the hairstyles are bad in Ep3, which will link the film to the Classic Trilogy.
• It won't be the special effects that make the Obi-Wan/Anakin duel so thrilling, it will be the betrayal.
• Joel Edgerton (Owen Lars) will shoot one day's work of shooting in 2004.
• We will definitely see Palpatine/Sidious use an "awesome display of the dark side of the force".
• Beru Whitesun (Bonnie Piesse) will appear in the film along with Owen.
• Rick felt saddened, shocked, angry and betrayed after reading the story of Anakin's downfall.
• Chewbacca will be easily identified during his scenes and character depth will be added to the classic trilogy Chewbacca.
• The originally planned six sets of alien armor have been reduced to one set.
• The one character that will make the best action figure is the one character Rick is not allowed to discuss.
• Dave Prowse will not be playing Darth Vader.
• Many people believe the reason Anakin turns to the dark side is a love triangle between Anakin, Padmι and Obi-Wan.
• John Williams will begin scoring the film in November of 2004.
• The last ten minutes of the film will be "a dream come true" for all fans.
• Until a final cut of the film is ready, it is too early to predict how the score may blend in with some of the Classic Trilogy musical themes.
• Rick didn't confirm or deny that a major character in the film, other than Boba Fett, is a clone.
• The story will move much quicker than the previous films.
• About 80 pages of script have been shot so far.
• "Birth of an Empire" is not even close to the real title of the film.
• Currently, the script is 129 pages long.
• Ewan McGregor may do a webchat in a few weeks.
• Rick's favorite set to shoot for this film was the Classic Trilogy set.
• Jar-Jar does not die in the film.
• The animatics that Rick has seen for the film are "brilliant".
• Ep3 will conclusively answer whether Palpatine is Sidious.
• Kit Fisto will not use a double-bladed lightsaber.
• The "rule of two" (Sith at once) remains true in Ep3.
• There is still one big role that has yet to be cast.
• Padmι is a Senator throughout Ep3.
• Dormι will not return for Ep3.
• Ep3 is a "2-hour turn to the dark side".
• Boss Nass will not appear in Ep3.
• At the end of the movie, the twins Luke and Leia are less than a month old.
• We will see Padmι pregnant in the film.
• Anakin will have scenes named "ceiling of a flooded room".
• We will see female Jedi fighting in Ep3.
• We will see who was born first, Luke or Leia.
• We will see Yoda fighting again.
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #77 on: September 10, 2003, 07:13 PM »
Jackson Gives Fight Details on FoxSports Net:
Sam said that it takes a lot of athleticism to play a Jedi Knight. He also mentioned that it took three days for him to learn a 90+ move lightsaber duel, learning 30 moves per day over 3 three days of shooting. He also mentioned that he was the one being attacked in the duel though he didn't say by who. "It was difficult to learn how to be in a scene being backed up and on defense the whole time". The fight area covered about 400 yards and Sam jumped off steps and various other things.
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #78 on: September 10, 2003, 07:17 PM »
• Obi-Wan and Anakin will have four scenes underwater which won't amount to much screentime.

• The first scene will involve Obi-Wan tangling with an enemy combatant and will involve close-ups of Obi-Wan.

• The last scene requires a wave machine and the water will fill a room to its ceiling. The set is lowered into the water to give the illusion of rising water.

• Matt Sloan has finished his scenes as Plo Koon and a wrangling droid.

August 18, 2003; SW Insider #70 Tidbits from Rick McCallum:
(Chewbacca delivers the Skywalker twins to Obi-Wan Kenobi?)
McCALLUM: “Can’t comment.”

(By the end of the film, Yoda ends up on Dagobah?)
McCALLUM: “These rumors are pretty good. We’ll see.”

(Anakin loses more body parts?)
McCALLUM: “Absolutely.”

(We’ll see Darth Sidious wield a lightsaber?)
McCALLUM: “Maybe. If you’re good. Maybe.”

August 20, 2003; Hyperspace: "A Helpful Alien on a New World"

• Today's shooting focused on a new planet, with new landing platforms and wind machines providing a breeze. The architecture of the planet is curved and ribbed and gives the environment an alien feel. The planet will be primarily digitally created since it is unlike any earthly environment where location shooting could help.

• The planet's inhabitants are costumed performers and not digital aliens. The aliens "look fantastic" and "creepy" and "impossible" with inhuman proportions and angular costumes.

• Bruce Spence and two other actors were on set to shoot their scenes. A ground crew of aliens will be digitally added for the scene(s).

• Spence's character is tall, gaunt, has macabre makeup, an ashen complexion, obsidian eyes and twisted teeth - giving a chilling smile that got reactions from the crew.

• George was impressed with Spence's performance and did many takes to get the most of the great shots.
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #79 on: September 10, 2003, 07:19 PM »
August 21, 2003; Hyperspace webchat with Pablo Hidalgo - A Summary:

• Pablo has read the entire script.
• Vader will have lines that make it clear that he is with the Dark Side of the force.
• The most often-quoted line on set is one spoken by Palpatine, which is cool and will likely make many a person's email signature.
• Bruce Spence's character and species has been named, and though it is too soon to reveal them, they will sound familiar.
• Pablo is not in control of what is shown on the webcam. It is usually set up to monitor the largest stage possible and is placed where it is safe and out of the way.
• Pablo is now scheduled for weekly webchats from now until the end of production (4 more weeks). No info on possible webchats during additional shooting calls in 2004.
• There are at least 2 more other cast/crew scheduled for webchats and Pablo will try to get Rick McCallum for at least one more chat.
• In Pablo's opinion, the most dramatic scene of shooting he has witnessed so far was the day Palpatine delivered a riveting performance, and the entire crew applauded because it was so well done.
• Pablo believes Ep3 will be the largest of the StarWars films and will be the "shining point" of the prequel trilogy.
• There are plans for the webcam after production wraps, but nothing is confirmed as to how it will be used and where it will be placed.
• Ewan McGregor is alongside Ian McDiarmid as Pablo's favorite actors of the prequels.
• Jimmy Smits is great as Bail Organa and we will have a greater understanding of Bail's character and his "accessories".
• We will probably start seeing Episode III Select images after production has finished (4 weeks from now).
• The coolest thing Pablo has seen in Sydney so far was the "Original Trilogy Set".
• In tomorrow's set diary (Aug 22) we will learn more about the "toxic trooper" which was seen on the webcam being scanned for digital referencing.
• We may see Pablo in a future Ep3 DVD documentary since the crew did film him setting up the webcam one day.
• There are two webcams. One is typically remains set up on a stage sets and the other is moved around to an area where there may be something worthwhile for viewers to see.
• Some shots of the last ten minutes of the movie have already been filmed.
• Pablo believes the script is very efficient and fast-moving. All of the questions about the prequels he had in his mind were answered in the script.
• Reading the scripted scenes is nothing compared to the impact of actually seeing it in action and come to life before the camera. Even seemingly small scenes in the script proved to have real impact.
• When we hear about the script having pages added to its total length, it is often the addition of a only few line(s) on addendum pages.
• Yoda's scenes have not been in the set diaries due to the fact that Yoda is really brought to life in post-production by ILM and Frank Oz.
• The lightsabers used by Obi-Wan and Anakin are ones we have seen before.
• Regarding Ian's intensity in playing Palpatine in Ep3, "Ian doesn't hold anything back."
• Anakin will be seen using a blue lightsaber (seen in Ep4) and a red lightsaber.
• Pablo has briefly seen Lord Vader.
• We will hear the classic "I have a bad feeling about this" line spoken in Ep3.
• Pablo notifies George when there is a webcam on set to make sure George is comfortable with it.
• The character Pablo thinks is "hot" is Bail Organa's aide.
• Pablo thinks Darth Vader will prove to be the "most deadly character" in the film.
• It is unlikely that we will see Jawas in Ep3.
• No scenes with wookies have been filmed yet. (see previous report that wookie scenes are scheduled during pick-ups in 2004)
• There are currently no plans to use a CG Darth Vader.
• Pablo's favorite character from the entire saga is R2-D2.
• Characters will have hairstyles that blend with Ep4, such as sideburns.
• In the current script, Chewbacca wil be identified by name in the film.
• The Creature Shop is the department that has most impressed Pablo.
• A webchat with Ewan McGregor is in the works.
• It is doubtful we will see ARC troopers in Ep3. The design of the clones have progressed beyond the ARC design, but you never know who/what may make an appearance.
• Pablo has seen the "copper top" bronze R2 unit that will belong to Obi-Wan's starfighter. And the droid has been named.
• A conference room set will be shot next week.
• The infamous Anakin pic on the webcam was actually an accident, but it was planned by George. This meant Pablo didn't get in trouble.
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #80 on: September 10, 2003, 07:21 PM »
August 25, 2003; Hyperspace: "Special Guest Diary":
• Pablo is taking a day off, and the Jump To Sydney contest winner is filling.

- Amy met with Steve Sansweet
- Toured various stages
- Saw a couple different starfighters
- Visited Creature Shop and saw Chewie costume, Fauxi (fake-Obi-Wan double), a Neimoidian head
- Toured the Props Dept and saw old and new lightsabers
- Toured the Costume Dept

• Today's shooting set was the conference room where a fast-paced action scene was filmed. It involved one scene with only Anakin and another where Anakin is joined by Obi-Wan. The scenes will cover only a few minutes of the film.

• The Anakin/Kenobi duel is a lengthy one and will span many sets and travel a lot of distance. Some of the duel was shot today. (likely involving or even beginning in the conference room set)
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #81 on: September 10, 2003, 07:23 PM »
August 26, 2003; Hyperspace: "The Action Heats Up":
• Today's action featured red-gelled lights providing a glow to the set. Ewan and Hayden are shooting the duel.

• Shooting today focused on a third set for which the duel takes place. It will be a fierce confrontation and will keep up the pace for a while. Some of the fighting will take place on an incline...and "Anakin is weak on a slope", as Nick Gillard pointed out in his webchat.

• Anakin and Obi-Wan's costumes will have discolorizations, cuts and burns from fighting that had occurred previous to today's scenes.

• This particular fight entire segment will last 30 seconds on film.

• Obi-Wan has close-ups and looks determined and intense.

• Who is the aggressor and who is the defender will alternate during the fight.

• The Creature Shop was tasked to create many new background aliens.
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #82 on: September 10, 2003, 07:25 PM »
August 27, 2003; Hyperspace: "The Duel Continues...":
• Shooting continued on greenscreen sets with red gelled lighting.

• Three segments were shot today which will focus on four different pieces of a much larger location where the duel takes place.

• Hayden and Ewan enjoy the fury of intense lightsaber fighting. During the scenes, their expressions are grim with determination and aggression.

• A wind machine provides atmosphere to the scenes and the wind is strong enough to blow off hexagonal markers on the greenscreen and billow it like a ship sail.

• In the scene, Anakin and Obi-Wan will look off-screen at a digitally created distraction. Their eyes will be looking at different spots of the distraction itself.

• The shooting of the duel then moved to a darkened room with a metallic surface with mechanical structures. And later the duel moves to isolated platforms. Anakin will circle his former master (Obi-Wan). The duel will continue tomorrow and "the finishing blow" will happen next week.
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #83 on: September 10, 2003, 07:26 PM »
August 27, 2003; Hyperspace webchat with Trisha Biggar - A Summary:
• Certain characters will have darker costumes than previously seen. For example, Anakin's costume will "become darker" as the film moves forward.
• The challenges with Padmι's costume designs were to create outfits that allowed her to be a senator and still hide the fact that she is pregnant.
• More time is spent on the costumes of the major characters but the minor characters costumes are still given much attention.
• Concept artists design the costumes for the digital characters with the exception of Jar-Jar. Trisha's department created costumes that were then copied by ILM in post-production.
• Jimmy Smits and Ian McDiarmid seemed to be the actors that enjoyed wearing their costumes the most. Both have many more costumes than previous films and a number of costumes that could almost match Padmι's wardrobe in size.
• There will be new costume styles. Some will be moving towards the Classic Trilogy style and others will be unique as they are worn by new characters on new worlds.
• Some costumes seen in Ep1 and Ep2 will be seen again in Ep3.
• For the unknown EU character in Ep3, the costumes will match the pre-determined style and the action this character does in the EU fiction will be different than that action seen in Ep3. The character's costumes will have certain accomodations for these demands.
• Bail Organa will be in situations that will require many costume changes.
• The costume for Obi-Wan will have slight changes from the Ep2 look, which are chnages to move the costume closer to the Obi-Wan look of Ep4.
• Trisha has read the script and thinks it's great.
• The alien race played by Bruce Spence are tall and thin. The costumes are designed to exaggerate those traits.
• The headband worn by Obi-Wan in Ep2 is a "Jedi flight communicator" and will be seen again in Ep3, only it will be a different color.
• So far, less costumes have been made as compared to Ep2, but that could change.
• In addition to the Bail Organa pic seen on the official site, we will also see more costumes that resemble Imperial uniforms/costumes.
• Trisha describes the Ep3 costumes to be more "muted" rather than more "monotone", when referencing the Classic Trilogy costumes.
• Mon Mothma's costume will have some similarities to her ROTJ outfit and she will be recognizable.
• The Mon Calamari character's costume is completely different than the one seen ROTJ and Trisha says "It looks great".
• Chewbacca will not be wearing clothes, not that he ever did.
• Trisha has worked on the Vader costume and will be doing a costume fitting immediately after this webchat!
• The Costume Dept works closely with the concept artists but they do not focus on or consider the materials used in creating the costumes.
• Trisha has never had a disagreement with Lucas since he is "the boss".
• After principal photography has finished, all the costumes will be saved for potential use during pick-ups next year.
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #84 on: September 10, 2003, 07:28 PM »
August 28, 2003; Hyperspace: "This Fight Is Rigged":
• Much of today's shooting required getting coverage from multiple angles and the cameras and location of the crew, lighting, and equipment changed a few times.

• Shooting continued on the duel and focused on the small isolated platform set with a greenscreen background.

• During one point in the duel, one character will swipe his lightsaber blade against an outcropping and sever it.

• Before shooting the lightsaber scenes, stand-ins rehearse and block out the entire sequence beforehand.

• The afternoon shooting focused on a specially designed section of set, rigged and articulated for harrowing action which will include hanging ropes

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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #85 on: September 10, 2003, 07:29 PM »
August 28, 2003; Hyperspace webchat with Pablo Hidalgo - A Summary:
• Shooting is currently ahead of schedule and the tentative completion date for principal photography is Sept 18th.
• Nick Gillard's background character will be the one to wield the odd-looking metal lightsaber seen in the set diary picture for 27 Aug.
• Pablo has seen no proof that Peter Mayhew's comments about "Chewbacca saving the twins" and/or "being in an action scene involving war machines" are anything more than rumors.
• We may see a new casting update tomorrow (29 Aug) if the headshot pictures are ready in time. If not tomorrow, then early next week.
• As previously stated, the duel will cover several sets/locations.
• All of next week's shooting will be on non-webcam accessible stages. Production is slowing down and gradually coming to a close.
• The Darth Vader scenes will be filmed next week.
• During the duel, the cameras filming the shots are very active when need be, in regards to movement and different angles.
• After Ep3 is released, Pablo is sure that some fans will still have unanswered questions even when the answers are staring them in the face.
• No details have been confirmed about post-production Hyperspace webcam coverage.
• Pablo avoided the question about whether or not the Sifo-Dyas mystery would be revealed in Ep3. (Lucas already said it would be explained)
• The ..."should have stayed on Tatooine and not gotten involved." line has been addressed already according to Pablo.
• Pablo has seen the clonetrooper design and so far they do not have a different name in Ep3. Some of the concept art has been seen before...
• There are no Bothans in Ep3.
• Pablo avoided the "Is Palpy the same person as Sidious?" question because he said it is too much fun to watch all the debate on the internet to come out and answer one way or another.
• The EU character is not a "major character" and his/her part in the story may change by the time they shoot the character's scenes in March 2004.
• Hayden and Ewan are very busy and may not have the time to do a webchat. Even between takes they are doing their publicity photos and documentary interviews.
• Jabba the Hutt is not in Ep3.
• The light sabers that were photographed for the set diary were practice lightsabers.
• Pablo was not sure about hearing "the son of the suns" in Ep1 and Ep6. All he heard was gibberish but would have to ask Ben Burtt.
• Ian McDiarmid will finish shooting his scenes in early-mid September, but Hayden will be there until the very end, Sept 18th (tentative).
• All characters have been cast for Ep3. But some paperwork is yet to be signed which is why the delay the official casting announcements.
• We will see Rodians in Ep3, specifically Dar Wac, Palpatine's aide from Ep2.
• Pablo purposely eluded the question about any bounty hunters in Ep3...for now.
• If Pablo had to venture a guess, he'd say that the EU Character will not be the only EU thing (ship/place, etc) that we will see in Ep3.
• Pablo believes there will be components of the film that are leaps of faith similar to the Yoda fight and pod race. And part of the challenge is the massive scale involved with bigger and more complicated shots.
• The duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan is not a gentleman's duel. It will get nasty (when asked about kicks and moves similar to Darth Maul).
• The character who speaks the classic line, "I have a bad feeling about this" is one that has not spoken the line before.
• We will see at least two sunsets in the film.
• All of the underwater shooting is complete.
• The film budget is about the same as Ep1 and Ep2.
• Dominique Chionchio is a Jedi that will be seen in the film.
• We will not see any further changeling characters such as Zam Wesell.
• Naboo does not get destroyed in Ep3.
• The biggest Official Site Ep3 databank entries will appear around the time of the first trailer (Nov 2004), however there are plans to "reveal things" a bit sooner then previous films...
• Pablo can visualize the entire ending sequences in his head after seeing the concept art and visual script.
• Kamino is not Hoth.
• For Hyperspace members, the Clone Wars cartoons are on the way, followed by Episode III Select images and even more surprises.
• Hyperspace members will be able to view the clone wars cartoons in their entirety.
• Pablo denied any rumor that a scene of Darth Vader flying this TIE to report to the Emperor will be added to the Ep4 DVD.
• Tears will be shed by at least one character.
• While much of the Dooku duel requires visual effects work, from what Pablo saw it will be very cool, especially a certain part at the end. But Pablo's favorite duel is still Anakin vs. Obi-Wan.
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #86 on: September 10, 2003, 07:30 PM »
August 29, 2003; Hyperspace: "High Flying Jedi":
• Today's shooting continued to focus on the duel and featured Anakin and Obi-Wan dangling from cables, swinging to and fro. The wires being used are supposed to be visible as the characters will be swinging on rope-like cables in this environment. The Jedi will be wearing the "weathered and beaten" robes.

• Later, shooting moved to a more stable set to shoot an earlier segment of the duel where the Jedi robes are replaced with cleaner versions. Some of the scenes will be long straightaway shots.

• At one point during the duel, debris will fall and one the characters will deflect it (likely with a lightsaber).

• Hayden's saberwork was very well done and George said "That looked great" before announcing "cut!"
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #87 on: September 10, 2003, 07:33 PM »
September 02, 2003; Hyperspace: "Concentrated Action":
• Shooting of the duel continued. Hayden and Ewan are happy since the duel gives them an opportunity to show off their extremely well honed lightsaber skills. But when it comes time for filming, it's all business, and they are able to maintain their intensity.

• Wind machines blast Anakin and Obi-Wan and steam obscures their paths. There are moments when words cut as deeply as lightsabers.

• This part of the duel will focus on the final moments of Anakin and Obi-Wan's relationship. Ewan asks for non-essential personnel to step back from the set and said "This is a rather important scene here."

• The scenes scheduled for March 2004 are less than a dozen and "aren't any more seismic in their revelations".

• "Pivotal scenes" have been shot over the past two days. One of these scenes is shot on a stage of intricately patterned mechanical floor. Some of the crew whistled the nine notes of the Imperial March.

• On Sept 01, at 5:48 p.m., an unmistakable and iconic dark form was captured on camera. The first take was mesmerizing and everyone applauded.
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #88 on: September 10, 2003, 07:34 PM »
September 03, 2003; Hyperspace: "A Common Foe":
• Today's shooting focused on scenes for earlier in the film when Anakin and Obi-Wan are again wielding lightsabers as partners fighting side-by-side, united against a common foe.

• The set will be a new location to the Star Wars films and shot on a greenscreen stage with raised platforms and sunken floors. Handrails are along the edges of the uppermost platform.

• There are 46 scenes left to shoot before the end of principal photography and a few casting announcements are still on the way.
i should poke out your eyes with a cork screw & shuve'em far up you buttocks so you can see the crapp being kicked out of you !! all together now SERANITY NOW !!!

Offline DarthStiffler

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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #89 on: September 10, 2003, 07:36 PM »
September 03, 2003; Hyperspace webchat with Pablo Hidalgo - Summary:
• Sometimes the webcam does not show as much action s fans would like due to technical limitations or because the webcam is purposely placed away from the sets so it would not be a distraction.
• Anakin's Jedi robes are darker in Ep3. Trisha Biggar will have an article in the next Homing Beacon where she will discuss the changes in wardrobe to the characters.
• There at least six more cast members to be announced but they are only waiting for deals to be signed, paperwork. Expect another new casting announcement this week.
• Jocasta Nu is not in Ep3.
• Currently there are no plans for any major characters to shoot scenes in March during the scheduled pick-ups but that may change. (We know that Chewbacca, Owen and others will shoot scenes in Mar 2004)
• Kenny baker has not yet been on set.
• In addition to 70's style themes, there are plenty of "blinking lights" to merge the PT into the Classic Trilogy.
• Nick Gillard has shot part of his cameo as a Jedi.
• Anakin will "save" Obi-Wan at one point during the film.
• Ian McDiarmid will be shooting scenes until the very end of filming.
• Ian has several scenes with Hayden.
• Sola, Pooja, and Ryoo will shoot their scenes in the coming days.
• There is no truth to the rumor that the original person cast to fill the Vader suit was fired (due to fanboy giddiness).
• Obi-Wan's actions in the film are pivotal to what ends the Clone Wars.
• It appears Senator Lott Dodd will return for Ep3.
• Pablo has a hard time believing some of the imagery will get a PG rating. Nothing is too over the top but in today's MPAA standards, some scenes are intense.
• Christian Bale, Ralph Fiennes, and Peter Wingfield are confirmed as not playing Tarkin nor having anything to do with Ep3.
• Rohan Nichol has already shot his scenes as a starship captain.
• The EU character is neither Thrawn nor Xizor. But Pablo said "nice try."
• The Death Star plans are not really important in Ep3. The focus of Ep3 is on more important story points.
• Pablo doubts we will see daily updates during post-production but we will see further coverage of the completion of the film.
• Pablo said to re-read Rick McCallum's quote on whether or not anyone turns out to be a clone in Ep3.
• There will be a few tender moments of romance in the film.
• Pablo stated that the Dagobah cave was explained in Ep5, does not need further explanation, and to focus energies on other things.
• Palatine has more than one look/style of appearance in the film.
• The "no disintegrations" line will not be explained in Ep3.
• The "force ghost" theory will be explained.
• Jar-Jar's role in Ep3 is not that important, in Pablo’s words.
• Over the remaining 10 days of shooting left, the webcam will not cover much of the shooting but will be located on other stages.
• There will be no doubt that Anakin is Darth Vader as seen in the film. Pablo added "unless someone out there starts a clone theory or something".
• Plo Koon, Saesee Tiin, and Kit Fisto have completed their scenes. Ki-Adi-Mundi still has some shooting left to complete. Luminara, Barriss and Bultar will shoot their scenes in March during pick-ups.
• There will not be any puppet characters but there will be at least two important alien species showcased in Ep3 that will be realized through old-fashioned creature effects.
• So far no new styles of lightsabers, but we will see new styles of lightsaber combat.
• Anakin knows Padme is pregnant and expecting.
• The Trade federation Cruise will be a new design. Pablo is unsure on how large the ship will be on film but he expects it to be larger than the Republic Cruisers.
• There will be cut scenes from Ep3, as with every movie.
• The fate of the younglings will be explained.
• Ewan and Hayden are the actors with the most screen time.
• Palpatine and his entourage will be watching some performance art (Coruscant Theater) at one point in the film. The art will be created by ILM.
• Pablo related more to Obi-Wan's perspective n the film as opposed to Anakin's.
• Anakin's fall is shocking.
• Pablo sends his set diaries to California each day and the diaries are scrubbed for any potential spoilers that may be too revealing.
• Wherever the March 2004 pick-ups are held, someone from will be there to document the production.
• At the beginning of the film Anakin and Obi-Wan are still good friends and we will see they have grown even closer since battling in the clone wars together. But Anakin has been building another friendship too...
• The March 2004 pick-ups will be studio-based and Pablo expects that some characters will be digitally added or edited in the scenes, such as Sio Bibble was added into Ep2.
• Overall, Palpatine has much more screen time than Sidious. But Sidious will have much more screen time than seen in Ep2.
• Pablo says that some of the theories seen on StarWars message boards are very close to the plot of Ep3, but also that the story is not that much of a secret since we have known the basic plot since the prologue to the Ep4 novel. The only mysteries to be revealed are the "why" and "where" things happen.
• The reason Obi-Wan changes his name to "Ben" will be seen in the movie but not an explanation as to why he chose "Ben" as the specific name.
• The timespan covered over the course of Ep3 is similar to that of the other films.
• Passel Argente will not have any lines in the film, but he will have a new look and will have on-screen closure to the character. Passel's aide Denaria Kee will also be seen in the film.
• Though Padmι's screen time is less than that of Obi-Wan and Anakin, she will still have an important role and a fair amount of screen time.
• Pablo knows the opening scroll text as it is in the script. The opening scroll will be important in Ep3 as it is in media res like ANH.
• Miniature work is part of post-production and that phase has yet to begin.
• All the droids in the Droid Unit, to include "copper top" (Obi-Wan's starfighter droid), have been crated up as their time for shooting has finished.
• There are scenes that will have moments that could be seen as "scary".
• Darth Sidious will remove his hood.
i should poke out your eyes with a cork screw & shuve'em far up you buttocks so you can see the crapp being kicked out of you !! all together now SERANITY NOW !!!