Author Topic: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?  (Read 32106 times)

Offline DarthStiffler

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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #90 on: September 10, 2003, 07:37 PM »
September 04, 2003; Hyperspace: "The Master Plan":
• More shooting on the Obi-Wan & Anakin duel. Today's scenes involved four characters at one point. Multiple takes and varying angles were used to gather more coverage of the duel to help the editing process.

• This segment of the duel will span multiple locations of the set and will span a couple of minutes. The duel is visually loaded with quick lunges, twirling swipes, and dramatic camera angles.

• The crew debated about how much of Darth Sidious' agenda does a certain character know. If he knows all, then a certain line of dialogue in the film seemingly makes no sense. If he knows none, then his actions are puzzling. Trying to navigate a Sith master plan is tricky, and we each come up with counterarguments and scenarios when we reach a logical dead-end.

• For Expanded Universe-is-canon proponents, the Ep3 inclusion of a certain character, vehicle designs and other concept art created or expanded in literature will add fuel to their arguments.

• For those movie purists who like to counter with pointing out (apparent) contradictions, there's at least two lines of dialogue -- one dealing with the Jedi Council, the other with the Republic -- that will require some creative interpretation to make the universe one big happy place again.
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #91 on: September 10, 2003, 07:38 PM »
September 05, 2003; Hyperspace: "All Over The Place":
• There was a change of plans and today's scheduled shooting was postponed until next week due to an injury Hayden sustained while executing a leap in an action scene weeks ago. The injury has been aggravated to the point where it may start affecting Hayden's physical performance. Hayden will be taking it easy the new few days and hopes to be ready to go for the cameras on Monday morning.

• This shift in schedule means the scenes planned for next Wednesday (Sep 10) were moved up to today. This called for three new sets for use in today's shooting.

• Here are the six scenes shot today:

1: Darth Sidious communicates with someone via hologram. Duncan Young, serving as a vocal stand-in, provides the voice of one of Sidious' evil henchmen.

2: Obi-Wan Kenobi stunt double, Nash Edgerton, did a stunt where he is hurled through the air, hits the wall, and collapses on the ground - all without wirework. Nash manages to land in the exact same sprawled position that Ewan McGregor assumed in a previously shot segment.

3: One scene with the revolve (rotating set) was shot for the final time today. Originally the revolve was only a a floor and a ceiling. Stunt performers in the set were to start in a normal orientation, and then fall towards the "ceiling."

4: An alien wilderness rocky cave was shot with Obi-Wan Kenobi doing the spelunking. Given the craggy gray rocks and the circular cave-opening, Ewan compared the scenes as entering a rather unpleasant part of an elephant.

5: A new environment within the Jedi Temple as Obi-Wan fiddles with a high tech piece of equipment and a computer console in a pillar.

6: Another new section of the Jedi Temple where there will be a conversation between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. Duncan Young provided the voice for Yoda. A little person, about the Yoda's height, served as a stand-in to block the scene, since the sage must walk across frame.

• Departures: Editor Roger Barton and Assistant Editor Jett Sally
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #92 on: September 10, 2003, 07:39 PM »
September 05, 2003; Hyperspace webchat with Ryan Church - Summary:
• The windy environment in Ep3 is a concept in which Ralph McQuarrie had done previous designs. George decided to re-visit the idea and give it a fresh pass.
• We will see prototype TIE Fighters.
• About 1/3 of the action sequences in the film will occur on the new planets where will we also see the most visually spectacular sequences.
• Much time was spent in designing new weaponry for both the clone and Separatist armies. We may even see some walkers (predecessors to AT-AT's).
• Great care was taken in the design work for Ep3 to ensure it bridged the trilogies and will mesh the prequels so far and on into ANH.
• The designs for the new worlds are brand new concepts that George wanted to explore, and they may not all be necessarily "Star Wars-like".
• A very large number of designs were created and submitted to George for Ep3, and there are so many ideas that many of these designs will not make it into the final film.
• Spanish art neauvau and 1940s futurist / art deco were some of the design influences used for the Ep3 concept work.
• Ryan's favorite things to design are vehicles and military hardware. He also enjoys painting the environments and situations.
• Ralph's favorite Ep3 design of all is one he cannot reveal due to being a heavy spoiler.
• There were many designs for Ep2 that George had discarded but had also specifically saved for use in Ep3.
• We will see both the "used universe" design style common in the Classic Trilogy as well as the sleek, "pretty" environments seen so far in the prequels.
• Some of the new environments have sophisticated cultures that are hard to categorize because they don't really fit with being "used universe" or "pretty".
• During pre-production, George presented the design crew with some art work by Mark Rothko and asked that some of those influences be captured for the film.
• To avoid repetition, the design crew has developed a new look for the outer space locations.
• Ryan designed many of the separatist planets but they are currently not scheduled to be used in the final film.
• For the new planet designs, some historical sources were researched and integrated, but most new worlds are focused on being as unique and fresh as possible.
• Most of the Coruscant designs will expand on previously seen locations. There are a few new locations on Coruscant we will see - and one in particular that Ryan thinks is really cool.
• Before reading the script, the design crew created many designs based on suggestions from George before he ever came out and specifically asked for them.
• Flash Gordon style sci-fi images have always been part of the influence in concept designing for the films.
• We will see evidence of Rebel Alliance ships.
• While the feel of the movie is bridging the prequels and the Classic Trilogy together, Ep3 is also meant to contrast with them.
• We will see many land battles and at least one is of the continuing Clone Wars. Ryan thinks it looks cool.
• The new Federation Cruiser is a large and aggressive warship. It will look "slightly familiar".
• In addition to working directly for George, Ryan also works with the animatics crew and ILM when they work on creating the shots.
• There are not too many scenes that take place in or around a Death Star.
• Visually speaking, Ryan believes Ep3 will certainly be the best Star Wars film to cross the screen.
• The clonetrooper designs are not very different from Ep2 but the clones will be doing a lot more in this film and needed customizations to their suits.
• The Jedi Starfighter is not the same design seen in Ep2.
• Ryan mostly works on locations, architecture, ships and droids.
• The crew designed the entire planet for the alien race played by Bruce Spence's character, to include ships and technology.
• We will see a new location on Naboo.
• We won't see 2-1B but we will see some cool new designs on medical droids.
• The fire ship captain will be seen flying a fire ship and puts out a fire on Coruscant. The fire ships are the fire department.
• Derek Thompson of he design crew tried very hard to get IG-88 into the film. It is not known whether the droid will be seen.
• George was very certain about what he wanted for the Anakin/Obi-Wan duel environment. The design crew only created the architecture.
• Ryan does not think there will be any other actors in suits other than Chewbacca.
• The first thing George asked of the design team was to conceptualize the seven planets of the clone war. However, many of those planets did not make the final cut.
• Doing the design work for the wookies was one the favorite jobs Ryan has had so far on Ep3.
• The design crew worked very hard to make the new bad guy in Ep3 visually distinctive.
• The new bad guy has a lot of screen time, a memorable role, and he is central to the plot.
• Non-droid soldiers for the Separatist Army were designed but it is uncertain if those characters will make it into the movie.
• Ryan's main goal in working on Ep3 is to have ILM bring the designs to realization, photorealistically creating the worlds from the paintings.
• Ryan designed the prototype for the X-Wing.
• We will not see any more characters of Yoda's species.
• Ryan does not think we will see Dooku's Solar Sailor ship in Ep3.
• Ryan likes to listen to soundtracks and opera while working on Ep3.
• Ryan is most proud of his Hailfire Droid design from Ep2 and was surprised George put it into the final film. (The droid that shot the rockets and had large wheels)
• The busiest time working on Ep3 for Ryan was during the 9-month pre-production phase. There were lots of late nights because the work was so fun.
• Some of the old Ralph McQuarrie images were incorporated into Ep3. At the start of designing, George pointed out certain designs he definitely wanted to see in the film.
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #93 on: September 10, 2003, 07:41 PM »
September 08, 2003; Hyperspace: "Separatist Gathering":
• The Separatists are pawns who are manipulated by shadowy puppet-masters to wage what is ultimately a meaningless war. Today's shooting has gathered the leaders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS) into one place, which makes for a crowded set with a wide range of interesting alien faces and colorful costumes.

• In one scene, the Separatist Council will convene in a grimy and shopworn control room. The war has been hard on these pampered commerce barons. The locations where they run their wars and operations have become increasingly inhospitable to stave off Republic pursuit. This set will have minimal amounts of windows and doorframes. Large rectangles of illuminated color represent tactical viewscreens.

• Silas Carson is shooting the scenes as Nute Gunray and he will be communicating with a holographic form. For today's shoot, Rune Haako has no dialogue. Colin Ware plays a Neimoidian who is an aide to Rune and Nute.

• In the background are Senator Po Nudo and his aide in their Episode II costumes, Passel Argente and his aide, Denaria Kee, wearing new costumes.

• It turns out that Senator Tikkes will not be in Ep3 but rather Senator Tundra Dowmeia, the loyalist Quarren Senator.

• Poggle the Lesser, Wat Tambor, Shu Mai and San Hill will return in their CGI forms.

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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #94 on: September 10, 2003, 07:43 PM »
September 09, 2003; Hyperspace: "Duel Redux":
• More shooting on the duel was done today and it involved some of the fastest dueling Pablo has ever seen. The specific scene will take place just before the heart of the duel. Another segment of the duel was also shot which will take place later in the duel form the first scene shot.

• Hayden is back in action after having rested his sore leg over the weekend. The dueling almost appears artificially sped-up. It's just that fast.

• The red-gel light retuned top provide atmosphere as reported in previous duel scenes. There are also some flashes from strobe lights going off to signify an alert of some kind and a hazard.. During the duel, Anakin and Obi-Wan will push their weapons into counter-tops and control panels and the FX Dept ignited squibs that burst to fill the frame and cover the actors with bright sparks and debris.

• The fight also involves leaps and throws at an accelerated rate.

• During today's action, both Obi-Wan and Anakin have a moment where they collide with a control panel and land hard against a rough surface. The control panels and display screens have many unyielding protrusions.

• On one wall of the set is a hue and very thick blast door rigged to open by pulling on chains. Using muscle power, the door is slow to open.

• The fight path of the duel will double back on itself at least once as far as territory covered and Anakin and Obi-Wan will cross the same room twice.

• Bonnie Piesse (Beru) was in the Makeup Dept. and doing reference photos with her new wig. Beru's scene in has been moved up from the March shoot to next week. Beru's hairstyle will be similar to the one we see in Ep4.
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #95 on: September 10, 2003, 07:45 PM »
September 09, 2003; Hyperspace webchat with Dan Gregoire - A Summary
• The animatics for a scene involving clonetroopers on speeder bikes have been developed. It is up to George whether or not it makes it into the final film.
• There is a larger Animatics team for this film which means the standards are higher and almost half of the film has already been completed in regards to the animatics for ILM to realize digitally.
• In terms of scale and scope, the opening space battle of Ep3 is bigger than anything we have seen before.
• When asked what color Anakin's lightsaber will be during the duel with Obi-Wan, Dan said to watch Ep4.
• Including Dan, the Animatics team consists of 12 people.
• Dan and the team are not upset when some of their work does not make it into the final film. They understand that it is the essential ideas that start the shots that make it to the big screen.
• For the pre-visualization of Ep2, the Animatics team used this software: Alias Wavefront's Maya, Adobe's After Effects, 2D3's Boujou.
• The different fights involving Yoda, Dooku, Mace, and Palpatine (not necessarily linked to one another) are all very interesting and Dan is working on one that is "really cool."
• There are some scenes that are so cool that Dan wishes he could reveal them.
• The process for pre-visualizing Ep3 starts with the heaviest effects sequences and then immediately replace the bluescreen elements with digital sets and creatures to establish a rough draft to see if the shot is working and how to see the potential for future digital scene enhancement. The team does this process approximately 2-3 times per day.
• The standards of the animatics were set pretty high by the end of Ep2 and the team picked up where they left off and have worked to maintain that consistency for Ep3.
• Generally, from start to finish it takes about 1-2 weeks to get a scene exactly the way it is supposed to look. However, with Ep2 they did one scene at a time, and with Ep3 they are working 5-6 scenes at once, all in various stages of revision or development.
• Animatics have done pre-visualization for the new bad guy and "he is one bad mother".
• Overall, Ep3 is more action-oriented but will still have its fair share of quiet, character-driven scenes.
• Animatics do preliminary work on the lightsaber duels with digital doubles. Nick Gillard choreographs the actual live fights and after the fight is filmed, Animatics then adds the lightsabers, digital environments and any other effects as required.
• In regards to new aliens and designs, the Art Dept out-did themselves and we will see a lot of cool stuff.
• Currently, there is no digital version of Darth Vader but there may be one designed in the future.
• In one word, Dan describes Ep3 as "Dark".
• Animatics are currently working on the scenes being filmed in FOX Studios Sydney, which is most of the film.
• There is an entirely new digital environment that will be bigger than anything seen in any Star Wars film and will be very challenging for ILM.
• Dan believes Ep3 will be better than Ep1 and Ep2 due to the fact that it is "dark and moody".
• Ben Burtt adds the temporary sound effects and orchestration to the animatics sequences.
• We will see huge fleets of starships.
• Yoda will be featured in a spectacular action sequence.
• While the main goal of the Animatics team is to make sure the shots are working, they also take care to light and texture the environments to capture the atmosphere and look that George wants to see.
• It was tough to answer if "good guy ships" are damaged or destroyed. After all, "who are the good guys"?
• Dan shares the excitement of Ryan Church over the script and the number of new planets/environments seen in Ep3.
• Dan is unsure whether he will continue to work for Lucasfilm after Ep3.
• The entire movie is one big special effect. There will not be a single scene that is not touched by effects in some way.
• If the Jedi that die in the film are "real Jedi" then they will take some clones with them.
• Technically speaking, Animatics have done a rough version of the entire film. But certain segments are never really done since George tweaks things until the last minute.
• Yoda will not have a beard in Ep3.
• The last 10 minutes of the film will definitely pull some emotions.
• Dan agrees that there are some elements of the movie that push the limits of a PG rating but it is too early to tell what the final film will be or how it might be rated.
• There will not be any "Star Wars profanity" in Ep3, such as "sithspit".
• The ultimate film will be George's vision but the Animatics crew does have influence over some little pieces.
• We will see some brand new vehicle designs. The Art Dept had to move forward from the Ep2 designs and moved in the direction of merging with Ep4.
• The clones were Dan's favorite character(s) in Ep2.
• The reason the space battle in Ep3 will be bigger and more challenging than the ROTJ space battle is because this new space battle will be a journey and not a single event.
• Even though every idea has been used before, the Animatics team focused hard to be as unique as possible in their pre-visualization work.
• The most difficult part of the pre-visualization process is to faithfully interpret written or verbal instruction.
• The favorite part of the pre-visualization process is to see the scenes fully developed and finished by ILM and the scenes looking conceptually the same as the pre-vis work.
• Dan's favorite StarWars film is ROTJ.
• Generally the entire pre-vis team works on one sequence together but several other scenes that may overlap are also given attention so the team can move to the next sequence. While scheduling and managing the most recent tasks, the team is always developing new shots, revising old shots, and adding to previously done sequences.
• We will see wookiees in action and Dan thinks "it is something to see".
• Obi-Wan will become "General Kenobi" and the great hero of the Clone Wars.
• Dan's other goals include cinematic theory and good movie-making techniques
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #96 on: September 10, 2003, 07:51 PM »
- New scene of Anakin and Obi-Wan fighting a common foe(s) from yesterday, a majority of the footage previously shot is being repeated to increase options; including a part at one point involving four characters.

- Nick Gillard has co-ordinated the fight to move over a number of different levels.

- The action is filled with various fast moves, spins and acrobatics.

- Hayden seems very much in charge of the role now; sensing when he's made even the slightest mistake, even to the point of annoying Nick Gillard with their apparently oblique nature.

- A certain character possibly knows, to some degree, what Darth Sidious' ultimate aim is. Pablo argued with Jonathan Rinzler, Senior Editor for LucasBooks, about this.

- If the same character knows what the plan is, then the line of dialogue that sparked the debate is apparently nonsensical. If they know none of it, then their reaction to it is questionable.

- Pablo considers the 'EU = Canon' debate irrelevant for a fictional universe, but appreciates the continuity some fans defend.

- Relating to this, he says that certain aspects of Episode III will apparently draw on the EU, pleasing those who favour EU = Canon. For those who pick holes in the EU for it's inconsistencies with the movies, there are a couple of lines of dialogue - one reffering to the Jedi Council and another to The Republic - that will require a bit of imagination to 'fit'.

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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #97 on: September 10, 2003, 07:52 PM »
Sorry if there is any double postings :P
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #98 on: September 10, 2003, 09:01 PM »
Three words that Darth Vader speaks in Ep3 are "I don't fear..."

That is the most amazing thing that I just read.... woah!   :o

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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #99 on: September 11, 2003, 10:20 AM »
"If the Jedi that die in the film are "real Jedi" then they will take some clones with them"  ....What??? Does this mean there are cloned Jedi? or are they saying that the Jedi are now fighting the clone troopers?
He can't muck this one up! just kill'em all in a really cool way!

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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #100 on: September 11, 2003, 02:41 PM »
"If the Jedi that die in the film are "real Jedi" then they will take some clones with them"  ....What??? Does this mean there are cloned Jedi? or are they saying that the Jedi are now fighting the clone troopers?

The only clones are the clone troopers & Boba Fett , the jedi will be fighting the clone troopers in episode 3 since Palpatine will blame the jedi for the clone wars & will order a purge on the jedi order & remember palpatine is in control of the clone army not the jedi.
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #101 on: September 11, 2003, 07:15 PM »
Anakins clothes are darker in this film
Six more roles to sign, another casting announcement this week [Note from Tai: Trisha Noble (Jobal Naberrie) and Bonnie Piesse (Beru) have been announced – that now leaves four roles]
No Jocasta Nu for E-3
Much more blinking buttons for that seventies feel in the film
Nick Gillard has shot some of his cameo
Anakin saves Obi-Wan at one point in the film (possibly even multiple times)
Ian Mcdiarmid has several scenes with Hayden
Sola, Ryoo, Pooja shoot their scenes this month
Obi-Wans actions are vital to the ending of the clone wars
Pablo thinks that the imagery of this movie could have a hard time making a pg rating
Concerning whether Christain Bale, Ralph Fiennes, or Peter Wingfield would be playing Tarkin, Pablo said that none of them have any relation with this movie
Rohan Nichol has shot all of his scenes
The EU character is not Thrawn or Xizor
The death star has no real importance in this movie, thats all for E-4
When asked whether or not one of the main charcters would turn out to be a clone, Pablo said to take a close look at the phrasing at the answer Rick McCallum gave in his chat.
There are several little sweet moments of romance
Give up on the dagobah cave theory already
Palpatine has more than one look
Force ghosts are explained in the film
Jar Jar does not have an improtant role in the film
At end of film, its obvious that Anakin is Vader
Ki-Adi-Mundi still has to shoot some scenes
No puppets
Some new forms of combat
Kinda admits that anakin has knowledge of Padmι expecting
New design for Trade Federation ship where a lot of action takes place, Pablo thinks its much larger then the Republic Crusier
The fate of the twins is explained
Ewan and Hayden have the most screen time
Obi and Anakin show on screen that they have become good freinds, but Anakin has also become good friends with Palpatine
Sidous has more screen time than in E-2
The reason for Obi taking a different name (Ben) is explained, but not why he chose that particular name
Padmι has some important scenes, but doesnt have as much screen time as Obi and Anakin
Sidious will remove his hood
There are potential scary elements in the film
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #102 on: September 11, 2003, 07:24 PM »
Tuesday, September 2:

During the scenes of the duel shot today, there are wind machines and there is steam that blocks Obi-Wan’s and Anakin’s paths.
The last part of Anakin and Obi-Wan’s time together was shot today. Ewan was in a higher position on set than normal.
Scenes shot on Monday and Tuesday were so pivotal that Pablo is afraid to even hint about them.
One of the scenes that had to biggest crowd of onlookers took place on a bluescreen set with a mechanical floor that has detailed patterns. While waiting for the scene, several crew members hummed the Imperial March.
On the HD, at 5:48 PM on 9/1/03, was an “iconic dark form”.
Memorable scenes were shot today, and Pablo’s not really giving any hints.
The pick-up shooting in March, according to Pablo, won't contain anything more "seismic" than what's already been shot.
Principle photography may finish earlier than anticipated.

Wednesday, September 3:

Shooting from earlier in the story line with Obi-Wan and Anakin united against a common foe in a multi-level set with pits and raised platforms.
Also included: paired stairways, rails on an upper platform; Pablo says the location is a new one for SW but that there are things that remind him of old SW faves: bulkheads from Imperial Star Destroyers, lit stairway like the carbon freezing chamber from ESB, "flower-petal" islands like those in Palpy's Death Star throne room in ROTJ.
46 scenes left to shoot. Today's encompassed about 3/4 of a scene.

Thursday, September 4:

Today's shooting continued in the multi-level set talked about yesterday.
At one point there are four characters who each get close-ups.
A line of dialogue from a character sparked a debate on how much the character new about Palpatine's scheme... no hint as to who it is, but the line may cause some confusion.
Aside from that mysterious EU character, there will also be EU vehicle designs and other concept art used.
There are two lines of dialouge regarding the Jedi Council and the Republic that will contradict with the EU big time.
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #103 on: September 11, 2003, 07:28 PM »
More shooting on the duel today. The duel will finsih shooting sometime next week.
Shooting on Stage B: the greenscreen stage. It's broke up into 3 parts representing four sections of the environment where the duel takes place. It is lit by red lights again. The actors have to avoid obstaces to their footing while fighting in this scene.
The wind is getting stronger as the fight progresses
There will be "digital distractions" during their duel
Fighting today moved from greenscreen onto a metal structure, and then to a series of isolated platforms.
More duel shooting today, this morning it was on a block shaped platform the size of a pooltable.
During a part of the duel, a "wayward" lightsaber swipe cuts some metal pipes (an perhaps some of the surface is scared as well) on one of the platform sets in half.
Afternoon shooting was on a sixteen and a half foot long set that is rigged ropes and counterweights to provide "harrowing action".
More talk of reddish hue'd lights
Obi-Wan and Anakin are dangling from cables and swing about in shooting today.
They’re not flying. In the film, Anakin and Obi-Wan will be swinging on cables for this part of the fighting.
The cables in their hands will remain. The cable attached to their backs will be digitally removed.
Their swings have a pendulum movement.
There’s another segment shot today that takes place earlier in a duel. They change from the weathered robes to cleaner ones.
Some of the lightsaber fights already shot involved dueling in a straight line.
During the shot that takes place earlier, there’s Cg debris. One of the fighters has to deflect it.
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #104 on: September 11, 2003, 07:40 PM »
Chase sequence in episode 3

AOTC DVD Commentary:
GL: I like chase sequences, I have a fondness for racing and I inevitably put something like a chase sequence in every movie in one form or another or a racing scene or something. It's just I love speed and I love the tension and excitement of the chase.
i should poke out your eyes with a cork screw & shuve'em far up you buttocks so you can see the crapp being kicked out of you !! all together now SERANITY NOW !!!