Author Topic: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!  (Read 256045 times)

Offline Matt_Fury

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #465 on: August 16, 2005, 09:37 PM »
Thanks a lot *******, I hope a drunken yak uses you for a vibrator.   >:(

I know I may be off topic on this...but that has to be the funniest thing I've ever read!  ;D
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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #466 on: August 17, 2005, 06:39 AM »
1. When people ask me if I work at a store that Im obviously shopping at. This usually happens at either Target or Walmart. I don't think I look that pissed off all the time to warrant working at said establishment. I usually just ignore them but give them an annoyed look.

2. People that drive like a bat out of hell(do bats fly out of hell, just wondering) down the street to be the first ones at the stop light.

3. Basically anyone that NEEDS to be first somewhere. This is why I usually don't go toy hunting in the morning because I cannot stand the people that run to the toy aisle.

4. People that charge eBay prices for stuff they found for retail price in ANY Star Wars forum. Your there to help your brothers and sisters out not screw them over with your money mogul/Donald Trump attitude. Just sell them on eBay and get over yourself.

5. Not getting paid enough money to deal with the amount of bull**** at my job. This should actually be number one but most of all these are number one in my book.  ;D

6. People that like to argue on the internet. Basically cowards but if your into debates and such Im sure there are debate clubs in real life to get it out of your system.

7. People that burp/fart in public. This is DISGUSTING. If its an "accident" then at least say excuse me. If you do it just to draw attention to yourself, get a life and some manners.

8. Booming systems/Mariachi Music/Loud Music from homes, cars etc. Your going to go deaf and then you won't be able to hear anything. Turn it down. Plus not everyone likes the music you like.

9. Cars with "kits" i.e. the Fast and Furious bull****. If your into that great but I think its a waste of time on the streets. If your drive your racing car on the streets then your just asking to get pulled over and fined lots of money.

10. I'll leave this spot blank. For now.  :)
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Offline stormie

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #467 on: August 17, 2005, 09:35 AM »
Things can get under my skin pretty quick when I'm in an agitatable mood.  This is some of the stuff that has irritated the hell out of me recently:

  • Screaming and crying babies in public, whose parents act like they could care less.
I know this is an old post -- but since it's the one that started it I have to reply :)  I was right there with you -- until I became the mother who had to go out in public with the screaming/crying baby/kid.  Now I understand that the parents aren't acting like they don't care -- we're just trying to keep our heads from exploding while we try and get in and out of the store while grabbing as many essentials as quickly as possible without resorting to violence singing and dancing in the aisles ;D (not really -- just adding that part about the violence for emphasis and humor -- the years of working for lawyers has ingrained the habit of placing such disclaimers -- so please -- no calls to Child Protective Services -- they'd just give him right back ;)).  So please have mercy on us poor souls the next time you see a frazzled mom in the store with a screaming kid -- we really aren't trying to p*ss you off ;)  Also -- since I'm new and I don't know everyone yet I have to ask -- have you had children since this post and if so, has your opinion changed? :)

I don't believe my opinion has changed since we've had our two daughters. I think I was always sympathetic to the parents (and the kids, too), even before we became parents. People that don't have kids or have not been around them enough can't possibly know that babies will sometimes cry for no apparent reason other than sport, and the only thing that will calm them is to either nurse or sleep, or a combination thereof. My wife tells me stories weekly about trips to the store when both the baby (5 months) and the toddler (21 months) have been angelic...up until she gets in line. Then they proceed to start crying (baby) and throwing a fit (toddler). She then has to pay for her groceries, hold on to the toddler's hand, try to soothe the baby in some way AND fight off suggestions/comments from strangers about the baby needing a "bottle" or the toddler needing a nap. My wife always wants to rip these people a new one and tell them the baby only nurses, which she will do if she can just get through this line (or she just wants to pull out her boobs and squirt milk in their eyes), but she remains calm...for the children.  :-*

One thing that really bugs me is when I'm with the kids at the store or other such public place, and the baby is crying because she's tired or whatever, and I'm holding her and soothing her, and some dolt inevitably comes up to me and says, "Awww, the poor baby wants her mommy." I always just politely smile and continue to soothe my daughter, but I'm actually thinking, "You moron! This is my daughter, and just because I'm the dad doesn't mean I have no clue about how to soothe my own baby! In fact, I was doing just fine until you came up and started talking in the baby's ear!"

Yeah, and Matt (JediMAC) has no kids or any intention of ever having kids. That selfish prick!  :P
« Last Edit: August 17, 2005, 04:00 PM by stormie »

Offline Tracy

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #468 on: August 17, 2005, 12:43 PM »
[ Then they proceed to start crying (baby) and throwing a fit (toddler). She then has to pay for her groceries, hold on to the toddler's hand, try to sooth the baby is some way AND fight off suggestions/comments from strangers about the baby needing a "bottle" or the toddler needing a nap. My wife always wants to rip these people a new one and tell them the baby only nurses, which she will do if she can just get through this line (or she just wants to pull out her boobs and squirt milk in their eyes), but she remains calm...for the children.  :-

One thing that really bugs me is when I'm with the kids at the store or other such public place, and the baby is crying because she's tired or whatever, and I'm holding her and soothing her, and some dolt inevitably comes up to me and says, "Awww, the poor baby wants her mommy." I always just politely smile and continue to soothe my daughter, but I'm actually thinking, "You moron! This is my daughter, and just because I'm the dad doesn't mean I have no clue about how to soothe my own baby! In fact, I was doing just fine until you came up and started talking in the baby's ear!"*

I know what she means!!  They always pick the worst time to act up.  I nursed mine too and I had a lady tell me once that all I needed to do was stick a bottle in the baby's mouth while I pushed the cart and shopped -- I smiled and told her that while I was quite good at nursing and doing other things at the same time I somehow didn't think my nipple would stretch quite that far! (sorry for the visual guys :-)

That reminds me of another pet peeve.  I hate those commercials that make the dad/husband/man of the house out to be a total idiot when it comes to all things that have to do with the kids, cleaning, cooking or common sense.  While I like to rib you men folk every now and then I have very little tolerence for men/husband bashing.  Or woman/wife bashing for that matter.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2005, 12:48 PM by tamidala »
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Offline Morgbug

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #469 on: August 17, 2005, 01:04 PM »

That reminds me of another pet peeve.  I hate those commercials that make the dad/husband/man of the house out to be a total idiot when it comes to all things that have to do with the kids, cleaning, cooking or common sense.  While I like to rib you men folk every now and then I have very little tolerence for men/husband bashing.  Or woman/wife bashing for that matter.

As a father of a five year old girl, I say thank you.  I'd suggest my wife still does more, but only because I work an hour out of town, so she has to drop off and pick up the kid for school.  Otherwise it's a pretty even split, kid-wise and housework-wise.

Yeah, and Matt (JediMAC) has no kids or any intention of ever having kids. That selfish prick!   
Well, Colman's a prick anyway, so why should this be any different? ;)
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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #470 on: August 17, 2005, 01:11 PM »
Well, Colman's a prick anyway, so why should this be any different? ;)


But at least I'm a much younger prick than you are.  And I don't have an 80's moustache either...

So please have mercy on us poor souls the next time you see a frazzled mom in the store with a screaming kid -- we really aren't trying to p*ss you off ;)  Also -- since I'm new and I don't know everyone yet I have to ask -- have you had children since this post and if so, has your opinion changed? :)

Uh...  NOPE!  Fortunately, my wife Patty still feels the same way too.  I told her if she ever changed her mind, then I'd support her/us/kids, as life altering as that would be.  But right now, and for the foreseeable future, we're pretty much set on not having any.  Ever.  ;)  (but I'll try to show a little more mercy in the futures, but not in the movie theaters!)

Yeah, and Matt (JediMAC) has no kids or any intention of ever having kids. That selfish prick!  :P

Indeed!  Hell, if we had kids, I'd have to give up my collection room!  >:(  And become responsible, and all that grown up stuff...  ::)

...I somehow didn't think my nipple would stretch quite that far! (sorry for the visual guys :-)

Uh...  :-X  But hey, I can stretch mine pretty far too.  We should have a contest!

(certainly the first time this topic's ever been discussed here, I bet)
« Last Edit: August 17, 2005, 01:22 PM by JediMAC »

Offline Morgbug

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #471 on: August 17, 2005, 01:39 PM »
Uh...  NOPE!  Fortunately, my wife Patty still feels the same way too.


It's coming.  I warned you before, I'll do it again. :-*
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Offline JesseVader08

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #472 on: August 17, 2005, 01:41 PM »
Yep, might as well start packing up your toys now.  Say bye bye to your toys and hello to crap filled diapers!   :P

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #473 on: August 17, 2005, 03:10 PM »
2. People that drive like a bat out of hell(do bats fly out of hell, just wondering) down the street to be the first ones at the stop light.

Hear, hear!

Say there's two stoplights a couple hundred feet apart. You're stopped at one, the light turns green, but the next one is still red so you'll have to stop again. Normally I just coast to the next one, but there's always somebody that likes to tailgate or blast past just so they can be the first to slam on their brakes again. What's the point? ::)

8. Booming systems/Mariachi Music/Loud Music from homes, cars etc. Your going to go deaf and then you won't be able to hear anything. Turn it down. Plus not everyone likes the music you like.

Heh. Guilty as charged. I do blast some rock from my car on occassion, but only to balance the universe with those guys that blast rap or ****** thrash metal. ;)

However, I do recognize the difference between "loud" and "bursting my eardrums" so I exercise rudimentary moderation. My desire to avoid going deaf trumps my desire to rattle the dentures of the little old lady in the next car. :-*

That reminds me of another pet peeve.  I hate those commercials that make the dad/husband/man of the house out to be a total idiot when it comes to all things that have to do with the kids, cleaning, cooking or common sense.  While I like to rib you men folk every now and then I have very little tolerence for men/husband bashing.  Or woman/wife bashing for that matter.

Agreed. I'm not a father yet, and I have no great desire to be one, but those commercials get on my nerves too. If you flipped the stereotype the other way and made the mom the bumbling moron, why the feminist PC militia would be on your ass faster than you can blink.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2005, 03:15 PM by Valin Kenobi »
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Offline Tracy

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #474 on: August 17, 2005, 03:19 PM »
(but I'll try to show a little more mercy in the futures, but not in the movie theaters!)

Uh...  :-X  But hey, I can stretch mine pretty far too.  We should have a contest!

(certainly the first time this topic's ever been discussed here, I bet)
Thanks for the mercy -- glad I could sway you a little :).  Personally, the movie theater is the last place I would drag a baby/small child -- unless, of course it was a matinee of a kid's movie.  There is just no way I would bring my little ones to an adult movie -- what are people thinking? :-\

I bet it is too.  But I have to say, without getting too graphic, that after nursing two babies, I think I'd best you in that contest........ ;)
« Last Edit: August 17, 2005, 03:21 PM by tamidala »
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Offline stormie

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #475 on: August 17, 2005, 04:10 PM »
That reminds me of another pet peeve.  I hate those commercials that make the dad/husband/man of the house out to be a total idiot when it comes to all things that have to do with the kids, cleaning, cooking or common sense.  While I like to rib you men folk every now and then I have very little tolerence for men/husband bashing.  Or woman/wife bashing for that matter.


Indeed!  Hell, if we had kids, I'd have to give up my collection room!  >:(  And become responsible, and all that grown up stuff...  ::)

First part, correct (all my stuff is in the basement  :-[), but I'm more of a kid now than I was before having kids. Well, except for going to sleep at 9 and strictly enforcing the "I don't care if it was less than five seconds, no eating off the floor" rule. ;)

Offline Tracy

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #476 on: August 17, 2005, 04:30 PM »
but I'm more of a kid now than I was before having kids. Well, except for going to sleep at 9 and strictly enforcing the "I don't care if it was less than five seconds, no eating off the floor" rule. ;)

Don't forget the "do as I say, not as I do" rule ;)  Hated that one -- now I have to enforce it :P
"Y'all know you're the only ones with the Jesus fish in the titty bar parking lot" - Name
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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #477 on: August 17, 2005, 08:37 PM »
Being told that I'm getting a promotion and then figuring out how much money I'm losing because of it. :-\

Offline JesseVader08

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #478 on: October 4, 2005, 04:18 AM »
Good:  My favourite NHL team plays on opening day against their arch rivals.

Bad: The game is being televised on the ******* French channel.   >:(

Offline Mikey D

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #479 on: October 4, 2005, 07:40 AM »
Co-workers who leave the last paper towel on the roll in the bathroom because they're too lazy to change it.  I don't know about you, but I can't dry my hands with one paper towel. 
Common sense isn't so common