Author Topic: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!  (Read 256199 times)

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #300 on: December 16, 2004, 11:08 PM »
My previous phone number ended in 5083 and the local Kroger Grocery store's ended in 8053.  Got calls all the time.  Figured moving to another city 10 miles south finally those calls would stop.  Now my number is 1535.  The local Kroger Pharmacy is 1565.  Don't you know I STILL get the calls.  I thought it was my friend Kim joking w/ me the first time, and the person calling didn't give it up.  After hanging up I checked the phone book.  What the luck.  I come home occassionally to little old people on my answering machine thinking they are ordering their refills despite the fact it's my voice on the machine and I say nothing about Kroger.
I also get calls for Blockbuster- 1539.
Love small towns and limited exchanges.  ::)

My other pet peeve-  finding a snake in my apartment- alive.  I don't care if it wasn't quite 2 feet.  It's a snake. 
You are starting to damage my calm.

Offline Morgbug

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #301 on: December 17, 2004, 02:09 AM »
People that leave cigarette butts (and any kind of trash, for that matter) on a beach.  There are garbage cans all over the place you ********, put it there >:(
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Offline Darth Broem

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #302 on: December 17, 2004, 04:47 PM »
Not sure how to explain this but here it goes.  Now that my wife and I have a baby for the first time people like to give us all sorts of advice or suggestions about what the baby is doing or fealing, etc.  Most of which is extremely common sense stuff.  Yet they act like we do not have any clue whatsoever about what they are talking about.  So, they feal like they need to enlighten us. 

Here are a few examples. 

1)  When a baby cries it is trying to tell you something.
2) Your baby is crying.  It may need it's diaper changed.
3) Your baby is crying.  It could be hungry. 
4) You should never let a baby sleep on it's belly because it could die from SIDS. 
5) My baby would always sleep after getting fed. 
6) Your baby is so little.  Are you feeding him? 
7) Your baby cries at night?  Why? 

I could continue with examples for days.  It's just irritating to hear people talk to you like your 10 years old about this.  It's not that we don't agree with most of the suggestions.  I just get tired of hearing it from everyone we encounter.  It's all I can do sometimes to not go ballistic on these people and yell "NO $%^&!!!"

Offline JesseVader08

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #303 on: December 17, 2004, 10:23 PM »
Oh, man, do I understand.  It seems that everyone has some advice, whether it's wanted or not, about taking care of babies.  Unfortunately, it will keep coming and coming, and often from the strangest places.  It never fails to baffle me how people that DON'T HAVE KIDS suddenly have advice for you when you have a baby - what the hell do they know?   >:(

On the topic of babies, one of my biggest pet peeves from when my daughter was in diapers:  restaurants that don't have change tables in the washrooms.  The last place I want to put my baby is on the floor of a washroom - who knows what's been on that floor.   :(

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #304 on: January 18, 2005, 01:12 PM »
My pet peeve for today:

People who think because you are carrying a plate of goodies/treats, it gives them the right to hit on you! 

I don't appreciate it when 40-yr old men strike up a conversation with me to discuss my "goodies".   >:(

"Hey, where are you going with those goodies, because I'm headed where you're headed" hyuvk-yuck-yuck
None of your damn business, pervert!

"Hey those goodies look tasty, mind if I ask where you're headed?"
Yes, I do mind.  Thanks for shutting the hell up.

"Looks like somebody brought treats"
No **** sherlock.  You figure that out all by yourself?

Just because I'm carrying a plate of goodies into the office for my department pot-luck does not mean that I want to start a conversation with you, Mr. Complete Stranger.

What the hell is it about a plate of cookies that turns everyone you see into a friggin' treat whore doing everything they can to get one whether they are in the damn department or not?  ::)

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Offline Morgbug

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #305 on: January 18, 2005, 01:32 PM »
Just politely look at them straight in the eye and say before you ask, the answer is no and it's because you're fat.  Then walk away.

Vehicles seem to be my constant source of irritation.  Zero visibility today and one knob is out on the road with no headlights on :o  Kay, here's a hint, the headlights are to help people see you, not the other way around. 

And while I'm on it, attention half ton drivers.  While I fully realize that on our icy roads it is necessary to have extra weight in the back of your truck to help with traction, you really should adjust your headlights after doing so, lest you look like a complete ****wit driving with your high beams on.  What's that you say, you didn't know you could adjust your headlights? 
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Offline stormie

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #306 on: January 18, 2005, 04:27 PM »
Radio stations. Examples:

Why must stations that normally play rock/modern-rock/alternative/whateverthecatchphrase also play reggae and rap? I do realize that a lot of the music is influenced by these two genres, but it is also influenced by the blues, jazz, classical, country, etc. and those aren't played on the same station. If I want to listen to rap, I'll listen to the rap station. If I want to listen to reggae, then I'll buy some reggae to listen to. Basically, if your station format is the "new rock alternative," then play some new rock alternative music.

Why has the lunch hour become the "rewind hour?" I take a little drive to do some errands during lunch and want a little music. All of a sudden I'm thrust into the 80s...on every single station. The station is supposed to be for "new rock," so where's the new rock? And that also can be applied to playing "too much" of the old stuff all the time; not just at lunch. I want to hear what's current, not what's the past. Sure, a lot of it was good, but lets play what's new.

And on the subject of babies and people's comments. The one that has always really irritated the heck out of me is when the wife and I are speaking with someone about our daughter, and the person turns to me and asks, "Do you help out with the baby?" I always want to respond by saying, "What the HELL is that supposed to mean? It's my daughter too! Just because I'm a man doesn't mean I have no clue what to do with a baby and instead just sit at home and watch sports while the 'little woman' walks barefoot around the house, baby strapped to her, tending to my every whim! Every moment I'm not at work is spent 'helping out with the baby,' and I PREFER it that way because I am her father!" But all that I usually say is, "Yep."

Other than "You have a beautiful baby," people should really just not say anything at all. They might mean well, but to parents anything else just sounds like criticism. And say "baby." Not "girl" or "boy." No matter how much pink you may see on a baby, that still doesn't mean it's a girl. ;) 

Offline Ben

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #307 on: January 19, 2005, 12:12 AM »
e-stores that rip me off.

I bought $30 at Bill's Toys and Games. Haven't recieved the stuff yet.
I bought $20 worth of stuff at Qwiksand Collectibles. Holy ****, nothing there either.

I have asked them for tracking numbers and who they shipped them through, and they haven't replied back. It's possible someone in the building lifted my packages. but I'll never know if I don't get a tracking number.

Lesson? Stick to better-known and more reputable sellers and keep the Better Business Bureau's website in your bookmarks. My only solace is reporting them to the BBB.
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Offline Ben

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #308 on: January 21, 2005, 03:41 AM »
What pisses me off today-

my own lack of precaution. I was fixing a miter saw at work today. It was a simple repair that I didn't think would require a lockout/tagout or dissipation of stored energy.

Boy, was I wrong. As soon as I got in there to work on it, the device inside moved forward and trapped my right index finger.

It's not borken, thankfully, but it's swollen like a mother ******. And I've melted all my ice cubes while trying to slow the swelling. I'm typing with my middle finger now, since the index one still aches.

Lesson? Leave repairs to maintenance.
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Offline Mikey D

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #309 on: January 21, 2005, 07:26 AM »
Something similar happened to me last year, Ben.   I was helping my father split wood with a gas powered splitter.  We were in a groove and flying.  Me stacking the logs and holding them, him powering the machine.  With about three logs to go, I get my finger stuck in between the log and the splitter.  Luckily, I had gloves on or I probably would have shattered my finger or worse, lost the tip of it.  It hurt like a bitch and was swollen for at least a good week. After that I had a blackened fingernail that was eventually lost. 
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Offline Ben

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #310 on: January 21, 2005, 01:27 PM »
I'm a little concerned that I will lose my fingernail.  :-\
It hasn't yet started bruising, but I'm sure it will.
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Offline Mikey D

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #311 on: January 21, 2005, 01:34 PM »
You might get lucky and not, but there is always the possibility.  If your fingernail isn't black yet (from blood underneath it) then it might not happen.  It doesn't hurt when you lose one, but it takes months for the new one to grow back in.  I've lost two fingernails and one toenail (after punting a football barefooted  ::)) and each time it took at least 4 months for a new nail to grow back.
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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #312 on: January 21, 2005, 11:57 PM »
No bruising yet, either.
I guess I got lucky.  :)
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Offline Jesse James

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #313 on: January 22, 2005, 04:45 AM »
Just to throw something new in for me I'd not considered...

We're getting snow, obviously, since it's creeping across the midwest to us now, and today we're looking at a fair bit... 

I hate when people go to the store the night before and clear it out of things they don't really need (most likely) but think that they're going to need...  Like this snow's maybe gonna make the roads BAD (not even closed) for a day or two, and yet everyone thinks they're going into hibernation.

I just wanted some ice-cream to go with a desert I brought home from supper, and the store was ASS PACKED at like 11:30 at night with just tons of people going crazy and buying up tons of specific product.

I remember the "blizzard of '93" and the one in '96 too, and neither one really crippled my town...  Sure stuff closed, even businesses and state schools which took a lot, but my front wheel drive car STILL got me around to deliver my papers the first time, and the second time I still managed to drive to teh store for my mother.

I just don't get it...
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Offline Deanpaul

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Re: Pet peeves... Annoyances... Things that piss you off!
« Reply #314 on: January 22, 2005, 02:08 PM »
Just to throw something new in for me I'd not considered...

We're getting snow, obviously, since it's creeping across the midwest to us now, and today we're looking at a fair bit... 

I hate when people go to the store the night before and clear it out of things they don't really need (most likely) but think that they're going to need...  Like this snow's maybe gonna make the roads BAD (not even closed) for a day or two, and yet everyone thinks they're going into hibernation.

I just wanted some ice-cream to go with a desert I brought home from supper, and the store was ASS PACKED at like 11:30 at night with just tons of people going crazy and buying up tons of specific product.

I remember the "blizzard of '93" and the one in '96 too, and neither one really crippled my town...  Sure stuff closed, even businesses and state schools which took a lot, but my front wheel drive car STILL got me around to deliver my papers the first time, and the second time I still managed to drive to teh store for my mother.

I just don't get it...

I went to college in Rhode Island and lived there afterward for a few years. Whenever the forecast suggested snow or ice (or hurricanes in the fall of 96 for that matter) the shelves were consistently cleaned out of all bread and milk. It was something to see. I never really noticed the stores being packed before the storms would hit though, so I'm not certain if a large number of people were buying the products or if a few individuals were hoarding all the bread and milk.
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