Author Topic: Completist Collecting  (Read 4452 times)

Offline Brian

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Completist Collecting
« on: August 15, 2006, 10:35 AM »
I thought I'd post this here, since it could apply to anything you might collect.  I know some people here are completists with their collections, and many are not.  I personally have never had a complete run of any line that I am aware of (aside from the VOTC/VTSC I guess), so I'm not really a completist.  However, I've recently noticed that I do get that urge from time to time with new lines I'm thinking about picking up.  With the Hasbro stuff, there's always figures/etc. that I don't want, so I've never had a problem passing figures up when I'm not interests.  I buy what I want.  But, I've recently given thought to some other lines like the Sideshow 12" line and the Gentle Giant mini busts.  Now, I probably won't be able to afford to collect either now, so it might be a moot point - but I've found that if I have one or two, I feel "incomplete" not having the rest.  For example, with any "other" line I collect, I usually stick to the OT just to keep it simpler/cheaper.  I preordered the Han Bespin 12" figure knowing that I'd "at least" want to get Han and Chewie (if/when they make him) from those lines.  But then, the preorder comes up for Boussh Leia and I preorder her as well, and I've had Bib Fortuna bookmarked and contemplated ordering for some time (in addition to going back and getting Luke).  Then there's the whole Jabba dealy, which I know I can't afford, but want anyways.  I guess I get the feeling with these new collection areas that I feel like I'll regret it later if I don't "get them all".

Like I mentioned, it looks like I'm going to have to cut back on collecting anyways - so I might not be able to get more of any of these "other" lines, but the issue of completist tendencies was kind of interesting to me.  I've found it with some other (Marvel) stuff I collect as well, feeling as if I want to have more characters/figures - even if I barely know anything about them.  Granted, I've pretty much avoided doing that, but its strange to me the feeling that you can get where you think you "need" them anyways - even if you don't want them too badly.  This is much of the reason why I should stay away from these new lines I guess :P.  Anyways, I was just curious if anyone else ever had those tempting feelings - or for those who are completists, what drives you to collect everything?  And if so, do you enjoy it or wish you could stop?  There isn't anything wrong with the way anyone collects, its just something I found interesting.  I sometimes listen to the Star Wars Action News podcast, and they were discussing something similar to this where one of the hosts was buying things that he thought were terrible pieces - but wanted them just to have the "complete run" of a line.  I know there are others who think the same way, and I just found it interesting.  Anyone else with thoughts or insight?

Offline bamaker

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Re: Completist Collecting
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2006, 11:18 AM »
Yes.  I completely know how you feel.  I constantly have to fight the completist compulsion.  I've had it strike on toy-lines that I don't really even enjoy.  For example, I've never understood the Hot Wheels collector; too much stuff to collect (yes I know, from a Star Wars collector, that's black kettle, black pot territory).  But, every now & then I'd pick one up that had some sort of personal reason behind it, i.e., my late grandfather used to drive one of these pick-ups and now Mattel made a small die-cast version ... so I buy it.  Then I notice that it just happens to be car #3 in a 12 car series, so I go out and buy the other 11 in the series.  And why!?  I don't know.   

I'm able to resist it much better these days, probably comes with the maturing process, but every now and then I still feel it.  I don't know this for certain, but the compulsion is probably very similar to OCD or the psychological addiction that a lot of people feel (not the physical, mind you) about things they repetitively do without knowing why they do it.  This does not apply to those who decided to be completists, think Sansweet, but to those who are completists because they can't stop themselves, they're compelled to buy the next figure, vehicle, playset, Mpire, plushy, etc..., even though if they really examined themselves they'd realize they don't really need, or want it.

Offline ruiner

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Re: Completist Collecting
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2006, 12:37 PM »
I go through this all the time.

Some days I want to quit completely and walk away from the hobby - putting all the money I would otherwise spend on toys into my house or 401(K).

Just the other day I cancelled all of my 12" Sideshow pre-orders because I was in a bad mood (I was sick of paying bills) and now I regret doing so because I really like the line (and they were exclusives to boot)!  That's how I work  - one extreme or the other.  Not good to live that way.

Now I want to go back and put them all back on order - even though they will be the regular versions - I can live without the extra accessory they pack in with the exclusives, but it's kind of nice to have something that is "ultra rare" and limited to 2000 pieces or so.

I guess I ****** problem is I can't decide what to collect or how - carded or loose?  12" Sideshow or not?  Give up completely on Hasbro?  What about Unleashed - both mini and large?

« Last Edit: August 15, 2006, 12:38 PM by ruiner »

Offline Madcow

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Re: Completist Collecting
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2006, 12:55 PM »
I for one have never been a completist. Lord knows i've tried but with all the exclusives and such it's getting damn near impossible. With alot of lines, there are figures or pieces I just don't like and i'd rather spend the money towards something else I like instead...

Offline Brian

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Re: Completist Collecting
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2006, 04:35 PM »
I think OCD might have something to do with it in many cases, and maybe with me sometimes too.  I just find it funny thinking about how I wasn't collecting anything when POTF2 first came out, and was barely aware of it probably if I wasn't goofing off in toy aisles with friends sometimes or having a younger brother who was into Star Wars too.  I have always been a fan of the movies, and watched them all the time, but I guess I never even considered collecting the toys when I was a senior in HS (95) and in college when the POTF2 line began.  Now I can't imagine just ignoring all the new toys, and can't imagine how I ever didn't collect.  Its funny how things change.

I go back and forth with lines too, much like you mentioned ruiner.  I'll have stuff preordered, then think "that's too much money" and cancel it.  Then regret it.  At least I'm not the only one :).  I keep saying I need to cut back and streamline things, but then I see something else that I think is "cool".  Sometimes I wish things were more limited like they were in the beginning of POTF2 from what I have read, so there wouldn't be as much to keep up on.  Sure, you buy what you want, but if it isn't there - there isn't the temptation to buy more :P.  Plus, a slower release pace probably wouldn't be a bad thing for the checkbook.  Of course then we'd probably just buy other stuff - or I would anyways.  I'm working to get away from that mindset.

Offline mousedroid

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Re: Completist Collecting
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2006, 04:38 PM »
After vowing not to buy any, I quickly became a completist when the new 4" figures debuted back in... 95?  Worse than that, I bought two of every carded figure - one to open and one to keep carded.  Fortunately when it came to ships, playsets, cinema scenes, and 12" figures I was content with one of each (to keep MIB).

Things weren't too bad until a day in early May of 1999 when dozens of figures, ships, playsets, Lego sets, etc., etc., etc. all came out on the same day.  I think I spent $600-$700 in less than two hours.  Luckily that glut lead to the Great Action Figure Drought of early 2000 when you couldn't buy a new Episode I figure to save your life.  I say luckily because that glut and the associated disgust with the hobby is what finally broke me of my completist attitude.  Well, it was that and the fact that I really wanted to buy a house but didn't think it was a good idea while carrying close to $18,000 in credit card debt (no, it wasn't all from toys).

Over the next two years (2000-2002) I cut way back on my collecting, paid off all my debts and somehow managed to save enough for a small down payment on a house.  It was during that time that I formulated my current collecting strategy:

1) Buy figures that have a vintage counterpart and are superior to all other modern versions of that figure.  These figures I open.
2) Buy figures that I can get autographed by the actor who played or voiced the character even if it doesn't fit into category 1.  These figures I keep carded
3) Buy the occasional exclusive figure if it's cool, even if it doesn't fit into category 1 or 2.  These figures I keep carded.

I no longer buy ships, playsets or 12" figures at all.  I did however buy all of the VOTC figures, even if the sculpts weren't superior to previous versions of the particular figure.

Offline Angry Ewok

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Re: Completist Collecting
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2006, 04:55 PM »
Like many of you, I'm also somewhat obsessive compulsive about my collecting. I'll be looking at a pair of collectibles that I own, and sometimes there's a hint of a feeling the display is "incomplete" if I'm missing any few from the rest of the line.

Artwork is a good example... I was given Dave Dorman's 'Battle of Hoth', so of course I needed to buy the other two in the series. Not only that, but I absolutely had to have them remarqued and signed and framed in as similar a fashion as possible.

Another example is books and comics... even if I don't like the way a series is going, I have to read the rest. DVD's and artists' discographies are about the same.

Thankfully, I keep it in check. I'm too ******* broke anyway, so I can't really afford to 'complete' anything.

Offline ruiner

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Re: Completist Collecting
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2006, 05:05 PM »
Sometimes I feel bad for buying stuff - that's why I cancelled my Sideshow figures. 

I have two kids and my wife wants a new house --

Some people eat or drink when they get stressed - I pre-order ****.


Offline speedermike

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Re: Completist Collecting
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2006, 07:46 PM »
As I get older, I care less about having complete sets of anything.  I just came to understand that no one but me cares.  There really are no such things as "Collection Police" who check to see if I have evreything, or I'm up to date

I had a few of the first Sideshow figures ordered, but I cancelled them, and felt good about it.  Then when I saw Jabba at Comicon, I knew that I did the right thing.  I would have had to have the whole set with the dias and all  the nonense.
But now I'm free to spend, or even SAVE, my money!
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Offline ruiner

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Re: Completist Collecting
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2006, 09:20 PM »
Thanks, that makes me feel better!


Offline Brian

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Re: Completist Collecting
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2006, 09:32 AM »
Another example is books and comics... even if I don't like the way a series is going, I have to read the rest.

I get that way with comics sometimes too.  I feel "compelled" to finish it out, whether I like it or not.

Its nice to see that some others here have had those waves of competistism hit them from time to time as well.  I've been able to resist it for the most part, but its just interesting to me that it happens at all.  I'm really at the point where I need to streamline things, especially after I keep telling my wife that the "next year will be better".  Then again, I expected the Star Wars product to slow down a little post-ROTS, which hasn't happened yet.  As much as I'd like to collect them, I'm thinking I'm going to have to cancel some preorders and stick to me original plan with the Sideshow 12" line - just Han and Chewie (well, and Hammerhead if they ever make him).  Maybe I'll be able to find the funds to get others here and there, just to have some of the other OT players.  Either that, or I'd have to give up the 3 3/4" line altogether to be a "completist" with that line - even sticking with OT releases.  Plus, its not like I have any space to put most of this stuff anymore anyways :).

Offline mousedroid

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Re: Completist Collecting
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2006, 09:58 AM »
Well, now that you mention comics... they are the subject of one of my last and most shameful completist obsessions.  I haven't read an issue of Uncanny X-Men in 10 years, maybe longer, but I still buy it every single month. 

See, I started with issue 150 and have been buying back issues ever since.  I'm now to the point where I need fewer than half a dozen issues to have a complete run.  Although I'll have to win the lottery to be able to afford and justify a halfway decent copy of issue #1, I keep buying the new books just in case.   :-[

Oddly, I do still read X-Men and Astonishing X-Men every month.  Weird, I know.

Offline Rob

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Re: Completist Collecting
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2006, 10:36 AM »
As I get older, I care less about having complete sets of anything.  I just came to understand that no one but me cares.  There really are no such things as "Collection Police" who check to see if I have evreything, or I'm up to date

Additionally, what it means to have a complete collection has been so distorted by repacks and repaints that it's virtually impossible to do.  I've relaxed the completist standards I used to go by considerably since the OTC line and all the repainted figures started coming out.  This year for the first time I intend to flat out skip certain figures. 

My first big achievement in this area was not buying Mace's Purple fighter.  I figure what I'll do is this:

If I find myself getting angry that I 'have' to buy this item or that item to remain complete, I'm passing on it.

Then if I find it down the road for five bucks at a show, I'll think about it.  But I'm not spending $90 on another AT AT or $20 on another jedi star fighter.  No more.

Offline ruiner

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Re: Completist Collecting
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2006, 11:14 AM »
Good for you Rob.

I had a 'used car lot' collection of those damned starfighters and realized one day that all I really need is one.

Got rid of them all except for the yellow version.

I'm starting to feel the same way about everything I have... :-\

It's so hard not to get started on new lines (SSC 12" namely) - how do you stay away from the new stuff that is just so darn nice looking?

Offline Brian

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Re: Completist Collecting
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2006, 11:19 AM »
It's so hard not to get started on new lines (SSC 12" namely) - how do you stay away from the new stuff that is just so darn nice looking?

I have the same problem.  Many of these lines I know going in I probably won't be able to afford (at least not to the level I'd like to), but I still get interested.  Plus, I should really avoid the threads discussing them, because that doesn't help me any (Kubricks and Sideshow have both been this way for me).  When it comes down to it though, I probably just can't afford it, so I have to pick and choose if anything.