I keep finding old stuff around my house (no, nothing really good) and I seem to have been buying
Wizard for quite some time and have lots of issues around. It's pretty entertaining reading old stuff like this, historical if you will.
During my favorite reading time today

I was looking through issue 55 (March 1996) and came across the following article. Not sure what the JD site rules are for copyright, so mods can edit as they see fit. I won't put quotes around it as it is too long and will be too difficult to read that way.
From Wizard 55 by Dan AlbaughAn exclusive offer for a Star Wars action figure of Han Solo in a Stormtrooper outfit is currently available on specially marked boxes of Kellogg's Froot Loops cereal. The Solo figure is available from Kellogg's in exchange for two Froot Loops proof-of-purchase UPC symbols and the official order form. The offer exired on December 31, 1995 (or when supplies were exhausted). The figure is limited to one order per order form and five per mailing household. The secondary market value for the Han Solo Stormtrooper is $20-30.
Kenner has also released a four-pack of original Star Wars figures, crafted from the old figure molds. The re-issues are identical to the originals and include Chewbacca, Darth Vader, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker. The set of four retails for $19.95.
Some hobby retailers expressed concern that the new Star Wars line might have a negative effect on the sales of figures and accessories produced from 1978 through 1985. "Such has not been the case, " claims retailer Ken Lawrence of Heroes Unlimited in Oradell, N.J. "The new line hasn't slowed sales on older pieces at all. I wouldn't say the new line has sparked significant interest in older releases, but it hasn't hurt."
Of the new Star Wars line, Princess Leia and C-3PO have taken the lead as the most actively pursued figures. C-3PO was a late release and is now valued at $12-18. There was a rumor in the hobby marketplace that Kenner was displeased with Leia's appearance and planned for changes. Not so, say Kenner sources. Her figure is currently an easy $15-20 sell.
According to retailers in the know, three different Star Wars case assortments have been produced. Assortment #1 contained no Leias or C-3POs, three Han Solos, three Luke Skywalkers and two of each of the remaining figures (Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi, Chewbacca and R2-D2). Assortement #2 included no C-3POs, two Leias and two each of all the other figures. The most recent assortment features on Leia, one Kenobi, two C-3POs and two of everyone else.
Star Wars releases slated for February include Han Solo (Hoth gear), Lando Calrissian (Cloud City outfit), Yoda and TIE Fighter Pilot, along with Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber and a Speeder Bike with Scout Trooper.