Author Topic: Marvel Legends  (Read 439630 times)

Offline knashdx

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« Reply #1860 on: May 2, 2006, 10:35 AM »
I have to agree about Prof. X, i really wish we could have go tth eover chair instead of the one we got. I woul dhave been happ if they did a mailaway just for the chair.

It would have been nice for them to have included Wild Child for the AOA Sabretooth as well. An acessorry Set later on would be cool (Chair for Xavier, Sword for Nightcrawler or at least a Brimstone smoke stand for him, Racks of Iron Man parts for all the different Iron Man's, suction cup webbing to make Spiderman look like he is swinging.)

I wonder if Marvel is going to take the sales of these last waves of figures on who they could make new toys of for the future? After all they could start making runs of story arcs from the comics. Age of Apocalypse, Secret Wars, Phoenix Saga, New Avengers, and such.
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Offline Scott

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« Reply #1861 on: May 2, 2006, 10:54 AM »
I love reading those guys comments about Hasbro.  While the SW line has not been perfect and there is always room for improvement, the amount of product that sells in the line is probably 2 to 3 times the amount that sells in the Legends line.  Add on top of that the size of the figures and the less articulation, i'd guess SW would make tons and tons more money than Legends

However, the thing that hurts SW is the License Fee that Hasbro signed...that totally screws the bottom line

Those guys think Legends is the end all be all in the toy aisle, but I'd bet that sales for other toy lines are even higher (Trasnformers, Power Rangers, TMNT etc)

The other big challenge is that Hasbro is taking over a mature line that doesn't have a whole lot left to do to interest collectors.  They'll almost have to cut some articulation out to try and reduce the unit costs and they'll need to pump out the Main Characters to keep sell through high with the kiddies (see Vader, Darth)  Its almost a no win in my opinion...they are banking on the movies being huge but that in itself is risky (see Spider Man 2, FF and in some stores Hulk) figures still on the pegs

Offline knashdx

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Marvel Legends
« Reply #1862 on: May 2, 2006, 02:16 PM »
I love reading those guys comments about Hasbro. While the SW line has not been perfect and there is always room for improvement, the amount of product that sells in the line is probably 2 to 3 times the amount that sells in the Legends line. Add on top of that the size of the figures and the less articulation, i'd guess SW would make tons and tons more money than Legends

However, the thing that hurts SW is the License Fee that Hasbro signed...that totally screws the bottom line

Those guys think Legends is the end all be all in the toy aisle, but I'd bet that sales for other toy lines are even higher (Trasnformers, Power Rangers, TMNT etc)

The other big challenge is that Hasbro is taking over a mature line that doesn't have a whole lot left to do to interest collectors. They'll almost have to cut some articulation out to try and reduce the unit costs and they'll need to pump out the Main Characters to keep sell through high with the kiddies (see Vader, Darth) Its almost a no win in my opinion...they are banking on the movies being huge but that in itself is risky (see Spider Man 2, FF and in some stores Hulk) figures still on the pegs

Don't forget that just about everywhere you can still find Batman Begins toys (a year after it was released)

The biggest problem they had with the FF is that the toys weren't released until 3 months after the movie hit theaters and in a lot of area's the movie had come and gone.

If they were to start releasing Marvel Legends in waves like they do with Star Wars so that we get a few of the new figures as the current wave is dying down and keep popular toys from the current line shiping (such as more of the Variants and figures that were 1 to a case) as the new stuff comes out they we avoid having 3 Vengence & Things from the Legendary Riders line sittng for 4 months till Bring On the Bad Guys is launched. This way interest in the line remains money still pours in and lower lag time on people waiting.
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Offline Ben

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« Reply #1863 on: May 3, 2006, 01:25 AM »
Anyone need some extra previous BAF parts? I have an extra left leg from Galactus and a torso piece for the Sentinel here that I just found. I have no use whatsoever for them, so I just thought I'd throw that out there.

Still batting zero on that WM wave. 'Tis crap.
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Offline Morgbug

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« Reply #1864 on: May 3, 2006, 10:43 AM »
I love reading those guys comments about Hasbro.  While the SW line has not been perfect and there is always room for improvement, the amount of product that sells in the line is probably 2 to 3 times the amount that sells in the Legends line.  Add on top of that the size of the figures and the less articulation, i'd guess SW would make tons and tons more money than Legends

Those guys think Legends is the end all be all in the toy aisle, but I'd bet that sales for other toy lines are even higher (Trasnformers, Power Rangers, TMNT etc)

The other big challenge is that Hasbro is taking over a mature line that doesn't have a whole lot left to do to interest collectors.  They'll almost have to cut some articulation out to try and reduce the unit costs and they'll need to pump out the Main Characters to keep sell through high with the kiddies (see Vader, Darth)  Its almost a no win in my opinion...they are banking on the movies being huge but that in itself is risky (see Spider Man 2, FF and in some stores Hulk) figures still on the pegs

I'd pretty much guarantee that TMNT, Transformers and others outsell what we prefer.  Shelf space alone should be an indication. And while I note that those lines may not always move super fast, they move at a slow steady pace and when you pluck a single figure of each of the 24 pegs dedicated to them, it adds up to a lot more than emptying one of the two pegs dedicated to Star Wars or ML.  I wish it weren't true, but it is. 

As for ML versus Star Wars, I think the SW sales would be much greater than 2-3x ML sales.  I think the prices are comparable now (at least in the US, there's still a discrepancy here) and I often use the Toybiz (formerly) to illustrate how high the prices are for SW stuff that is smaller, less well accessorized, less well articulated and less well sculpted often.  As Scott notes, the licensing fee for SW is the likely cause of that.  But I wonder how much is a Hasbro decision as well.  Toybiz' other really popular line, for a time, LOTR shared many characteristics of the ML stuff.  Perhaps the pricing is why Toybiz is dumping lines, or perhaps Hasbro really is just ripping us off. 

Relating to Scott's last paragraph but somewhat as an aside, I am really, really tiring of the promotions that are tied in with the movie lines.  I see and appreciate the rapid, substantial sales that occur.  But they're always short lived and frankly no company has learned how to properly supply for a movie.  The number of units produced is always astronomical for early waves and the cooler, later stuff never seems to come down the line. 

Spiderman movie fare is probably the exception to this rule. But aside from that Franchise, none of the movies has done particularly well, IMO, with their toy lines - Hulk, FF, X-men - and I don't see it doing well for Superman or Ghost Rider or any of the others coming in the future.  Even when movies are hot, certain items don't sell - Hulk/Thing feet/hands, bump'n'go crap or other bike like things. 

As a collector and a fan of the comic stuff first, movies second, this really irritates me.  Many of those subsequent lines that have higher quality (and more comic accurate) figures and they just don't make widespread retail - Hulk Classics, FF Classics and potentially others.  Even the figures within the movie lines that are pretty cool seem to be later waves and don't make it to the shelves. 

Note to Hasbro/Toybiz: even if a movie has tremendous box office returns in the first two weeks it may suck (FF?) to the general public and kids in particular.  Market to both segments of your buying market, kids and collectors, from the start.  Don't hold back more interesting figures until later in the line in favor of "classic, kid friendly, action feature laden" figures (i.e. crap).  Blend those unusual figures (notably villains and variations thereof) into the early lineups.  Yes, I know you need to get the basic Rogue/Wolverine/Storm/Magneto into the lineup early, but slip in something interesting for the rest of us (why doombot waited for six waves I'll never know and did it ever arrive?) and maybe, just maybe we'll spring for one of those early basic (=crappy) figures at the same time instead of just waiting for the better stuff to arrive.  'Kay?

Sorry, ranting pointless post in many respects but it's raining today so I'm crustier than usual.
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Offline Scott

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« Reply #1865 on: May 3, 2006, 10:48 AM »
My other point and I forgot to mention...Hasbro has now had to pay license fee for Marvel as well.  There is no way they can continue to charge the same for Legends as what Toybiz was doing.  I'd expect something in the $10-$12 range

Offline Morgbug

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« Reply #1866 on: May 3, 2006, 11:06 AM »
My other point and I forgot to mention...Hasbro has now had to pay license fee for Marvel as well.  There is no way they can continue to charge the same for Legends as what Toybiz was doing.  I'd expect something in the $10-$12 range

Which is not good news for us.  These things range from $11-15 up here depending on retailer and I think current US retail is $8 or so for them.  Bumping the US price for these does not bode well, we may be looking at around $17 or so in the future :'(

I suppose that's not a huge deal given there's little else I want, so it's not unlike buying some of the Justice League figures from comic shops. 

Question: wouldn't Toybiz have been paying said licensing fee to Marvel though?  If so, why would Hasbro being paying more (did they outbid Toybiz and pay more for the license?)?
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Offline Scott

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« Reply #1867 on: May 3, 2006, 11:07 AM »
Nope, Toybiz is owned by Marvel, so they had to pay nothing for the character rights

Offline Morgbug

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« Reply #1868 on: May 3, 2006, 11:10 AM »
Ah, thank you for the clarification.  I then concur, price would be on its way up.
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Offline Lord Mantha

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« Reply #1869 on: May 3, 2006, 09:43 PM »
i dont know where to post this, but VVD told me to post it here. i really am looking for a Deathlok figure as i'm trying to get Galactus and i only have Nightcrawler and War Machine thus far. VVD said he would be able to sell me prof X, Hulk, Bullseye, and Dr. Strange, but he cant find Deathlok. if anyone can get one and sell it to me, i would appreciate it. i will also trade for it and i have numerous SW figs i'm offering for it

Offline Ben

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« Reply #1870 on: May 3, 2006, 11:03 PM »
Let me check my local K-Mart for ya. They've had all the figures from ML9 sitting around for a year, and I just saw a bunch of Deathloks there two weeks ago.

However, I won't be able to get there until Saturday, so if you're willing to wait, just LMK.
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Offline Resurrection Bob

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« Reply #1871 on: May 4, 2006, 01:15 AM »
While we're at it, are Sentinel wave figures sitting around at anyone's stores?  I recently decided to try and get one together, too bad I didn't when they were actually around where I am.  Such is life...

Offline Lord Mantha

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« Reply #1872 on: May 4, 2006, 10:35 PM »
Let me check my local K-Mart for ya. They've had all the figures from ML9 sitting around for a year, and I just saw a bunch of Deathloks there two weeks ago.

However, I won't be able to get there until Saturday, so if you're willing to wait, just LMK.

yeah sure. no problem. thanks. i really want that torso

Offline Nicklab

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« Reply #1873 on: May 8, 2006, 08:41 AM »
Managed to get the Giant Man series Sabretooth as well as the Hulk/Leader 2-pack.  This new WalMart assortment is like a scalper magnet.  The place where I got my stuff was decimated!
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Offline Brian

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« Reply #1874 on: May 8, 2006, 04:02 PM »
I stopped by WM after lunch today and they had all the WM Series, 2 Packs, Masterworks, box sets, etc.  It was awfully tough not going nuts when you see all those new things on the pegs, and if I had a bigger budget for it I think I'd have gotten more.  I might head back tomorrow to pick up a few more things, but for now I picked up Kitty Pryde and Thor, as well as the Daredevil/Kingpin (woo hoo) and variant Cap/Strucker 2 packs.  I still don't have a Hulk figure, so I'm thinking about getting the Hulk/Leader 2 pack as well - and maybe the single figures of Havok, Sentry, and Captain Britain.  Its tempting to get everything to get that Giant Man BAF, it looks pretty sweet.  I didn't think the wife would appreciate me coming home with more than I already did, especially with all the VTSC spending in the last couple of weeks.  This has been an expensive couple of months here, yikes.  Nice to finally have a Kingpin though.  From the looks of things, this is really a banner year for the Legends line.

Oh...also picked up a Hydro-Man at TRU on Friday.  Its not the best figure in the world, of course, but I like to pick up the Spidey villains and I don't plan on us getting another one anytime soon.
« Last Edit: May 8, 2006, 04:03 PM by Brian »