The original Rogue Squad, which had good story and awesome new EU vehicles (love the hover tanks in it. Antiquated looking but neat), Empire At War (complete game!) Rebellion (blah), Republic Commando (AWESOME!)... Lots of goodness and more to come in 2015 they say.
I'm hopeful for Force Commander, the other Rogue Squad Games, Bounty Hunter... All great storylines, and despite Matt_Fury and I disagreeing on FC's gameplay, I still maintain it's a miles superior game overall to Galactic Battlegrounds. Empire At War, eh, not so much. I barely played that though due to the game's demands on my machine at the time.

It played nice though, what I did play.
Jedi Knight (How'd I forget) now also on GOG... Hopefully Mysteries of the Sith soon to follow. People who didn't play Dark Forces, JK, and MOTS, missed out on some of the finest EU in all of EU.
Those alone + XW, TIE, and XW: Alliance, would've made me happy. The rest of these downloads are just a bowl of gravy at this point.