Author Topic: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)  (Read 62315 times)

Offline McMetal

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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #180 on: March 31, 2016, 08:47 AM »
Best...Rebels...EVER!  ;D

The SITH to me, are the single most interesting thing about the entire SW universe, so anything to do with them is A Plus material for me. The writers and animators really delivered too...the dueling scenes on the temple exterior were amazing I thought.

While I will always maintain that the whole premise of bringing Maul back is prima facie absurd, there's no question that he's a fascinating character and they use him in interesting ways on the show. WTF was he going to do with a battle station entrenched on a remote planet covered in ice anyway? (hmm...Starkiller base?)

They definitely have no qualms about offing Inquisitors on this show but I guess everyone else is off limits. The death of the Seventh Sister was the best...wiped that cocky smirk right off her little face...and her head for that matter.

The helicopter lightsaber thing was way overdone I thought. That's not how the Force works!

Vader vs Ahsoka was epic if a little short. It was very well choreographed though. It seems clear Vader lacks any sort of speed or dexterity in that hulking suit, so brute force is his only game. Ahsoka totally would have taken him eventually I think. (short of a Force choke or some other sneaky trick) I am going to go ahead and assume they created some kind of force-bubble to shield themselves from the blast because yeah that didn't really make any sense. How are they gonna get off that rock now though? (I forgot, they will just use the Force)

Blind Kanan should be an interesting development. And when does Rex change his name to Nik Sant?  :P
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Offline Matt_Fury

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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #181 on: March 31, 2016, 10:35 AM »
The way they keep bringing back Darth Maul gives me hope that Han Solo will be in Episode VIII.  Seriously...he was cut in half and fell into one of the bottomless pits that seem to be everywhere in the Star wars Universe!

I did like the face off between Vader and Asohka...even though I wish she had never been in the Rebels cartoon (I never liked the newer clone wars cartoons because of the Hanna Montana Jedi, also making Anakin Skywalker a Master in the first episode thereby negating his motivations in Revenge of the Sith).

I'm curious to see how Kanan heals from his injuries and curious to see the journey down the dark path the writers have put Ezra on.
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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #182 on: March 31, 2016, 10:45 AM »
What to say?

The positive thing was the lightsaber duels, and even then I felt cheated.  We didn't get to see the death scenes of the two Inquisitors (I know, kids' show).  The third fell to his death (supposedly.  Didn't see a body so...)

The bad
Double-bladed, spinning, helicopter lightsabers.  Worst idea ever.  Didn't see the Grand Inquisitor Malfoy/Connington using that.  Speaking of the Grand Inquisitor, has anyone replaced the guy or are the rest of the Inquisitors just incompetent and unqualified for the job?  Not that the GI was any better: defeated by a Jedi without much practice and a boy discovering his force powers.

More dead Inquisitors.  So it took Maul to do to three Inquisitors in a few minutes what Kanan and Ezra couldn't the whole season?  So essentially the Inquisitors are going to be killed off at season's end?  There's not much to fear in them, is there.  I really enjoyed the season two Inquisitors, especially the third one (8th Brother).  I liked his helmet design and figured there would be more to his story at the end, a big reveal.  But nope, lightsaber got damaged and he tried to flee helicopter-style only to have the lightsaber fail on him.  I suppose he should stay dead for that stupidity but if Maul can fall and survive, why can't this guy?  Maul's a Sith though.  And if Maul meets up with Ezra and Kanan again, Maul should be able to take them both down easily.

Ezra.  I can't get into his character.  There's nothing likable about him.  I wish they would kill him off.  The show would be better without him.

Ahsoka's showdown.  Would have loved to see more of her duel with Vader, as it was fascinating.  Ahsoka's fate is also open: no body, no proof she's dead.

Blind Kanan: The Ear That Sees.  That will be an interesting change to his character that I can't wait to see his development.

Inquisitors: I wish that these antagonists would stick around longer.  Also, Kanan and Ezra should face different ones through the season and recycle them every now and then.  Instead the heroes meet the same ones every time (Small Galaxy Syndrome) which it makes it seem like there aren't many inquisitors around and produced when needed.  Also, it would have made sense that the Grand Inquisitor would be directing the others on their missions to kill Jedi and in the final few seasons hunt after Kanan and Ezra personally until he is defeated in the series finale.  I'd also lie to see some capable Inquisitors as well.  Bring some other Jedi into the story and have them be offed showing how much of a threat the Inquistors are and that the Purge is still ongoing.  Heck, they could even have it in the holo-news in the background: "Renegade Jedi Quinlon Vos executed for crimes against the Empire".

Anyways, I liked the show but it can be improved.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 10:48 AM by P-Siddy »

Offline Nicklab

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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #183 on: March 31, 2016, 10:45 AM »
I don't know why, but I wasn't expecting last night's season finale to be an hour long.  But I'm glad it was, because getting all of that story into a half hour would have been a major disservice to the story.

Maul proved that he was far more than the feeble "Old Master" in short order.  And I like the fact that the 8th Brother Inquisitor had been tasked with finding Maul, aka "The Shadow".  It shows that the Inquisitors were not merely focused on Ezra and Kanan, and gave the Inquisitors a broader sense of purpose.  I would still very much like to know what happened to Maul in the time between his duel with Sidious on Malachor in CLONE WARS and his reappearance now.  But perhaps that's a story for another medium.

Regardless, I really like that Maul started to teach Ezra the Sith Code as they worked their way into the Temple.  That alone was one of the numerous story points that made it into this episode that I really appreciated.  The fact that they were on Malachor was a big deal, too.  Especially if you played the KOTOR games.  And the process of lifting the doors with The Force seemed like something straight out of the games.  And when Ezra placed the holocron in the Sith obelisk?  Call me crazy, but the voice really reminded me of Darth Traya from KOTOR II.

The one thing that drove me crazy?  The Inquisitors using their lightsabers to fly like helicopters.  That was just too much to swallow.  All of that aside?  The Inquisitors seemed like a big threat to Kanan, Ezra and Ahsoka.  They also served to show just what novices Kanan and Ezra are in their Force powers.  When Ahsoka fought both the 5th Brother and 7th Sister, she showed just how powerful she was in comparison to them.  But the Inquisitors seem more evenly matched with our relatively untrained Jedi like Kanan and Ezra.  And when Maul took them on?  He completely outclassed the Inquisitors!  His fighting abilities and ruthlessness were so brutal.

I have to say, when Vader turned up it got scary.  Because there seemed to be a whole new level of menacing darkness introduced to the situation.  I thought that Ezra might not make it out.  And it was even more concerning when Kanan got blinded.  But when Ahsoka faced off against Vader in the full knowledge of who he really was?  That was emotional.  I thought that this might be Ahsoka's end.  But seeing how we didn't really see that happen on screen?  Something tells me that she made it out somehow.

But now Ezra has that Sith holocron.  And that seems like it could open a whole new can of worms.  With his master, Kanan blinded?  I'm wondering how that will play into things.  I saw a tweet from Pablo Hidalgo this morning that drew some comparisons between Kanan, Rahm Kota and Zatoichi, a blind wandering Samurai.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2016, 12:55 PM by Nicklab »
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Offline McMetal

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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #184 on: March 31, 2016, 11:32 AM »
I will have to go back and re-watch but I thought they clearly showed Ahsoka after the shot of Vader...she was going back down into the depths of the Temple or something. Either way, yeah, I am sure she is alive.

Other thing that struck me, granted as a minor quibble, but it seemed highly unlikely to me that there would be any Sith holocrons just lying around in an abandoned temple like that. In the Darth Plagueis novel they make a point to explain how Plagueis had obsessively collected all of the ancient Sith lore, including all of the remaining holocrons not destroyed by Darth Gravid. And Sidious himself was supposedly fascinated by Sith worlds, visiting them repeatedly during his apprenticeship (Dathomir, Korriban, etc). So I don't see how they would have possibly missed this one along the way, given that Malachor's history was well known.

Yeah, I am over-geeking... :D

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Offline Nicklab

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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #185 on: March 31, 2016, 11:45 AM »
I will have to go back and re-watch but I thought they clearly showed Ahsoka after the shot of Vader...she was going back down into the depths of the Temple or something. Either way, yeah, I am sure she is alive.

I thought I saw that too, but it was such a brief shot that it left me wondering.
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Offline P-Siddy

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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #186 on: March 31, 2016, 11:48 AM »
I will have to go back and re-watch but I thought they clearly showed Ahsoka after the shot of Vader...she was going back down into the depths of the Temple or something. Either way, yeah, I am sure she is alive.

I thought I saw that too, but it was such a brief shot that it left me wondering.

Now that you say that, I recall see color in the entrance but it fades so fast...

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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #187 on: March 31, 2016, 03:52 PM »
It seems like I never open or buy an inquisitor toy until after they are dead. Here we go again.  :)

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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #188 on: March 31, 2016, 05:13 PM »
Really enjoyed the finale, particularly the Ahsoka/Vader showdown. There was a lot of stuff going on that really changes things for the characters as well. If you haven't already read it, there is a nice interview with Dave Filoni at where he details a lot of what happened. It sounds as if Ahsoka's end was left intentionally ambiguous, whether she was indeed walking into a cave at the end, or that was her walking into "the force". Either way, sounds as if we won't be seeing her for a bit as focus shifts back to the Rebels crew.

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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #189 on: March 31, 2016, 05:15 PM »
The way they keep bringing back Darth Maul gives me hope that Han Solo will be in Episode VIII.  Seriously...he was cut in half and fell into one of the bottomless pits that seem to be everywhere in the Star wars Universe!

I did like the face off between Vader and Asohka...even though I wish she had never been in the Rebels cartoon (I never liked the newer clone wars cartoons because of the Hanna Montana Jedi, also making Anakin Skywalker a Master in the first episode thereby negating his motivations in Revenge of the Sith).

They made Anakin a KNIGHT in the rebels cartoon, so he could have a padawan.  He's not a Master. (Original backstory for Ki-Adi Mundi was that he was just a Knight on the Jedi Council, not a Jedi Master, but that got thrown out with ROTS).

Offline Chris M

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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #190 on: April 1, 2016, 09:46 AM »
Damn I love this show.

When I first started watching I was a bit skeptical, especially after having watched some of the Clone Wars and thinking that was terrible and not very engaging.  The Clone Wars seemed like while trying to tell a story, the characters felt forced, the action forced, and the story forced.  (Maybe that was a byproduct of Lucas still having some control/input on things).  Anyway, I never finished that series because I thought it was terrible and not interesting at all.

Fast forward to Rebels and I've loved it since the beginning.  My wife was laughing a bit at me last night as I watched the last 20-30 minutes because I was totally mesmerized by what was going on.  I love the way Rebels brings characters from other series in, the play a part, and then leave while keeping the focus on the main characters.  I think that is done to excellent effect.

This weeks episode was one of the best from this series.  I did feel a bit as if Maul was a character thrown in for cool factor, and maybe he was, but he played a cool role.  However, the dude was cut in half 40 years before this series.  Can't he just be dead?  Either way...Vader showing up was awesome and the duel was great.  I think Ashoka survived and that was her disappearing into the shadows just as Maul had done.  I wonder if that will lead to a new story to be told at a later point, or if we are done with that character?

Anyway, I love this show.  I wish I didn't have to wait until the next season to see more.
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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #191 on: April 2, 2016, 09:50 AM »
This episode was awesome. I loved the style of Vader. The duel was well done.  Agree with the dislike of the helicopter light sabers. That shot where Vader is landing while on top of the TIE Advanced was incredible.

One quibble that I would have changed...  After Ashoka split Vader's helmet, and he calls out to her, he should have called her Snips.

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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #192 on: April 2, 2016, 10:48 AM »
I don't care for Maul being a turd that won't flush but in general I liked the episode for what it was.  And Vader is always epic in it.  That JEJ does the voice seems to help that along for me I think.  Kanan now Jerec?  Same hairstyle. :)

I think it'd be neat to see some of the fallen Jedi or Rahm Kota snuck in for fun.
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Offline McMetal

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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #194 on: April 3, 2016, 04:31 PM »
Season 3 of Star Wars rebels to be the final season.  The final season will set up Rogue One and will make way for another animated series.

Still just a rumor...for now.  :-[

I figured it would be a short run for this show, but I was hoping for at least 1 more season after the next.

Also not sure how they plan to have this lead up to Rogue One when that hits theatres before the tv season is even half over.  ???

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