Author Topic: Obi-Wan Kenobi Series (SPOILERS possible)  (Read 48579 times)

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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #120 on: May 28, 2022, 09:51 PM »
I wonder how much vacation time Ben requested at his job cutting up the desert ray fish?

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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #121 on: May 28, 2022, 11:47 PM »
My only gripe about the show so far is Reva referring to Darth Vader as Anakin Skywalker.  Kenobi knows Anakin became Darth Vader but she shouldn't know that Vader is actually Anakin Skywalker.

If the Inquisitors were younglings its likely they knew Anakin and experienced his assault on the Jedi Temple as Darth Vader, and now have to work closely with him to track down the Jedi. 

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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #122 on: May 29, 2022, 09:53 AM »
I don’t see it. 

The show said “10 years later” at the beginning after the Order 66 scene.

If the inquisitors were younglings, they’re all 17 year olds.

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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #123 on: May 29, 2022, 10:43 AM »
Separate question…

How does Reva know about Leia and her ties to Obi-Wan?  Like, it’s a secret even to Vader that Luke has a sister.

Is she just remembering that Bail Organa is his friend and kidnapping his daughter? 

Seems thin unless I’m missing something obvious.

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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #124 on: May 29, 2022, 11:30 AM »
How does Reva know about Leia and her ties to Obi-Wan?  Like, it’s a secret even to Vader that Luke has a sister.

I think she says something about finding a friendship link between Bail and Obi-Wan "in the archives" or something.  She's playing off the link between Obi-Wan and Bail, Leia is just the bait.  I don't think she knows who Leia is.

Her having access to "the archives" seems to mean she's spent a lot of time obsessing over Obi-Wan for some reason and I guess it's possible she either learned about Anakin/Vader that way or just put the pieces together based on other things she discovered "in the archives" whatever that is.

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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #125 on: May 30, 2022, 07:12 AM »
I watched the show with my daughter on Friday morning.  She was off for an extra day for the holiday weekend since our school had some unused snow days this year.  I've got to say that in light of last week's events that opening scene of the first episode was pretty jarring.  It didn't really register with me until after the fact, but it didn't make that scene matter less.  In retrospect I realize that opening scene could have been terrifying for kids.

I think that scene was really well done.  The way it read to me was that it was a reminder of what happened when Order 66 was issued, and as a metaphor for the existence of all Jedi, young and old, from that point forward.  They are on the run and in continual mortal danger.  Maybe it was the pace of the scene, because it didn't really register with me until I had seen the episode a couple of times that one of those younglings looked exactly like Reva Sevander.  I was admittedly a little caught up with how good the Jedi Temple set looked along with the fact that it looked like there were stunt performers in suits playing the 501st Clones.

There was so much to digest in the course of the two episodes.  Like "Ben" having a job.  I guess even a Jedi in hiding on Tatooine can't get by without a few credits.  And carving up that creature (was it a Neebray or a Purgil?) seemed like a major source of sustenance for all - including Obi-Wan's Eopie.  Part of me was wanting him to call her Roo, like in the Legends book, but that's a really deep cut.

Obi-Wan's psychology is fascinating to see here.  He's clearly in survival mode.  He wants to protect Luke, but he realizes that he's in no position to take on the Empire.  And his reluctance to help Bail Organa reflects on how much he has tried to bury Obi-Wan and become Ben.  I was actually shocked to see that he had buried the lightsabers in the middle of the desert.  It was also stunning to see "that scene" on Daiyu.  It seemed that Obi-Wan had consciously cut himself off from the Force.  And to have to use it as he did seemed like it was a tremendous strain on him.  But from a story standpoint it seems like that might have been a transitional point for him.

Then there are the Inquisitors.  The Grand Inquisitor looked much better in the show than he did in the trailer.  Maybe it was just those particular shots in the trailer that made his head look like an egg?  The rivalry between Reva and the Grand Inquisitor is interesting.  And it's because we've never really seen that kind of rivalry between Force users - at least not in live action.  The Grand Inquisitor is clearly trying to keep Reva in line to protect his own position.  It was genuinely shocking to see her run him through.  I'm thinking that the writers and show runners were banking on the fact that not the entire audience had seen Rebels.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2022, 07:13 AM by Nicklab »
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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #126 on: May 31, 2022, 09:50 AM »
Watched Kenobi episodes 1 and 2 again last night.

A few more observations:
- I love that Obi-Wan doesn't appear to use the force until he absolutely needs to save Leia.  He's using a blaster even after he's outed as a Jedi.  He never even contemplates grabbing his lightsaber. And I love the scene where Obi-Wan finds out that Anakin is still alive and seems to be both gobsmacked by that fact, and seems to have a bit of a Force reawakening.  He must have been totally living under a rock on Tatooine.
- I liked the C-3PO cameo, and hope we catch a glimpse of R2 at some point.
- I liked the Temuera Morrison cameo, and the fact that its a 501st trooper that helped eradicate the Jedi that was begging from Obi-Wan.
- The Leia to Kenobi "old" jokes seemed flat.  Kenobi doesn't even look that old.  Its funny too because Jimmy Smits is 67 and Ewan McGregor is only 51.  (sidebar - its always made me a bit grumpy that Alec Guinness was truly old and based on the timeline Ewan's Obi-Wan will never come anywhere near that age - must have lived a tough life as a meatcutter on Tatooine)

I don't know where all the plot is going, but I will totally love it if it has almost nothing to do with Luke/Owen/Beru and Tatooine.  If its all Bail/Leia and Inquisitors that will be super sweet.  I'm hoping Leia gets quickly left on Alderaan and the adventures continue without much involvement from previously known characters.

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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #127 on: May 31, 2022, 10:08 AM »
How does Reva know about Leia and her ties to Obi-Wan?  Like, it’s a secret even to Vader that Luke has a sister.

I think she says something about finding a friendship link between Bail and Obi-Wan "in the archives" or something.  She's playing off the link between Obi-Wan and Bail, Leia is just the bait.  I don't think she knows who Leia is.

Her having access to "the archives" seems to mean she's spent a lot of time obsessing over Obi-Wan for some reason and I guess it's possible she either learned about Anakin/Vader that way or just put the pieces together based on other things she discovered "in the archives" whatever that is.

Eh… still feels thin to me.  Bail Organa has security forces and some old link of friendship is going to het Obi-Wan out of hiding?  At best it sounds like throwing a lot of stuff at the wall to see what sticks.

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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #128 on: May 31, 2022, 10:10 AM »
- I liked the C-3PO cameo, and hope we catch a glimpse of R2 at some point.

Artoo was there too.  :)

Offline Nicklab

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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #129 on: May 31, 2022, 01:18 PM »
How does Reva know about Leia and her ties to Obi-Wan?  Like, it’s a secret even to Vader that Luke has a sister.

I think she says something about finding a friendship link between Bail and Obi-Wan "in the archives" or something.  She's playing off the link between Obi-Wan and Bail, Leia is just the bait.  I don't think she knows who Leia is.

Her having access to "the archives" seems to mean she's spent a lot of time obsessing over Obi-Wan for some reason and I guess it's possible she either learned about Anakin/Vader that way or just put the pieces together based on other things she discovered "in the archives" whatever that is.

Eh… still feels thin to me.  Bail Organa has security forces and some old link of friendship is going to het Obi-Wan out of hiding?  At best it sounds like throwing a lot of stuff at the wall to see what sticks.

I'm inclined to give the show the benefit of the doubt.  Especially since we're only two episodes into the series.

As for the Empire and the Inquisitors checking the Archives?  Are we talking about the Jedi Archives?  There's certainly a trail that Obi-Wan left on Coruscant following the Battle of Utapau.  He just happened to resurface on Coruscant after Order 66 just as Bail Organa returned to attend the Senate session where Palpatine made the declaration of the Empire.  He and Yoda killed who knows how many Clone Troopers when they returned to the Jedi Temple.  And Obi-Wan made the holo recording to warn other Jedi to hide and not return to the temple. 

Knowledge about Anakin's new identity as Darth Vader is likely to be very limited.  But the breadcrumbs are out there, too.  Obi-Wan and Yoda found the holovid of Palpatine referring to Anakin as Darth Vader in ROTS.  In the course of their work hunting the Jedi, the Inquisitors have probably pored over as much data as possible in the Jedi Archives in order to track them down.  And of course, the Inquisitors are fallen Jedi.  The Grand Inquisitor had been a Temple Guard.  And it appears that Reva might have been one of the younglings in that opening scene.  All of the Jedi at that time had to known about Anakin Skywalker given his exploits during the Clone War, and his elevation to the Jedi High Council.

It seems like there's a fine line between conveying a story that flows naturally and one that painstakingly works at connecting the dots.  Sometimes that might happen at the expense of the story because storytellers feel like they have to work their way systematically through a checklist.  And I think novelizations are a great way to explore some of that minutiae.  A streaming series?  Maybe not.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2022, 02:59 PM by Nicklab »
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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #130 on: May 31, 2022, 02:46 PM »
It seems like there's a fine line between conveying a story that flows naturally and one that painstakingly works at connecting the dots.  Sometimes that might happen at the expense of the story because storytellers feel like they have to work their way systematically through a checklist.  And I think novelizations are a great way to explore some of that minutiae.  A streaming series?  Maybe not.

I personally like how thin the series Kenobi is on "explaining things".  Star Wars has always suffered when it spends too much time connecting the dots (midichlorians, Book of Boba Fett). 

I joked about the series explaining why Obi-Wan is now "Ben".  I love that he is now just "Ben" without any explanation.

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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #131 on: May 31, 2022, 08:04 PM »
- I liked the C-3PO cameo, and hope we catch a glimpse of R2 at some point.

Artoo was there too.  :)

What scene was Artoo in?  I couldn't spot him in the reception scene where C-3PO was.

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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #132 on: May 31, 2022, 10:28 PM »
How does Reva know about Leia and her ties to Obi-Wan?  Like, it’s a secret even to Vader that Luke has a sister.

The connection is Bail.  He was a strong supporter of the Jedi and Obi-Wan is last seen on Bail's ship.  There's no one else around with ties to Kenobi from the prequels (unless they can dig up Jar Jar), so it makes sense that you kidnap Bail's daughter or wife to try to draw Kenobi out of hiding.  I don't think that's a stretch, but I think it's odd that you would send a spy/bounty hunter/inquisitor to follow Bail after the kidnapping to find out where Kenobi is hiding.  If you think Bail is the connection, then why not track him to find Kenobi's hideout and catch him off guard? I would have liked to see Bail contact Kenobi remotely or at least throw on a disguise.  Heck, if Reva can read minds why even both with Leia - just go trap Bail and find the Kenobi connection.

If the inquisitors were younglings, they’re all 17 year olds.

Maybe not an official youngling, but Reva could have been pre-teen and is now in her lower 20's.  I would buy that.  I did read somewhere that the Inquisitors were all fallen Jedi and I think Kenobi confirmed that in his dialogue.  Vader supposedly trained them too, so either by some form of recognition or him simply saying who he is, I'm not surprised the inquisitors know his former name. 
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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #133 on: June 1, 2022, 06:49 AM »
- I liked the C-3PO cameo, and hope we catch a glimpse of R2 at some point.

Artoo was there too.  :)

What scene was Artoo in?  I couldn't spot him in the reception scene where C-3PO was.

It's one of the later scenes in the reception room.  R2 is in the background.
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Re: Kenobi (Disney+) - (SPOILERS possible)
« Reply #134 on: June 1, 2022, 12:32 PM »
Just watched episode 3.

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