There was one figure that I had some hope for in this Armor Up assortment, and that was Poe Dameron. He's in a Resistance uniform other than the flight suit, which I thought looked pretty cool. But when I actually saw the figure in person yesterday? Whoa. Not a flattering portrait of the actor, Oscar Isaac at all. I'm hoping that we might get another version of Poe in his Resistance uniform down the line that looks SOMETHING like the character.
As for other figures in this assortment? I was kind of tempted by the First Order Stormtroopers and Flametroopers. Chewbacca had a decent sculpt. But Finn and Luke? Meh. In essence, these are all still 5 POA figures. Sure, they've got that armor accessory, but I really don't have any use for those when it comes to displaying these figures.
There were lots of impulses yesterday to 'BUY, BUY, BUY'! But I think that I've got a much better long view on things now, and I'm prepared to wait for decent/basic versions of these figures. The armor gimmick just does not really do it for me. With the characters like Poe, Finn and Luke I think you've got a little latitude with them in terms of the desing. But with the First Order characters? Given the fact that these characters are already armored you get the sense that there might be some armor enhancements available for these troopers. But what Hasbro came up with for both the Stormtrooper and the Flametrooper just does not fit in with that very strong design aesthetic.