Author Topic: Your 2003 Top Ten!  (Read 1165 times)

Offline Vator

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Your 2003 Top Ten!
« on: December 31, 2003, 12:53 AM »
What are the ten most interesting things that have happend to you in 2003?No real order is needed,however.

Got stuck in a Blizzard(Valentines Day,Washington DC)

Found out I a relitive in the Israeli special ops(November,My Living Room)

Got in a Food Fight at school and was hit with Pyrite ???.(October,My school)

Played Paint Ball for the first time,and nailed a guy in the chest with a Tippman 98 Custom(September,Red Fox)

Vistited San Fransico,first truley transcontinental flight,'nuff said(June/July,Atlanta,Dallas,San Fransico)

Drove from Frisco to Pheonix in 2 days,with a drop off for my mom and sister in Anaheim for a Concert(July 2-3rd,San Fransico,LA,the bloody hot/boreing road beetween LA and Pheonix)

A joint rebellion against a ''witchy'' teacher:It was wonderful,a quiet insurection against the teacher that resulted in debasing her authority,very fun for 13 year olds(September 02-May,My School)

Going on a 3 day feild trip with my school to the coast,and it was freezing(-14 windchill)it even snowed at the beach!Of course,it snowed 8+ inches in our part of the state ::)(January,''Barrier Island''State Park)

Going to cons with my Fanforce group,really eye opening about Conventions.(April-June,Greensboro/Charlotte)

Playing Survivor on Rebelscum,it was really fun,eh Brad ;)?
- June 22, 2004 12:13 AM -

Offline Angry Ewok

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Re: Your 2003 Top Ten!
« Reply #1 on: January 5, 2004, 11:56 AM »
Anyone who gets clocked with a rod of pyrite gets a thumbs up from me!

10. Had my signature removed twice, I was suspended twice, banned once, and was the Runner-Up in Survivor over at Rebelscum. Actually I'm currently under suspension over there into the new year. Bah.

9. The whole year I planned to buy stock in ICEE, and when I finally got around to it - didn't really know how. Well damn.

8. Developed a love for scented candles.

7. Learned how to read guitar tabs. No big deal, I know, but still... It's sorta like I know how to read code or something now.  :-\

6. Got kicked out of a Waffle House for, and I quote from the "security guard", 'Being too loud', 'Disrespectful', 'Disturbing', so how cool is that? The assclown called the police on me and my friends and had them investigate us and everything. The result of all of this - we were told not to come back for a couple of days, and the security guard was fired. Why was he fired? He was caught in a web of lies, trying to get us kids in trouble. He actually told the cook that we called him a ******. As if we'd say that to someone cooking our food. ::) Ridiculous.

5. Learned a few more drawings techniques. Priceless knowledge there. Good stuff.

4. Managed to avoid any Lord of the Rings spoilers. Amazing! I didn't hear one spoiler from anyone. The movies were completely new and unspoiled to me. Wish I could say that for any of the Prequels.

3. Watched as the Matrix storyline crumbled before my very eyes. I sat in the theatre in complete disbelief as the last two movies somehow ruined the first. Actually the only reason I saw the third was just to pay homage to the first, and officially declare the trilogy a heap of garbage.

2. Somehow managed to get a 3.0 GPA in college this first semester. No big deal to some folks, but I really didn't think I could get a 3.0... Hopefully I'll maintain that this next semester.

1. Had the worse trip of my life, which basically convinced me to stop smoking. This little incident occured around Halloween, long story short - I smoked way too much of that illegal stuff and ended up laying on my back in the grass in my backyard thinking the clouds were all going way too fast and might collide or something or something like that. Very unpleasant, followed by a pretty bad headache for the rest of the day. Still wasn't over for the next day or two - I just felt completely fried for a while.
Had a quick relapse after that, then quit for good. So, I've been clean since Nov. 12th.
May not be an appropriate story for the SW community, but I'm proud of myself and anyone who doesn't like it can kiss my semi-furry ass.  >:(

Offline Famine

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Re: Your 2003 Top Ten!
« Reply #2 on: January 5, 2004, 01:31 PM »
10. Finding out my friend accidentaly snorted Vaginal Powder at work.

9. Deep frying cream cheese :D

8. Getting my DVD player to work correctly.

7. Helping plan, assemble, and work the Earlton Hill Family Campground Haunted trail. It was a blast.

6. Going fishing for striped bass on the hudson with my Grandfather.

5. Mastering the 'rainbow' move in hacky sack.

4. Spending 2 weeks in North Carolina with my aunt and uncle.

3. Learning to airbrush.

2. Hosting my own haunted house on Halloween.

1. Taking a stripper to the prom.

The picture kept, will remind me...