Author Topic: Which Multi-player SW game should I get?  (Read 2685 times)

Offline Angry Ewok

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Which Multi-player SW game should I get?
« on: April 15, 2004, 10:01 AM »
Okay, so I recently picked up Call of Duty for my (windows) laptop, and although the hardware lag + dial up connection makes me a pretty lousy player - I enjoy it. But sometimes I want to play something Star Warsy... I took a look at all the MP Star Wars games and to be honest I haven't a clue what the difference between them all is.

So... Someone help me pick out a good MP Star Wars game! Please!  :-*

Offline Jesse James

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Re: Which Multi-player SW game should I get?
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2004, 03:45 PM »
To me, there's no really good MP games period.  :)  Just not smething I'm fond of, but Star Wars in general isn't great for MP...

I'd say the Jedi Knight series is considered good, as is/was X-Wing: Alliance, but overall Brad I'd suggest waiting for Battlefront if you REALLY want a MP game set in STar Wars.  That will be practically devoted to MP, and will in all likelihood mimic Battlefield 1942 exactly.  Which is considered one of the greatest MP games of all time, by those who like MP.

Again, I don't personally like it, and t me games aren't fun without story.  Too much crap to deal with in MP unless you're playing with friends.  Then it can be fun. :)  That's one of the truly nice things about an X-Bx and X-Box live and all...  Beyond that, the system just wasn't high on my "to own" list.

Wait for Battlefront is my suggestion right now though, or try Alliance...  Alliance is a whole other game genre, but it's a fun one with a GREAT Singleplayer game too.  It's the best SW game (to me) overall.
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Offline Angry Ewok

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Re: Which Multi-player SW game should I get?
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2004, 02:17 PM »
I'll wait for Battlefront, then - and if anyone else here at JD gets it, we can start up a clan or something... That'd be cool.  :-*

Offline Jesse James

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Re: Which Multi-player SW game should I get?
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2004, 11:31 PM »
Yeah, that seems like a good idea, but dont' discount X-Wing: Alliance too, if just for the single player experience Brad.

I also recommend Jedi Knight, Mysteries of the Sith, Jedi Outcast, and Jedi Academy (And Dark Forces too, if your PC can still play it).

Do them in order (Dark Forces would be first), so as to see the true storyline for Kyle, and DEFINITELY download custom levels made for Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith...  I can give you links to some and they 99% of the time have a readme file to explain how to install them (they're really simple to install manually though).

I've played custom levels on Jedi Knight and MOTS that blew away the Lucasarts levels, and Jedi Knight's still regarded as one of the most "Star Wars" games ever.

Actually, if your'e gonna play X-Wing: Alliance, I suggest getting the Win 95 versions of X-Wing (and it's expansion packs) as well as TIE Fighter and its expansions.

The series, played in order, is dated looking (like the Dark Forces series), but it's awesome...  Has a 100% Star Wars feel to it from start to finish.


There's no multi-player for some of those...  X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Dark Forces specifically are all single player games.  X-Wing: Alliance is MP though and considered quite good.  I say skip X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter though...  XW: Alliance was meant more as a fix to the flaws of XvT.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2004, 11:33 PM by Jesse James »
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Re: Which Multi-player SW game should I get?
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2004, 02:27 AM »
I have to dis-agree, JK2 is the best I played.  JK2 is my favorite SW game ever especially online.  I would recomend it to anyone, or I would have.  Now all fo the people have moved on into jk3, which I think is ok.  I recomend picking it up maybe we can play sometime.