Author Topic: September 11th, 2001...  (Read 2370 times)

Offline Vator

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September 11th, 2001...
« on: September 9, 2004, 12:28 PM »
Pardon any mistakes of spelling or grammar, today rather than just being lazy, I have the flu...


This coming Saturday it will have been 3 years since that day. Does anyone remeber what they were doing that day, when it happend?

I do, I remeber it quite well.

At my school they told us nothing. I'm not sure why, but I feel cheated slightly, that they'd try to mask reality from us. Especially on a day when the true reality of the world became appearent.

That day at lunch, my friend Nathan's dad came to eat with him, it was his birthday, and not suprisingly politics were what I wanted to discuss. I stressed the point that Russia and China remained huge threats to the US, and that terrorism should be the least of our worries. Talk about Irony, eh?
I remeber Nathan's dad wisperd something to him, I can only assume now what he said.

I paid it no mind and went on about my day. It wasn't till I was picked up that afternoon that I learned of what happend. I was so suprised, and slightly scared.
I then went home and watched the news for a little bit. I collected all the information I could, soaking it in, but I could only take about an hour and a half of it, I then went down to the park.

At the park all the talk was New York, and names were being sent about. I remeber arguing with one of my friends, Justin, that this was an attack, and not just an accident. He wouldn't budge though, I suppose that's just the way Cradit is really, he dosen't except defeat.

Latter that day I went home and watched more news, and became even more frightend. Chemical Attacks? Nuclear Attacks? How can you go from infallable to some Arabs Bitch?

When my dad got home my family and I went out to eat dinner, but the mood was that of reprisal and confusion. Not good for eating, but good for conversation.
 After that, I remeber hearing on the radio that Saddam Hussein praised the attacks and said "The Cowboy is finally getting what he deserves!". That infuritated me, as I had secrectly suspected the Iraqis all along.

When I got home, I went to bed and hoped that school would be cancelled.

Looking back on September 11, I think that it really isn't a tragedy. I view it as a warning of the future if we do not act against the terrorists. In the long run, I feel that 9/11 will prove to save more people, be they American or Syrian, than kill them.

We have a chance now to right the wrongs of the last century, and let's do it right!
- June 22, 2004 12:13 AM -

Offline Mister Skeezler

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Re: September 11th, 2001...
« Reply #1 on: September 9, 2004, 01:15 PM »
9/11 was definitely a tragedy.

I live in Queens and work in Manhattan, about one block from the United Nations. I'm a few miles away from the WTC. I caught the replay of the plane crash on the news, and then saw the second plane crash afterward. And, like a mindless automaton, I still went to work.

When I got the office, all the other mindless automatons were gathered around the TV, watching the report that the Pentagon had been hit. I think that's the part that scared me the most. For the Pentagon—a symbol of our country's strength—to be attacked successfully by terrorists seemed like an open invitation for every other terrorist group to join in. Someone mentioned that Reuters was reporting that the Palaestinians were claiming responsibility, and for some reason it seemed plausible at that moment. Our office is right across the street from the Israeli embassy. So we all left work.

I think I caught the very last subway train out of Manhattan, which was really lucky, considering most of my friends spent the day walking around the city trying to get home. I couldn't get in touch with anyone, because all the phones were being used at once. It was really scary when I was actually able to finally check my voicemail. To hear the people that love you breaking down on your phone, and knowing you couldn't get in touch with them to tell them you're okay...that really sucks.

I went to my girlfriend's apartment (where I live now) and watched the news for about a week straight. We went up to the roof in the afternoon and all you could see was the smoke pouring out of the skyline. It was like the skyline had been stabbed and was bleeding. Overhead there were fighter jets which, interestingly enough, made me feel safe.

I was really lucky because none of my friends or loved ones were lost that day. But it does have an effect on you.
(Formerly LandotheScoundrel)

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Re: September 11th, 2001...
« Reply #2 on: September 9, 2004, 02:33 PM »
I was in earth science, and the teachers aides came and told the teacher to turn on the TV. He turned it on, and the footage of the second plane hitting the tower was shown. "Holy ****." That's all any of us could say. He suddenly snapped up and grabbed the phone and started dialing like mad. His wife worked in one of the towers. He called, and yelled at everyone to be quiet, and found out she was OK. She didn't go in that day because she was sick.

We sat there all period and stared. I was very very nausiated and scared. I remember my two classes were across from one another so I stayed between bells, and that's when the first tower fell. "Holy ****! The tower fell down! It just dropped! Holy ****!" And nobody belived me untill they saw it on the screen. Even the teacher was in disbeleif.

I got to my next period class, and we watched arial shots of the pentagon, and then the other tower fell. It was terrible.

RIP victims of 9/11.

The picture kept, will remind me...

Offline Darth Kenobi

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Re: September 11th, 2001...
« Reply #3 on: September 9, 2004, 02:43 PM »
I try not to call it a tragedy since it wasn't a tragedy... it was a cold blooded massacre which killed thousands.  I get mad when I hear news reporters talking about the "tragedy of 9/11" only thing is it wasn't.  If we woke up to hear that a plane had mechincal failure and lost control and crashed then this would be a tragedy but what happened that day was a mass murder which this country (the world?) hasn't seen before.
I will always remember that day getting waked up early by my dad, which got me mad at him because it was so early, then him telling me that a plane had crashed in the WTC.  Watching the news and seeing the horrors of all of the events of that day: people jumping, second plane hitting, towers collapsing, pentagon being attack and flight 93.  
My brother had a job interview in LA for a city job which he wanted to go to but my parents were worried about him doing so.  We found out that all of LA was bascially closed and he didn't go.  Saturday I will probally be watching my DVD that I have on the attack when I home and just think about all of those who died.

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Re: September 11th, 2001...
« Reply #4 on: September 9, 2004, 02:46 PM »
I had just gotten to work, fired up the old computer and was opening up the old BHC.  I then got a call from my wife who was home before going to school that she was watching the Today Show and they were showing how a small plane had hit the World Trade Center.  I didn't think much of it until I went to and saw the image...I knew then that it wasn't a small plane

So I then logged back on the BHC and JediTricks had started a thread (Plane hits WTC I think it said)  Over the course of the next 2 hours all hell broke loose, I can remember sitting here at my computer with my head in my hands rubbing my eyes trying to force myself out of the nightmare.  All of the News Websites were down everywhere...and all we had was the radio at work.  So I was relying more on the thread updates over everything else.  We all left at noon and we spent the rest of the day at home watching everything.  

Deliberate Attacks on the World Trade Center - What's the world coming to?

3 years is a long time, my wife was pregnant with Max at the time and I can remember us talking about why were we bringing this innocent little being into such a horrible place.  I've since changed my tune and know that my kids are here to make the my life, my area and our world better by what me and my wife teach and raise them to be.  That is the lesson I took from the whole thing, that our families and loved ones are the most important things in our lives and hopefully that love and peace and hope can continue to spread and grow and be a positive influence on the rest of the world around us...which is why those bastards in Russia who caused the deaths of hundreds of children sickens me to no end.  

That night was also a little surreal. Our townhouse was right near the local gas station and it had not raised its price on gas that day or night.  The station down the road had pumped their prices up to $4 a gallon.  Those bastards should have been strung up by their toes for the panic they caused in the area...a line a mile long for gas ensued and its was pure bedlam for hours around the house

Still scares me a little to fly...I still look at people suspiciously...I still watch planes and tremble a little when they come over my house...Time heals all wounds but I hope for all people that time never completely heals the wounds the world suffered that day

Offline Rob

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Re: September 11th, 2001...
« Reply #5 on: September 9, 2004, 02:58 PM »
My 21st birthday (this saturday will be my 24th).

I was in photography class my junior year of college...  my teacher came in at break talking about these wild rumors she'd just heard about a plane crashing into the trade center and the white house being on fire....

So I check my cell phone that had 5 missed calls on it, all from my girlfriend - crying in the messages - telling me what was up.

I started trying to call my family in NYC - took two hours to get through...

The teacher didn't want to let us leave...after about 45 minutes a bunch of us just told her we were walking out on her class.

Sat infront of the television the rest of the day - hell, the rest of the week.

And DK, it was a tragedy in every sense of the word.  A tragedy for the people who had their lives stolen and a tragedy for every other innocent person who has died since in events set in motion by that day.  Murder is always a tragedy.

« Last Edit: September 9, 2004, 02:59 PM by Kneel Before Zod »

Offline JoshEEE

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Re: September 11th, 2001...
« Reply #6 on: September 9, 2004, 05:24 PM »
Like everyone else, I won't ever forget that.

I had just returned from New York the previous afternoon, and was in the process of sleeping off my jet lag. My girlfriend called me to ask if I'd seen New York on the news. I figured she was referring to some story about the big Michael Jackson Reunion concert we had attended while we were in the city and so I asked what the news was. She told me that the city was under attack. That woke me right up, so I turned on the TV and started watching.

I called my Dad and I remember he didn't believe me. I woke him up, and he thought it was some sort of a joke. He kept asking me what I was really calling for and I said just go downstairs and turn on your TV. When he finally did, he said "Oh my God. I better watch this. I'll call you later".

For some reason, I went in to work for a little while that day, and watched the news with a few of my coworkers that had remained there. We all huddled around a little TV someone had in their office. Then we all left after a few hours of that. I went to be with my girlfriend, and we talked about how we were glad we hadn't changed our tickets to 9/11 like we were planning to do that weekend so we could stay two extra days in the city. We realized that our tourist photos standing at the Twin Towers were going to be much more important when we got them back.

The next day, I remember my friend at work wanted to buy an American flag to put on his house. Instead of going to work, I remember driving around with him trying to find one that morning. They were already all gone. I remember thinking that in a weird way, that was really cool.

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Re: September 11th, 2001...
« Reply #7 on: September 9, 2004, 06:02 PM »
I remember almost every moment of that week for some odd reason. I had a football game the night before, and since we had no practice that morning, I got to sleep in.

I was eating breakfast when my dad told me to put it on CNN because a plane crashed into the WTC. I was thinking "Meh, they'll fix it". Then I saw the TV, and I thought the same thing. My family then sat down and watched the TV, when the second plane hit. I thought "Damn, this is serious!"

I headed off to school, and was the only kid informed of it. Everyone else was like "Yeah right". During 1st Period, which was Athletics, the Principal came over the intercom and said "Let's have a moment of silence for the victims in NYC". After 1st Period was homeroom, where the teacher rigged the TV to Fox News. Right then, I learned of the Pentagon crash, and saw the last tower collapse. Then the principal announces that the ******* superintendant wanted all TVs to remain off because they don't want us to see stuff going on in the real world.

After that, the teachers thought that Austin would be hit next, since it's the capitol of Bush's home state, and piled the homework on us. All we kids wanted to do was discuss, but the teachers said "Well, it doesn't have anything to do with (Insert Subject Here), but I guess a few minutes of discussion wouldn't hurt." I laughed my ass off when the history teacher said that.

When I got home, I finished the homework, and just watched the news all night. Then the teachers at school just acted like nothing ever happened, and turned it into a stressful week.


Funny story: 9/11 actually got me back into SW. I had been out of the SW loop since late 1999. We were talking about it at lunch, and a friend said "Too bad we can't get that space station from Star Wars and blow up the Mid East country that did this!". Then I remembered, "Man, when was the last time I watched that movie?", and a few months later, I was back to being a complete SW nerd.
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Offline jokabofe

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Re: September 11th, 2001...
« Reply #8 on: September 9, 2004, 10:43 PM »
Unfortunately, 9/11 is a day that I will never be able to forget, no matter how hard I try. Living in new jersey, about a 20 minute ride from new york city, I had a lot of friends and family directly involved in this tragedy.

My phone rang at around 8:10. I was still sleeping, since I don't start work 'till 10am. I decided to let the machine answer it. It stopped ringing for about 10 seconds, and then started again. And then the same thing again. And again. Finally, I answered the phone. On the other end of the call was my (now ex) wife, crying frantically. She works in Harborside Financial Center, which is in Jersey City, directly across the river from the WTC. She watched the plane - both of them actually - run right into the buildings from her office window.

Then, there was the fact that my younger brother worked in the WTC, on the 20th floor or so, for Sun Microsystems. He was in his office when the first plane hit. He said his entire office shook, books and personal items fell off the shelves, and even one of the shelves on his wall fell down. He ran into the hallway, along with quite a few of the other workers on his floor. They ran to the end of the hall, which had a window that looked down into the central plaza. He said it was absolute chaos - paper, desks, people - you name it, he saw it falling into the plaza. He told me that he took one look, turned and ran for the stairs. Went down to the main plaza, and tried to get to the subway. Nothing but smoke was in the subway, so he headed out into the street.

My ex-mother in law also worked right across the street from the WTC, for the U.S. Army Core of Engineers. She also said that her building shook, and when they saw what had happened, they also all left and took off running.

My mother was in jury duty that day, so she actually had no idea what was going on at first. Then, she tried calling me to see if I had heard anything from my brother, since she could not get in touch with him due to the cell phone antennas being down.

Considering this happened at around 8:15 am, we did not hear from either my brother or my mother in law until well after 3pm, due to the fact that most of the communications antennas for most of the cell phones in the area were located on top of the WTC, no one could get a signal to make a phone call and let us know they were okay.

I stayed home from work that day, and spent most of the morning and early afternoon trying to get in touch with my brother and mother in law. My father is a fireman in Hoboken, which is just outside NYC - a 10 minute train ride and you are there. He volunteered to be sent over, but was refused, as were the rest of the firemen in that city, and most other cities in NJ for fear that they would be needed closer to home.

All in all, a rather frightfull day, and like I said, one that I will never forget, no matter how hard I try. Ask me what I ate for lunch earlier this week, and I won't be able to remember. But I can remember the details of this day like it was yesterday.

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Re: September 11th, 2001...
« Reply #9 on: September 9, 2004, 11:01 PM »
It is indeed weird how many details I can remember of that day.

My ex girlfriend had a shirt with the Two Towers on it. Mr. Poe had a weird blue plad short sleeve shirt on.

I remeber that was the first day I said a prayer in school that wasn't selfish.

"God, please help those people in New York. Right now your all they have." That was it.

The picture kept, will remind me...

Offline Darth Kenobi

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Re: September 11th, 2001...
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2004, 12:36 AM »
And DK, it was a tragedy in every sense of the word.  A tragedy for the people who had their lives stolen and a tragedy for every other innocent person who has died since in events set in motion by that day.  Murder is always a tragedy.

Zod, your are right about it being a tragedy with all of the innocents that have died on that day and following it.  I for just think that there is a better word to descirbe this event and other acts of murder other then a tragedy.  I don't say my grandmother died tragically I say that she was killed or murdered.  In the end though it really doesn't matter what people call it was a horrorible day which changed the world for better or for worst.