Author Topic: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2004  (Read 113082 times)

Offline Holographic Elvis

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2004
« Reply #435 on: November 20, 2004, 03:10 PM »
I'm sure the commish will lock everything, but it doesn't matter at this point.  Anyone who faces me will get a win now.  It didn't have to come to this, but this was me voicing my displeasure at the decision and I think most of you would agree that I was robbed and can't blame me one bit for this. 

Hopefully this will show everyone that this league's scoring system needs SERIOUS changes for next season so that there is no decimal points involved so something like this doesn't happen again. 

Good luck the rest of the way boys, I'm out!

No, you're being an idiot and a sore loser.  You shouldn't even be let back into the league for what you just attempted to do to ruin it.  You're acting like a 2 year old.

So I'm a sore loser for standing up for myself and my team after getting the shaft on a decision that cost me a loss and any chance of possibly getting into the playoff picture?

And I'm also an idiot because I protested a scoring correction that occured DAYS after my victory was FINALIZED?  Put yourself in my shoes you self-righteous bastard and see the big picture.  Why you're acting like such a jackass is no suprise because you've been one ever since my first day here.  If it were you in my shoes, you'd be throwing a hissy fit.  Look at how you insult me by saying my team sucks and everyone is beating me anyway.  That just further proves my point sparky.

That felt better.  Now, I don't blame OCB for doing what he did in restoring the rosters but not one of you (outside of Dressel Idiot) can blame me for being mad.  You'd all feel the same way if you were in my shoes.  

I have no intention of playing in this league next season anyway, especially if the the starting spots are so few, the league size is this big and the scoring is set in a way where fractions of points can cost a team a victory.  I sincerely hope, for the rest of you, that the commish will make serious changes to his league next season.  I'm sticking to my fantasy point leagues that never encounter issues like the ones I've raised.  I've never had a problem like this in the many years I've participated in fantasy sports for the "Big 4" sports.  It's a shame, but it didn't have to happen in the 1st place.  Enjoy the rest of your season gentlemen (and lady Dressel.)  
« Last Edit: November 20, 2004, 03:13 PM by Holographic Elvis »

Offline chuckles

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2004
« Reply #436 on: November 20, 2004, 03:11 PM »
What's interesting is, this is the 7th week out of 10 that stat changes have taken place later in the week and therefore affected scoring by a point or less for some teams, and not a single word has ever been said by anyone.

Also, this way of doing things seems to be how Yahoo head-to-head leagues work. In the stat corrections section it says underneath the corrections-

Player stat changes will only be run for Head-to-Head leagues if they apply to the just completed week.

These corrections were received after final box scores were transmitted and will not be reflected in most box scores, game summaries, etc. In most cases, however, player game logs will be updated to reflect these changes. "

So to me, that says so long as corrections happen before the next games start, they will be applied to just played games. In this case, it happened to affect the outcome of a game. Unfortunate, but not against any rules in this particular league.

HE, I'm not quite sure as to why the extremity of your behavior here. This is a free league that was meant to be played for fun. You are not losing any money here and you are also not losing a chance of winning any money by the outcome of this last game. It's one thing to be competitive, and hey, we all like to win, but it's another to act like a complete child over a meaningless fantasy football league.

Offline Famine

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2004
« Reply #437 on: November 20, 2004, 03:12 PM »
Can some one lock this thread till our jets get cooled here? :-\

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Offline Angry Ewok

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2004
« Reply #438 on: November 20, 2004, 03:20 PM »
Everyone needs to relax here for a while. This is not only just a football game, but its a fantasy football game. So come on, guys - there's no reason for all of the flaming. There's no reason we all can't be friendly or at least respectful to one another - so I suggest everyone make amends over PM.

Thread will be unlocked in one hour - that should be enough time for everyone to cool off.


Alright, I've unlocked this thread - I hope everyone has had enough time to cool off.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2004, 04:17 PM by Angry Ewok »

Offline Rob

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2004
« Reply #439 on: November 20, 2004, 08:19 PM »
I'm cool.  I'd like to at least get in a quick statement reflecting that I in no way shape or form cheated at anything.  I offered a fair value trade for a player I've been trying to get for 3 weeks now - knowing that if anyone had a problem with it, it would be vetoed.

Offline Dressel Rebel

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2004
« Reply #440 on: November 20, 2004, 09:10 PM »
I'm cool.  I'd like to at least get in a quick statement reflecting that I in no way shape or form cheated at anything.  I offered a fair value trade for a player I've been trying to get for 3 weeks now - knowing that if anyone had a problem with it, it would be vetoed.

I'm cool too.  And I'd like to respond.  Right after we had our draft with an agreed upon starting roster of specific positions, a certain group of you namely Zod, HoloElvis, and Nicklab decided you'd have an edge because you could add a better 9th utility player to your starting lineup than the rest of us could, so you all tried to gang bang the people who were sticking to the agreed upon rules and starting lineup of roster positions by trying to have some kind of impromptu "vote" to add your player that gave you an edge to the lineup via the utility slot.  If OCB had not been so level headed, you guys might have succeeded.  Then, HoloElvis decides to retaliate against the other 13 teams when a statistical error correction went against him and he had his win reversed, and declares he's going to retaliate by dropping out and upsetting our competitive balance by transferring all of his stars to the first couple teams that contacted him.  And who's right there to take advantage of this?  Nicklab and Zod.  Nataku was trying to protect himself, understandably I guess.  Again, had OCB not been so levelheaded, this same group again would have gotten away with another incident.  I don't see how you think it's not cheating Zod to try to gang bang all the other teams by trying to give yourself a leg up by adding a new roster position because you feel you can plug somebody in that's better than other team's potential untility player, and trying to scoff up someone's stars who is just doing it to retaliate against the league.  What Nicklab tried to do with Clinton Portis was worse, true, but you know damn well what adding a TE like Gates with 8 TD's does when TE's who catch TD passes are in such low abundance.  You couldn't get that deal done with HoloElvis all season until the day he declared retaliation and for someone to come scoff up all his stars.  You should have known better, so stop playing Mr. Innocent like you didn't just try to pull a fast one.  And I didn't appreciate the language in your PM either.

Having said that, I'm cool.  But stop acting like you didn't try to pull a couple fast ones, because it's an insult to the collective intelligence of the rest of us.
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Offline Scott

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2004
« Reply #441 on: November 20, 2004, 09:33 PM »
I don't think Nicklab or KBZ knew that HE was dropping out of the game, if he would have offered me something as asinine as the trades being offered I would have probably accepted, not knowing what he was doing

Let me reiterate for the 100000th time, THIS IS FOR FUN.  We're not playing for money, we aren't playing for jack **** and people are treating this like its for the ******* Super Bowl. 

Offline Dressel Rebel

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2004
« Reply #442 on: November 20, 2004, 09:42 PM »
I don't think Nicklab or KBZ knew that HE was dropping out of the game, if he would have offered me something as asinine as the trades being offered I would have probably accepted, not knowing what he was doing

Let me reiterate for the 100000th time, THIS IS FOR FUN.  We're not playing for money, we aren't playing for jack **** and people are treating this like its for the ******* Super Bowl. 

Wait, who proposed the trades?
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Offline Holographic Elvis

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2004
« Reply #443 on: November 20, 2004, 10:58 PM »
OK, let's get something straight here.  NO ONE was trying to cheat.  Dressel, explain how suggesting we ALL expand our starting positions by an extra spot or 2 gives any 1 team an advantage over another when there are 14 teams in this league and no one has an advantage considering every single good player is on someone's roster?  Adding an extra WR spot or the flex position was advantageous TO ALL because it was 1 more spot in your lineup to score points.  It still blows my mind anyone would be opposed to trying to win.  But for you to label that cheating shows nothing more than stupidity on your part. 

KBZ has been asking me about Gates via PM for at least 2 weeks, and I told him if my season went to **** that I would trade Gates to him.  Well, I scored the win this week and someone even posted how there was a great race shaping up for the last playoff spot with now 4 teams sitting at 3-7.  Well, when my win got reversed, it totally threw any hopes for my season out the window.  That was why I told KBZ that Gates was available, and let's face it, he was throwing plenty of talent my way in that deal.  It should have gone through.  I should have declined the Jones for Portis offer and countered with something more even.  It doesn't make sense to lock my team since anyone facing me will have an advantage because of bye weeks, injuries (like Hasselbeck this week), etc.  If you're so hell bent on keeping it even, someone better adjust my roster each week cause God knows I'm not doing it.  But to suggest anyone was cheating is again stupid on your part.

And now to the accusation that I was trying to sabotage this league.  Again Dressel, that shows total stupidity on your part.  Do us all a favor and keep your 2 cents to yourself.  I'd like each and everyone in this league to tell me with a straight face that they would not protest having a finalized victory reversed days after the decision.  For those of you at the top of the pile, tell me you wouldn't.  What if that came back and cost you a league title or playoff spot?  Can you tell me in all honesty you'd be fine with it?  My guess is HELL NO.  Why should I be ok with it?  It cost me a win and momentum.  I was ready to start trading off players until I won and saw I could still finish strong.  No chance of that now.  Why sit back and take it in the poop shoot?  The decision was crap.  If a stat change is made after the fact, it should not affect a FINAL score.  It wouldn't in any sport, just like the example I gave of the home run really not leaving the yard.  It wouldn't be overturned and become a single and the runs wouldn't be taken off the board would they?  I said from the start I was doing this in protest and no one should or can blame me for that.  I was robbed. 

Apparently Dressel is the spokesperson for this league now so since he's going to label us all cheaters who aren't welcome here, I'll be starting up a fantasy league next season w/ 3 WR spots, a flex position and fantasy point scoring w/ NO decimals.  Basically, a legit league.  Now that's no knock on OCB, but let's be realistic, your scoring system is terrible if it allows any opportunity for something like this to happen.  That's the truth. 

So for the rest of you guys, good luck in your season.  I'll be coaching the rest of my 3 teams from here on out and won't be accessing the league again.  I'll see you all around the boards and I'll see you cheaters in my league next season.   ;)

Offline chuckles

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2004
« Reply #444 on: November 20, 2004, 11:15 PM »
Dressel, explain how suggesting we ALL expand our starting positions by an extra spot or 2 gives any 1 team an advantage over another when there are 14 teams in this league and no one has an advantage considering every single good player is on someone's roster?

The issue was never the addition of a flex position. The issue on that was the timing of it. That should have been discussed prior to the draft, not after. Having another offensive position would have completely changed most peoples draft, so yes, it would have put a few people at a disadvantage who were filling out there starting roster before filling in their bench spots. 

That was why I told KBZ that Gates was available, and let's face it, he was throwing plenty of talent my way in that deal.

I saw the players who were in that deal and I'd hardly call the players in return "plenty of talent", especially when Gates is by far the top scoring TE in the league this year. You were getting a third tier DEF, a backup TE and 2 avg. WRs. Hardly a fair deal in my book.

I should have declined the Jones for Portis offer and countered with something more even.

I should say so considering Julius Jones is on the IR and is done for the year. The fact that Jones was even thrown in as part of any trade is a complete joke.

I'll be starting up a fantasy league next season w/ 3 WR spots, a flex position and fantasy point scoring w/ NO decimals.  Basically, a legit league.  Now that's no knock on OCB, but let's be realistic, your scoring system is terrible if it allows any opportunity for something like this to happen.

For what it's worth, had we not been using the decimal scoring, Famine would have still beat you, 30-29 by my calcs.

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2004
« Reply #445 on: November 20, 2004, 11:55 PM »
HE, to be honest, I wouldn't throw a fit over a loss in a FREE, FANTASTY, FRIENDLY leauge. Even a turn over a week later. I may complain from time to time about how my team sucks. Thats about as much complaining as you'd see from me. Maybe if the score was 3-20 and suddenly I lost to some one who only had 3 points to begin with, but that wont happen. It was a close game and it came down to a fraction, and they fixed the miscalculation.  Your loss wont cause me to suddenly sweep and win, or cause any messups. Please get over it.

No one's losing any money, or gaining any, as Scott said. Also, every one else seems fine with Scotts scoring system, and aside from your loss, I havent noticed any big complaints.

I tried to keep my cool, and didnt wanna single anyone out but this is rediculous.
Like it or leave it folks.

It's just a game.

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Offline Rob

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2004
« Reply #446 on: November 21, 2004, 12:27 AM »
Talk about crying...

Insinuating that because I suggested I'd prefer to have a utility player in the league, I'm a cheater is among the dumbest things of all time.  Just because you feel your team has no depth and couldn't handle it - it never happened, hence no cheating. 

It's not like I looked at everyone else's rosters when I supported that idea and thought to myself, I've got the deepest team in the league, maybe I can exploit that and twist it to my advantage.  I just thought it would be more fun to have extra players in and higher scores. 

Whatever though dude - I could care less.  I play by the same little electronic rules as everyone else, and I beat your team fair and square - and you're pointing fingers and crying foul.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2004, 12:30 AM by Kneel Before Zod »

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2004
« Reply #447 on: November 21, 2004, 12:37 AM »
Please stop bitching about this or I'll delete the damn thing and we'll never do this again

Offline Scott

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2004
« Reply #448 on: November 21, 2004, 01:05 AM »
In fact...I'm going to lock this until tomorrow

Offline Scott

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2004
« Reply #449 on: November 21, 2004, 04:55 PM »
Bumpin for Kevin :)