Author Topic: Question for the those that grew up in the 80's!!!!  (Read 10175 times)

Offline Mikey D

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Re: Question for the those that grew up in the 80's!!!!
« Reply #15 on: December 2, 2004, 08:05 AM »

-Ben Franklin...  A small chain of odd retail stores who kinda had a specialty for craft things (thread, fabric, yarn, etc.) but who also had a general collection of other stuff too.  Got many a G.I. Joe there, and Ben Franklin stores were like fly ****.  There was one in almost every small town (yup, small towns in the boonies).  One was even right on the top of the hill in my dinky little town, and another 10 minutes away in Apollo up the river.  Weird stores, and they just all disappeared (the last of them) maybe 8 or 10 years ago.  Not all that long, considering.

Yep, Ben Franklin 5 & 10.  Remember buying an assload of GIJoes from there.  As with many other smaller stores, Wal-Mart put them out of business.

Some other stores not already mentioned:

Jamesway - think along the lines of Bradlees, Caldor, Ames, etc.  And like them, has now gone the way of the dodo.

But like others already mentioned, Sears was the place for Star Wars, either through its Wishbook or their toy section.  Great place.

It seemed TRU was the place to go for GIJoe, even moreso than BF 5&10.  Every year for my birthday my grandparents would pick me up, take me out to lunch and then take me shopping wherever I wanted.  Since this always seemed to happen a few days (usually the following weekend) after my actual birthday, I always had an assload - or what seemed like an assload - of money on me.  I think the best trip was when I got the Cobra Hydrofoil, Night Raven, a bunch of smaller vehicles and the Joes and Cobras to drive them all.  I remember the white and grey camoflague Storm Shadoe being one of them.  Great trip.

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Re: Question for the those that grew up in the 80's!!!!
« Reply #16 on: December 2, 2004, 08:54 AM »
I had a split childhood, in that right around first grade (1980-81) my parents moved us from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Akron, Ohio.

In Milwaukee, not even a mile from our house were the big three of my childhood: Target, KMart, (literally on rival corners) and Toys R Us (two blocks down the road). But where did I buy my first Star Wars toy (an R2-D2 action figure, by the way)? Some crowded up little store called Treasure Island.

Little things I remember--seeing vinyl-caped jawas at TRU (but not getting one! When we went back, they were gone, only later returning with the big brown cloaks), rows and rows of Star Wars figures on the shelf at Target with the POP stolen off the corner (for mailing away for Boba). Getting a Turret/Probot Playset at our KMart in 1980, two years before Kenner even put it in their catalog.

Also trips to the mall. My Landspeeder came from Sears. Finding the cantina wave at KayBee, and convincing my aunt to buy them all for me. The first bunch of Empire figures (alas no Yoda...) at Kohl's.

Then we moved to Akron, and everything was different. Guys at school didn't believe me when I told them I had IG-88--no one here had seen him. the Turret/Probot playset became even more widely held in awe. Bought my first Ohio Star Wars toy--Bossk!--the morning after we arrived, at a grocery/department store called Click's that is no longer in business (today the store is a Goodwill).

There were no Targets or TRUs in Akron, and I don't remember going to KMart in those early days here either (though I'm sure they were always there.) The big player here, filling Target's spot, was a chain called Gold Circle (see JJ's post) they had Star Wars on sale all the time it seemed, and most of my later ESB and ROTJ figures came from there. Finally got Yoda (with the brown snake) and a Taun Taun (impossible finds back in Milwaukee) on my first  trip there. The store I went to has changed hands quite a few times over the years, from Hills to DIY Lumber, to the freakin' Main Library while Akron refurbished our downtown site. Currently the place is vacant.

Several months later my parents discovered Zayre's. That's where I found the AT-AT driver and 2-1B to complete my set of 1981 figures. Between them and GC, I was able to keep up-to-date. Today, that Zayre's is a Value City. I've been there once in the last five years.

Taking the place of TRUs around here was Children's Palace ("a super toy store and a whole lot more"). We didn't really get to go there until later on--it was way out of the way, the only time I'd see it was when we were going to the bakery outlet store, and then I'd beg my mom to stop as we drove by. She rarely caved in (because face it, if she did, it meant she had to buy us something.) I got my first ROTJ toys there--Bib Fortuna and Weequay--and little bits and pieces more. They really helped out in the Transformers years. That store is now an RV lot.

A few years later a Children's Palace opened near our local mall, like 86 or so. A few years later, TRU came to town, opened up a store across the street, and drove them out of business. TRU remains, Children's Palace is now Value City Furniture.

At the mall you'd find a little store called "the Hobby Store" that had toys but they were really expensive. I looked, but didn't shop. There was a Rizzo's toys that closed soon after I arrived--I remember seeing an "Action Display Stand" in the ESB package for the only time there. Not much else until the nineties, when a KayBee finally opened there. But they did have a twenty-foot-tall snowman named Archie who you could tell your Christmas list to. That was cool (and the teenage girls they picked to wear the elf suits and walk you to Archie were always HOT!) This is the first year without him in the area, and I have to say, it's kinda tough on everyone. :'( (especially those poor unemployed teenage girls...)

In the summer we would always visit Wisconsin for a week or so, (not really Milwaukee, as family had moved to the Fond Du Lac area). It was those trips that helped me keep a full collection. Whatever didn't make it to the Akron area was invariably available in great supply in Milwaukee. I'd look forward to those trips, socking away money, and buying so much stuff that you just couldn't get here. In '85, as the line was ending, I bought my last vintage stuff, Amanaman, Barada, and the Skiff, on a trip out there.

Last year my fiancee and I visited Wisconsin together, and I spent an afternoon tracking down my old neighborhood in Milwaukee (seeing as I was all of 6 at the time we moved, I didn't exactly have a great mental map of the place). It was a blast seeing my old house again, and also seeing that the same old Target, KMart and TRU are still standing. (But tell me, why was I dissappointed when I went in the TRU and didn't find any vintage Kenner toys, only pegwarming Saga junk?)

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Re: Question for the those that grew up in the 80's!!!!
« Reply #17 on: December 2, 2004, 09:16 AM »
In addition to Gemco, Sears, JCPenney's and even Ben Franklin, I also remember frequenting Long's Drugstores and Ardan's for my Star Wars fix in the late 70s and early 80s.

Offline Morgbug

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Re: Question for the those that grew up in the 80's!!!!
« Reply #18 on: December 2, 2004, 11:17 AM »
If you haven't already noticed, Brent's wierd like that.  Always some bizarro exception to the rule.  Remember that "story" he wrote the other day?

Like I said, wierd...   :-\

Maybe we can get Berry to install a spell check option on here.  You have a job, right Matt? 

I'm weird dammit, not wierd.  Get it right :-*

As to the Lady's question, briefly, I started collecting Star Wars in 95 as a joke during grad school.  I have a penchant for irritating those in authority and my graduate supervisor was no difference.  I thought it would be funny to give him an Obi-Wan figure I saw in a store when I was looking for other stuff.  I got myself a Vader figure to complete the visual, toy based analogy.  I never expected the proper, British fellow to get the joke, but he did. 

From there, I decided to get the original 12 or so orange carded figures.  I'd always been a Star Wars fan, it just got momentarily interrupted by sports, beer, women.  Think of the reaction of the guys on That 70's Show to Star Wars and you've got my age category figured out.  It was really, really cool, but there were other things to do. 

I had Mego toys, vintage 12" GI Joe and Captain Action toys.  Stormtripper mentioned many of the stores we used to go to: Sears, Eaton's, The Bay.  No real other toys stores at the time, just major Canadian chain stores.  If we went to the US it would be Sears and JC Penney's.  But those were the toys I really pined for, that and hot wheels.  Probably a few other space toys too of the time: Billy Blast Off, Major Matt Mason, stuff like that.  Good stuff to sell on ebay ;)
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Re: Question for the those that grew up in the 80's!!!!
« Reply #19 on: December 2, 2004, 11:29 AM »
Children's Palace was the big one around here as far as Toys R' Us type super stores

Most of my toy buying was done in Target.  Target started here and has slowly spread its wings across the country.

I also remember buying figures at JC Penny

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Re: Question for the those that grew up in the 80's!!!!
« Reply #20 on: December 2, 2004, 11:47 AM »
Holy, 80's. I can go back further than that but... :'(

Ah the days, most mentioned here by my fellow Canuckleheads, Sears, Eaton's, The Bay, Woolco, Woodwards, Consumer Distributing & this place call The Metropolitan, we called it the Met for short.

Ah man, the toy lines back then, I remember seeing the toys in the Sears Christmas Wish Catalog & the Consumers Catalog.

Racks of toys, GI Joe, Mego's, Kenner, Mattel...the list goes on.

When we went to the Met, as soon as you got off the bus you went straight into the store & downstairs into toy heaven. I can still picture the isles full of toys.  8)  Even toys that were just bubble wrapped on cards. I really remember the Sixfinger toy gun from the 60's.

At Woodwards, there was a model kit of the Pink Panther car I wanted, went right to the model area & grabbed one. The shelfs were full & it was only $5. I asked my parents if I could get it & I was short some coin so the little boy I was cried Please & they said no, $5. was too much. Course $5. back then was like $50. to your parents.

Went back there a few weeks later & I never saw that kit again.  :'(

There was even the IDA drug store that carried toys, from Space 1999 to Star Wars. Ah, the memories.

Offline Morgbug

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Re: Question for the those that grew up in the 80's!!!!
« Reply #21 on: December 2, 2004, 11:56 AM »
Ooh!  Consumers Distributing, Woolco and the Met.  I totally forgot about those.  Embarassing about Woolco, because all of ours turned into Walmarts and that's actually where I bought my very first Star Wars figure. 

Great story Dale, I remember all of those memories myself.  Taking the bus downtown to go to the toy sections.  Going to Eaton's first, walking to The Met, then over to The Bay, where we always had lunch.  Toys all over the place.  The glory days of no shrink wrap and no plastic tombs of death.  GI Joe stuff was always the best.  But as you indicated, a lot of it was pretty expensive at the time.  I always wanted the space capsule but never got it :'(  Basically I wanted all the toys that Eric Foreman had in his room ;)
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Re: Question for the those that grew up in the 80's!!!!
« Reply #22 on: December 2, 2004, 12:26 PM »
Funny thing Brent, The Met, Eatons, Sears & Woodwards were all within walking distance downtown.

I remember going into Woodwards taking the escalator to the I think it was the 5th floor maybe the 4th, so long ago, get to the floor hang a right then a left & bingo toys. Isles of toys. Boxed, pegged, bins you name it.

Then Met was were I got my James Bond brief case MISB. Had it for yrs. until my Mom cleaned my closet out when I was at basic training for Air Cadets for the summer!  :o  Thanks Mom!  :'(

The there was the kids dream toy every boy wanted, the Johnny Seven OMA (One Man Army) from Topper. Oh yeah baby, time to get my friends & have some fun.  ;D

Sadly the OMA landed up getting tossed out in time.  :'(

RIP Johhny Seven, you brought me some good times!  ;D

I was into alot of the spy/action stuff from the TV & movie era from the 60's & 70's. The Man From Uncle, I Spy, The Avengers, Mission Impossible, James Bond, Danger Man & Get Smart.

Other toy lines from the 60's were Lost In Space, Land Of The Giants, Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea.

The 70's there were toys from The Six Million Dollar Man & Bionic Woman, M*A*S*H, Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars, & Space 1999 just to name a few.

If I could turn back time, yeah you & me all!  ;)

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Re: Question for the those that grew up in the 80's!!!!
« Reply #23 on: December 2, 2004, 12:37 PM »
Sheesh... maybe we should start a "Question for those that grew up in the stone age" thread for you two Canadians.   :P

I did most of my figure/toy buying at 3 locations.

1 - Target
2 - Children's Palace
3 - Ben Franklin

A few things came from Sear's Catalog Outlet store, as well as the occasionaly Woolworths, K-Mart, or Zayre Shoppers City.

Strange to think that they are almost all gone the way of the DoDo now...  :'(

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Re: Question for the those that grew up in the 80's!!!!
« Reply #24 on: December 2, 2004, 12:45 PM »
Sheesh... maybe we should start a "Question for those that grew up in the stone age" thread for you two Canadians.   :P

Why I auta     :-*  :P

Offline Scott

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Re: Question for the those that grew up in the 80's!!!!
« Reply #25 on: December 2, 2004, 01:33 PM »
Sheesh... maybe we should start a "Question for those that grew up in the stone age" thread for you two Canadians.   :P

I did most of my figure/toy buying at 3 locations.

1 - Target
2 - Children's Palace
3 - Ben Franklin

A few things came from Sear's Catalog Outlet store, as well as the occasionaly Woolworths, K-Mart, or Zayre Shoppers City.

Strange to think that they are almost all gone the way of the DoDo now...  :'(

D'oh, I forgot Ben Franklin...the only store in my home town that carried toys.  Otherwise it was a 30 minute trip to the Target in Coon Rapids.  This was after we moved to the sticks from Robbinsdale and the nice proximity of Crystal Target and Brookdale

BTW, I almost said the Canucks should have said "Question for those that grew up in the 50's" but I held my tongue, glad to see not everyone did

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Re: Question for the those that grew up in the 80's!!!!
« Reply #26 on: December 2, 2004, 01:55 PM »
D'oh, I forgot Ben Franklin...the only store in my home town that carried toys.  Otherwise it was a 30 minute trip to the Target in Coon Rapids.  This was after we moved to the sticks from Robbinsdale and the nice proximity of Crystal Target and Brookdale

A trip to Children's Palace in Rosedale was a once every other month affair.  A trip to Target happened every other week as my Mom and Grandma needed to resupply their households, but BNen Franklin was just a bike ride away to the local"mall" if you can call a Grocery Store, Snyders, Ben Franklin, Hair Salon, and Pet Store a "mall".

There were many times I sat in the aisle at Ben Franklin wondering if I should buy a particular figure or not.  Buying it now meant that I had the figure I wanted immediately, but waiting until a trip to Target might save me a $0.50-$1.00 BUT they might not have the figure I wanted.  Decisions, decisions.   :-\

I know I grabbed Storm Shadow (v1) at Ben Franklin, I didn't care that he was almost $1 more there than Target, because I had to have that Ninja something fierce!  Same went for RotJ Jedi Luke and Endor Han, both picked up at Ben because I couldn't wait!

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Re: Question for the those that grew up in the 80's!!!!
« Reply #27 on: December 2, 2004, 01:57 PM »
I could never ever find Storm Shadow OR Snake Eyes and was happy to buy them both at the local Hardware did that make my day. 

I can still remember buying He-Man and Robotech and bundles of GI Joes from Ben Franklin though.  Even that was with mom or dad because it was "across the river"  Like I somehow would manage to dump myself in the river on my bike from the bridge ::)

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Re: Question for the those that grew up in the 80's!!!!
« Reply #28 on: December 2, 2004, 02:27 PM »
Gosh I can't remember what stores I went to back in the 80's, considering I was only born in '84. What I can remember is being in K-Mart around '87 and seeing the tail end of what was left of Return of the Jedi. I sure wish I'd bought all of those speeder bikes and Jabba's dias'!


Around '88 or '89, at a mom-and-pop shop, I passed up a chance to buy a Vader case full of loose Star Wars figures... $20 sounded like a lot of money back then. It's really sickening to think back on it, but at least I picked up a tin ESB lunchbox for a couple of bucks.

Let me ask this, maybe someone will have a similar experience...

One thing I vaguely remember is my mom buying me GI Joe's at a gas station... The figures were kept behind the counter along with the cigaretts - I always figured they were some sort of mail-away deal with the gas station. Does anyone remember a gas station offering exclusive GI Joe's?


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Re: Question for the those that grew up in the 80's!!!!
« Reply #29 on: December 2, 2004, 02:53 PM »
Down in the bay area of California, I'd find myself making frequent trips on my bike to Payless, where I would pick up my Star Wars and later GI Joe figures.  I'd also go there to buy an atari game about once a month with whatever money I had saved up from chores and washing dishes at my family's restaurant.  As most people over 10 probably know, they later became Rite Aid.
This was also usually my one stop shop for He-Man toys and vehicles.

I got several of my bigger toys (He Man's Castle, Metroplex, etc, etc) from the now long gone "Gemco" stores.

Mervyns was the place for Transformers, though when I was about 10-11 we got our first Target which replaced that as "the" hot spot for toys and more importantly, video games.  My parents got me the GI JOE Defiant at Target. Still the best toy I ever received at Christmas.

Sears was the place for Legos, and Star Wars figures I'd circle in the big Christmas Catalog. I believe my X-wing fighter came from Sears.

Last but not least, Toys R Us. I grew up in a city called Vallejo, so the nearest one was a little over 20 miles away. This proved to be a big obstacle, and I wouldn't get to go there that much.  When I did though, it was like the Mecca of toys. You never saw anything like the toys you saw there.

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