Update for May ($ in CDN, then updated to US $ at end)
May 2 - OTC Sandcrawler - $32.10
May 4 - SAGA Ephant Mon - $27.42
May 5 - 8 ROTS figs - $81.80
May 11 - 3 ROTS figs - $34.17
May 16 - 6 ROTS exclusives (3 x 2 each), loose POTF2 figs - $157.65
May 17 - 3 ROTS figs - $30.68
May 18 - 5 POTF2 + 2 SAGA figs + SAGA Battle of Hoth - $55.00
May 26 - Unleashed Darth Maul + POTF2 CS's + Deluxe - $154.94
May 30 - 4 Super Deformed + ROTS Clone #41 - $74.67
May 30 - 2 Holo Yodas + more to trade - $28.98
May 30 - Unleashed Anakin + Padme - $39.05
May 30 - POTF2 Rancor + Bantha
- $80.58
May 30 - 90 POTF2, E1, POTJ, SAGA figs - $313.30
May 30 - 18 POTF2 figs - $120.00
May Total = $1838.89 CDN = $1436.63 US
Apr Total = $3104.42 CDN = $2444.42 US
Mar Total = $957.66 CDN = $789.37 US
Feb Total = $256.65 CDN = $211.55 US
Jan Total = $943.11 CDN = $759.78 US
Year Total = $7100.74 CDN = $5641.75 USAnd the spending spree continues! Our basement is nearly finished being renovated, so soon I'll actually be able to display my acquisitions...