Author Topic: BREAKING NEWS: Britney Spears not a virgin!!  (Read 23723 times)

Offline JoshEEE

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Re: Oh My God
« Reply #45 on: September 4, 2003, 05:53 PM »
Whenever I see guys on the internet talking about how "ugly" celebrities like Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera are.....

I always have a good chuckle.

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Re: Oh My God
« Reply #46 on: September 5, 2003, 09:29 AM »
Methinks they doth protest too much, hey JoshEEE? I know I'd have trouble pushing any one of those ladies out of my bed. ;D

It's interesting that so much attention is put on the Britney/Madonna kiss. I've yet to see a single image or footage of Madonna's smooch with Christina. It seems almost expected that Christina kiss a woman, but when Britney does it, look out!

She's just losing her virginity all OVER the place. What's next, a llama?  :o
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Re: Oh My God
« Reply #47 on: September 5, 2003, 11:30 AM »
Methinks they doth protest too much, hey JoshEEE? I know I'd have trouble pushing any one of those ladies out of my bed.

Exactly. It's like when you go to and see 100 replies to a post about a picture of some girl with a bunch of guys saying "Ewwwww", or "Her nose is too big".

These are the same guys that if they ever happened to be at a bar (Say...on a drink break on D&D night), and the same girl walked in, you'd need 4 janitors to sweep their chins off the floor.  You certainly wouldn't hear any complaints that day.   :)

Of course, that's what the internet is for....and I suppose I thought Britney was a LOT hotter with long hair. What is she doing with shorter hair, that old HAG!

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Re: Oh My God
« Reply #48 on: September 5, 2003, 12:25 PM »
Whenever I see guys on the internet talking about how "ugly" celebrities like Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera are.....

I always have a good chuckle.

I can say that I think Ms. Aguilera is a skank and I for one wouldn't push her out my bed... because she wouldn't be allowed in it in the first place.

Ms. Spears is cute... but nothing more than that for me. She does have quite a body... but nothing that anyone w/ her money couldn't obtain. Also take into account she's in her early 20's I'd hope she still has herself a tight little body...

Madonna? 100% skank IMHO. I think I stated how I felt about her though in my GAP commercial post.

Totally publicity stunt and a lame a** one of you ask me.
Madonna needs to check her birth certificate and then realize she has some kids that need tending to...

As for the...

These are the same guys that if they ever happened to be at a bar (Say...on a drink break on D&D night), and the same girl walked in, you'd need 4 janitors to sweep their chins off the floor.  You certainly wouldn't hear any complaints that day.


Well I never once played a game of "D&D" in my life and feel as I do on these "women". Britney and Christina are no more "HOT" than someone living a few blocks from you. I mean they are both blonde blue eyed "HOTTIES"... umm... yeah... that's tough to find in the nearest mall.

Never been a big fan of blondes in general though... IMHO many look all the same to me.

I think it's fairly easy to say they aren't "HOT" as some out there think... because well some have a bit higher standard. Then again it might just be the huge "D&D" triflin', no *** getting geek in me  :-*
« Last Edit: September 5, 2003, 12:37 PM by Jimmy »
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Re: Oh My God
« Reply #49 on: September 5, 2003, 12:40 PM »
Actually, Christina used to look more attractive.  The dark hair, IMO, does not suit her and frankly from what I saw on that show, without the airbrushing she really doesn't look that hot to me.  Yes, she's attractive, yes she has a wicked body.  BUT, like the other old man said, not anything I can't find (without airbrushing) right where I live.  Hell, come to the gym with me and try picking up your jaw.  

Similar comments can be applied to Ms. Spears.  Airbrushing helps, the makeup she had on was gaudy (perhaps suited to the role) but she looked rough, for who she is and how hot she's supposed to be.  

Madonna, some 20 or more years older than those two looked better, physically and facially (same thing, I know).  Skanky indeed.  

Talk to me about them in 10 years if they haven't completely ravaged their looks with their seemingly new found lifestyle.  Being older than most, I have way more respect for someone that takes care of themselves than exploits their natural assets.  I ain't saying I don't enjoy it, just appreciating the effort it takes after age starts fighting you rather than helping you.  Your time will come ;D :P
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Re: Oh My God
« Reply #50 on: September 5, 2003, 12:44 PM »
Publicity stunt IMO.  ::)

DING DING DING!  The fact that so many people are talking about it is the proof that is was a BIGTIME publicity stunt, and it worked!  It was kinda hot, too.   ;D
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Re: Oh My God
« Reply #51 on: September 5, 2003, 01:06 PM »
Being older than most, I have way more respect for someone that takes care of themselves than exploits their natural assets.  I ain't saying I don't enjoy it, just appreciating the effort it takes after age starts fighting you rather than helping you.

I agree "old man"  ;)

I much more respect an older woman that hold herself high and makes sure she doesn't just it all fall out like many do. There is something far sexier to me in any woman 30+ that looks "HOT" than any 23 yr old...

At 23 most women should still be in tip top shape w/ the flat as board stomachs. Many have not gone through child birth at that point along w/ the many other parts of life that can take a toll on your body quickly.

I think Demi Moore is incredibly gorgeous for her age. Yes she also has had her surgey and has enough money to look as she does... but she also could skank it out like mommy Madonna... Demi just opts for the less skankier look... IMHO

I think what's funny about most men is that they MANY do not realize the amount of makeup, air brushing, etc, etc that goes into these "HOT" women.
Do you think Ms. Skan-err I mean Aguilera is going to be all that "beautiful" when you roll over in the morning?
Uhhh... yeah...

If some bitty walked by you on the street w/ skirt as short as Christina's you'd be much more likey to call her some skanky ho... but she does it and it's all good...  ::)

I just appreciate women that hold themselves to a higher level. Skank is easy...  and seems to be "in style"  ::)

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Re: Oh My God
« Reply #52 on: September 5, 2003, 04:04 PM »
I think it's fairly easy to say they aren't "HOT" as some out there think... because well some have a bit higher standard. Then again it might just be the huge "D&D" triflin', no *** getting geek in me

Ok, I'll grant that. They aren't "Godesses" or anything.  In fact, to tell you the truth, personally, neither one of them is on or anywhere near the top of the "hottest girl I've ever seen" list.

But still, I'd hardly call them ugly, or say it's all airbrushing that makes them as attractive as they are.  There are plenty of attractive girls at my gym, or at the mall, or wherever too....but that doesn't make Madonna, Britney or Christina any LESS attractive.  They're all good looking women, skanky or not. I mean....ugly may define whatever dress or makeup they have on at one point or another...but these just aren't "Ugly" people to me.


While it's true beauty is in the eye of the beholder, all I was getting at is people seem to be VERY criticial online of people's looks, and act as though they have some really super-high standards.

Yet, I'm sure if we took a look at pictures of most of their wives, ex-girflriends, whatever......we wouldn't see too any pictures of women that were better looking than these girls they think are so "average looking" it ends up being some sort of weird hypocrisy.

That's all I was getting at. People are just a little harsher online than I'd imagine them being in their personal lives when it comes to judging women.

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Re: Oh My God
« Reply #53 on: September 5, 2003, 04:52 PM »
People are just a little harsher online than I'd imagine them being in their personal lives when it comes to judging women.

Agreed, although I wouldn't stop there. From armchair quarterbacks to internet beauty pageant judges, people are generally more critical at a distance than not. Or maybe they're just more politically correct face to face than not.

But does that make the internet a more honest medium of communication than most others? Or just a safer place to pass judgment?
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Re: Oh My God
« Reply #54 on: September 5, 2003, 06:45 PM »
But does that make the internet a more honest medium of communication than most others? Or just a safer place to pass judgment?

I think it depends. I think people are likely to say a lot of things they might too afraid to say in person on the internet. Opinions they have that they wouldn't want their co-workers or friends to know perhaps?  

A very basic example of this is I know how much a lot of you guys covet your Star Wars figures (and vice versa), but I'll bet dollars to donuts that a lot of our co-workers have no idea.   I know outside my circle of friends, there are a lot of people in my group at work that have no idea what a nut I am.

Then we have the trashing of women, or celebrities in general. "Britney looks skanky" or..."I hate Kobe Bryant, and if I ever saw him I'd spit in his face".

But how HONEST are these people? Who knows? The same guy saying Christina Aguilera looks trashy may be the one who watched that particular part of the MTV awards over and over on MTV with his Tivo.

The guy who hates Kobe Bryant would probably jump at the chance for a free autographed basketball.

I suppose there's no way to tell what people really mean, but when they say things that I find blatantly silly like that....I always notice.

As trashy or ugly as some people here might have said Madonna, Britney, or Christina are....I'll bet you they're better looking than just about every girl you've ever been with.  Of course, if you have comparison pictures, you are WELCOME to post them.  I doubt we'll be seeing many. :)

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Re: Oh My God
« Reply #55 on: September 5, 2003, 09:27 PM »

A very basic example of this is I know how much a lot of you guys covet your Star Wars figures (and vice versa), but I'll bet dollars to donuts that a lot of our co-workers have no idea.   I know outside my circle of friends, there are a lot of people in my group at work that have no idea what a nut I am.

Well, since I used to get all my trades delivered to work, pretty much everyone knows about that :P  

Your points are well taken.  The only parting comment I have is that I'm much more blunt and direct in person than I am on the net.  Also much more contentious.  Unless it puts my job at risk.  I did not say I'm stupid ;)
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Offline JoshEEE

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Re: Oh My God
« Reply #56 on: September 6, 2003, 12:06 PM »
Your points are well taken.  The only parting comment I have is that I'm much more blunt and direct in person than I am on the net.  Also much more contentious.  Unless it puts my job at risk.  I did not say I'm stupid

I am too in some ways, but not in others. work I could never say some of the stuff I like to talk about on various web boards. I'd get in trouble with HR.  Hell..this conversation alone about girl on girl smooching would probably be good enough for a talking-to if it were heard by the wrong people in the hallways.

Stupid politically correct rules.....someday this is all going to burst and we'll take a hard look at how anal a world we've become.
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Re: Oh My God
« Reply #57 on: September 6, 2003, 01:54 PM »
Yup, that's exactly what I'm talking about too.  Losing job = bad.  No money for toys.

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Anyone See This?
« Reply #58 on: March 30, 2004, 01:11 PM »
I watched this last night for the first time and was shocked that she could put on such a good show, I really enjoyed, if any of you all have seen it can you tell me what you think?

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Re: Anyone See This?
« Reply #59 on: March 30, 2004, 07:30 PM »
I watched about five minutes of this show.  :o
I swear some of it was nothing short of a porn-o. A bit too far for little Britney. She is a ****!  :)

I could not believe some of the things she had on stage. Little kids were watching for crying out loud. No wonder America is corrupt. It is things like this that get embedded into people's minds.

Overall though I can say the stage design was outstanding but the show was a bit to adult. I guess that is why it was on cable. I guess I cannot really complain too much. I just do not like Britney.
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