Author Topic: LOST  (Read 142915 times)

Offline Darth_Anton

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« Reply #405 on: March 16, 2008, 10:20 AM »
I would assume Claire has to die also for the baby to go to Kate but how does the baby get to Kate? 

I wouldn't. A bunch of people could have stayed on the Island for various reasons. Sure, she could die, but I wouldn't assume that, not on this show.

Sadly. I missed the rebroadcast of the Juliet episode, so I'm still lacking in some newer details.
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Offline Darth_Ice

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« Reply #406 on: March 16, 2008, 01:10 PM »
We know Jack,Kate,Hugo,Syiad,Sun are 5 of the 6 Oceanic 6? Who is heck is the 6th of the Oceanic 6? Micheal? Arron? WHHOOO!

Ok here is my thoughts on why those people are the people that got off the Island, the answer is easy they were not exposed to the eletromatic fallout from the Swan being blown up.  At that time Jack,Kate,Hugo, and Sawyer were all on the other side of the island being held by Ben on the dock.  Micheal had already left with Walt. Syiad,Jin, and Sun were all on Desmond's boat looking for Kate,Jack,Sawyer, and Hugo. again not exposed to the fallout from the hatch explosion.

« Last Edit: March 16, 2008, 01:12 PM by Darth_Ice »

Offline efranks

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« Reply #407 on: March 16, 2008, 02:32 PM »
The only possible problem with that argument is that Aaron was with Claire when the hatch blew and he made it off.

Here's my thought on why Aaron IS one of the Oceanic 6;  We know that Kate is claiming him as her kid yet she obviously couldn't have been pregnant when they came back so Aaron would have had to come with them.

I don't think that she'd say that she was pregnant on the island because during Jack's testimony in her trial he said that Kate saved them, not something that a pregnant woman would have been able to do. Plus if she were pregnant when they crashed she would have had to of been almost due as Clair was and that makes the argument that she saved 5 other people a little more out there.

On top of that WE know that more than 6 people survived the crash but the outside world doesn't.  To the outside world when Jack, Hurley, Said, Kate, Jin and Aaron show up in the US everyone says "hey, six survivors," and that's how the press comes up with a snappy headline like "The Oceanic Six" followed by a happy, smiling photo of the courageous woman and her baby.

My question, though, is what happens to Desmond and Michael and Walt?  Desmond is the only one that wasn't on the plane that has the possibility of making it back so how is he explained?  Was he just a stranded boat racer that happened to be on the island?  Or will he not make it back to Penny from the boat where he is now?  And, if not, how's that going to be explained when Penny knows that he's alive now?

As for Michael and Walt, even if you dismiss the idea that Aaron is one of the six, then you can only count Michael OR Walt but not both and still have the "O6."  Does Michael stick with Ben's organization and therefore not get counted? 

There's still a lot of questions to be answered but I'm going to stick with Aaron being one of the 6 till we know for a fact that it's not him and is, instead, Michael (since we've seen him and we're supposed to know all 6 now).

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Offline Darth_Ice

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« Reply #408 on: March 16, 2008, 02:50 PM »
there are some crazy rumors that this "Michael" is actually a grown up Walt.  ;D Here is a ? Michael has been off the island for about a month or so how could he have gotten a job on the boat so fast? I mean I take it the boat has been there looking for the island for sometime.

Offline Darth_Ice

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« Reply #409 on: March 16, 2008, 02:58 PM »
Maybe the drug Ethan injected Claire with before Arron was born was an antidote to the "sickness"  I can not wait till they do a backstory about Rousseau I just I'm dying to find out if my theories about her are true.   

Opps sorry I thought I was posting under my other post.. :o
« Last Edit: March 16, 2008, 02:58 PM by Darth_Ice »

Offline Brian

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« Reply #410 on: March 17, 2008, 10:23 AM »
From what I remember from the promos they did say that last Thursday's episode would reveal the "last of the Oceanic Six", so in one way or another, we must know all six by now.  I'm wondering if Aaron is considered part of that number, or maybe someone else (like Michael?).  It may even be whoever was in the casket in Jack's flash forward last season (again, maybe Michael, or someone else totally).  I don't know that they've ever actually said that all of the Oceanic Six are still alive.  But then again, by that logic, since they are all supposed to be so famous at this point, you would think someone would have shown up for that viewing/funeral for whoever is in the casket - just out of curiosity if nothing else.  Lots of questions there, to be sure.

Like others, I'm not totally convinced that Jin (or Claire for that matter) are necessarily really "dead" - but it may just be part of the lie that the Oceanic Six are sticking to.  Its pretty obvious that there has to be someone left on that island that is still alive, although the "real world" isn't supposed to know about it.  I read an interesting theory this morning as well that the "Adam and Eve" skeletons from the cave in Season 1 may in fact be Rose and Bernard, as a result of all the time traveling/tripping type things.  Who knows if it is true, but interesting either way.

Offline evenflow

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« Reply #411 on: March 17, 2008, 12:50 PM »
I am glad you brought up the skeletons. I hope they revisit that, the 4 toed foot and the black and white stones locke has.
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Offline JediJman

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« Reply #412 on: March 17, 2008, 10:48 PM »
There were lots of clues that Jin was flashing back, not forward - his old style cell phone, the "year of the dragon" bit at the toy store (last year of the dragon was 2000), the fact he was working for Paik Industries, his goofy haircut.

Wow, I missed a lot of this.   :-[  I even remember hearing that it was the year of the dragon, but didn't bother to look up when that actually was.  You've convinced me!

I was watching one of the last episodes of Season 3 tonight - the one where Charlie goes down to the Looking Glass hatch.  Desmond tells Charlie about his vision, where Charlie dies, but he also says that part of his vision is Claire and Aaron getting on a rescue helicopter.  I had completely forgotten about this.  If that's the case, Claire must at least make it to the helicopter.
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Offline Straxus

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« Reply #413 on: March 18, 2008, 01:37 AM »
When Jin and Bernard were fishing and Jin caught something both my girlfriend and I immediately joked that it was Charlie on the other end of the hook...hehe.

I read somewhere on someones theory that the island is some weird parallel timeline/displaced version of manhatten island and that the four toed statue is whats left of the statue of liberty. (appearantly the statue of liberty is suppost to only have four toes? Never been able to check this out for myself...)
Though my theory on the island is that its Lemuria. Its in the right area for that mythical island.

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Offline Phrubruh

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« Reply #414 on: March 18, 2008, 09:49 AM »
Have you ever noticed how the flash forwards are going backwards in time. We started off with scruffy Jack wanting to go back to the island to Kate's hearing to Sun visiting Jin's grave. It seems to me that this season will link up with the last flash forward at some point. The new season will start with scruffy Jack figuring out how to get back to the island.
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Offline Brian

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« Reply #415 on: March 19, 2008, 08:56 AM »
From TV Guide's Ask Ausiello column this week, regarding the Oceanic Six:
Question: Who the heck are the Oceanic Six? If Aaron's not one of them, and Jin's grave marker is for his "supposed" death when the plane crashed, who else made it off the island with Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid and Jin?— Jen

Ausiello: Who said Aaron is not one of the Oceanic Six? Certainly not me. Take another look at my asterisk quiz from Feb. 27 and consider all of the possible combinations. In the meantime, don't expect a definitive answer about the Six from Team Darlton. Carlton Cuse tells me they're "not going public with any further clarifications right now." And what of the ABC promo that promised viewers they'd know the identity of the Six by the end of last week's episode? "We don't determine how ABC promotes the show," says Cuse. "But Damon and I will say you have now seen all of the Oceanic Six in this season's episodes."

Offline Darth_Ice

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« Reply #416 on: March 19, 2008, 09:36 AM »
all of the O6 have been featured in a flashfoward, Jin was not his was a flashback, Jin can not be one of the O6. That leaves Michael or Arron. Since Michael wan an actual passenger on OC815 and we know he is already off the island, it dose not take a strectch to think he is the 6th.  I also have always thought he was in the one in the coffin at the end of S3.

Offline Darth_Anton

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« Reply #417 on: March 19, 2008, 09:44 AM »
Michael being one of the 6 is a real stretch, he and Walt got off way before, not to mention a whole host of other logic issues. Least of which is that the six would have have all been found together and we haven't seen Michael in any flash forwards to indicate that he survived the boat situation.
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Offline Darth_Ice

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« Reply #418 on: March 19, 2008, 11:10 AM »
its Michael! Kate's reaction to Jack after shows her the obit for the person in the coffin... It is Michael!  ;D I would bet you my unopened Imperial Shuttle from ROTJ *if I actually had one to bet*   ;D

Offline Darth_Anton

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« Reply #419 on: March 21, 2008, 09:21 AM »
its Michael! Kate's reaction to Jack after shows her the obit for the person in the coffin... It is Michael!  ;D I would bet you my unopened Imperial Shuttle from ROTJ *if I actually had one to bet*   ;D

Bummer, I would have been on shuttle richer.  8)
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