Author Topic: Why must Target suck so for Star Wars?  (Read 4481 times)

Offline Darth Slothus

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Re: Why must Target suck so for Star Wars?
« Reply #30 on: September 30, 2005, 04:19 PM »
c'mon that store MUST be closing right??

Offline Holographic Elvis

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Re: Why must Target suck so for Star Wars?
« Reply #31 on: October 1, 2005, 05:23 PM »
This is too funny.  You sit in the So Cal thread and say you never have a problem finding what you need so other than taking a cheap shot at Target (or me for working there), what exactly is the point of a "Target sucks" thread?  You've already been proven wrong on many points about your "observations" about Target.  If you don't like the place cause they won't pull figs for you from the back, which is our policy, then don't shop there and give it a rest already.  It's tired now.  But what did you do last nite?  You went and got the dates for the new exclusives.  Hypocritical much?

How long have you been collecting?  The way you post, it seems to me that you're a newbie collector.  Collectors who don't know "the game" are the ones who bitch and moan the most.  Collectors who know, they don't complain (in some cases they don't complain as much.)  Jay (JayDouble) and I had this conversation yesterday.  As a collector, you have to know the obstacles you are up against (limited pieces, exclusives, employees who collect or scalp, scalpers, casual collectors, etc, etc, etc.) so you have to just work that much harder if you really want the piece.  You seem to find everything you want AND you also have this board as a resource, so what's the problem?
« Last Edit: October 1, 2005, 05:56 PM by Holographic Elvis »

Offline TheBlackDog65

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Re: Why must Target suck so for Star Wars?
« Reply #32 on: October 2, 2005, 12:09 PM »
Here's reality for me. When my wife and I need to shop at a box store, we prefer Target and find the quality of the goods much better then what you get at Target. However, for hunting, I have to say in Utah Walmart wins hands down. Product moves out of Walmart and when it doesn't they move quicker to get rid of peg warmers.  At Target, unless your at opening you lose and since I teach, I cannot be at opening unless I'm off track. So for Star Wars, Target won't work for me. Overall, I have to agree that I like Target better then Walmart, and I won't shop at Walmart unless I really have to which is rare. Wally is dirty, scuzzy. Having said that my wife state and I agree that out of 4 TRU's around us, three smell like someone has taken a pee in the entryway everytime you enter.
Finally, I agree you have to know how to hunt to make Target work for you, or Walmart or any store. If not, the store will suck and you'll have to figure out another way to get what you want. So each store sucks in a way IMO.
As for employees, what do you expect out of any store who is pay $5 to $7 per hour for help? Overall I think Target employees are more helpful then Walmarts though.
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Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: Why must Target suck so for Star Wars?
« Reply #33 on: October 2, 2005, 05:15 PM »
IMHO Walmarts are disgustingly filthy ****holes, and I do my best to stay out of them as much as possible. In comparison to Walmarts, Target's are clean, have short lines, are easy to return things to, have 100x smarter people working in them, and have a much higher-end overall product line and thus clientelle.

Just to add to Matt's statement with some background info as it pertains to the cleanliness/layout/design issue (and I go on at length/ad nauseum about this in the "Wal-Mart Sucks" thread): Wal-Mart is purposely designed to be a somewhat difficult shopping experience for the average consumer. 

The aisles are, by design, more narrow than what you would find at Target because if you want to get from point A (one end of aisle) to point B (other end of aisle) and there is an obstruction (morbidly obese troll in a motor cart with 4 orbiting children), instead of being able to squeeze by, you would have to divert your path to an adjacent aisle and go completely around the obstruction.  It is WM's hope that, by having to do so, you will see something down the bypass aisle that catches your fancy and you will BUY MORE FROM THEM.  This is also why WM has those endless aisle obstruction pallets in the middle of their main thoroughfares in the store: if you can't make a straight line to buy one thing, you might make 50 turns and buy at least one more thing than you planned on.

Target has wide aisles and I have yet to see any Target with huge aisle obstructions, man-made or no, that divert you from your intended destination.  Their shelves are always clean and organized (and if they're not, the employees will make an effort to clean them up, unlike WM, whose idea seems to be "Let's build a Battle Pack fort on the edge of the shelf and see how many days it takes it to fall over in the aisle"), and the employees are, 9 times out of 10, and admittedly from my own personal experience, friendlier and less likely to look at you as if you were a serial killer for asking where the Exacto Knives are.  Not to mention the fact that one of the Target employees near where I live is just drop-dead gorgeous.  Ashley, thou hast stolen my heart, oh princess of the retail world.   :-*

Every time I go into Target, I am able to get in and out without thinking of committing assault on multiple shoppers and/or employees.  I cannot say the same for my visits to Wal-Mart.  While I hate hate hate Target's exclusive, well, exclusivity these days with Hasbro and their seeming inability to handle these exclusives in a reasonable, "everybody gets one" manner, I'd rather shop there than walk into Wal-Mart and run the risk of catching lice.