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Messages - Pete_Fett

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Saga Collection '06 / Re: Possible VTSC Wave 2?
« on: April 23, 2006, 08:38 AM »
Another example of a basic figure being close to the VTSC level of quality is the recent AT-AT Driver. Add ankle joints, a ball jointed waist/chest articulation point and change the elbows from cut joints to ball joints and that figure could easily be part of the VTSC line.

It almost makes you wonder what the criteria is for how a figure gets on the VOTC/VTSC list.

Personally, every OT trooper has already been done. If they make another/updated version, I would PREFER they put it in the VTSC line - and I do buy multiples of the $10 army builders so I'm in the same boat as everyone else on that regard.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Possible VTSC Wave 2?
« on: April 22, 2006, 10:54 PM »
Well, for me personally, this will probably be what I get:

2 x Darth Vader (ESB)
5 x Jawa (light-up eyes)
2 x Luke Skywalker Bespin Gear
2 x Princess Leia Endor General
5 x Snow Trooper (Hoth Stormtrooper)

Unless they have a giveaway for another 6th figure with that wave as well, then the Vader, Luke and Leia will jump to 3x each. Basically it will be a similar pattern to what I had to do with VTSC Wave 1

3x Greedo
5x Tusken Raider
3x X-Wing Luke
3x Han in Trenchcoat
5x Biker Scout

Modern Trading / Re: Have UGH Scorch X2
« on: April 22, 2006, 04:42 PM »
I have a demise of Grievous - what are the silver mini holos with those Scorches? Do either of them have Luke?

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Possible VTSC Wave 2?
« on: April 22, 2006, 04:26 PM »
Yeah, I meant Sandpeople - not Sandtrooper.  I have one open, and it's not as bad as the initial pictures made it look, but it's still too rigid and puffy IMO.

You're right there is a slight bit of puffy-ness.

What I found when posing each one is that if I have a tug to the back of the cloak at the bottom, the puffy-ness goes away somewhat and it looks just like robes flowing off the character.

Soft goods seems to be a double edged sword with the modern line, Hasbro definitely has had a lot more "misses" as opposed to "hits" when using it.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Possible VTSC Wave 2?
« on: April 22, 2006, 02:08 PM »
It's no secret that I disagree with the second half of your statement about the line needing to deviate from the original run, but as for the softgoods - Hasbro's been hit or miss IMO.  For every Puffy Coat Obi-Wan or Sandtrooper, there's been a princes leia with a nice flexible white gown (see Hooded Commtech Chip).  The Evolutions Softgoods on the Anakin and Sith Lord sets were great.  They just need to use the right materials - ones that don't take their own shape.    It's worked pretty well for many figures and can work pretty easily for the jawas if they just pick the right material and cut it tight enough.

Hey Rob - when you mention the Sandtrooper above are you referring to the new VTSC one? I have three of those opened and the soft goods on them are great. Maybe you meant the one that came with the Bantha many moons ago...

I know the VTSC figure looks not-so-good in the VTSC packaging, but once you open him up and adjust the cloak, the figure looks great.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Recent Purchases
« on: April 22, 2006, 02:02 PM »
Picked up two more VTSC Biker Scouts and one more VTSC Tusken Raider. Now I'm all done with VTSC Wave 1.

I like it. Not enough to army build them, but I'll be happy with one to keep MOC and if possible a second one to open.

The Shadow Stormtrooper on the other hand - 6 man squad here I come!

I almost view this piece as akin to the Celebration III Vader.

Deep down, I'm not thrilled about stuff that is meant to be exclusive to a specific event as not everyone can travel and I personally don't feel like I should have to travel all over the US or internationally to get a complete collection of a toy line. So I'll resort to either (a) an assist from someone here; (b) an online site that MIGHT have them after SDCC or worst case (c) eBay.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Possible VTSC Wave 2?
« on: April 22, 2006, 12:34 AM »
IMO that would open up a big can of worms.  That wasn't a figure that came out in the 70's/80's so then it's not really a new-school 'vintage' item.  I'd prefer that they leave the things that didn't come out back in the original days to the NEW lines and save this (so far perfect) line for the high-quality resculpts of the figures that were originally on these cardbacks.

So because the vintage Vader was never released with a removeable helmet a VOTC/VTSC version can't be?

Please don't think I'm trying to start an argument, but for example - no versions of Han Solo in the vintage line EVER came with a working holster - yet both the ANH VOTC Han and the ROTJ VTSC Han have a working holster. Same thing with Greedo - he didn't even have a holster sculpted to the leg. How about the X-Wing pilot Luke? The vintage figure didn't have a removeable lightsaber hilt that plugged into a socket on the figure. The vintage Biker Scout's ankle holster didn't work as a holster either.

What I'm getting is that so far, many of the figures have functional extras that go beyond articulation and detail that the vintage figures never had. So why couldn't one of the function features of a VTSC ROTJ Darth Vader be that it has a removeable helmet?

I think the Red Arc Trooper is a combination of the ROTS Clone Commander and pieces from the Clone Wars Red Arc Trooper - helmet & pauldron.

I just care about the metal Ig-88 - only one so far that makes sense!

Actually, Grievous, C-3PO & Battlestar Galactica Cylon (which are rumored to be released during this year) make sense as well (at least to me they do).  With regards to the IG-88, I'm more curious as to how they are going to do a "painted" version and a "patina" version, when the character is a gray/silver metal droid. I guess they'll do like what they did with Bossk and the Sandtrooper - make the base the patina silver color instead of being painted.

I doubt Target is dropping the line, they have the Lava Reflection Titanium Vader coming soon ($14.99)

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Recent Purchases
« on: April 22, 2006, 12:21 AM »
Hey Pete, whioh Target(s) are you doing this at? All the Targets I've been to in NJ tell me that they can't get anything from the back room  ::)

Toms River and Brick. Check the store reports over in the NJSWCC, they are getting put out now at a bunch of stores throughout the state. I think someone even found the VTSC figures at a WalMart in South Jersey.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Target "Demise of Grievous" Figure
« on: April 22, 2006, 12:11 AM »
With the Shadow Stormtrooper shipping with a Chrome UGH style base, I would have liked this figure to have been accessorized in the same way.

Perhaps it's the one I got to open, but mine is having great difficulty being able to stand on its own, so I had to put it on a base. Since this figure had a UGH sticker on the packaging, it should of had a UGH chrome base - especially with the $13 price tag.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Possible VTSC Wave 2?
« on: April 22, 2006, 12:08 AM »
Personally, I'm hoping that the Vader will NOT be another ESB version and instead will be a ROTJ version with (keeping fingers crossed) a 2-piece helmet.

The Evolutions Set Vader is far superior to the first VOTC Vader so even if they just shipped the Evo Vader on the ROTJ card I'd be happy. But for sure I want the card to be new.

What will stink is if with these five you can send away for a sixth figure as well. It would be nice and calming if the offer was the same (Lucastrooper) but if they do that, it will be for a completely different figure. So if it's new, it will stink to have to get so many copies of the same Vader we already have.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: The Saga Collection - The Stands
« on: April 21, 2006, 07:29 AM »
Well - I made a chess set out of the holos - that was before I found out that they were going to change the color to red starting with the next wave...

I really like the stands, I like the fact that the movie name is on the top of the stand. I hope they put "A New Hope" on the ones for the EPIV figures and not just simply "Star Wars" - you should leave those generic stands for EU figures.

I wish the Demise of Grievous had been fully packed out like a UGH figure since it has the UGH sticker. It doesn't need to have a silver mini-holo (unless they made a unique Grievous one just for this figure, 'cause random would be a nightmare), but a silver base like the one that's coming with the Shadow Stormtrooper would have been welcome and appropriate.

I would have liked to have the Sep of the Twins figures come with bases too, just so all TSC-like carded figures could have the same extras.

Hasbro would do well do offer bags of un-named bases at - since I am more of a shelf display type collector and not a diorama builder, I would gladly buy a bag of 25 AOTC or ROTS bases to put with the figures that didn't come with a base of some kind - not to mention all of the POTF2 and POTJ figures that didn't come with bases at all.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Recent Purchases
« on: April 21, 2006, 07:22 AM »
Picked up another full set of VTSC. Now all I need from this wave are a pair of Biker Scouts, for my four-man squad.

Helped a friend pick up the Demise of Grievous and Skirmish in the Senate battlepack at the same Target - I got an employee to pull all three things, the Targets here in NJ have not been putting them out unless you ask.

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