Collectibles > Droid Factory 2013

2013 Droid Factory Wave 1

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This whole thing seems like its just phoned in. The AOTC ones I feel were expected to come out, but the OT ones are just downright terrible for the most part, with the repacks.


--- Quote from: Sybeck1 on July 15, 2012, 08:55 PM ---This whole thing seems like its just phoned in. The AOTC ones I feel were expected to come out, but the OT ones are just downright terrible for the most part, with the repacks.

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I agree with this.

There is a part of me that feels that the AOTC figures in this wave were originally intended for Vintage cardbacks until the Vintage line look was determined to be the scape-goat for all that is "wrong" with the Star Wars line.

It isn't having three separate lines that is the problem or the continued focus on "new" things that in the long run will just turn out to be duds (I'm looking at you Fighter Pods and 12" Power of the Suck figures)

Qui-Gon Jim:

--- Quote from: Jesse James on July 14, 2012, 01:28 AM ---
TIE Pilot I find odd though.  Neat pistol though too.

--- End quote ---

That was the first thing I noticed.  Very cool.

Cool. Never noticed the retro pistol on the TIE pilot. Bet is doesn't come with it though. I'm looking forward to Jabba's protocal droid as well. I always like the paint job on that one.

I was kinda down on this wave at first but it's growing on me.

I didn't feel like we needed Padme after the awesome Evolutions/BAD version, but it's nice to have the variant. Anakin, another one that I've been happy with the 2005 Evolutions version but I'll buy this one with ball-jointed hips. Hope he comes with the robotic alternate hand.

Army Builders: Despite the height, I'm a fan of the new Battle Droid, so I'll buy a small army of red droids. TIE Pilots are always welcomed. I have like four, counting that weird Biggs TIE Pilot with the open helmet. This one has those "tears" too, so at least it'd different from the Revenge TIE Pilot we got last year. Sandtrooper? Meh, but I'll probably buy one. Will probably pass on the 212th Clone. These ROTS Clones on VC45 bodies are good ideas in theory but the helmets are awful, so I'll stick with my ROTS #41 Clones. And it's always nice to have some Geonosian Warriors to fight Clones.

I'm assuming that this Biker Scout has ball-jointed hips, but is it the same one included with the new Speeder Bike? If so, I can skip it since I have enough "stand alone" Biker Scouts.

The BADs are probably my favorite part of this wave. Jabba's droid will obviously go great with the other Jabba goons, and Dooku's droid is cool looking. Really the only stinker is R2. Why even bother? This wave is alright to me though I can see why some might hate it.


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