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JD Book Club: What Are You Reading Now?

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Right now I'm reading Dhalgren by Samuel R. Delaney.  I've been wanting to for years.  It's huge, and difficult, but a great read.  I'm also slowly making my way through the McSweeney Thrilling Tales short story collection.

And here's some comics I'm reading (because comics are people, too):

Y: The Last Man
Ultimate Spider-Man
Strangers in Paradise

You curious about Black Hawk Down. I would be happy to answer any questions about it.

Lots of record company recording agreements and royalty statements (at work) unfortunately...   :(  Not much else other than that for me right now!  I'm sure the Mrs. will want me to check out her new Harry Potter book next month, when she's done with it...


--- Quote from: OCB on June  6, 2003, 10:35 AM ---I just finsihed on the plane ride home yesterday The Silmarillion[/i] which is history of Elves in Middle Earth.  The thing is epic in proportion and may be my all time favorite book.  It is a very difficult read though.  There are like 200 names you need to keep track of so I was only able to read 3-4 pages a night.  The whole world that Tolkien created to supplement the history of LOTR is so rich and detailed and stunning.  You really have no idea until you read it all.  The gods, the elves, men, what went wrong etc etc  You can see some really cool almost Biblical connotations throughout the book...why do we die and is better to die than it would be to live forever?  It will definitely require a second reading just to make sure I have it all down and it will go a lot quicker then next time
--- End quote ---

Is it a very hard read for someone who just finished reading The Lord of the Rings? I've asked around on LOTR message boards, and the general consensus was that I should try reading The Silmarillion, and that it was a bit confusing. :)

Another suggestion was to try Unfinished Tales or Smith of Wootton Major and Farmer Giles of Ham.

Summer reading for school is forcing me to read The House on Mango Street. Haven't started it yet. After that, I'll probably finish up the Thrawn Trilogy, and start the new Harry Potter book.


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