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Iron Man (Movie and Sequels)

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I am intrigued.


--- Quote from: efranks on May 30, 2012, 07:01 PM ---Yeah...I've got a couple comments on this piece of news but I won't spoil anything.  It's early, but if this is an indication of what direction they take with the villain then I may not be that happy with it.


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I'm okay with the presumed villian - that's classic Iron Man stuff right there.  I'm less impressed with the armor shown.  I hope they don't go with anything resembling the more current "Detroit Steel" storyline from the comics. 

The next Iron Man film appears to be very much about a past Iron Man storyline, and it's not derivative of what we saw in Avengers.  Comic fans may be familiar with the Extremis storyline.  I can't say that I am, but that's where the rumors for Iron Man 3 are pointing.  Additionally, Ben Kingsley has been cast for the movie, and is rumored to be playing the Mandarin.  Personally, I can't think of a more significant villain from the Iron Man canon.

Thor 2 is in the works, too.  That movie seems poised to show us more of the expansive universe outside of Earth and Asgard.  Plus, when you consider the fact that the object of Thanos' desire, the Inifinitey Gauntlet, showed up in the weapons vault on Asgard?  I think that Thor 2 might be the vehicle for further developing the plot involving Thanos.


--- Quote from: Nicklab on July  4, 2012, 01:57 AM ---The next Iron Man film appears to be very much about a past Iron Man storyline, and it's not derivative of what we saw in Avengers.  Comic fans may be familiar with the Extremis storyline.  I can't say that I am, but that's where the rumors for Iron Man 3 are pointing.  Additionally, Ben Kingsley has been cast for the movie, and is rumored to be playing the Mandarin.  Personally, I can't think of a more significant villain from the Iron Man canon.

Thor 2 is in the works, too.  That movie seems poised to show us more of the expansive universe outside of Earth and Asgard.  Plus, when you consider the fact that the object of Thanos' desire, the Inifinitey Gauntlet, showed up in the weapons vault on Asgard?  I think that Thor 2 might be the vehicle for further developing the plot involving Thanos.

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I hope they aren't going the prequel route for IM3.  Extremis was a drug/virus that killed off the majority of people that took it.  But if it didn't kill you, it made you near invincible, with incredible strength, speed, and advanced intelligence.  Stark ends up taking it to stop the Jon Doe Bad Guy and of course he survives it.  It actually allows him to control multiple suits at once, which would make for a fun movie.  He also streamlines the armor to fit under his skin - think liquid metal hiding in his pores.  I think that part is a bit hokey, so hoping they don't go that route.  Mandarin would be a great villian, but I hope they keep moving forward and that this takes place post the Avengers movie.

I also read they confirmed officially that Ben Kinglsley plays The Mandarin in IM3.


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