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Messages - Muftak

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Up for pre-order on WalMart's website right now. I got a delivery date of 5/18.

Am I a glutton for punishment for trying the WalMart preorder stuff again?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: A Game of Thrones (HBO)
« on: April 29, 2019, 10:35 AM »
Not sure about Gilly and Little Sam  :-\

I saw both still standing at the end of the crypt fight. Gilly has been hard for me to recognize this season, what with her new "Southern" hairstyle and real-life pregnancy during filming. And Little Sam is a toddler now, so to see him "standing" at all is always odd for me.

A few questions I had from last night's episode:
- Anybody have any speculation as to what Bran was doing with the ravens?

My take on it was he was trying to draw the Night King out by making it look like he was actively participating in the battle instead of simply acting as bait. (No idea about the other question...these budget-saving obscured battles at night leave me with the feeling if they want me to know something important is happening, they will spell it out in an obvious way.)

Seems the plot armor was a lot stronger than your typical GOT battle. I am kind of disappointed with how by-the-book the battle was and how tame the death toll was for the main cast, or even the b- and c-listers for that matter. The Dothraki charge and its outcome was the only dread-inspiring surprise.

At the same time, I remember the first time I read the scene where Jon fought the wights at Castle Black and rolling my eyes about the fact that we were going the "Zombie" route. It took me a long time to get invested in that storyline at all, but by now I had flopped and considered this to be the main point of the story, so ending with a struggle for the Iron Throne seems almost anticlimactic (even though that's where I always wanted the story to be focused.) I hope there are surprises coming.

(And after two breeches the same way, I think it's time for the Winterfell masons to invest in some giant-proof doors.)

Hasbro thinks its SUPER 7 now.

Looks for blind boxes and translucent sparkly Vader next.

The funny thing is, I would take a translucent sparkly Ben Kenobi without batting an eye!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Avengers (and sequels)
« on: April 27, 2019, 11:05 AM »
"Endgame" reaction (Minus spoilers)

I worked the third shift Thursday night and went straight into "Endgame" at 8:30 AM (with my 9-year old son on his spring break, who has been getting into the MCU for the last year or so.) That said, I wasn't tempted to rest my eyes once, and that is saying something. Also, it's the first time in my life I've bought the big bucket of popcorn (*with free refill) and took advantage of the refill during the movie. I don't advise substituting a bucket and a half of popcorn for a balanced breakfast.

Going in I was nostalgic for the first Avengers movie, which took me by surprise for being as funny as it was, and knowing this one couldn't match that. It didn't, but just barely. Some good jokes and funny situations that affect the story and how it unfolds, but more importantly the jokes are played right. The laughs broke the tension and pathos so well on so many occasions. In the epilogue, a joke call-back choked me up with real feelings!

I was impressed with how well-written this entry is. Every character is spot-on, and especially the core Avenger group get to bring their individual stories to satisfying endpoints. Even the guys who get played for laughs had moments of real heart and hurt that was dealt with realistically. And there were real plot surprises to be had here, starting in the first act.

I have a couple quibbles with the main plot device and how it worked out, but the movie itself acknowledged that would be impossible to avoid "in those kinds of movies" so it wasn't a deal-breaker the way TLJ's "Space Chase" plot device was for me.

It was the most satisfying "finale" movie I've seen since "Return of the King," and it gets it's cake and eats it too, by also setting up future stuff that I find myself surprisingly interested in following. "Guardians 3" wins the prize for the best set-up, if they actually follow through I will be very pleased.

Thumbs up!

The Vintage Collection / Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« on: April 23, 2019, 02:03 AM »
I am probably in the minority here, but I will miss the 5POA line if/when it is replaced by 5" GOA. I had pretty much shored up my collection by 2008, and the first run of Vintage did not entice me much, except for the random "new" figure (and that was when they could be found at all...) The new Vintage doesn't do much for me either...I have bought 2 so far (Hoth Rebel and a Mimban Stormie.) Those 80s GIJoe-style leg and hip joints are just plain ugly to me and don't fit in my collection. I will get Crait Luke when/if I see it, but I'm not looking out for much of anything else so far announced.

I have enjoyed collecting Disney-era 5POA figures in a limited capacity, and I don't think I will continue if they jump scales, just as i never got into the 6" line. I suppose the only TRoS figures I can wind up with is the couple of Vintage figures they will put out. Kind of a dud way to end the saga.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: A Game of Thrones (HBO)
« on: April 23, 2019, 12:10 AM »
As for next week's episode?  It looks like it's going to be epic.  But can anyone else see a key feature of Winterfell that goes all the way back to the pilot coming into play in a way that the alliance may not have foreseen?  One particular place in Winterfell might not be the best place to hide...

It was fun rewatching the previous seasons the last month or so and noticing how many times we are reminded that Ned's bones were returned home to the crypt of Winterfell. Nah, that's not going to be a plot point...

My pet theory is that the dead will be reanimated, but because of enchantments placed on the crypt long ago, they will fight for the living, not against them. Ned  vs Night King, anyone?

The Sequel Trilogy / Re: Star Wars Episode IX (SPOILER-FREE)
« on: April 18, 2019, 02:27 PM »
Was there any reveal of a teaser or movie poster during Celebration?

Yes - as boring and plain as the initial Ep7 and Ep8 teaser posters.  Look for it at a theater near you soon.

Boring, to be sure, but they did something a little creative, as I (ashamedly) read in a (click bait) article this weekend.

When you line up the three sequel teaser posters, "The Rise of Skywalker's" logo is noticeably higher in the frame, almost like it's...rising...

In my head, I can justify it a million ways. Knowing the pieces have to go somewhere, maybe the Alliance towed them down with multiple craft and gave them a soft "splashdown" in the ocean as the most efficient solution and to save the ecology and Ewoks. Whatever works for you.

Are we not going to talk about how they've finally updated the vintage blue Power Droid in this set?

I will be looking for this to show up for order outside the park. A proper modern Droid Factory Playset to go with all those Droid Factory figures has been on my want-list for over a decade!

I really want this... go away.

But it is such a great looking toy...
...for me to poop on!

I can get behind the Holocron idea for Palpatine.  If he's still alive that cheapens Anakin's redemption in ROTJ and if he's a force ghost that undercuts what was established in ROTS.  Although I don't put it past Jar Jar Abrams to do either of those things.

The return of Palpatine has always been low-hanging fruit in the post-OT Star Wars galaxy...there's a reason it was explored in the very first EU continuation (Dark Empire was written before Heir to the Empire, but published after.)

I guess I have long felt you could explain the "giant blast of evil" that happens down the DS II shaft as kind of the yang to Yoda gently fading away's yin. Both are dead, but neither is "Gone Forever." A dead Palpatine is still a very powerful threat...Yoda still has the power to influence the galaxy enough to call lightning to burn down the Jedi Tree as a Force Ghost, after all. Imagine that influence used for evil.

ROTS clearly states the one thing left for Palpatine to achieve is the secret of life over death, and he has 25 or so years between film appearances there to figure out the Sith equivalent of Qui-Gon's merge with the Living Force.

I guess it was a pretty good teaser trailer, to bring all this speculation forth about things I had long since stopped considering.

Rey needs a new Kyber crystal for Luke’s saber...Jedha had a temple full of Kyber.

Does Kyber still exist on Jedha?  Is the first act an attempt to get said crystal??

Except...then she is in the Jedha desert wielding a fully-functional lightsaber...

But, anyways, the Empire took all of the Kyber out of Jedha for the Death Star's Superlaser. You would have to go to the remains of one of those to really get a...


I got goosebumps when I saw that death star island! Here's hoping for Chief Wicket to make an appearance!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Toys R Us (Or: Die, Dinosaur, Die!)
« on: April 11, 2019, 05:57 PM »
I was at TRU with my kids today too. My 8-year old pointed out a flyer on the door that said "final 7 days" and we concurred that this would probably be our last time in the store.

Ours looked the same as yours. I took them up on a Scout Y-Wing (hadn't bought one yet) for $8, my sons got Lego tape for cheap and a knock-off Beyblade stadium for a buck, and there was not really much else we cared to look at.

The lines seemed long, but the service desk pulled us out of line to get rung up there. I guess as long as you didn't have a cartful you were okay...I saw an Amish family with two carts loaded with every Pixar "Cars" playset they had left (which must have been fifty or so.) Not sure if those are headed for a tourist gift shop or what, but the service desk was good about getting the people with just a couple things out the door.

That particular TRU has been my stomping grounds since it opened in 1989...I bought my first POTF2 figures there, fondly remember preordering my Nintendo64 there when that was a new and exciting option...and much more recently spending time hanging out in the "Thomas and Friends" aisle while the boys played with the train table. It will be missed.

The better part of a year has passed, and this past weekend my boys and I returned to the store...which has just reopened as an Ollie's. :(

It was kind of surreal. The place was just as packed as last June, and while the layout of the sections and aisles was different, Ollie's didn't bother to remove TRU's wall art and floor decals.

My oldest son commented that most of the toys in the toy aisle were the same ones we saw last year, too. I explained that Ollie's bought all the stuff that customer's didn't.

The lines were incredibly long, so I resolved that it was just a "looking" trip, but there was really nothing there that jumped out at us. The only Ollie's I had been to before were 20+ miles away from where we live, so at least we have one local now.

But we still really miss TRU.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Autism
« on: April 8, 2019, 02:44 PM »
I wasn't a parent yet when this thread began--my oldest son will turn 10 this year, my younger son will be 7 in a couple months--so this is an interesting read.

My younger son was diagnosed with autism in 2015, just after turning 3. His is a severe form that has impacted our family's daily life in a major way. His older brother has had so much to deal with, I feel so guilty having to make the choices that we do.

I can echo the sentiments about the vaccination link. I thought it was all tinfoil-hat talk until my son had a bad reaction to a vaccine and quickly after began regressing in his development, losing speech and motor skills, etc. Now I have looked into enough to see the government and Big Pharma have gone out of their way to keep pushing their formulations and ignore--no, actually bury-- the evidence of the harm they are causing.

I also read a comment about inflammation, and also wanted to share that we have noticed a marked decline of his symptoms whenever he has a fever coming on, as if the inflammation is allowing a bypass of the affected areas of his brain, though the autism always rebounds back. Our developmental ped has been tracking this.

Last summer we had some success with a dairy-free, casin-free, reduced gluten diet (think paleo or keto) but the gastroenterologist had us put him back on a mainstream diet to do some testing, and we noted little change after the switch back. They are still trying to figure out what all that means.

Happy to talk about your journey and ours anytime you want, Jedi Master, though I'm afraid I would be getting more from you than you from me.

I really like my Wall Playset, but there are two knocks against it for using it as a Star Wars display:

1--The foot pegs are too large for modern SW figures. this wouldn't be as big of an issue if the ground had any kind of flat spots, but it is all smooth rolling mounds that entice unpegged figures to fall down. I didn't try any of the vintage Kenner figures, but they may fit the pegs. More importantly,

2--the playset is designed with the wooden platform at the top as an integral part. Without it you have a big weird hole in the top of the display. I have thought about coming up with something Hoth-ish to cover the hole, but the inspiration has never hit.

Tyrion is the only figure I own now, but I would like to go back and get some of the Crows and Free Folk to display on there. Pity the themed nature of the release and the paint-app issues killed the line after one wave.

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