Author Topic: 2015 Hasbro 6" Fans' Choice Poll Discussion  (Read 20890 times)

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Re: 2015 Hasbro 6" Fans' Choice Poll Discussion
« Reply #45 on: July 1, 2015, 11:14 PM »
I understand voting for the character that you really want but if my number one choice is the AT-AT Driver, I'd at least spend five minutes to see if he's already on the way and if he is I'd vote for my number two.

It can be argued that C-3PO, Grievous and the others haven't been confirmed yet but Ahsoka is and she still got votes under the guise of people wanting another outfit or a Rebels version.

So what, we champion a character that a fraction of the community really knows anything about or vote for a bunch of stuff already coming, or on the short list, or a character variant before unique characters get done?

Hasbro is going to get bailed out of the worst distribution problem they've had in 20 years by the luck of a new movie coming out and they throw us a bone of a fans' choice poll and we're gonna end up with Revan? Again.

It's an interesting observation on estimated ages of the fans on the various sites but more than pointing to different generations having different attachments to the franchise, I think it also points out who approach this more as a collector hobby (paying attention to upcoming releases as well as how Hasbro operates historically) and who approach it as gimme, gimme consumer looking for quick satisfaction so they can move on and demand the next thing now.

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Re: 2015 Hasbro 6" Fans' Choice Poll Discussion
« Reply #46 on: July 2, 2015, 09:27 AM »
Doesn't Darth Revan and Kylo Ren share the same basic look and feel? We are already getting one character that looks like that. Why do we need another?
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Re: 2015 Hasbro 6" Fans' Choice Poll Discussion
« Reply #47 on: July 2, 2015, 12:08 PM »
Round Two Voting Open at

- Ben Kenobi (ANH)
- Lando Calrissian (ESB)
- Darth Revan
- Sabine Wren
- Gamorrean Guard
- Snowtrooper
- General Grievous

Looks like our unofficial results were pretty close.  Those outstanding polls (Rebelscum, Action Figure Fury,, Fwoosh, and possibly others) must have had some good support for Sabine, Ben, and Lando to get them to leapfrog Asajj, Starkiller, and Mara Jade.
« Last Edit: July 2, 2015, 12:11 PM by Jeff »
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Re: 2015 Hasbro 6" Fans' Choice Poll Discussion
« Reply #48 on: July 2, 2015, 12:10 PM »
Something's fishy Owner/Content Manager
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Re: 2015 Hasbro 6" Fans' Choice Poll Discussion
« Reply #49 on: July 2, 2015, 02:08 PM »
Okay, I have been reading the various tweets and complaints about the poll results with some bewilderment and, for what might be the first time ever, I'm choosing to view things with a little bit of optimism here and not see things as a massive conspiracy on Hasbro's part.  Before anyone who knows me does a huge spit-take all over their computer screens, I'm willing to concede that there was probably a huge lie told in the wording of "any character not from TFA" in the original instructions to arrive at this list, but if you look at it with rose-colored glasses (and no, I am not currently intoxicated nor on non-prescription drugs), it might make a little more sense.  Granted, it at least makes more sense than voting for Grievous given that he's showing up in computers as coming soon, but still.

Going by Jeff's list of the top vote getters from the various sites on the previous page, we have the following:

Darth Revan

He made the top 7 on  Currently in an awkward state of canonicty due to his inclusion in the ongoing TOR game, so he doesn't technically fall into the "Legends" universe, which would make him off-limits to Disney suits.

Gamorrean Guard

Film-based characters.  Acceptable and no issues with any of these being on the list.


Here's where it gets tricky.  While the original instructions said "ANY" character not from TFA, I'm suspecting it meant "ANY POST-DISNEY TAKEOVER CHARACTER" instead, meaning no "Legends" character.  With that said, it probably disqualified Mr. Marek from being included on the list.  If true, the fault for that lies purely with Hasbro for not making the rules clearer to begin with.

General Grievous

Film-based character, and inclusion isn't a problem, if you can get past the fact that we are all about 90% certain he's coming anyway thanks to leaked lists all over the interwebs.  Either way, I'm sure we won't get official word on that until after the announcement of who won the Fan Choice poll at SDCC, or we'll get word at NYCC that he had such huge support that Hasbro decided to make him anyway.  See, I can still be cynical!

Asajj Ventress

This is the one that confuses me a little bit, to be honest.  Personally, I'd love a Ventress 6" figure, and she still qualifies given that the majority of her appearances are canon (Clone Wars, Dark Disciple).  While I don't think she was left off intentionally (and I hope that wasn't the case, especially given George Lucas and his daughter's vocal love for that character), I'm wondering if this wasn't a case of Sabine's current visibility in Rebels being given precedent.  If any one character being passed over indicates some fudging of the data, this would be the one that does so in my eyes.

Ben Kenobi (ANH)
Lando Calrissian (ESB)

Both film-based characters, and both made the final list (deservedly so). 

Mara Jade

Another "victim" (and I use that term VERY loosely) of the unspoken "Legends" rule invocation.  Plus I find the constant cries of Mara Jade conspiracy theorists to be hilarious, especially since I find the character to be annoying and awful.  Personal opinion, yes, but she's no longer canon, and that was probably why she was left off the final list.  That and she didn't get enough votes to make it to the finals.  :)

You're damned right I'm petty.   :P

Emperor's Royal Guard

As much requested as the above three characters are (due to the ERGs being awesome, and the remaining three bounty hunters being both awesome and necessary to complete the "set" of ESB bounty hunters), I can't imagine Hasbro isn't already working on all three.  Including Zuckuss or 4-LOM on a list by themselves would have everyone asking why one is on the list without the other, so it was probably easier to leave both off.  I'm wishing/hoping they're working on both as a box set (akin to the 2010 Vintage exclusive 3.75" set from a few years ago) right now, with a single-boxed Dengar right now.  Regardless, I'm deluding myself into thinking their omission was intentional due to them already being far enough along to be a foregone conclusion.

Ahsoka Tano (CW)

I'm guessing (again) that this was not included because an Ahsoka was already planned (the Rebels version) and they didn't want to do two in a short period of time.  That said, I'd buy either a young or late teens CW Ahsoka, and Hasbro would be crazy not to make one eventually. 

Sabine Wren

Last but not least, the seventh inclusion.  Maybe she had a sudden influx of votes, maybe she didn't, but she's on the list, and she'd make a great figure.  If she wins, her being a Fan's Choice means that (hopefully) Hasbro will go all-out and include tons of accessories (removable helmet, blasters) and detail that they failed to give to the 5 POA 3.75" figure.  In all honesty, they really should have dropped Grievous from the list and made it the original six they mentioned.

So yeah, maybe I'm stretching, and maybe I'm petty (I do hate Mara Jade with a passion), but that's the best rationale I can come up with.  Feel free to agree or disagree.  I'll be over here in my corner building Lego houses.   :D

DISCLAIMER:  I voted for Sabine in the actual poll, so yeah.  :)
« Last Edit: July 2, 2015, 03:52 PM by DoctorPadawan »

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Re: 2015 Hasbro 6" Fans' Choice Poll Discussion
« Reply #50 on: July 2, 2015, 03:28 PM »
I don't have a problem with anyone wanting a certain character, everyone has a right to want their favorite character or just to vote for something specific. For me though, I'd be a little disappointed if Revan won. Part of it may be that I'm just not someone familiar with the character/story in the first place, but also when the 6" line started it seemed like they would hit the heavier hitters and army builders and work out from there. There are so many other characters I'd rather have than Revan (any on this list), and my focus with this line has been OT (and possibly TFA).

I'm also not sure the "given" list is as long in this age of new Star Wars every year. I'd personally like to see Lando, just because previous Landos weren't the best sellers and that might scare Hasbro off a bit as well. We only get 15-20 new figures a year in this line, and once new movies begin that might take up a bit more as well.  My daughter would love to see Sabine, so I could see that route too. Nice to see Fans Choice return, but I agree that Revan seems like a boring choice. Heck, it may be blasphemous, but I'd feel similar if the Tonnika Sisters won. In 3 3/4", you bet, but I don't necessarily need a 6" one taking up slots from other characters.

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Re: 2015 Hasbro 6" Fans' Choice Poll Discussion
« Reply #51 on: July 2, 2015, 03:29 PM »
I'm pretty sure that the TOR game is considered Legends.  According to Hasbro, any figure could have been made with the exception of TFA characters.  SW Action News specifically asked them about that point and they said if a character like Akmena or the Tonnika sisters won, then they would make it.

At this point, I hope that Revan wins since he would be the least likely of those figures to be made.  Greivous is already on production lists.  Lando and Kenobi would certainly be made.  Snowtrooper would probably be made at some point.  Gamorrean could get made depending on how long the line lasts.  Sabine is a bit of a wild card.  It would all depend on how long Rebels lasts.

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Re: 2015 Hasbro 6" Fans' Choice Poll Discussion
« Reply #52 on: July 2, 2015, 03:47 PM »
I just don't get that people say, "vote for x character because s/he is cooler and is least likely to get made."  Or "Don't vote for these guys because they will be made eventually."  That's a big assumption that any character is going to be made.  Hasbro could end the line at some point and I'd rather have a figure of a character that made an impact in the movies before anyone outside is made.  I'm pretty sure that all SW gamers/book fans have seen the movies, whereas not all SW movie fans have played the games or read the books.  This is where I think it's hard for some fans to support an EU figure.  It's great if an EU figure wins as that's what the poll's about, but I don't think it's one that everyone would be happy about.  If Lando or Ben won, I think people would be excited to get them.

Glad to see Sabine make the list, too.

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Re: 2015 Hasbro 6" Fans' Choice Poll Discussion
« Reply #53 on: July 2, 2015, 04:15 PM »
I'm not a 6" collector, so the winner doesn't really matter to me - here's a question I have though.

One of my pet peeves in collecting is the "unfinished team".  It drives me crazy that I have 3.75" Jaina and Jacen Solo figures, but no 3.75" Anakin Solo (and, most likely, never will #Legends :().  In fact, I've said this forever about these fan choice polls...

I'd rather see a whole wave of NJO Jedi or a whole wave of KOTOR figures that I can display together rather than getting a one-off figure that I have to just stick in someplace because he doesn't really fit in anywhere else.

For example, Scorch is a good figure.  I have no problem that they made him.  But, I would have rather had a wave of Republic Commando figures or a box set of all 4 figures rather than buying the solo Scorch now and waiting for he rest of his squad.  I mean, he looks fine in my Arena scene, but he'd look ever better posed with the rest of his squad.  ;)

Same goes for a number of these figures in this poll... another example:

Why waste a pick on Jaina Solo if we don't know for sure that we'd ever get Jacen and Anakin to go with her?  I could just stick her in my Arena (if she's a Jedi) or my Rogue Squadron (if they do the pilot version), but I'd much rather have the rest of the NJO figures to display with her.

With that is mind, is it just my OCD or would it drive other folks crazy to get a 6" Sabine and then never get the rest of the team... or like 2/3rds of the team?

Like Jimree said a few posts back, I'd much rather get a box set of 6" Rebels and knock them all out in one shot than get 6" Sabine now and hope/pray for the rest of the team over the next 3-4 years.  :-\
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Re: 2015 Hasbro 6" Fans' Choice Poll Discussion
« Reply #54 on: July 2, 2015, 04:40 PM »
I think that's my biggest problem with a lot of these EU figures... if they're together with their "own kind" they look great, but a standalone Revan or Sabine would be out of place among OT and PT figures.
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Re: 2015 Hasbro 6" Fans' Choice Poll Discussion
« Reply #55 on: July 2, 2015, 09:05 PM »
Wow this escalated quickly. :)

I stand by voting for what makes you tingly, but I agree with you Eric, on voting intelligently too.  I mean, if it's rumored, it's probably happening.  If it's freakin' confirmed pull your head outta your ass...  That kinda stuff.

Likewise I'm totally with Jim/Jeff's point...  I'd rather vote for something that I don't have to wonder if we'll get the "rest of the team" at some point.  I like my 4" Revan, Malak, etc...  But that's a group who is grossly understaffed.  Sure they couldn't make "you" from the game ultimately, but they left off a ton of characters that made up the main core (despite making quite a few from that era/EU).  And it is noticeable to me personally.

We got Phase II Rex, never got Phase I done realistically...  It's a similar thing to me.  Realistic older Ahsoka, but not younger.  No realistic TCW Cody.  Lots of weird holes exist.

I fill that with customizing but that's a niche within a niche as the phrase says...  Most don't customize, so most want Hasbro to do fairly complete groupings of figures, not little one-offs.  That bugged me about a LOT of the EU figures we ultimately got.  A couple rogues now and then, but never wrapping up all of them.  There is a ton of that in the 4" line ultimately.
« Last Edit: July 2, 2015, 09:10 PM by Jesse James »
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Re: 2015 Hasbro 6" Fans' Choice Poll Discussion
« Reply #56 on: July 2, 2015, 11:45 PM »
I'll take 1/100 of the team over 0/100 any day. If making one EU/Rebels/whatever fig loses me one OT fig I'll take it. We're obviously going to get plenty of OT figs. For me the "out of place" thing means nothing. That being said I wish we were talking about something other than Revan or even Sabine. But I'll still be excited to have either one randomly sitting in with a bunch of movie based figs.

I am also the person who has custom 6"-Vlix, Jaxxon, Jaina, SOTE Luke, SOTE Imp. Disguise Luke, and others in my collection. So that kinda tells where I'm coming from.

If some time in the future I have to look back and see I could only have Sabine or Lando ESB in my collection I'd certainly rather have Lando. That being said I might be willing to gamble voting for Sabine in the Fan's Choice Poll because I think it's the only chance she gets made where as Lando "most likely" will get made even if he doesn't win the poll. Seems like fair logic to me.
« Last Edit: July 3, 2015, 12:09 AM by GrandMoffNick »
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Re: 2015 Hasbro 6" Fans' Choice Poll Discussion
« Reply #57 on: July 3, 2015, 08:52 AM »
The Revan interest is something of a head scratcher.  I mean, how many years has it been since Knights Of The Old Republic was released?  I think it's at least 12 years since the game came out.  I was definitely a fan of it, and I've heard it regarded by some as one of the best Star Wars games of all time.  But Darth Revan had this weird status since you were playing the game as a character who becomes a Jedi while being unaware of his past as a fallen Jedi turned Sith Lord. 

Despite the RPG weirdness involved in Revan the character has endured.  I know that he wound up popping up in The Old Republic.  And I can't help but think that the design for Kylo Ren's character in The Force Awakens was influenced in part by the character design of Darth Revan.  I also get the feeling that the current generation of SW fans interest is grounded in the more current movies and media like KOTOR.  Plus, time and attrition seems to have whittled down the ranks of the old school OT generation of fans.  We may just be outnumbered by the more current generation of fans who grew up on the PT and games.

All of that being said, I think Revan is an interesting character.  Not one that I would have immediately considered for the poll.  I'm actually a little surprised that I didn't consider him for my own list, or Darth Malak for that matter.  But I think Revan would be an interesting companion piece to the 6" Kylo Ren figure that we know is already in the works.

As for the rest of the list?  I had Ben Kenobi (ANH) on my own list, purely out of my own fandom for the character.  He does seem like an inevitable choice for the line.  But I'd like to add him to the mix sooner rather than later.  I also had Lando Calrissian on my list, but I wanted him as the ROTJ General.  I just prefer that redeemed, less sleazy Lando than the TESB version.   Sabine Wren is an interesting choice for fans.  I would have thought that Kanan, Ezra or the Inquisitor would be more obvious choices for REBELS characters.  And while Sabine is interesting I don't think the character has been fleshed out to earn that kind of support.  I am a little surprised to see the Gamorrean Guard in the mix.  A Gamorrean would be a cool companion piece for the Jabba 6" figure, but there's so little else from Jabba's Palace in this line that I have to wonder why you would start with a Gamorrean.  The Snowtrooper is a pretty obvious choice on the part of the army builder fans.  As for General Grievous?  I put him on my own list, despite any rumors that he might be on the way.  He's a significant villain for the PT era, so I get that.

But right now it looks like Revan's just running away with this thing.
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Re: 2015 Hasbro 6" Fans' Choice Poll Discussion
« Reply #58 on: July 3, 2015, 11:46 AM »
Sabine Wren is an interesting choice for fans.  I would have thought that Kanan, Ezra or the Inquisitor would be more obvious choices for REBELS characters. 

Someone posted on a JTA thread regarding Sabine,
I imagine the PR team freaked out when they saw a) no females in the finals and b) no representation from the current [Disney] media (Rebels). So, to heck with that whole "Top 6" thing, we'll just make it a Top 7 and add a character that fixes both deficiencies.

I believe Jayson said something similar as well after why there was a 7th finalist added to the list. (his was the first one I saw, but couldn't find the quote).

I understand what you mean by Sabine hasn't been developed much.  I hope that changes because she seems like a pretty cool character.  Visually, the most interesting of the crew of the Ghost and I hope we get to know more about her backstory soon.  I know Kanan and Ezra are the main characters, but I find them to be boring visually. 

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Re: 2015 Hasbro 6" Fans' Choice Poll Discussion
« Reply #59 on: July 3, 2015, 12:28 PM »
That kind of makes sense.  There's been some backlash amongst female fans about a lack of female characters in the line over this past year, notably regarding how the crew of the Ghost was released in the REBELS basic figure line.  I saw a good deal of feedback on social media from female fans as well as parents of young girls who wanted to see Hera or Sabine get some equal representation. 

I looked through Jeff's compilation of the votes and it's interesting.  I replaced his vote counts with rankings.  The numbers may vary, but you get something of a picture of how things are playing out:

1 - Darth Revan IN THE POLL
2 - Gamorrean Guard  IN THE POLL
3 - Snowtrooper  IN THE POLL
4 - Starkiller
5 - General Grievous  IN THE POLL
6 - Asajj Ventress
7 - Ben Kenobi (ANH)  IN THE POLL
8 - Mara Jade
9 - Lando Calrissian (ESB)  IN THE POLL
10 - Emperor's Royal Guard
11 - Zuckuss
13 - 4-LOM
14 - Sabine Wren  IN THE POLL

Looking through the top 9 candidates, 6 of those are in the poll.  The three that didn't make the poll are all EU, with Mara Jade falling into that LEGENDS territory since she never made it into a TV series or relatively current entertainment aside from print.  Starkiller is from a video game that dates back to 2008.  Asajj Ventress is probably the most visible of those three, but the last TV project featuring Ventress aired in 2013.  While she fits the bill of a strong female character, she isn't exactly current.  And if we're looking at current female characters?  Ahsoka appears to be on the way since that prototype of a REBELS Ahsoka was shown off at SWCA.

I'm thinking that someone at LFL licensing /Disney stepped in and placed Sabine in there very deliberately.  She fits the bill in terms of appealing to the female character fans, is featured in a current entertainment property on Disney XD television, and she placed relatively well in the current poll.  I think if Hera had ranked AT ALL in the poll Hasbro might have been inclined to go with her.  But Sabine DID rank higher, and I think the Mando armor serves to make her a more appealing offering on the action figure market.
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