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Messages - Muftak

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The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: July 14, 2019, 04:37 PM »
I also think Hasbro could have saved themselves some headaches by just coming right out and saying definitively early on that the next project would 100% for sure NOT be Star Wars. Even the most thick headed fan boys would have gotten the message.

The thing is, I am sure Steve Evans was saying exactly that last summer--that it definitely was not going to be a Star Wars project next time. That was what I understood, anyways. ???

In my head, HasLab projects have been pitched for the past 18 months by every team in Hasbro to their powers-that-be, and this is the first one that looked like it was worth investing the (admittedly meager) upfront costs to pay off.

(On the same track, I speculate Star Wars got lucky with Mark Bordeaux's passion for the stuff and he did a lot of upfront design work "for fun" without compensation.)

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: July 11, 2019, 11:46 AM »
The next HasLab project has been revealed! It's not what you think!!!

The Vintage Collection / Re: Recent Vintage Collection Purchases
« on: July 10, 2019, 05:46 PM »
My local Wal*Mart,  which is in the middle of a remodel, reset the action figure aisle and finally blew out the TVC Wave 1 leftovers and Solo BS figures on massive clearance (as well as blowing out about 30 Solo Kessel playsets they didnt have before the reset for 10 bucks each.) When I was there earlier today the sole remaining figure was a TVC Snoke with a $2.50 price tag.

I was sad to see the new planogram that showed 3 hooks for Black Series figures, 6 hooks for lightsabers, and a shelf space for the Kessel playset, and nothing else. Guess I am done there until Force Friday in a couple months.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 2019 Kenner Retro Collection
« on: July 10, 2019, 05:20 PM »
Agreed, it's a pretty easy find here as well. But that's why I'm worried about its future availability.

The reason for my question is a worry that if this "Tarkin & Board Game" set are coming in bigger numbers later, they will probably not sell at all at other stores since Target seems to already have met demand. Couple that with my fear that Hasbro will only make "new" Retro figures in a $20 upsell format like this, and we come to a place where this is deemed a "failure" because everyone else will be left with little to no sales, which will leave Hasbro with no orders for the Sandtrooper or Rebel Trooper or Uncle Owen set that's being planned as we speak.

(I've got collector PTSD...they give me something I like, and I feel it's destined to be discontinued.) 

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 2019 Kenner Retro Collection
« on: July 10, 2019, 10:16 AM »
I saw the figures the first week of release in my area, and I was able to grab the ones I wanted. The board game is still on shelves here as well.

My (muddled and muddied) question really was: wasn't the board game solicited as a general release and not only as a Target exclusive?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Stranger Things - Netflix
« on: July 9, 2019, 01:17 PM »
Watched them all over the weekend. I will hold off on spoilers for a while...

I liked it better than the second season by a little. Slow build to tons of action, but I was disappointed in the zero development of the "lore" concerning the the Upside Down. For all that was accomplished character-wise this season, it still felt like the show's spinning its wheels as far as the overarching mythology.

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 2019 Kenner Retro Collection
« on: July 9, 2019, 01:13 PM »
The Target exclusive store stock has come and gone, apparently they never meant to have them in the toy department at all. They were always meant to be part of the Father's Day merch, and were clearanced out for 1/4 of the price the week after.

In the fall they will be available through "fan channels" which I would assume means "not returning to Target."

The thing I am wondering about is--wasn't the "Escape the Death Star" set solicited at Toy Fair as not a Target exclusive? Shouldn't it have shown up other places already if that were the case? It didn't disappear after Father's Day, so was it miss-communicated somehow?

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: July 7, 2019, 11:17 PM »
It would be great to see a Death Star, but the last time Hasbro talked about HasLab they were still saying the next project would be non-Star Wars.

My Vintage purchases have been very few and far between. I bought the Hoth Trooper last year, and a Mimban Stormtrooper when that was on clearance a couple months ago, too...I got a Black Series Jyn Erso and a Deathtrooper when I found those marked down to $3 a few years back. The trooper was alright, but I found the Jyn figure to be ugly and very GI Joe-esque. Not my thing at all.

I preordered Luke and the Gunner from this wave back in April, and forgot I had done so until they showed up at my door yesterday. I was really disappointed looking at these guys. I think I'm done with Vintage, it's just doesn't please me like the 5POA figures do. I look at Luke and think "OK, I can fix the hair and beard with paint myself" but I shouldn't have to on a brand-new, never-before-made figure. The Gunner, again, looks like a Cobra Trooper or Iron Grenadier I would've bought in 1987. Not what I'm looking for these days, the Legacy version works better to my eye.

So now I think I'll sit on these for a while and if I never get around to wanting to open them I'll flip 'em in the fall. Bah.

I was thinking about getting the upcoming three packs, but now I can't be bothererd. :-\

Rob's house, two days from now...

In strange news, I was in my local Wal*Mart this morning, which is getting a remodel. The toy section was being completely reset, and there were planograms everywhere. I found the (completely empty) Star Wars section and saw the breakdown of the shelf. Lightsabers, Black Series figures, GOA, Vintage...and on the shelf a large area for the Kessel Playset...which I then saw en masse in the next aisle over!

My neighborhood WM is one of the small versions, so it never got the big stuff even for the movie launches. Now these show up nine months late...I guess it gives me hope the Jabba's Palace Playset will eventually make it to stores. (And more small hope in the fact that they finally clearanced out all the Snokes and Jyns that have been camped out in there forever for $2.50!)

Don't despair yet! I got that same email hours after the initial pick-up time they had promised...and at just about the same moment they charged my card and I started being able to track the FedEx shipment to the store.

I can't for the life of me figure out how they are able to botch this up so badly, it apparently has something to do with miscommunication between a chainwide website and regional distribution centers, but it is something they need to streamline out of their system if they are going to persist in the online preorder model.

Not that the brick-and-mortar model of exclusive distribution has been great for the past 20 years, either, but at least they didn't yank your purchase out of your cart at checkout and sell it to the guy in line ahead of you...

I sold my carded figures over the weekend. Offset the cost of the playset piece down to just $5. I can handle that!

Spent some time this weekend creating supplemental pieces for the floor and arches as requested by several of my customers. I think they turned out well. The floorpiece has flaps to allow it to extend or contract depending on the configuration you choose...

Kenner Retro Collection / Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« on: May 28, 2019, 10:09 AM »
Yeah, I think they are a hot seller right now. Part of it is just straight up collectors chasing the nostalgia and doing what we have all been programmed to do. I think the other big part of the heat right now is the entire wave in one case with no duplicates, no chase figures. It's not an assortment of $10 figures so much as it's a $60 multipack. And then folks want multiples of the multipack, and store supplies dry up insanely fast.

Once Hasbro realized this (data from the Target website presell, I am guessing) they went back to the factory to do another run, and announced just prior to the line's "street date" that more are coming in the fall, which is probably as fast as they could get a factory turnaround. This tells me they knew the supply of the intial run was not going to hold out.

I have hopes for a wave 2, but I can't imagine it just being the "other 6" of the first 12 since all the heavy-hitters were already cherry picked. And the droids are a problem in and of themselves because Hasbro doesn't vac-metallize anymore. The selections could get interesting, I have no idea how to even formulate a guess as to where they will go.

I do expect retreads to knock out variations like small head Han, tan-hair Farmboy Luke, maybe even green-limb Chewie. My hope is we could get some retooled figures like removable helmet Vader, a Luke without the lightsaber built in, Sandtrooper, etc. And that is only working within the 6 figures already made.

I am also wary of Hasbro using the brand-new Retro figures as an upsell for larger items like they pulled off with Tarkin. It would be conceivable to get, say a Stormtrooper Han and/or Imperial Scanning Tech with a Death Star (extra points if it is a Palitoy Death Star, but I'd take a Kenner version too.) Cantina Band Member with the Creature Cantina, Sandtrooper with Dewback, Wedge or Biggs with X-Wing...they could really make a lot of interesting combos that the collectors would gobble up.

And really, it is only a matter of time before we get Retro prequel and sequel figures. I just hope they don't come to dominate the release schedule.

Count me in the camp that considers Star Wars an 80's line. I would even go so far as to say the structure of the Star Wars line was a huge influence on all 3 of "the big 3" as far as how their lines were developed.

(I would have to disagree with the comment that TMNT was an 80's line, though. I think the first wave of Playmates toys hit in summer of '88, and kicked off the trend of big comic book toy lines that dominated the early 90's, a harbinger for lines like X-Men and Spawn.)

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