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Messages - Jeff

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I think he is inspired by the ROTS Wookiee armor but just as made up as the Mech-suits that they re doing in this line.

Couple more upcoming DLX shared by Jayson:

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 TVC Wave 1 (New TVC Wave 40)
« on: February 12, 2025, 09:15 AM »
While I'm happy I have Dedra Meero....she's not that exciting of a figure.  Should've come with a hat at least.

I think Dedra Meero's figure is pretty good.  Not perfect.  I've seen a lot of criticism about the legs relative to the rest of the body.  And there might be a case to be made for different lower legs.  Other than that?  I think a datapad would be a good accessory for her.

Agree that tossing in a hat and a datapad would have been a nice touch.  I miss the days when there was extra budget and we would have gotten both of those accessories and a stolen Imperial Starpath unit (with the seal still intact).

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 TVC Wave 2 (New TVC Wave 41)
« on: February 11, 2025, 09:17 AM »
Case of 8 at Entertainment Earth ->

Looks like EE has listed this case assortment as "cancelled".

Doesn't seem to be any official reason why yet.  Individual figure preorders seem to still be good for now though.


They didn't even send me a notification. But my preorder ended up getting canceled too. I guess I'll have to go back and add individual preorders for the rest or wait and see if they have an updated case.

- EE put this case up for pre-order
- then they cancelled a bunch of pre-orders and changed the status to "cancelled"
- then they added "This assortment will not be manufactured. If you wish to purchase these action figures, please order the individual figures." to the listing
- then they changed it from "cancelled" to "pre-sold out"

And now Jayson is reporting that some people are still getting this case from EE even though orders were cancelled and a limited amount of the case was even available for in stock ordering overnight.

All the while, the pre-order listing still says "This assortment will not be manufactured. If you wish to purchase these action figures, please order the individual figures."

What a cluster****.

Collections / Re: OCB's Collection
« on: February 11, 2025, 09:10 AM »
Very cool, Scott.  I love when people get the chance to get things on display and really enjoy them and not just keep them in tubs somewhere. :)

Other Toy Lines / Re: Transformers
« on: February 7, 2025, 01:09 PM »
Hasbro Transformers HasLab #5 - Transformers Legacy HasLab Liokaiser Combiner

Disney Parks Droid Factory / Re: 2025 Droid Factory R2-BNE (Easter)
« on: February 3, 2025, 10:09 AM »
Jayson is saying this will be available on on 2/16.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: January 30, 2025, 09:41 AM »
No pipeline reveals today, but they did reveal a new "Return to Tatooine" checklist they will be populating over the coming months as they reveal new things. 

Chris said "you might see a hint or two in there of what else might be coming" - what do you see?  Are those Dewback tracks next to Luke?

Hasbro promo poster at Spielwarenmesse (International Toy Fair for Europe, held in Germany) shows off what seems to be a new Landspeeder, the pipelined Obi-Wan Kenobi and a new yet-to-be revealed C-3PO?  Maybe a new Sandtrooper too (can't tell for sure)?

Check out the image and judge for yourselves...  we'll have to see if anything else leaks out this week as well.

image from FantahTracks via Yakface Twitter

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 Hasbro Pulse Fan Stream Reveals
« on: January 29, 2025, 12:57 PM »
Those pulse emails are really confusing...

"We're emailing you for one of the two reasons below.

1. Your Item Will Ship Soon!
We wanted to give you a heads up that your order is getting ready to ship!

2. A pre-order date has a new shipping date:

We're writing to provide you with an update regarding the status of your recent order on

Regrettably, we must inform you there has been an unexpected delay in shipping the following item below:
G12865L00 - STAR WARS The Vintage Collection Battle Droid 4-Pa

The new approximate ship date for this item is: July 01, 2025"

It looks like it's telling you something is shipping but it's really saying your pre-order is delayed...

Disney Parks Droid Factory / 2025 Droid Factory R2-BNE (Easter)
« on: January 26, 2025, 01:37 PM »
Looks like the Easter Bunny is joining the Droid Factory line this year...  spotted at Walt Disney World (Florida).

Pic from:

I went with four sets. It will be interesting to see how much sturdier the plastic/legs are on this version, the other ones were so gummy.

I pre-ordered one for now.  If there is enough improvement in the legs, I'll probably get at least one more.  It'll be "wait for a sale" to get any more after that.

Do the Premium members need to feel like they're getting some value for their membership other than free shipping?

Apparently, yes?  I am guessing it is easier for Hasbro to just have the 1-hour delay on as a default than program around it for some things and not others.

Most TVC things don't pre-sell out anymore but I've seen lots of the "partner exclusives" (where Pulse has a small allotment of Walmart/Target exclusives for GI Joe or TFers) sell out pretty quick and you are generally SOL getting them on Pulse if you don't have the Premium.

Ahsoka #16 Clone Captain Rex
Amazon ->
EE ->

Ahsoka #17 Anakin Skywalker
Amazon ->
EE ->

#sponsoredlink #thanksforyoursupport

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 TVC Wave 3 (New TVC Wave 42)
« on: January 23, 2025, 12:56 PM »
VC355 Baylan Skoll
Amazon ->
EE ->

VC356 Shin Hati
Amazon ->
EE ->

VC353 Mandalorian Super Commando
Amazon ->
EE ->

VC240 Clone Trooper (501st Legion) **new cardback, repack figure**
Amazon ->
EE ->

Case of 8 at EE ->
1x VC353 Mandalorian Super Commando
2x VC354 Jedi Knight Yord Fandar
2x VC355 Baylan Skoll
1x VC356 Shin Hati
1x VC357 Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Legend)
1x VC240 Clone Trooper (501st Legion)

#sponsoredlink #thanksforyoursupport

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2023 HasLab - TVC The Ghost
« on: January 22, 2025, 05:03 PM »
Well better late than never.  This thing got here yesterday.

During today's livestream, when Chris said "everyone should have received their Ghost by now or I don't know what happened", I immediately thought of you, Rob. 

You may have been the last person to get theirs, but I'm glad it made it to you safely (finally).

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