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Topics - Brian

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Whether it is our forums here, or elsewhere, have forum threads - or maybe individual members/friends - ever influenced something you collected (or didn't collect)?  Although it may not apply to everyone, I'm guessing the majority of people here at some point collected the 3 3/4" figures - vintage, modern, or both - and maybe that lead to exploring "other lines" as well.  Maybe other lines lead you to 3 3/4", or maybe your situation is different entirely.

I know I first found the different sites and forums online because of an interest in the movies, and also when I was just starting to try to learn more about the POTF2 line.  Prior to that, I wasn't overly aware of what type of collectibles were out there - Star Wars or otherwise - and forums eventually led to that.  I can probably even say that although my interests are my own, there are times when discussion or hype for a certain collectible or line here has gotten me to take a closer look at the line in general (Kubricks, Sideshow 12", Gentle Giant, etc.).  In fact, aside from starting to explore the aisles a little more when collecting Star Wars figures, the forums is where I really started learning about Marvel Legends/Classics -which is my next collecting interest after Star Wars.

Anyways, I was just curious if the forums or certain people have ever helped to influence you to look into various lines - or even start a new collection - or maybe even to stop collecting something in particular.  I just think that if I wasn't online the way I am now, I probably would have barely known about many things - particularly things not found at retail.  Sure, the world has changed a lot due to the explosure of internet - but I don't know if I would have the knowledge on this other stuff if it wasn't because of the access to Star Wars sites and forums.

Although most of the figures from the POTF2 line don't look nearly as nice compared to the more recent figures, I'm sure at the time some were pretty spiffy.  I know when my friend and I first found out about POTF2 figures - and picked up some loose ones - we thought some of them were pretty nice.  I remember being amazed at the detail on the Boba Fett - compared to the vintage version.  Same with the commtech Han Solo.  There were others as well, but I wasn't on board collecting POTF2 from the beginning.  I was just curious for those of you who were, which figures really stood out at the time?  Which were some of the prized figures in your collection?  Sure, they look buff and silly now, but when comparing them to the vintage figures back then some of them looked pretty nice :).

I was wondering how many of you are essentially collecting 12" Star Wars figures for the first time with the Sideshow line?  I personally never really collected or was overly interested in the Hasbro 12" line, although I do have a handful.  I received a couple as gifts, and bought a couple of other ones just because I thought they looked cool.  I couldn't afford much beyond the 3 3/4" figures when I first started collecting, so that might have had something to do with it too, but I just never got into the 12" figures too much.

Then, with the Sideshow announcement, I see how amazing their work is and found myself interested.  Maybe part of it was the hype of everyone's comments on the forums as well, but for a while I considered collecting them all from the start - especially after getting in late on so many other lines.  Then, I thought just the OT ones.  Then I realized that I just couldn't afford it and I'm currently trying to decide what to do from here.  It might just be one here or there, or none at all, we'll see.  Definitely in for Han, Chewie (if/when he gets made), and maybe a couple others (if we ever see a Hammerhead).  Anyways, is anyone else basically a first time 12" collector with the Sideshow line?  Is it just the overall quality that has drawn you in, a shift in collecting interests, or both?

Watto's Junk Yard / Anyone Listen to Podcasts?
« on: August 15, 2006, 12:39 PM »
I've somewhat recently started to listen to a few podcasts via iTunes, although I haven't listened to too many.  Just doing a few searches on there, it appears there are just tons out there.  I was just curious if anyone here ever listens to podcasts, and which ones you enjoy/recommend.  I personally have just listened to very few TV/movie related ones, ESPN/sports, and have recently checked out "Star Wars Action News" on the Star Wars side of things.  I think I've listened to Star Wars en Direct once before, although its been a long time.  Anyone here listen to podcasts?

Watto's Junk Yard / Completist Collecting
« on: August 15, 2006, 10:35 AM »
I thought I'd post this here, since it could apply to anything you might collect.  I know some people here are completists with their collections, and many are not.  I personally have never had a complete run of any line that I am aware of (aside from the VOTC/VTSC I guess), so I'm not really a completist.  However, I've recently noticed that I do get that urge from time to time with new lines I'm thinking about picking up.  With the Hasbro stuff, there's always figures/etc. that I don't want, so I've never had a problem passing figures up when I'm not interests.  I buy what I want.  But, I've recently given thought to some other lines like the Sideshow 12" line and the Gentle Giant mini busts.  Now, I probably won't be able to afford to collect either now, so it might be a moot point - but I've found that if I have one or two, I feel "incomplete" not having the rest.  For example, with any "other" line I collect, I usually stick to the OT just to keep it simpler/cheaper.  I preordered the Han Bespin 12" figure knowing that I'd "at least" want to get Han and Chewie (if/when they make him) from those lines.  But then, the preorder comes up for Boussh Leia and I preorder her as well, and I've had Bib Fortuna bookmarked and contemplated ordering for some time (in addition to going back and getting Luke).  Then there's the whole Jabba dealy, which I know I can't afford, but want anyways.  I guess I get the feeling with these new collection areas that I feel like I'll regret it later if I don't "get them all".

Like I mentioned, it looks like I'm going to have to cut back on collecting anyways - so I might not be able to get more of any of these "other" lines, but the issue of completist tendencies was kind of interesting to me.  I've found it with some other (Marvel) stuff I collect as well, feeling as if I want to have more characters/figures - even if I barely know anything about them.  Granted, I've pretty much avoided doing that, but its strange to me the feeling that you can get where you think you "need" them anyways - even if you don't want them too badly.  This is much of the reason why I should stay away from these new lines I guess :P.  Anyways, I was just curious if anyone else ever had those tempting feelings - or for those who are completists, what drives you to collect everything?  And if so, do you enjoy it or wish you could stop?  There isn't anything wrong with the way anyone collects, its just something I found interesting.  I sometimes listen to the Star Wars Action News podcast, and they were discussing something similar to this where one of the hosts was buying things that he thought were terrible pieces - but wanted them just to have the "complete run" of a line.  I know there are others who think the same way, and I just found it interesting.  Anyone else with thoughts or insight?

I was reading this article over at T'Bone's Star Wars Universe, which again discusses the rumors of a new box set in time for the 30th anniversary next year.  Some rumors he is hearing deal with there being some more changes to the movies themselves, although details are sketchy right now.  This might all be rumors, but I just thought I'd pass it along if interested.

I'm really not sure what to do about these releases on Sept 12th.  Although we all know the shortcomings, there is a part of me that wants to have the original versions, even if they aren't anamorphic (I don't have a widescreen tv anyways).  And even though I know it probably won't be the case, I will be kicking myself if I skip them and they aren't ever released again (properly).  But, then again, I don't want to be buying these and then re-buying them next year to get the "new improved" versions once again.  I haven't been stung as much as many have with the multiple releases in the past (I got the original versions on VHS when I was in high school, bought the special editions on VHS when I was in college, and bought the DVD versions in 2004), but I could see how this would anger people - because I don't want to have to keep buying them.  As much as it is my decision, I know if there are new scenes or something, I'll probably end up wanting to buy them.  Anyways, just wanted to pass along the info if anyone was interested.  He also discusses soundtracks.

According to a report at RS, at a UK convention a Hasbro rep confirmed some information on four of the battle packs coming up next year - including one that I hadn't heard of before "Jundland Wastes Encounter".  This set is rumored to include  Luke Skywalker, Tusken Raider, R2-D2, C-3PO, and Ben Kenobi.

Jocasta's Reading Room / Clone Wars Adventures?
« on: August 7, 2006, 01:07 PM »
I've noticed the comics/TPBs (or are they digests) online and listed on Amazon, and I was wondering if anyone here has read the Clone Wars Adventures line.  From what I can tell, they are drawn in a style similar to the Cartoon Network Clone Wars series, and follows along that storyline somewhat.  I imagine they are probably geared a little more towards kids, but I was just curious if anyone here has read them - and what you think of them.  I miss the series, and thought these might be fun to read (and they are quite affordable at around $6.95 each).  Any information is much appreciated, thanks.

Watto's Junk Yard / If You Only Collected One Thing...
« on: August 5, 2006, 09:13 AM »
It seems like many of us here, probably most, collect something - maybe its Star Wars, maybe something else entirely, or maybe its several things.  Many of us here have been talking more and more about display space, collecting budget, and just overall general interest in the line(s).  It got me curious, with space becoming more and more of an issue for people - which line would you choose if you collected only one?  Would you stick with the Hasbro 3 3/4" line - and if so, just figures or everything relating to it?  Would you go for a "higher end" line like the new Sideshow 12" line, Master Replicas, or one of the others?  Would your collecting focus on something entirely outside of Star Wars?  I guess it comes down to where your greatest interest lies at this point.  You can approach it however you want - if you were starting from scratch, or if you had everything you currently do in your collection and you're starting from there.

For me, if I had what I already have (in storage or otherwise), I might still be tempted to pick up the Hasbro 3 3/4" line.  However, things have gotten more frustrating the past few years with so much stuff out there (much of it re-released) that I can see why people have lost some interest or become frustrated.  I also collect some comic-related stuff, and if I cut that back I'd focus on Spider-Man in particular.  But, there isn't a whole lot left to be made in some instances.  If I ventured outside of the Hasbro line, into something different, I could see going towards the Sideshow 12" line.  I have a couple preordered now, but I don't know that I can afford it all with my other collecting.  It would be a fun line to focus on though, as everything is very well made and the releases are somewhat limited throughout the year.  Plus, you wouldn't even have to leave your computer to collect it :P.  The replicas line has always interested me too, although I don't have any.  I could see having some in a "movie" room would be pretty neat too.  Anyways, where would your interest lie if you started fresh at this point in your life?

Watto's Junk Yard / Batman - The Dark Knight
« on: August 1, 2006, 09:10 AM »
Warner Bros. has officialls confirmed the title, and the rumored casting, for the next Batman movie.  It will be called The Dark Knight, and Heath Ledger will indeed be playing the Joker.  More details at SuperHeroHype.  Sounds like it is a likely 2008 release.

Other Collectibles / Your Interest in the Star Wars Lines
« on: July 27, 2006, 03:56 PM »
It seems like there are more different Star Wars collectibles and lines than there ever has been, and I was interested in seeing what many of you are interested in the most.  Do you (can you) collect everything you want?  Are some things out of range, or maybe you just don't have the space?  It seems like many of us around here lately have been shifting focus, or maybe at least considering it, and I was curious to see where everyone's interests lie at this point.  I'll list a few of the ones often discussed on the forums here, but feel free to add any that I'm (probably) forgetting.  There's so many these days, its hard to keep track of everything.  What are you interested in, or collecting, at this point?

Star Wars Basic Figures - Vintage and/or Modern, including Vehicles, Beasts, Deluxe, etc.



Titanium - 3" scale, 6" scale, figures, etc.


Gentle Giant - Mini busts, bust ups, statues, animated statues, etc.

Unleashed (7") - maybe continuing, maybe not?

Unleashed Battle Packs (2")

Galactic Heroes

Master Replicas - FX, prop replicas, mini sabers, etc.

Sideshow - 12" figures, Premium format, etc.


Code 3

WOTC Miniatures

Hallmark Ornaments

"Other" - glasses, memorabilia, character keys, Transformers, Attakus dioramas, food premiums, bobbleheads, potato heads, the list goes on....

Again, there are TONS of lines out there these days, so this is just a sampling of some of the current lines.  Do you just collect parts of certain lines (maybe just relating to a certain character(s), or just bust ups, just Sideshow 12", just replicas, just OT, etc.), do you try to stick with just a few lines and go all out with them?  Are there too many lines out there nowadays (probably), and which are your favorites?

The Prequel Trilogy / Your Favorite Jedi?
« on: July 25, 2006, 01:38 PM »
After seeing a number of different characters and species represented in the Jedi Order throughout the prequel trilogy, are there any that stand out to you personally as your favorite?  Of course we have the "big guns" of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, and Mace Windu - are there any others that are favorites of yours?

Personally, there are a number of neat designs and characters, but there are a few that stand out to me.  Of course, the well known ones:

Luke Skywalker (if we're talking OT too - my favorite)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (maybe my favorite character of the PT)
Yoda (although it was different, seeing him with a lightsaber for the first time gave me chills)
Mace Windu (Sam Jackson is just cool, and the character was good as well)
Anakin Skywalker (if you consider him Jedi - or Sith)

As far as background Jedi, some of my favorites would be:

Plo Koon
Kit Fisto
Coleman Trebor
Pablo Jill
Aayla Secura
Shaak Ti
Roron Corobb - "Hammerhead" Jedi from Clone Wars (I wouldn't mind seeing a "realistic" figure of this in the basic line)
Saesee Tiin
Ki Adi Mundi

Just interesting looks from the various alien Jedis, and I can't think of any in particular I didn't like.  Kit Fisto and Plo Koon would probably be a couple of my favorites overall, but I like pretty much all of them.

Saga Collection '06 / The "Final 22"
« on: July 21, 2006, 04:52 PM »
I wasn't sure if these would be on this year's cardbacks, or next year's "30th" ones - but I figured since they are supposed to be out in 2006 they might belong here.  I was just looking through some of the slide show pics at the various sites, and noticed this one at RS.  Is that a repainted VTSC Biker Scout as BARC Trooper?  Maybe my eyes are deceiving me.  Looks like a new/retooled AOTC Padme too, maybe using the Droid Escape body with a non-screaming head?  Could be some nice clone repaints on our way the rest of the year, as well as the Wal-Mart exclusive figures.

There has been a lot of talk I've seen on various forums about the possibility of 6" scaled "Marvel Legends style" Star Wars figures - especially with the new partnership between Marvel/Toybiz and Hasbro with the Marvel Universe figures starting in 2007.  I've read that there is even a custom Darth Maul example done in this style in the latest ToyFare (or Lee's, can't remember for sure).  Anyways, not saying that it is even a possibility - but would you be interested in this?  Not at the sake of the 3 3/4" scale line, of course, because I think that is the "Star Wars scale" and should continue as long as there is a line.  I guess these would be in addition/running alongside the basic line - maybe in place of some of the other lines (or crap) that is released now with a Star Wars logo on it.

Would it be something you would like, or would be interested in, if it ever happened?  I'd always stick with the 3 3/4" line, but I'm also a collector of the Marvel Legends/Classics figures - and there has been some great stuff in that line.  When it comes down to it, if they were really well done, I couldn't say for sure that I could pass up a ML-styled Han and Chewie on the pegs.  I was just curious if anyone here would even be interested at all, or if you think a line like this would be a good idea.  It seems like the Legends line is quite popular right now, and the 6" scale is as well, is this a good way for Star Wars to head in the future?  Again, not saying it will/should happen, just something to talk about.

Aside from the movies themselves, do any of you tend to favor one trilogy over the other one?  From what I've seen on the forums here over the years, it seems like the majority of us who collect the Hasbro stuff tend to collect from both the OT and the PT.  Although I do like both, I will admit I'm more of an OT person overall - and tend to get a little more excited about offerings there.  There are exceptions, like when new clones are on the way, or if/when we ever get the "ultimate" resculpts of main characters like TPM Obi, TPM Qui-Gon, Mace, etc - but overall I think I look forward to the OT offerings more.  Its sort of like the movies I guess with me, I like both trilogies - but overall I lean more towards the Original Trilogy.  I've often thought that if I had to really cut back on collecting, displaying, etc. it might be easiest for me to cut out most to all of the prequel stuff and stick to the originals.  It would cut spending down, and make things easier to display.  That being said, there is definitely some prequel stuff I'd keep a hold of too - and figures/vehicles that I really like.  Overall, do you favor one trilogy over the other - or maybe just collect one or the other exclusively?

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