Author Topic: The Walking Dead  (Read 634604 times)

Offline efranks

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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #300 on: February 29, 2012, 11:03 AM »
I will never understand the lack of focus by groups caught in this type of scenario in films and TV.  Out of all the people in the group, I would have thought Daryl would be the one to pick up on some of the things like you suggest, Jesse, but either he doesn't see the need or thinks nobody would listen to him anyway.

The first thing I'd be doing in the Zombie Apocalypse would be to get water, food, ammo, that order.  Then it would be fortifying my defenses (building or vehicle or both), finding more ammo and weapons, more food and that order.

Knowing that a bite will infect you, my next move would be creating a "battle suit" that would be hard to bite through.  And then I'd head as far north as I could get.  Because my thought is that if the walkers are dead and they can't generate their own heat, wouldn't they freeze in the winter, possibly to the point that the brain would freeze solid and kill the walkers?  I'm thinking some nice beach front property in Ontario, along Hudson Bay.

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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #301 on: February 29, 2012, 11:35 AM »
Hopefully season 3 will be them in Canada with no zombies, just living life. I bet the people that hate that they've been on the farm this whole season would love that.

Rick had the cold weather thought at the end of this last episode.
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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #302 on: February 29, 2012, 12:39 PM »
I kove this show and those great 'real world' ideas. Body armour of some kind is a must to ward off errant scratches and bites. Sword, shield, daggers, ninja throwing stars, as long as it'll puncture the brain, it'll do lol.
couple questions I have are: how to the walkers just seem to be stuck in some building somewhere, like the school but as soon as they broke the glass window they poured out. I reckon they can't really 'think' and are basically existing on minimal animalistc brain functions. They can't really get tired since they don't breath so no cardio vascular stamina needed (didn't they speculate about that in the beginning of season2 when a couple walkers come into their little camp?); likewise, I wonder if their bodies would respond to the cold, they don't seem affected by the heat and humidity found in ATL in the summer.
oh well, fun show with lots to speculate about and enjoy!
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Offline Jesse James

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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #303 on: February 29, 2012, 01:51 PM »
I was thinking that, with the two security guys roaming about,t hat that was some kind of early Zombie treatment/holding area.  It was chained shut and the only two wandering around were either cops or security guards, and there was a pile of them burned too.  Makes me think maybe that fenced in yard, whatever it was, was like a place the sick were being taken and locked in when everything was breaking apart.

The group needs to be more proactive is my biggest gripe.  The farm's great, but get off your lazy ass and get a driver and start fortifying the first floor of the building already.  Lazy *******.
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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #304 on: February 29, 2012, 03:59 PM »
I don't think Hershel would like folks boarding up his house.  There's all that tip-toeing around the fact the main group are guests and the family there still isn't up to speed on just how bad things really are.

They need walkie-talkies, too.

 I think getting some armored bulldozers would be a could zombie clearing method, especially if you had a deep pit dug to just push them into...maybe set it on fire when it was getting full.

Heading north would mean a lot of time spent getting firewood and supplies for a long winter. And other survivors will see your smoke.

The living guys Rick shot were lazy. Instead of focusing on looting and finding a place to hold up/fortify, they threaten armed guys over something they think they have. 

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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #305 on: February 29, 2012, 07:24 PM »
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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #306 on: February 29, 2012, 10:59 PM »
I will never understand the lack of focus by groups caught in this type of scenario in films and TV.

Because...if there was a zombie movie where everyone was level-headed, found the resources they needed, and had battle suits to protect from infection, well, that would be a really boring show.   ;)

I am with you on the protective gear though.  I've always thought this about Zombie shows and even Vampires. Just throw 3-4 layers of thick clothes on EVERYWHERE and you should be pretty safe outside of getting suffocated by a pile of them.
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Offline Jesse James

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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #307 on: February 29, 2012, 11:14 PM »
Find some football and hockey equipment...  You're a zombie killing machine.  Hell, a hockey stick alone could do a good deal of damage and at a little bit of range too (especially as zombies "soften up" a little with decay).

Hershel not letting them is something I considered, but at the same time Hershel hasn't ever been asked about it either, or so I assume...  At least now fortify the barn ya know?

I like the pit idea...  If you had someone on team with experience in heavy equipment, and access to said equipment (which should be found easily enough since I doubt most would take that as their mode of transport to flee the chaos), that's really a sound idea.  You just have to find it, which most towns have some somewhere, and you just have to get it to the farm.

Hell, a moat around the house even?  Why not?  Just be cautious about gas lines and such.  That'd be a hell of a help.
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Offline Sybeck1

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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #308 on: February 29, 2012, 11:29 PM »
I would get a back hoe and dig a trench around the house. Walkers will just walk right into it.

Offline JediJman

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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #309 on: March 1, 2012, 12:13 AM »
I would get a back hoe and dig a trench around the house. Walkers will just walk right into it.

Wouldn't they claw their way up?  Or eventually you get so many of them that they can crawl across each other?  And who wants to live with walkers in a trench right outside your window?  I have the same problem with a moat.  Would water stop someone who doesn't need to breathe?  What they need is a really big fence/wall supported with vehicles or something.  Even there I think you need some patrols or a watch tower or something.
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Offline Jesse James

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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #310 on: March 1, 2012, 01:45 AM »
Moats don't have to be water filled...  They just have to be pits capable of stopping/collecting an attacking enemy so they're easier to kill.  I'd not let zombies live in my moat, I'd be setting them on fire asap.

Or using a spike on the end of a pole to just poke 'em in the head one at a time.

If the pit's big enough getting out would be almost impossible for even a competent human much less a zombie.  They seem to not really go for climbing chain link fencing either...  If you can put a perimeter of that around the house, more the better. 

The problem with the moat/trench is it'll require maintenance.  Trenches collapse if you don't shore them up, erosion and things would hurt them over time, but it just means you maintain it ultimately.

Wouldn't hurt putting some zombie debilitating boobie traps around too...  Simple traps that incapacitate them, or at least limit their mobility (thigns that go for the legs in particular). 

Also though, back to the moat with water, actually teh zombies do need to breathe for some reason.  The one at the CDC showed that its respiratory system kicked back in...  it just seems to work despite massive trauma so I don't know if water would impact them or not.  They're not afraid of water, at least to a degree (flashing back to them attacking Darryl), but I know in Romero's zombie world they supposedly were afraid of water at one point then decided to walk right through it...  I dunno.  But water would actually be more of a problem than something I wanted in my moat.  I'd want my moat more as a collection zone for just an easy way to kill them efficiently and with relative safety.

Walls are great too.  Fortifications...  but a collection point solves multiple problems.  It's defensive protection for the house plus it's also a trap for ease/safety in dealing with the problem.  Plus the house could be your ultimate fortification, assuming you get that lazy assed group of people in gear and actually fortify its lowest levels.  Add in (assuming you have an unmolested Lowes nearby) a chainlink fence on the house side of the moat...  Wow.  You'd have some pretty solid safety.

If you have the means and people, and outer wall around the moat would be even better/more helpful.

Fortifications throughout history have ALWAYS been about layering, high ground/sight advantage, and efficiency in defense/killing.

It's funny how the zombies really would make you want to take a medeival approach to just about every aspect of offense/defense...  The living are the ones that would make you have to rethink that though.  Especially if any of them have accumulated military hardware.  :-\
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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #311 on: March 1, 2012, 07:50 AM »
Also though, back to the moat with water, actually teh zombies do need to breathe for some reason.  The one at the CDC showed that its respiratory system kicked back in...  it just seems to work despite massive trauma so I don't know if water would impact them or not.  They're not afraid of water, at least to a degree (flashing back to them attacking Darryl), but I know in Romero's zombie world they supposedly were afraid of water at one point then decided to walk right through it...  I dunno.  But water would actually be more of a problem than something I wanted in my moat.  I'd want my moat more as a collection zone for just an easy way to kill them efficiently and with relative safety.

Not so sure about that.  If they need a respiratory system, then you wouldn't need to take off their head.  A shot in the lungs or heart should take them out.  Didn't the bicycle zombie in the first episode basically just have a head and arms?  I can't imagine the respiratory system was still working there.  I haven't seen all the Romero movies, but I know in Dawn of the Dead they're still functional under the water.  The survivors think staking out an island will work (talk about a big moat), but that doesn't go so well.

You bring up a good point about what they should really be afraid of though.  I'm not sure that the zombies pose the biggest threat to these guys...I'd be a lot more afraid of other groups of survivors.  They're mostly relying on finite resources - not everyone in the Apocalypse is going to play nice and share.
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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #312 on: March 1, 2012, 08:51 AM »

couple questions I have are: how to the walkers just seem to be stuck in some building somewhere, like the school but as soon as they broke the glass window they poured out. I reckon they can't really 'think' and are basically existing on minimal animalistc brain functions. They can't really get tired since they don't breath so no cardio vascular stamina needed (didn't they speculate about that in the beginning of season2 when a couple walkers come into their little camp?); likewise, I wonder if their bodies would respond to the cold, they don't seem affected by the heat and humidity found in ATL in the summer.
oh well, fun show with lots to speculate about and enjoy!

The walkers seem to go almost dormant in the absence of a living stimulus.  When given the prospect of something to munch on, they do attempt to break glass (department store in season 1).  Without stimulus, they shuffle about in circles.

Regardless, i loved the scene of Shane breaking the window and zombies pouring out like a big undead pinata.  Especially good when you contrast it to Shane breaking open the barn and zombies pouring out like a big undead pinata.  What a difference a little preparation for what's coming makes.

Regarding heat and cold - Summer heat would affect respiratory system and body/brain temperature but I don't think that matters to walkers.  The humidity should just serve to accellerate decomposition.  I wonder what the walker situation is in southern Louisiana?  They should all just be skeletal remains by now.

Cold, though, should cause tissue - even undead tissue - to freeze solid.  Especially when that tissue has no metabolic process generating heat.

On the other hand, this seemed to have no effect in the movie Dead Snow.
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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #313 on: March 1, 2012, 08:52 AM »

They need walkie-talkies, too.

They've got walkie-talkies (first few episodes).  They don't seem to have the means to recharge them.  Although a generator shouldn't be too hard to find...
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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #314 on: March 1, 2012, 09:37 AM »
Don't know if anyone saw this:


This is the best news that has come out since Darabont got the boot...this arc will finally get the show back on track! The sooner they get away from the Kingdom of Boredom (AKA: The Farm) the better - if I have to listen to any more of these women talk about their feelings I am going to throw up.

AND, best of all - you can't cast the GOVERNOR without MICHONNE!  ;D
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