Author Topic: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread  (Read 119939 times)

Offline Lestat

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Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« Reply #195 on: December 7, 2011, 10:07 PM »
Obi-Wan sure gets his ass kicked alot.

I was thinking the same thing. It would be nice to see him be something other than a complete wuss.

Offline Scockery

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Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« Reply #196 on: December 8, 2011, 08:12 AM »
It's thursday and still no preview for the next episode??

Schedule says Darkness on Umbara is airing tomorrow.

Will we have to wait 4 weeks for the conclusion of this arc?
« Last Edit: December 8, 2011, 07:03 PM by scockery »

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Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« Reply #197 on: December 9, 2011, 08:04 PM »
Looks like that's the case.  CW just started here on the east coast, and it's the "Darkness on Umbara" episode again.  I think it could very well be 5 weeks before we get back to new episodes, since there were 3 Umbara episodes, followed by the 2 episode Zygerrian slaver arc.
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Offline EpicGon

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Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« Reply #198 on: December 10, 2011, 06:33 PM »
On this arc the Zygerians are a reminiscense of Hobbe´s Leviatan : Man is wolf of man
they are a bit disgusting, enough strong to harm people. Hope Obi Wan could reivindicate for
his second fight against that wolf guy.

These wolf people are predators, but not in the mean of hunters, they predate the rights of their slaves.

Togruta Jedi are witnessing the fall of their planet, so teh watchers could suppose the Republic is loosing capacity to protect other world from separatists (on these episodes the faction which support slavery).

Offline McMetal

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Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« Reply #199 on: December 11, 2011, 10:29 PM »
Who thought it would be a good idea to sandwich a 5 week break into the middle of this arc? That is utterly asinine. There is NO reason they could not have broadcast a new episode Friday night...weak sauce.
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Offline Scockery

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Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« Reply #200 on: December 12, 2011, 12:54 PM »
Maybe they didn't like the story and "buried" it. If they had to break up the arc, it would've made more sense to air the first part, and then take a break.

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Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« Reply #201 on: December 12, 2011, 04:08 PM »
I also wonder if they are trying to line up the Maul Returns arc with the 3D release of TPM

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Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« Reply #202 on: December 29, 2011, 02:43 PM »
I was under the impression that this arc would wrap up before the holidays... so when the previews began to stop showing I realized that the last episode of the arc is in January. ::) I was hoping that they'd do some big-scale kickoff, like they did when they started showing the Opress arc right after the hiatus.

I was looking through the list of planned episodes on Wookiepedia and it looks like the Maul return is the season finale... kinda disappointed that it's not sooner. :-\
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Offline Scockery

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Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« Reply #203 on: January 6, 2012, 08:43 PM »
Finally, the last part of the Zygerian arc.


The ruthlessness of the good guys in this was...awesome, though Rex's action was questionable compared what happened in the Umbarra arc.

Plo Koon seems to be the most used back-up Jedi (Yeah, I know, Filoni likes him), that's cool...but it might be nice to see someone else sometime.

Why did the Z-9(?) fighters have a hard time with the Zygerian fighters? Or was Matchstick having a bad day?

One part I didn't buy was the  queen getting some last words...your windpipe is crushed but you get to hold on for a minute for that dramatic line (Despite your windpipe being crushed!). Either Dooku force choked her to death completely or he didn't.  Maybe it was internal bleeding...heck if I know.

Anyway, solid ending to an uneven arc. The first part was mixed bag, as was the second...with our heroes seeming incompetent. They redeemed themselves in part 3...mostly. Liked it more than the Mon Calamari story, though.

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Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« Reply #204 on: January 6, 2012, 08:46 PM »
Wow, halfway through that episode got REALLY good.

I mean, I saw at least a dozen new ships, clones, and other awesome toy fodder that will probably never get made. The slavers' starfighter, the sleek, crazy looking x-wing prototypish thing the clones with Plo were flying, and of course the always welcome solar sailer.

Good to see Warthog again. And how awesome was it to see Rex kill the slaver in the hover chair? That was rad.

I don't get why the Emperor sent Dooku to get them to execute Anakin. I mean, that's his future apprentice he has been grooming, why would he want Dooku to take him out all of a sudden? Maybe I missed something but that struck a really false note somehow.

The last 15 minutes were among the best of the season IMO. Good guys actually kicking ass.
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Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« Reply #205 on: January 6, 2012, 08:48 PM »
I agree the brutality was... brutal.  Anakin cutting down those guards, that look on Ahsoka's face, like she can barely stomach it... I loved this.  Amazing visuals again.  Frankly, the show looks better than just about anything on TV.  The writing isn't always there, and again they spend three episodes on something and never get all they can out of it, but it's Star Wars and it's better than the usual.

Offline Scockery

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Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« Reply #206 on: January 6, 2012, 11:40 PM »

I don't get why the Emperor sent Dooku to get them to execute Anakin. I mean, that's his future apprentice he has been grooming, why would he want Dooku to take him out all of a sudden? Maybe I missed something but that struck a really false note somehow.

I guess the idea is that the strong would survive. If Anakin is worthy of the Sith, he would escape execution.  Recall in the microseries that they greenlight Ventress going after Anakin...Sidious saying it matters not if she succeeds.

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Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« Reply #207 on: January 7, 2012, 09:30 AM »
I like the potential for the rest of the season. If this arc was the "political arc" for the season, that could lead to come cool stuff; Bane is back, Obi won gets shot, Death watch returns with Ashoka's love interest...and then of course we should get the cyborg maul and savage oppress arc to finish it off. There are some great ideas on the the wait is on to see what Filoni & company can do with them.... I am optimistic.

Offline EpicGon

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Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« Reply #208 on: January 7, 2012, 11:06 AM »
last of the zygerrians chapter, the queen died as a simplification of the plot towards endings
but indeed there were no more place for her, she needed a mate of her species, and the others were
very ugly to matche her.

The type pf the queen´s head was inspired on the mold of Satine from Mandalore

Obi Wan as negociator again, capable of many sacrifices and with strong patience
Why won´t Filoni expand his story with Satine? Many Jedis are married in sw universe
the father of Galen Malek, Anakin, etc.

Well, those are only a few thoughts, merely opinions.

Offline Scockery

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Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« Reply #209 on: January 8, 2012, 06:22 PM »
Preview is up for A Friend in Need (Death Watch episode), but its the same clip we saw months ago.