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Messages - Darth Delicious

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Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Red Shocktrooper
« on: April 14, 2005, 06:43 PM »
Nice!!!! ;D

 I love that paint job, I thought about trying one of these and then I remembered my hands shake like a Parkinson's patient when I try and paint lines like that. ::) ;)

I'm curious as well, what kind of paint is that, and how did you make the lines so straight?

Thanks, SLC.

My straight lines are a combination of taping off certain areas as a guide, and then using an exacto to trim off any flaws and make the lines as straight as possible. I use Tamiya acrylics on all my customs...I've tried other brands, but found Tamiya to be best suited to my tastes.

Next...I may face my dreaded nemesis who's defeated me twice...the green clone!


Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: Diorama/Playset Spotlight
« on: April 14, 2005, 06:39 PM »
Man...that Hoth Echo Base makes me drool. I look at that and I say to myself, "Why can't Hasbro do this?" Their playsets suck. This one is actually functional for play (for the kids) and display (for the collectors.) Set this baby next to Hasbro's Mustafar playset, and it's no contest...the big "H" gets blown out of the water.

The Sail Barge is incredible. I can't look at it any more. It fills me with avarice, and I must look away lest I turn into a pillar of salt.  ;)


Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: This could help...
« on: April 14, 2005, 06:33 PM »
Interesting. I've never built a diorama (and although I may someday, I have no immediate plans to do so) but this seems like an invaluable tool for doing so.


Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Red Shocktrooper
« on: April 14, 2005, 03:17 AM »
You want me to paint more of them? Eep! Not sure my mind can take it!  :P


Star Wars Action Figures / Re: CHEWIE's CUSTOM UPDATE
« on: April 14, 2005, 03:13 AM »
Sweet mother of moses in a motorcycle sidecar! Those are some of the finest customs I've ever seen!  :o

First off, Tarful looks amazing. I swear, it looks like he stepped right out of the film. I've long been a vocal fan of Chewie's drybrushing ability, but never is it more apparent how good it is than when it's on a Wookiee. You've done some amazing wooks, but this one may well be the finest you've ever done.

Being partial to Mandalorians, I LOVE this custom. The mix of parts is terrific, and believe me, I'm going to copy this one right down to the paint job. I can't wait to see this guy in action; I just hope he lasts longer than the previous Mandalorians. What I'd like to see: Rykrof and Bledda really mix it up hand to hand. We've never seen Rykrof have to rely on his fists, and I think this guy would be THE opponent for such a struggle, even if it ends without a decisive victor. (i.e. Ralbarr intervenes and punts Bledda like a football.)

Damn. That's all I have to say. Just damn.


Addendum: Is that a deluxe Jango armor plate over the chest of the Mandalorian? Sweeeeet.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Wookiee Chieftan-Work in progress
« on: April 14, 2005, 01:01 AM »
Yeah, Chewie, great minds think alike. Too bad I don't live around you, I imagine we'd get some great weekend projects going.

"Hey Chewie, wanna build a Death Star in my garage?"


But seriously, the Chieftain's braids look even better in the back...when I finish it up I'll get a picture from both sides. I should probably send it to you for a custom CHEWIE paint app.  ;)

Can't wait to see the Tarful figure you've made. I was planning one too (He's too cool to be left with the lame figure Hasbro gave him) but I'm glad you've done one first so I can use it as a template.


Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Red Shocktrooper
« on: April 14, 2005, 12:51 AM »
CHEWIE: Thanks for the compliment! This one took about six hours from start to finish, accomplished over several days. Most of the time on this was because one small part needed to be painted, then he needed to be left to dry before I tried again. I messed up several times, and had to scrape the paint in certain spots where my hand trembled.

Aaron_D: You want one? You may get your chance. I got laid off yesterday (although there is a very good chance I may be hired back in two weeks...long story.) So if things get desperate, I may put some customs up on E-Bay.  :'(

-DD (All up in here with his sob story)

Awesome! Can't wait to see them!

I'm pretty random with my customs too. I have a short list of characters I want to do, but often get distracted by pieces in my parts box. (Which has gotten HUGE.)  ;D


Star Wars Action Figures / Red Shocktrooper
« on: April 14, 2005, 12:22 AM »
Hey all,

Just finished my latest clone. This one was the biggest pain yet, a lot of line work that had to be straight.

Still, I'm happy with the finished product. What do you think?


Photonovels and Movies / Re: Rykrof Part 10 - Depths of Cholganna
« on: April 13, 2005, 08:28 PM »
I have about 12 SA clones, myself.

Another part of this photonovel I really liked: The tension between Nute Gunray and Grievous. I especially liked Grievous calling Nute a "grub."

The visual dictionary describes Grievous as being very sensitive about being called a droid, and that there's an emnity between he and Nute because of just such a comment. Nicely done!


Star Wars Action Figures / Wookiee Chieftan-Work in progress
« on: April 13, 2005, 07:04 PM »
Hey there, Jedi Defenders!

I'm currently trying to vary up my Wookiee army a bit...and as such, I threw together this guy.

The thing is, now that I've got him all together, I really have no idea what color scheme I want to use on him. So, I decided to seek the wisdom of my friends over here on Jedidefender!

Let me know what you think!


Well, let's see what I've got on tap...

   KOTOR I and II: I'm still working on customs from these games; I have a Bastila, Jolee, Mission Vao, HK-47, Master Vandar and Darth Sion all in various stages of completion. The only ones I've finished so far are Zaalbar and Darth Nihilus.

   Mandalorians: I have plans to customize Jango's unit from OPEN SEASONS, including Myles, a new Jaster Mereel from a VOTC Fett, and Montross.

   Slave I: I've got a beat-up vintage Slave I, an incomplete Episode II Slave I, and a Target Exclusive Slave I, and my plan is to cobble them together in some fashion and make the ultimate Slave I, with all the cool features of the prequel ship, but the opening cargo hold of the original ship.

   Aside from that, I don't have a lot of other plans at the moment...



Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Clone Commander Bly
« on: April 13, 2005, 02:43 PM »
You guys are driving me crazy with these Clone Commander customs. I have yet to find any of these guys. GRRR! Seriously though, these look great.

Jediknight: Bly looks awesome. Not sure what mistakes you made...he looks great from the pic. Totally ready to shoot Aayla in the back!  ;)

Chewie: Like I said over at RS, this guy is a lot of fun, and totally perfect as a character you can imagine in the nebulous period between ROTS and ANH. I like the touch-ups you added to the VOTC trooper. Gonna have to do mine now.  :)


Photonovels and Movies / Re: Rykrof Part 10 - Depths of Cholganna
« on: April 13, 2005, 02:10 AM »
Visually, I think this is the best installment so far. The environments, the lighting...all amazing. My favorite shot was a tie between the clones engaging the Nexus, and the clones wading through the jungle river. Were I a rich man, I'd have a back yard that looked just like that river.

Do you have that many SA Clones and battle droids, Chewie, or do you multiply them in your paint program?


Star Wars Action Figures / Re: 12" Count Dooku EPII
« on: April 10, 2005, 02:02 PM »
I think that's the REAL Christopher Lee photoshopped with articulation and superimposed on the background... ;D

Damn, that looks simply amazing! The flesh tones on his face are so realistic...I'll bet if we looked closely at his hands, he's even have liver spots!

Simply incredible!


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