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Messages - Darth Delicious

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Hemble: Thanks for the tip...I took this pic of my latest custom outside and it came out quite well. I think that will be what I have to do, at least until I get a tripod.

Smartypants: Thanks for the comments...I wasn't sure if the scarring was going to work out, but I'm pretty happy with it. I may end up making a second version of Sion as well.

In the meantime, here's a quick update. I've been pretty busy this week, but did manage to get a few customs in. Here's a fan-fic, KOTOR era Sith I've dubbed Darth Viscera:

I really, REALLY like the EVO Palpatine body for custom parts. The legs are from the EVO Dooku to give him added height.

You might remember an ARC Commander I did awhile back named Commander Talon. If not, here he is:

Well, I upgraded him to Phase 2 armor:

I'll try to get a few more up later tonight or tomorrow.


Hey aeseven,

I am *really* loving these, and can't wait to start some of my own. I'll be working on some this weekend, and what great inspiration you've given me!

The paint apps on these are simply wicked, and the guy with the WWII head looks amazing. What a great use for that particular noggin.

I love all the little helmet accoutrements; and hints as to what you're making them out of, or is it all sculpey?


Other Collectibles / Re: EE's Exclusive Vader Bust
« on: February 28, 2006, 03:11 PM »
Exactly.  Let's keep this on topic guys.

Sorry, JesseVader. I don't take anything personally on here, it's all in good fun...but sometimes I just can't resist the little devil on my shoulder that spurs me on to stir the pot.  ;D

For the record, while I'm not excited about this bust at all, if it came with a helmet that WOULD make it more appealing. Still, with such a limited run I think EE will probably do okay even without the helmet.


I got you guys beat. I've got SIX Chewie customs!  ;D Of course, I would love to have one from each of you too.

Famine: I have no doubt I'll love it. I'm dying to see that amazing Chewie paintjob in person! This makes one custom from Owen, and one from Chewie.

We should start a custom exchange program. That might be fun. Doctor Padawan has a few customs from me, and will have a few more soon. I just finished up one for Talon Kaarde tonight...but that's about it.

Of course, if ever I made a custom that Chewie wanted to borrow for his photonovel, he has but to ask.  :P

Wait, come to think of it, I have two Chewie customs...I won one back when we did the auction thing for Darth Ennis. (By the way, Darth_Ennis, you have a PM.) What the hell did I do with that custom?


Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Geonosis Wave
« on: February 28, 2006, 02:45 AM »
Whenever it is, the next wave can't come soon enough. I want to get to work articulating that Commander Cody!  ;)


Other Collectibles / Re: EE's Next Exclusive...
« on: February 28, 2006, 02:41 AM »

It's shocking to find myself on the same side as Darth_Slothus for a change instead of battling it out.

Your attempt at a "shot" with the McDonalds bit was pretty weak, VaderLOL...I'd be more than willing to compare income tax statements with you any day of the week. I don't consider myself a rich man by any means, but certainly I can top your job cleaning the glass in the nudie booths at Melonshakers.  ;D


This will be my first, actually. Hopefully the first of many more.  ;D


Booyah! Won Chewie's Trandoshan!  ;D


Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Geonosis Wave
« on: February 27, 2006, 04:39 AM »
I seems as if Hasbro doles out the popular figures in limited quantity to get everyone worked up and searching, but all it does is insure less figures get ordered because the pegs get clogged with less popular figures and stores don't reorder. I just don't get where their breakdowns come from, and every year at Comic-Con I hammer their reps about it, but really, they dont care all that much. They're our pusher and they know it. 


Other Collectibles / Re: EE's Next Exclusive...
« on: February 27, 2006, 04:35 AM »
I think it was extremely saavy marketing to leak word of an exclusive early to build "buzz," and let the fans speculate. That guarantees the fans will think of such cool possibilities that your actual product will never be able to measure up, and once it's unveiled will go "Oh, it's that? Who cares?"

Exactly what happened here. Yep, that's clever marketing indeed.


Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Geonosis Wave
« on: February 27, 2006, 04:31 AM »
No one wants to order a case, Jesse. That would mean getting stuck with two Yodas and two Poggles,  and an extra Sun Fac and a repack Jango or two, and no one wants that. They want someone ELSE to order the case and get stuck with those, but make sure to give them the two they want at cost.


Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Geonosis Wave
« on: February 27, 2006, 04:06 AM »
I've been reading a lot of folks kind of "tripping" out because they haven't found the Geo wave, or specifically the U. Trooper and Scorch. I think it's kind of early to be worried that you haven't found them yet. The Geo wave really wasn't slated to hit retail until March. I think the early finds have fed this frenetic frenzy of "I may never see these so I guess I'll have to order a case." I say just be cool, if you don't find what you need from the Geo wave by April then maybe start worrying. But even then, the U. Trooper and Scorch are mixed in other waves/cases, so there is really no reason to worry at all. I think the only fig from the Geo wave that isn't mixed with the other waves/cases is Sun Fac (I think). I know this has been said before, but be patient and this stuff will be everywhere.

You may be right, Kill_Solo. But it's NEVER too early to for some to start crying about how unfair life is.  ;D

So called "greed" is an often-spoke of deadly sin around here, but I see envy as just (if not more) prevalent. And twice as ugly.


Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: The Rykroff Project
« on: February 25, 2006, 09:18 PM »

The Rykrof name is spreading. Go to and punch  "Rykrof" or "Rykrof Enloe" in the search engine.

I'm totally in on this project. This is gonna be cool.


Thanks guys. As always, the feedback is appreciated!

Darth_Ennis: Practice makes perfect. I could show you some custom attempts of mine that would make you cringe. For example, my first ever attempt at a SA ARC trooper (long before SA clones were readily available) and my hideous attempt at a Quinlan Vos.  ;)

BrentS: Yeah, I need to get a tripod and a photo table. I really wanted to do a shot of him cast in the red light of his saber, but the camera just couldn't catch it without blurring.

Master Phruby: Great suggestion all the Maul legs, I'm definitely going to do that. The added bonus of Ball jointed knees is too good to pass up. Also, the red is not nearly as bright as the flash made it out to be.

Ryan: The scarring didn't take long at all. I pitted the chest severly with various dremel tools, then smeared a little epoxy here and there for texture. The head took maybe a half hour to get right, and then I left it overnight to harden.

Ruprecht: Thanks for the kind words. There was a time I didn't think the scarring could be pulled off either. I almost went with a CW Kit Fisto torso at one point, but I'm glad I didn't because it wouldn't have been bulky enough and the poseability would be limited.


Photonovels and Movies / Re: K.O.E.: Chapter 1 - Necessary Trust
« on: February 24, 2006, 04:20 AM »
Hey InRem!

You guys are KILLING me. You make me REALLY want to do a photonovel myself, but I just don't have the time, dammit!

This was an awesome opening. I love so many little details...Sedo's closed eyes, his little meditation area made out of those ROTS battle stands, The shot of Jango with his prisoner...all great stuff.

I;m also THRILLED someone is writing a story where a Jedi is questioning the origins of the clone army. It really bothered me no one in the PT ever asked, "Wait...Jango is the prime clone of the army of the Republic...but he works for the separatists! Could this whole thing be a set-up?"

Yeah, I know as a Bounty Hunter it could be assumed Jango was working both sides for his own interests...but c'mon.  :P


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