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Messages - dafoo

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Jocasta's Reading Room / Re: This week in SW Comics.....
« on: July 25, 2005, 06:25 PM »
They are doing a new series on the KotOR games, or set just before that. I like that idea. Oh and rumblings about a new X-Wing series or renewal of the old line.

Tales of the Jedi and X-wing are my favorites! 

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Why there are no more pictures of Bly
« on: July 25, 2005, 06:11 PM »
I was just curious why you have no desire to get to know any of the locals out there, especially when they're having big get-togethers (10-15 people) every month now.

You've already answered your question, I'm a newbie around here

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Why there are no more pictures of Bly
« on: July 25, 2005, 05:58 PM »

Indeed I know dean was joking, I wasn't responding angrily. 

I was clarifying exactly what I said and joking right back.  How can you take Scallywag as serious? =p

I still don't know what this term I used was, I don't note anything missing from my post, (something JJ removed)

I insited him to ask what was up about that

JJ: responded,  didn't even realize I'd said that.  Apologies

Other Collectibles / Re: Star Wars "Choppers"?
« on: July 25, 2005, 05:54 PM »
Isn't Wal-Mart's M.O. to build up a company such that they are like totally dependant on WM for their product sales, and then yank the rug out from under them?  Demanding cost reductions or they'll drop their products on the next go around.

I've heard much rumor and gnashing of teeth on that one

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Lightspeed tunnels?!
« on: July 25, 2005, 04:34 PM »
we could crumple up a mess of paper and glue it into a cone

then spin it. =)

Other Collectibles / Re: Playskool Galactic Heroes Thread
« on: July 25, 2005, 04:02 PM »
a GH AT-AT would be great looking.

They'd probably do AT-ST first, if anything though

LEGO / Re: Lego Yoda Target Give Away
« on: July 25, 2005, 04:01 PM »
ebay charges posting fees, even if it doesn't sell.

That's $4.80 he spent to post it.

Other Collectibles / Re: Lava Lamps
« on: July 25, 2005, 03:55 PM »
I like that Vader helmet lamp!

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Why there are no more pictures of Bly
« on: July 25, 2005, 03:42 PM »
EDIT:  Dafoo, the term you used isn't something we accept.
If you're not happy, make sure to contact some of the staff privately and stuff.

Please do let me know what term you refer to because I honestly don't know what it is; especially given the large amount of cursing already prevalent on this site. I was not unhappy at all.  I was joking along with it all. Seeing that JediMac has such issues with me, he should have contacted me privately.

Sometimes intent's misconstrued on forums though so less "tongue-in-cheek" is maybe more appropriate so there's no confusion.    It would have been nice to have gotten such polite note beforehand.

Jared obviously relayed the situation just as it happened, Hasbro's not really BS-ing anyone on the situation since Jared only relayed what he heard verbatim. Everything is clear; I have not discounted or opposed any of Jared's statements.



Right, "people were".  I wasn't. No JediMac, you did not; until the doofus crack. You, as an admin, chose to come here and attack me personally.  You then further go on to start assaulting me as a troublemaker.

Then you called ME out for getting excited over your comments. No, I called everyone out that was looping me in with the crazed comments attacking Tydrium for not apprehending the thief. You threw in a snide remark instead of just stating, 'why are people getting upset over dafoo's comments.'  Your implication, "dafoo's a moron."

Failing utterly to notice my jovial approach to these discussions and all discussions, you decided to come out here and read me a riot act about my behavior on this site as a whole.  Posting up acting like I've been a problem throughout the site, never once making any attempt to perhaps INSITE message me that people (Read: you) are having a hard time deciding if I'm joking or not.

Ah, so since I am not collecting and don't meet your demands of how someone should view these forums you've decided something is wrong with me.  How dare I go against your flow and view the forums and post in the forums I desire.

Forgive me for not being wealthy enough to collect and yet still enjoying the subject, I didn't know that would be a blight against me with you.

Also odd is the fact that you're supposedly in Minnesota, yet you've never once popped into our huge Minnesota finds thread here and said "hi" to or chatted with any of your local collectors.

Further impugning of my character.  As if I'd lie in the contest entries.  Could be as simple as I never opened that forum, but you refuse to ponder that; just more assumptions.  I had no reason to open that forum; I don't find anything anymore; as you are so eager to point out.

We're a very tight-knit community here at JD

I.e. should anyone show up that does fall immediately into your group; you must take issue with him?

Instead of attempting to politely and privately ask if I am joking, or ask I add a mess of smilies to be completely obvious, you came out here and decided to slap me around publicly.  Not even a message asking if I’d clarify, as other admins did for Gatillo.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Why there are no more pictures of Bly
« on: July 25, 2005, 01:08 AM »
Makes perfect sense JediMac, People were getting excited over me not buying the story.  They were heaping the stuff I wasnt' saying on me.  Like that Hasbro concocted this all, or that Tydirium was scum for not halting the dastardly deed.

I didn't say or imply any of that.  I merely stated I didn't believe Hasbro just had one of those figures or that this'll put back the figure indefinitely. 

When I respond in tongue-in-cheek fashion.   Calling me out, acting like I'm all evil or something.

If that's how your site will treat people, perhaps I don't wish to be here.

EDIT:  Dafoo, the term you used isn't something we accept.

If you're not happy, make sure to contact some of the staff privately and stuff.  I don't think anyone over-reacted to your comments since you said you didn't believe it...  Sometimes intent's miscontstrued on forums though so less "tongue-in-cheek" is maybe more appropriate so there's no confusion. 

Hopefully Evertying is clear...  Jared obviously relayed the situation just as it happened, Hasbro's not really BS-ing anyone on the situation since Jared only relayed what he heard verbatim.  If that's not "believable" at this point, not much else is I guess.


The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Lightspeed tunnels?!
« on: July 22, 2005, 10:38 PM »
wait for the rerelease to celebrate the 30th. =)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Why there are no more pictures of Bly
« on: July 22, 2005, 10:31 PM »
JediMAC:  ACK you peolpe are NUTS!  Read what people actually type.  Geepers.  All I said was that I don't believe Hasbro has just one of those.  Good gosh man, this isn't who shot JR.  I didn't impune the guy who started this thread and was standing there. I didn't say Bly was FAKE stolen to make some asinine Hype.  BAH ON YOU, CHOMP.

Deanpaul:  I did get your joke,!

And I bite my thumb at the rest of yous!

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Eopie - ROTS style
« on: July 22, 2005, 10:27 PM »
vicariously JesseVader, vicariously!  =)

I have the barfing slime and frogs Jabba!  $1.25 at the KB clearance store. lol

Kubricks / Re: Custom Star Wars Kubricks
« on: July 22, 2005, 04:26 PM »
These are so impressive!  That's talent man!  Hope they don't come after you for surpassing their products. =p

Saga Collection '06 / Re: New Star Tours Exclusive
« on: July 22, 2005, 04:12 PM »
Now THIS is a NEAT set!

Next, Pluto and R2-D2
Donald Duck and Han Solo
Minney and Leia
Goofy and C-3PO

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