so is there a way to fix the album art covers on Itunes?
This happens often, as you'll soon discover. There'll also be many album covers iTunes can't find at all, so the following "fix" will help you fill in those glaring holes too.
First, just delete the cover that Itunes automatically stuck in there by right-clicking on the album cover and selecting "Clear Downloaded Artwork" from the drop down list. You may be able to skip this step altogether, and just do the subsequent stuff, but I've never bothered to find out.
There's lots of ways to stick the appropriate album cover in there, but the easiest is probably to just go to's music section, and search for your album. Once you have that page, just right-click on the album cover shown (or pick one of the other versions the "Amazon users" have included below it), and select "Copy" from the drop down list. No need to save it, "copy" works just fine.
Lastly, go back into your iTunes album page, and right-click on the album you're adding the cover art for, and select "Get Info" from list (first item). If you get a pop-up with a question after that, just click "Yes". Then you have your album profile up, and you just go over to the Artwork square in the lower right corner, right-click inside of it, and select "Paste". That should stick the cover you copied from Amazon in there. Then just click "OK" at the bottom, and wallah, you should be good to go! Good luck...
I finally joined the 21st century and got my ass into iTunes not too long ago, and this was one of the first fixes I needed assistance with too, so enjoy my helpful New Year mood.

- M