Author Topic: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?  (Read 295028 times)

Offline Jeff

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #585 on: April 19, 2019, 09:55 AM »
The real question is 3 3/4". Will Hasbro have a 5 POA "for the kids" line?

Yes, Hasbro will have a "for the kids" line...  the real question is whether it will be 3.75" AND 5.5" or just the 5.5" that is 'rumored' (and by 'rumored', I mean not confirmed by Hasbro but confirmed by Jayson/Yakface via leaky e-tailer computer systems across the internet  :P).

In Spring 2020 (post-TRoS), I'd guess there will be:
- 3.75" TVC collector focused with very small footprint at retail but big footprint via 'fan channels'
- 5.5" kids line with sequel trilogy and "galaxy of heroes" character line-up
- 6" Black Series collector focused with footprint at retail and fan channels
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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #586 on: April 19, 2019, 10:39 AM »
The real question is 3 3/4". Will Hasbro have a 5 POA "for the kids" line?

Yes, Hasbro will have a "for the kids" line...  the real question is whether it will be 3.75" AND 5.5" or just the 5.5" that is 'rumored' (and by 'rumored', I mean not confirmed by Hasbro but confirmed by Jayson/Yakface via leaky e-tailer computer systems across the internet  :P).

In Spring 2020 (post-TRoS), I'd guess there will be:
- 3.75" TVC collector focused with very small footprint at retail but big footprint via 'fan channels'
- 5.5" kids line with sequel trilogy and "galaxy of heroes" character line-up
- 6" Black Series collector focused with footprint at retail and fan channels

I think it’s safe to say TVC is already in this state. Outside of Force Friday, I don’t expect any major brick and mortar representation for TVC. Maybe a few stores will get a case, but 2018 Wave 1 and the Wave 2 repacks have likely killed Target and Walmart’s interest in having this line on shelves
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Offline Nicklab

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #587 on: April 19, 2019, 10:55 AM »
Jayson's rumors tend to be better than some people's "facts" or "scoops".  Frankly, when it comes to reporting and a lot of the other collecting sites, Jayson has been eating their lunch.

I'm thinking that Jeff's estimate of the situation is probably on point.  But I'm also thinking that it's possible that the rumored 5.5" line might roll out for Triple Force Friday.  I've been seeing more of the toy line for Avengers - End Game in stores, and I'm seeing more of the 5.5" figures than the standard Marvel Legends scale 6" figures.  Considering how both the MCU and LFL fall under the whole Disney Licensing umbrella, I think it's a strong possibility that the Licensing group might take similar approaches for both franchises in an effort to reach all of the potential customer demographics.  That 5.5" scale is totally geared towards kids.

I also agree that distribution is still problematic.  And that has to do with the decline in brick & mortar retail.  Malls are quickly turning into shells of their former selves.  The main players right now are Target and Walmart, but both seem hesitant to take big inventory positions on Hasbro Star Wars.  And the secondary players are chains like GameStop, Best Buy, Barnes & Noble, Walgreens, etc.  I think we had better get more comfortable with online shopping at Amazon and the "Fan Channel" concept because that's the way the business seems to be shifting.

As for toy chains?  Toy City looks like it was a seasonal experiment and not much more.  The locations I had spotted already closed following Christmas.  The whole big KB Toys is coming back thing seems to have passed like a fart in the wind.  And TRU Kids seems like they have a significant international business, but they're taking their time in formulating if or how they might re-establish Toys R Us as a brand in the United States.

Personally, I'm wondering how the Hasbro line is going to proceed with so many different entertainment avenues:  The Rise of Skywalker, the second season of Resistance, The Mandalorian premiering on Disney+, and the return of Clone Wars.  It could make for a somewhat schizophrenic line, and that's not even touching upon a toy line that might revisit characters from across the Star Wars saga.

In this regard I understand why Star Wars movies are taking a break:  because there are at least 3 tv projects currently in production with another in development.  And having that much Star Wars entertainment in the pipeline gives the Benioff & Weiss series as well as the Rian Johnson films time to develop.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2019, 11:02 AM by Nicklab »
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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #588 on: April 19, 2019, 11:29 AM »
In Spring 2020 (post-TRoS), I'd guess there will be:
- 3.75" TVC collector focused with very small footprint at retail but big footprint via 'fan channels'
- 5.5" kids line with sequel trilogy and "galaxy of heroes" character line-up
- 6" Black Series collector focused with footprint at retail and fan channels

I'm really, really worried about the 5.5" line and no mainstream movie 3.75" 5POA-like offering.

I love the TVC collector focused stuff, but I also want Mandalorian and whatever is next and mainstream to be available in a 3.75" line.  I really don't care if its TVC or 5POA.  I'm hopeful that they'll make all the major characters in TVC from all the new media.  I don't care if its retail or fan channel, just so I can keep adding to my current scale.

Maybe I'm reading too much in to this that TVC is not going to have many figures, but I don't think there is any way I'm going to bite hard at a whole new scale.  If they make a lot of stuff in 5.5" that isn't available in 3.75" it may end up being a mental turning point where I end up scaling way back on my collecting.

Offline Jeff

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #589 on: April 19, 2019, 12:52 PM »
I'm also thinking that it's possible that the rumored 5.5" line might roll out for Triple Force Friday.

I agree with you - 5.5" is definitely making it's debut for TRoS Triple Force Friday October.  Seems likely with all the stuff Jayson has posted so far...

I'm really, really worried about the 5.5" line and no mainstream movie 3.75" 5POA-like offering.

Like Nick pointed out, Marvel Avenger stuff is a pretty good indicator for where this all is likely headed and there is pretty much no basic 3.75" kids stuff anymore.  There are plenty of e-tailer computers with listings for 5.5" Galaxy of Adventures things (sequel trilogy and OT) for Fall and not much for 3.75" stuff really.  Here is what is on Jayson's product/rumor/e-tailer leak list for Fall 2019 -

“GALAXY OF ADVENTURES”  5-inch Figure Assort. – $9.99 EACH
“GALAXY OF ADVENTURES”  5-inch Vehicle – $19.99 EACH
“GALAXY OF ADVENTURES”  5-inch Beast – Rancor

I don't think anyone is saying there definitively *won't* be a 3.75" 5POA line aimed at kids for the TRoS toy line in October (yet).  There is plenty we still don't know and time for stuff to pop up.  Personally, basd on what we know so far, I believe if there is 3.75" basic stuff for kids, it'll be a really small offering.  But again, plenty of time yet for stuff we haven't heard about yet to start popping up in leaky e-tailer inventory lists.
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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #590 on: April 19, 2019, 01:52 PM »
Whatever they do, 3.75" is the only scale I'm going to collect.  If it dies, that's my exit.  I'll switch to filling out the vintage collection, pick up the vintage Indiana Jones figures I've always wanted to collect...

Or, I'll actually save a ton of money. 

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #591 on: April 19, 2019, 02:12 PM »

If 3.75 gets squeezed to TVC, which simply doesn't and won't have the breadth the 5POA line does, it's probably not long before the credits roll on this segment. It would be my cue to exit also.

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #592 on: April 19, 2019, 02:51 PM »
If they do kill 3.75" 5POA as an assortment on pegs I hope they still manage to do gift/battle packs of figures like the Solo Mission on Vandor-1 pack.

I think half the problem with the lack of success with 3.75" 5POA figures is the distribution and management of assortments.  The pegs back up and the new stuff barely makes it to market and then nothing sells.

This could be greatly simplified with a handful of figure packs that could replace the handful of figure waves that they had before.  SKU management would be so much easier and the guesswork with getting the assortments exactly right to avoid pegwarmers would be gone.

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #593 on: April 19, 2019, 04:57 PM »
Whatever they do, 3.75" is the only scale I'm going to collect.  If it dies, that's my exit.  I'll switch to filling out the vintage collection, pick up the vintage Indiana Jones figures I've always wanted to collect...

Or, I'll actually save a ton of money.

I'd like to think I'd quit...but it would just up my costuming and prop budget.  :-\
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Offline GrandMoffNick

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #594 on: April 19, 2019, 05:00 PM »
I'd be ok without 5.5 Luke in Jedi gear but would always be in on brand new first version of whoever made by Hasbro
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Offline Jesse James

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #595 on: April 19, 2019, 05:39 PM »
I’m totally fine with 3.75” dying honestly.

Sure I want SA 3.75” and I think TVC has some future but I refuse to jump scales (except models) and ultimately it’ll save me money and I can focus on other lines I like.  I also can focus on customizing and fleshing out the collection that way, which I’ve largely ignored.

I want grand articulated lines and obscurity, but I also get that Disney’s scheduling and economic factors have made that unlikely at this point in time.  I’m ok with whatever comes.  I have disappointment and frustration with the line at times, but it has really changed and won’t be changing back I’m afraid.  I do believe TVC will have some presence but if it doesn’t then so be it.  I’ll be glad to refocus finances to other stuff I like.  Life goes on.  It’s not like I was getting these grand lines of old anyway so no need to feel mad or whatever, ya know?🤷‍♂️
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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #596 on: April 19, 2019, 07:26 PM »
Part of me wants it to be over too. That's just general fatigue that surfaces every few years. The crummy thing about 3.75 reducing or disappearing right now is we're about to enter a period where Hasbro can maybe cycle back to something we're more accustomed to. With the movies taking a break for at least a year or two, and TV being the primary focus, there is now an opportunity for Hasbro to play a little bit of catch up. Mostly that would be in the Disney era, but there's a lot of great characters from all these recent movies that I'd love to see. And Clone Wars, Rebels, on and on.

Offline Rob

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #597 on: April 19, 2019, 08:21 PM »
For the record, I don’t want it to die.  I still enjoy adding new figures to the collection, but I want more new stuff, less repacks and rehashes. 

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #598 on: April 19, 2019, 08:24 PM »
For the record I don't want 3.75 to die either. Makes me sad people are at that point
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Offline Brian

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Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« Reply #599 on: April 19, 2019, 08:31 PM »
Part of me wants it to be over too. That's just general fatigue that surfaces every few years. The crummy thing about 3.75 reducing or disappearing right now is we're about to enter a period where Hasbro can maybe cycle back to something we're more accustomed to. With the movies taking a break for at least a year or two, and TV being the primary focus, there is now an opportunity for Hasbro to play a little bit of catch up. Mostly that would be in the Disney era, but there's a lot of great characters from all these recent movies that I'd love to see. And Clone Wars, Rebels, on and on.

So many great points by everyone, that's why I love it here. I sort of see it going the way Jeff mentioned as well, but it would be a bummer if they didn't at least finish out this trilogy in the same scale. Then again,I think the 5.5 stuff does pretty well for Marvel (and seems more cost effective for parents/grandparents/gift givers).

I was sort of looking forward to the post movie line with hopes it would lead to a POTJ style line. I know I've mentioned it before, but I really liked that line. It kind of sounds silly, but I liked the more conservative lineup we had then. It was easy to keep up, most things were relatively easy to find, and we would get a few cool "ultra/deluxe" sets and usually retailer exclusive vehicles per year.

The Vintage Collection has basically been online exclusive for me since Wave 1 anyways (and Wave 2 at WalMart), so I wouldn't mind seeing it continue in that fashion. Heck, between finishing the original vintage line, fleshing out the newer movies, and some realscan re-releases, they could keep that going for years to come.

I don't have fatigue in a way where I don't like the figures any more, and the Vintage Collection is my top priority so I'd stick with that to the end...but I do feel what some of you have mentioned where it is kind of "well, we had a heck of a run". That's not to say I don't want more, heck I already want a Vintage Collection Mandalorian figure, but as someone who also buys a fair amount of Black Series figures as well, I guess I'm kind of waiting for Hasbro to make my decision for me on what to collect.  ;) The 6" stuff seems to be the future (and present?) of collector figures, and really outside of Jurassic Park, we are one of the few games in town in this 3.75" scale. Sometimes I wonder if the whole Sail Barge was sort of a last hurrah for our era of collectors, something that Steve Evans seemed to appreciate and really push for before he moved on from the brand.