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Messages - EdSolo

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I hate when they sneak these things out like that.  Oddly, there is no mention as to what the exclusive item is.

Other Collectibles / Re: eFX Collectibles Replicas
« on: July 10, 2008, 07:17 AM »
Looks like still 5-10% of whatever was available is still available. 

It also seems EFX worked a deal with FedEx to reduce the shipping down from $30+ to $19, so a bit of a savings there. 

Not really a thunderous start considering all the uproar over the MR failure to fulfill all the orders.  Did folks just go for the cheaper CE edition in the meantime?

I think it may be twofold.  People who wanted this item bad enough, purchased it through ebay before eFX made the annoucement that they would be making more.  Also, people are a lot more eager to preorder something that they can cancel later as opposed to having to pay $400 up front for something shipping in a few days.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Doctor Who
« on: June 27, 2008, 07:14 AM »
A quick look at the list makes me seem it is not everything for the first five.  That would be Hartnell through Davison.  Many first three episodes were lost as stated above by Phruby.  If it is everything, it would have to be video tape transfers or some such.  I'm not sure how prevelent reruns were of the first three.  I know PBS stations would do reruns, but I don't recall seeing anything pre Tom Baker except for the regeration from Pertwee to Baker.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Doctor Who
« on: June 24, 2008, 07:26 AM »
SJA is a lot better than I thought it would be.  I was worried when I heard the premise with a bunch of teenagers, but I think they pulled it off pretty well.  It has nice tie-ins with the modern Dr. Who and even some classic stuff.  I hope they use K-9 more in the next season.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Battlestar Galactica
« on: June 18, 2008, 07:25 AM »
I've been thinking something about the last episode.  Does anyone think D'Anna is full of BS?  She said that she had "sent a message" to the four in the fleet, but they don't show any signs of receiving said message.  Can D'Anna really communicate that way with them or was she lying?  They didn't hear the music from the Viper until after Tory had gone over to the Basestar.

Other Collectibles / Re: Hallmark Star Wars
« on: June 3, 2008, 07:22 AM »
I am guessing the Palpatine is probably the series ornament.  I wonder if they are going to do first day of release exclusives like they did last year.  I had to go to multiple Halmarks to get both the Tusken and Uhura last year.  I guess these might be coming out pretty soon.  Didn't we see a debut in July last year?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Battlestar Galactica
« on: May 27, 2008, 07:42 AM »
OK, have been pondering...
The phrase "This has happened before and will happen again" pops up alot in the series.
The 13th tribe made its way to earth. Along the way there is "the temple of the five"
What if the 13th tribe are cylons? This has happened before and will happen again...
That could explain why there is a temple of five on the algae planet.
What if the reason Kara Thrace is the harbinger of death for humanity is because when she leads humanity to earth it turns out that the people already there are actually Cylons or Human/Cylon hybrids from thousand(s) years ago.
This also could explain why the final five are suppost to have been to earth and know the way.
Just some random thoughts I have had. Probably totaly wrong, but I ponder when there are no new episodes to watch for a week...

Early in the series, I was not sure if the new series was a continuation or a reimaging, so when this phrase popped up, I was wondering if they were saying the Cylon/human war had happened before, many years ago.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Torchwood?
« on: May 20, 2008, 07:16 AM »
But why make Jack disappear? They could tone down the sex and violence without making him disappear.

That's just it...I don't think they will get rid of wouldn't make any sense with the death's of Tosh and Owen.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Torchwood?
« on: May 19, 2008, 07:26 AM »
So I hear next season Jack won't be on the show. Martha will replace him. The show gets moved to Doctor Who's time slot and is suppost to be more family friendly for that season. This is all because David Tennant will be on hiatus from Doctor Who for a season while he does Shakespeare. Therefore the fifth season of Doctor Who gets delayed a year. I wonder how this will effect Torchwood's ratings?

This has been a long standing rumor, but the Doctor Who hiatus has been planned for some time.  I've read that things like this are typical with UK shows.

LEGO / Re: UCS Deathstar
« on: May 16, 2008, 06:31 AM »
i am looking to get this set
is it still in stores?
also is it hard to build?

I think had it on sale recently.  I don't think any major retail outlet sells it, but it can be found at lego stores and maybe FAO Schwartz.  The set itself isn't harder to build than any other large set.

Odd because the Sith Eyes Anakin (aka Darth Vader) was last year's SDCC exclusive.

Perhaps this is a two-pack with an Armored version? 

Wasn't that two years ago?  I thought last year was the holo chair with holo Sidious.  I am hoping this is a stand alone figure since I don't think we need a third Anakin.

As one of their first offerings, the 12" ANH Han isn't that bad for the quality of what Hasbro/Kenner had put out back then.  The head sculpt is OK.  I have a full set of the line, but they are all boxed up somewhere.  I just check out any of the sites that have detailed pictures to see which ones you would be interested in.

Nice to see a new, non-human figure.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Torchwood?
« on: April 24, 2008, 07:25 AM »
here you go, both seasons all for you

Thanks for the link...I had only been able to find torrents and I didn't want to have to go that route.  It was a good episode in my opinion.  I am wondering where they are going to go with the show next season.  I wouldn't mind seeing James Marsters as a regular on the show.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Doctor Who
« on: April 24, 2008, 07:24 AM »
The one thing I was wondering about the Master was who burned his body after he refused to regenrate and what is the significance of the ring taken off of his hand.  I think we will see him again.  The Daleks were supposed to be destroyed and we have seen them several times.

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