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Messages - Jeff

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Those would be some awesome creatures to add to the line!

Agreed.  It took 5 years, but they are finally doing a Blurrg.  Maybe they can get on the Mudhorn next and pack-in a muddy repaint Mando?

And it's been what, 17 years since they repacked/redid the 1998 POTF2 Bantha in the 2007 30AC line?  With the 50th of ANH coming up in a few years, maybe time to start thinking about a new bantha?

I'm hoping the "three unlockable figure tiers" are three more all new figures as well, so we get a total of six.

I don't see how repaints, repacks and resculpts would drive orders.

While I would love for all of the HasLab pack-ins to be Cantina Alien weirdos we don't already have, the way Jayson only called out three of the figures to be "all new" leads me to believe that we're getting a combo of all-new, never made before characters and some new resculpts (hopefully for things like Wuher or Hammerhead and not wasting slots on resculpts that would sell in the basic figure line like Old Ben or Farmboy Luke).

I hope I'm wrong and we're getting 6-8 first time cantina dudes, but I'm way too pessimistic to believe that could happen (even in a HasLab).

Jayson has a post on IG teasing three all new figures and three unlockable all new figures.

For those with no instagram -


I have to admit I was hoping for more than just three all-new figures in this HasLab (out of a rumored 6-8 pack-ins) but the fact that there are some resculpts coming is not a surprise if one of Hasbro's goals is to get some ANH Cantina dudes up to TVC card standard (like a TVC-level Wuher).

I guess I hold out hope that there will be some more ALL-NEW Cantina Dudes coming via Hasbro Pulse/Amazon style carded 4-packs or something...

EE has started filling some of the assortment case pre-orders
Hope Amazon gets then soon too...

I guess not since Amazon has just done the opposite and pushed back a bunch of my July ship date pre-orders to August. :(

Looks like this wave has jumped the queue and will get here before "wave 36" (The Vader/X-Wing Luke/Leia/R2 wave).

EE has started filling some of the assortment case pre-orders - - I have seen a few reports pop up here or there and I think Jayson had some Yakface tweets about it too.

Hope Amazon gets then soon too...

Jeff, do we want to spin this off into a dedicated Tonnika Sisters thread?

Good idea.  I spun off these recent Tonnika-specific posts and merged them into this old Tonnika themed thread.

What I took from Victoria's interview with Angela Staines is that Lucasfilm was of the opinion that she wanted to shake them down for $$$, and that's just not how they do business. 

I went back and re-listened to the interview that Victoria did in 2017.  I really think it all boils down to this chunk of the interviews: (

- Someone she knew saw the tiny little Galoob Action Fleet Tonnika figure in a shop
- Her husband said 'they should be paying you for that'
- Her husband's lawyer sent a letter to LFL

Then she (Angela) casually mentions that Christine (the other sister) had many interactions with LFL and they ALL knew about the letter at LFL and that was the one of the reasons there were no figures.  Again she mentions "why not give us some royalties" in reference to making the figures.

I think her story softened over time down to "I just wanted a free figure", but the more you dig into this the more it sure seems like she wanted something and like the Nicks are saying, LFL isn't going to change their standard contract/approach for one background character (even if she was in a named role on the call sheet and not just an extra) for fear of the precedent it would set.

This fits well with Nick's story about Derryl saying LFL had a 'long memory'.  She tried to shake them down and LFL isn't going to forget it apparently...

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Anything
« on: May 23, 2024, 10:49 AM »
1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
2. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
3. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
4. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
5. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

TV-9D9 / Re: Tales of the Empire (Disney+)
« on: May 22, 2024, 05:26 PM »
I liked the three Bariss stories better than the Morgan episodes.

It's been a while, so I guess I can get spoilery - SPOILER WARNING

I guess I was wanting more from the Morgan episodes.  Her whole motivation for joining up with Thrawn/The Empire was "**** the Separatists, that's why"?  And what was her deal on Corvus?  The Separatist destroyed her home and family so now she's going to do the same to a random planet in her quest for revenge against the Separatists who aren't even a thing anymore...  uh, ok.

They were fine I guess, but not what I was hoping for I guess.

Are you saying the factory was just taking orders directly from EE?

No, nothing like that. I just meant loophole that EE had an exclusive figure that was basically the same as a mainline release that cost $2 more.

Someone at Hasbro probably asked why they were doing a second manufacturing run of $15 VC231 for EE at the same time they were doing a first manufacturing run of $17 VC231?

EE just canceled my order for these, they said the manufacturer has informed them they won't be producing them.

I guess somebody at Hasbro caught on and closed the loophole... bummer.

Years ago I asked one of them about it T some convention and she said she love to have an action figure made of her.  The other one had already died I think. 

The one you asked is the one who died in 2007 - Christine Hewett.  At C3, she was more than happy to tell everyone that she wanted a figure.  From our old 2005 topic on the Tonnika sisters:

I asked the actress that was signing autographs what the deal was with the rights and all that stuff.

She said that it was never true for her, but that the OTHER actress was witholding rights to the likeness.  She also said that she'd gone to the Hasbro guys the day before to let them know that they had permission to make the figure in her likeness.  She implied that they all but told her that they were going to go ahead and try to make ONE figure - then everyone could buy two.

Is there an echo in here, Rob?!   :P

As for the bar, yeah, the Hasbro rep I chatted with at their booth confirmed that the U-shaped portion will be coming (as part of an overall 3-piece Cantina set), and that the distillery would definitely be included too, which was great to hear.  He said the sets were essentially ready to go, and that they were just waiting for a retailer to pick them up as an exclusive.  They wouldn't elaborate on any of the figure choices for inclusion though, and made it sound like that part of the set may still be up in the air right now.  I obviously pointed out that the Tonnika sister would be an obvious choice, since that where she was standing in the movie.  Though I'd prefer it if she was single carded instead.

One staff member from another site said that his friend had already seen these items back in Asia, so it sounds like they're very much already finished, and just sitting around waiting...

That would also seem to mesh timing-wise with what the Hasbro guys told me last year at Comic Con, which was that the rest of the bar was definitely on the way at some point soon...  So just a question of being patient and waiting it out.

I also pushed the obvious Hem Dazon/Arcona idea on them, and they said that it was indeed an obvious choice, and would unquestionably be coming sooner or later.  So no worries on that figure either, other than your patience level.  ;)

I have never been able to find all of the pieces of the puzzle, but here is my best guess after putting together all the parts to which we have access (and finally willing to disclose some things I promised to keep quiet almost 20 years ago at C3).

Hasbro looked into making Tonnika Sisters figures in the early 2000s.  I believe they were going to be part of the Cantina Bar piece sets at first.  During the approval process for those sets, that's when it was discovered that for some reason (oversight, lost paperwork, something) LFL did not have licensing/merchandising release paperwork for them.  The sisters were put into the parking lot on hold.  At Hasbro's urging, LFL went to work trying to secure the paperwork they needed to approve the figures. One of the sisters (Christine Hewett) signed off on the new paperwork.  Everyone figured it was just a matter of time to get the other one (Angela Staines) to sign off.

So then we get to 2005.  Celebration 3.  JediMAC and I were in the Hasbro booth pestering Derryl DePriest about obscure background figures we wanted (this was the height of the quest for ICMG).  Derryl basically told us off the record that the Sisters were finally coming.  Most likely with the Central Distillery bar piece that we needed to finish off those Saga/OTC Cantina bar piece sets.  You can see Matt being coy with his post above.  I was not so coy with mine...

in private at the booth they sure did a LOT of hinting that the Tonnkia Twins may have something to do with the upcoming Distillery and U-Shaped bar pieces...  ;)

And then, nothing.  No distillery.  No Sisters.  No updates.  Eventually Hasbro said 'don't bother voting for them, we can't make them' when it came to fan polls.  Over the years, it became clear that even though Hasbro was ready to make them at multiple points in the 2000s, LFL stopped it.  The licensing/merchandising paperwork looked like the primary thing to blame.  We knew they got one sister to sign off, but the other was status unknown.

Eventually Victoria from Victoria's Cantina dug a little further.  According to her interview in 2017 with the unsigned sister (Angle Staines), it wasn't "millions of dollars" that was the sticking point it was ONE FIGURE.  $5.

"Angela confirmed some of the rumors, including that Lucasfilm lost the paperwork they needed to create merchandise in her likeness, and that when given the opportunity to sign again, she questioned the benefit she would receive in doing so. She was disappointed that after signing the release, she would still need to pay for her own figure. She explained that she thought it would be fair for them to send her a sample, and ultimately refused to sign. Since Lucasfilm could not get her to sign the new release, Hasbro could not create a figure of the character. The other actress who portrayed the other sister, Christine Hewett, sadly passed away in 2007. She did sign the new release Lucasfilm provided her shortly before her passing, yet a figure of that Tonnika Sister has not been released either."

So, because LFL didn't want to change their boiler-plate release form to ensure Angela got a free figure in the early 2000s, she never signed.   ::)

Victoria met with Angela again in 2018 and claimed that Angela started to understand what it meant to fans and would sign now if given the opportunity.  Victoria took the news to Hasbro in 2019 who said they'd tell LFL.  But, it sounds like it went nowhere.

The elephant in the room is of course a LOT has happened in the world between then and now.  The biggest being Disney buying Star Wars/LFL.  There are so many rumors about Disney/LFL shutting the door on figures for any SW characters that make women out to be sexual objects (All the Slave Leia stuff and then most recently the talk of no Oola with the BS6" Rancor for example).  The sisters with the "Star Whores" history are definitely starting out on the wrong foot if those rumors are true.

I'm not saying it'll never happen, but it sure looks likely that our best chance to get them has come and gone.  Maybe this HasLab will surprise me though.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk on the history of the Tonnika Sisters.

Whether you call it a "dick move" or a "paywall", the exclusive pack-in figure tactic has been part of the game for a long time.

I have empathy for collectors who end up in the spot of wanting the tier/pack-in figures but not wanting the Cantina.  Trying to decide whether to invest $500 to get the figures hoping to recoup some of that cost two years later by selling the playset parts is definitely not ideal.

Lucky for me, I'm not in that spot.  I'm fortunate enough to be standing here with $596.05 in hand, ready to buy ($50 Pulse Premium renewal + $499.99 DLX version + plus taxes).  As the wise poet-philosopher Tom Petty once said, "the waiting is the hardest part".  Let's get on with it already, Hasbro!

My pre-order went from June 19th to June 10th then "your item shipped" all in the span of about 3 days this week. 

Got my shipping notice today, should be here tomorrow...

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